Improving Network Infrastructure At Computer Dynamics: A Report


The core purpose of this report  is to  evaluate the nature of the network infrastructure that existed before at Computer Dynamics  in relation to the objectives of the organization and put down necessary strategies  to improve  the network infrastructure in order to achieve the  maximum functioning of the system.

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Computer Dynamics is a well based software company . the company has a network that existed before and the network  is currently housing three hundred computers in two different buildings. Though the network was upgraded to a latter network infrastructure, the company as now grown  because of good marketing of the company.

In the previous network, there was no network connection between the  two buildings, also  the current network has problems due to high rates of  overloading of data caused by a  higher number of users and many other reasons of overloading. In any case this network is not upgraded to a better and latest network technologies, the problem might persist because more projects are expected in the coming days.

From   the problems that the association phases it has decided to change the layout of the network structure. Cisco has been given the task to investigate and come up  with a network layout that will be used to upgrade the network structure in the company.

In generally the structure of the network in the company is mentioned  in relation to the goal of the business for the network. In addition, an analysis regarding the user requirements and the network that is currently existing in the organization is critically performed . the main areas that are covered in this report includes according to  Agata(2012):

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  1. The requirement of the user and capacity level.
  2. The existing network infrastructure that includes diagrams.
  • The hardware
  1. The software that is being utilized including the client, network, operating system and importantly the server.
  2. The whole network layout, they are logical and physical network topologies.
  3. The performance of the existing network.

The layout of the proposed network is stated within the report and is aimed at serving the company for 3-5 years maintaining its high capacity.   Circuitry   includes connection  of infrastructure, Hardware/Devices , Software ,Network Architecture.

This part explains the users  has part of the  networking plan. This are the clients and administration managers who will be using and controlling the network . It also explains the  type of applications that the user will use to access the network and make any father changes in the network. The user type using the network can be called  network traffic level which can be either high or standard.

Found in Building B,  category 1
User type: Standard

Connected users: 2
Programs used: Emailing, Web services, Audio Conferencing, Resource sharing and general  in “office”.,  and malware protection .
Any file within the network should be highly secured.

Scope of the report

Found in Building A, category 1
user type: High
Connected users; 8
Programs  used: Emailing, Web-services, in  Payrolls, sharing of files, Internet, general “office”
applications, malicious code  protection and printer access.

Files that are produced by the finance group should always be secured.

found in Building B, category  1
User type: High
Connected members: 4
software’s used: Emailing, Web-forums,  Publishing, Graphics Database, sharing of files and Intranet
files produced are average in size hence in need of space for storage.

Found in Building B, category 1
User type;High

Connected users: 11
 used applications: Emailing, Web-filing, File transfer, Intranet, environmental access sharing of software, training people,  (vpn) in general “office”
applications, malware protection and printer access.
Files produced should have access restriction  because the group is a mobility group and it can create interference with the files.

Found in Building B, category 1
use type:medium

Connected users: 9
Types of services provided : Emailing, Web-forums, internet customer relationship and Managing of  software;
sharing of files, Intranet, malicious code protection and access to printers
Files produced should be highly be protected to avoid interference from other personel.

found in Building 2,category 1
user type ;Standard
connected users: 2
Applications being used: Emailing, Web-forums, sharing of files, Intranet, general “office” applications, protection of virus and hardware access like printers. The documents and files that are produced should have a high access restriction.

    Building A, category 1
user type: high
connected users: 2
Applications being used: Emailing, Web-forums, sharing of files, Intranet, general “office” applications, protection of virus and hardware access like printers. The documents and files that are produced should have a high access restriction.

Found Building B, category 1
user type: medium
connected users: 2
used applications: Emailing, Web-filing, File transfer, Intranet, environmental access sharing of software, training people,  (vpn) in general “office”
applications, malware protection and printer access.
Managing and controlling the all network.

This the core layer of the network  a user requirement. It utilizes the following applications in the network file sharing ,web services ,communicating and transfer of digital data across multiple devices. It also promotes storage of information for future use and easy retrieval in time of use.

found Building B, category 2
user type     :  High
user connected : 25
This is the group which is priority groups. It promotes the usage of the following applications sharing of files ,resource sharing ,multimedia and  .web services. It enhances a good layout  of the multimedia devices in the network.

Found in Building B, category 2
user type: High
maximum number of users to connect: 8 per team (24 users in total)
user connected : 25
This is the group which is priority groups. It promotes the usage of the following applications sharing of files and resource sharing ,multimedia and  .web services. It enhances a good layout  of the multimedia devices in the network.

Network users-Analysis

t belongs  Building 2, category 2
Type of user: Standard
Number of users: 1
Applications used: Email, Web, File sharing, Intranet, general “office” applications, virus protection
and access to printers

Building 2 level 3

found in Building 2, category 3
Type of user: High
Number of users: 8 per team (48 users in total)

This are  the teams that .manages look after the project they use software such has files sharing and resource management.

Belongs  to Building 2, Level 3
user type: Standard
connected users: 2
user connected : 25
This is the group which is priority groups. It promotes the usage of the following applications sharing of files ,resource sharing ,multimedia and  .web services. It enhances a good layout  of the multimedia devices in the network.

Belongs to Building 1, category 1
user: Standard
Number of users: 2
Heads networker designers in designing.

Belongs  to Building 1, Level 1
Type of user: High
Number of users: 3
user connected : 25
This is the group which is priority groups. It promotes the usage of the following applications sharing of files ,resource sharing ,multimedia and  .web services. It enhances a good layout  of the multimedia devices in the network.

Belongs  to Building 1, category 5
user type: Standard
connected users: 2

The applications involved are just the same as  others and are used to manage to manage several activities in the company.

Belongs  Building 2, category 1
user type: Standard
Number of users: 1
There are many applications that are used in this part they include  file sharing ,emailing ,testing of software and many others.  The file projects produced by this team require high data backup and security.

Belong s to Building 1,categoryl 1
user type: High
Number of users: 8 per team (40 users in total)

There are many applications that are used in this part they include  file sharing ,emailing ,testing of software and many others.  The file projects produced by this team require high data backup and security.

Belongs to  Building A, category 2
Type of user:  Standard
maximum number of users: 8 per team (48 users in total)

There are many applications that are used in this part they include  file sharing ,emailing ,testing of software and many others.  The file projects produced by this team require high data backup and security.
This are the ones who finance the project up to the end to make sure it doesn’t fail before it comes into a completion.

This are the network engineers and stake holders that will help the process become successfully

 Building A, category 3
user type : Standard
user connected: 2

Managers and Working staff

This are the user requirements which will help the  network installation process to be successfully.

The organization has standard business hours 8.30am to 5.30pm with substantial and standard clients.

Client people group

Group 1: venture groups with 208 representatives who are additionally PC clients.

Group 2: Information Technology Services (6 representatives), Laptop clients.

Group 3: Finance Group (9 representatives), PC clients

Group 4: Implementation Consultants (10 representatives), Laptop Users

Group 5: Marketing (4 representatives), PC Users

Group 6: Graphics Specialists (25 representatives), PC Users

In both buildings the presence of the of layer 2 switch simply show the impacts on the user especially in building two I causes slowness in communication and performance among the users. This because more of the users compete for the bandwidth from the server making it have a slow response. Users in building two requiring the service of building one have to wait for the response due to slow response from the servers from the building. This may be due limited bandwidth or low communication of the devices in the network. Many computer in the network causes high utilization .

In terms of operating system windows 2003 and 2004 have been superseded by the current operating system due to compatibility issue in which the programs need new versions of the operating system.

As  from the diagram the network is out of date. The amount of heavy applications used by programmers, graphics designers and web developers is  straining the entire network. The joining of the roles of the servers in building one was all meant save space and minimizing the cost of installing the networks by purchasing many servers. However has network is growing the compatibility is the issue in the network where is experiencing slowness in performance.

Star topology is implemented in the system  in the network at each c connecting centre  i. e three computers are connected to the switch layer. Switch layer are connected to each other and then finally connected to the data centre which provides or serves information to the switches which in turn distributes to the computers. The data centers are connect together to each other. Meaning any  failure of one data centre or switch layer may lead to total failure of the all system since one depends on the other .The connection also leads to delay in data transfer since no routing hence there is only one way of data to be transferred from one point to another hence low rate of data transfer due to colliding in the cables.

Finance Department

Since  the existing network of the Computer Dynamics company is not working full to their required  standards .The company needs a network design that is faster ,secure and efficient in distribution of information around the company.

A layer of a network which is physical is required to interconnect the  networks between the buildings .This promotes resource sharing and data communication between the buildings Opennhammer(2009) .

The network will run in Cat 6 cable has in the current network. The two buildings will be connected with optic fiber cable since the buildings are 40 meters apart  cable of 50 meters is required. The optic fiber cable will enable network resource  sharing between the two buildings is increased high speed.

The current layer 2 of the existing network will be replaced with layer 3 both in accessed layer and distribution network.

Layer 3 switches with 24 and more ports will be used. The cable will be used in communication among the switches since they a have great speed in transfer of data. Two end servers will be required in server virtualization and data recovery. An additional server required in transfer of data and more switches specified ones are.

memory size will be  500 GB Storage capacity: 64 Bit  Operating System .For each server in the network.

Introduction of layer three will improve high rate of transfer of data and  e many switches will enable  more users to connect to the network.

The clients applications that are up to date will not be changed. However other software that are inadequate can be can be replaced with cloud based software best is cheap and easily available.

The license  fee implementation cost.

Due to high cost of licensing the softwares,  the softwares between the two buildings will be integrated  together to reduce the total expenditure.

Windows XPO

Linux operating system.

The network will use the  3 layer switch structure which it will be connected with many other devices to promote  interconnections between the buildings. The following is an example of the proposed network layout of the two buildings Yoshida (2009) .


  1. 2 Cisco catalyst 3750 24 port layer 3 switch 2*$ 8333=$ 16,666
  2. 2 Server cabinet 2* $1481=$ 2962
  • Cabling = $ 2000
  1. Furniture = $15,000
  2. 2 UPS RS 2*$ 495  =$ 990
  3. 20 Netgear WG302 Managed Wireless Access Point 20*$ 331=$6,620
  • 2 2TB back up device 2*$ 657=$ 1314
  • 200 17” LCD monitors 200*$886=$177200
  1. 36 Netgear switch 8 ports 36*$159  =$ 5724

Sub total       $267,643

1 Microsoft server 2007 1*$ 1650=$ 1650

200 Microsoft office Enterprise 2017 200* $51=$ 10200

35 Turbo card deluxe 35*$ 58=$ 2030

1 Corel premium collection 1*$ 1795=$1795

200 Nero 200*$ 14=$ 2800

8 Symantec end user protection 8*$ 1109=$ 8872

1 Internet plan 1*$ 3720=$3720

Sub total                  $31,067

Installation and configuration $16250

Consultancy and maintenance                    $10000

Sub total $26250

Grand total $324,960


From the above research, the following are the findings;

The overall performance of the network is very poor, this is because the utilization of this particular network is actually very high which in turn causes errors in application. Since the company is using applications that are so heavy, this cannot be suited in a  network  with poor performance which might hinder the growth of the company.

From the background, it is noted that there is no network connection in between the two buildings that the company is using. This has forced the company to share data through VPN which is a site to site tunnel. This tunnel is not sufficient because effort is replicated and data too in every building. This same tunnel gives out limited bandwidth. The compatibility of some software in the company are problematic.

The following measures therefore are recommended that the company should embrace;

  1. Substitution of the current VPN burrow structure with an interest in a Fiber Optic center layer between structures one and two. Lessen existing idleness and transfer speed forced confinements to enhance add up to arrange execution
  1. Substitute the layers2 with 3 of switch in the network infrastructure. This will in turn provide Gigabit Ethernet that is on the segment of the network. This will add the growth capacity, will promote network traffic and control. Gadgets are overseen and empower the presentation of VLAN division, organizing movement as required.
  2. Supplant numerous servers with two top of the line servers (one in each building). Diminish capacity issues, diminish programming similarity issues. Give debacle recuperation system.
  • VPN network for representatives requiring versatility is kept up as VPN association through Sonic WALL switch/firewall and web association will proceed
  1. Put resources into cloud based Finance and Sales programming to give a coordinated answer for. the two divisions while reducing stockpiling and programming administration troubles on ITS


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