The Link Between Positive Learning Culture And Improved Organizational Performance


The term organizational culture is used widely and it somehow provides an ambiguity when assessing its effectiveness regarding changing the variables within the workplace (Goetsch & Davis, 2014). There has been numerous research works in this field where the researchers tried to establish the fact that how positive learning culture within workplace increase the level of performance among the employees and how that helps the business organization to gain more profitability and productivity (Bolman & Deal, 2017). The purpose of this essay is somewhat same, as it aims to draw a link between the positive leaning cultures in the workplace with improved strategic organizational performance.

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The business organization’s ability and effort to respond to the changes in their external environment to match the aims of the business organization with the new conditions they will face to increase effectiveness of the workforce. It is a matter of fact that the organizational science must be seen as a strategic tool and that should be managed in a certain way to gain competitive advantage and also to increase productivity in order to sustain the business in odd times (Naranjo-Valencia, Jiménez-Jiménez & Sanz-Valle, 2016). There are significant effects of effective organizational learning and those are mentioned below.

This 3rd millennium is widely known as science era, where science and learning are not looked at as a gesture that is commercial, but as an incessant learning program present in all the levels of organizational structure for the best interest of the companies (Real, Roldán & Leal, 2014). It is seen that in contemporary days the business leaders extensively try to experience a continuous development in their business organization to achieve more productivity and profitability in the market that is steeped with rivalries (Ahammad, Tarba, Liu & Glaister, 2016.). Organizational learning explains the capability of development of a business organization. On the other hand, organizational learning can be seen as a business organization’s capability to improve the overall performance of the company, depending on the previous success achieved by the management of the organization (Hogan & Coote, 2014). There are multiple definitions and explanations of organizational learning and all of them indicate that it is a program that is dedicated for the improvement of the business.

It can be said that there are significant importance of organizational learning and it has became a necessity in today’s world. It is a matter of fact that in today’s world the global market has become very challenging as the competition got increased in a significant way. It can be said that a positive learning culture should be present in the business organizations in order to continuously develop the skills of the employees to expect increased productivity along with the profitability (Bolman & Deal, 2017). It is seen that organizational learning is one of the most important sources of the organization to be able to attain necessary science and technological knowledge in order to optimize and develop the organization in a dynamic and widespread manner. The traditional organizational structure does not have the inflection and ability to align with the environmental changes that are taking place in a rapid manner to sustain the business (Pulakos, Hanson, Arad & Moye, 2015). They at times reshape the structure with relevant tools to achieve the competence to reshape the organizational structure to develop in accordance with the global changes in the market (Ahammad et al., 2016). 

In this regard, it is worth mentioning that the most accessible process can be termed as strategic management and that is dependent on the business organization’s internal procedures just as the potential effective workers of the business concern are considered to be competitive advantage for the procedure that actually helped the concept of strategic management in business organizations. The managements of the business organizations should consider amending the culture of the organization while implementing new policies or while managing a structural change within the organization (Hatch, 2018). It can be said that the cultures of business organizations are multi-dimensional in nature and may have various underneath subcultures. For an example, it can be said that accountant department of any organization can have a specific culture that has to be different from the marketing team’s culture in the same company. On the other hand, it can be said that a nonprofit culture with a culture that is family like might stress the importance of adhering to the company’s traditions and rules; it also focuses on the accomplishments of the individual employees (Hogan & Coote, 2014). The cultures of the business concerns show that what are important for the management of the organization and helps to understand the overall attitude of the employees and the approach of the management of the company towards the workforce and towards the clients of the organization (Chadwick & Raver, 2015).

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It can be said that the cultures of a particular company shows that the values learning may become a chief facilitator of using data for an incessant improvement of the company. The traditional compliances and accountability needs an influence over the non-profit company’s cultures and its operations (Fraj, Matute & Melero, 2015). A learning culture of an organization surely moves beyond the compliance by encouraging the management and the workforce to develop a mechanism that will help them to develop a self-correcting attitude among the employees and to annihilate the weaknesses of the workforce (Hogan & Coote, 2014). To define learning culture, it can be said that a workforce that is innovative, unique and adaptive can continuously develop himself or herself and that benefits the business organization to increase their overall performance. An ideal organizational culture should encourage the employees to seek advice from their managers; the culture should encourage the individuals to have a helping attitude as that can effectively increase the performance level of the workforce (Serrat, 2017). These set of behaviors can effectively lead a business organization to the path of glory. It can be said that the employees are the pillars of any business organization and overall increase in their performance can help the business organization to experience greater productivity and profitability. The most important thing in the organizational culture is the ability and the wish to learn and adopt new skills or t brush up professional skills of the employees (Hatch, 2018). This aspect of the culture of a business organization can become potentially helpful to secure the company’s productivity and profitability.

It can be said that an ideal culture of a business organization is that culture that encourages learning attitude within the workforce (Chadwick & Raver, 2015). The managerial board and the staffs should realize what are the goals and ambitions of the organization and then they should act accordingly. When a company has a good organizational culture, individuals from various levels of the company tends to have higher expectations on themselves and on their peers. Under an ideal condition of organizational culture, the management and the board of the company teds to look for various opportunities to set a benchmark for better productivity and then they try and learn from the real life situation (Miller, 2016). This attitude is significant for a company that yearns to achieve immense success (Serrat, 2017). Under ideal conditions, the employees of the business organizations generally ask each other when they get confused, transparency becomes higher in the hierarchy of the organization and these efforts collectively can help the organization to experience more success.

 It can be said that while cultivating an organizational culture that promotes learning attitude can become a basic and effective change for the company and that would definitely require a fresh set if strategies aligned with the targets and goals of the management of the business organization (Bolman & Deal, 2017).  It is a matter of fact that organizational culture is pretty much multi-dimensional and it can be said that different strategies taken in the organization may lead to different results. According to the increasing demand of the market and the requirements of the customer base, the management and the business leaders will have to change their attitude towards the mode of operation of the company for the best interests of the business organization (Serrat, 2017).  


There are some factors, that are prevalent for creating a culture in the organization that is positive and those are mentioned in this section of this essay. All the individuals or employees of the organization including the mangers should have a shared vision to improve the condition of the organization. The management should make it sure that the leaders of the company are committed and religiously chase the targets set by the board of directors. Apart from that the senior employees of the companies should exhibit a guiding behavior towards the junior employees of the company allowing them to learn in a swifter manner. The management of the business organization should conduct a gap analysis by a cultural audit. The business leaders should understand that a positive change in the organization that would incorporate positive learning mentality would be established when the management would be able to negate the previous culture that might collide with the visions of the new culture. Thus to conclude, it can be said that a positive learning culture is very important for ensuring the success and sustenance of the success of the business organizations.


Ahammad, M.F., Tarba, S.Y., Liu, Y. & Glaister, K.W., 2016. Knowledge transfer & cross-border acquisition performance: The impact of cultural distance & employee retention. International Business Review, 25(1), pp.66-75.

Bolman, L.G. & Deal, T.E., 2017. Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, & leadership. John Wiley & Sons.

Chadwick, I.C. & Raver, J.L., 2015. Motivating organizations to learn: Goal orientation & its influence on organizational learning. Journal of management, 41(3), pp.957-986.

Fraj, E., Matute, J. & Melero, I., 2015. Environmental strategies & organizational competitiveness in the hotel industry: The role of learning & innovation as determinants of environmental success. Tourism Management, 46, pp.30-42.

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Serrat, O., 2017. Building a learning organization. In Knowledge solutions (pp. 57-67). Springer, Singapore.

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