The Importance Of Democracy: A Research Report
GOVT1000-Importance of Democracy | Report
GOVT1000-Importance of Democracy | Report
The following report writing analysis is about the different aspects of the democracy. Democracy is believed to be the most important instruments for the betterment for the country. The development of the country largely depends on the ways how democracy is implemented (Schumpeter 2013). A research report will be carried out in this paper in order to address the question that has been raised. The role of democracy in the modern world has some serious implications in the modern days. This has been regarded as one of the basic rights for the people in many countries. Some of the most important things that are involved in this issue are freedom, justice and equality. These are considered to be the three great pillars of the government. The government always wants to build the nation on the pillar of democracy. This is why they need to provide the democratic rights to the people of various countries. In this research report, some important things will be discussed. The government always practices some issues that become a huge burden on the shoulders of the commoners. This is one of the most trusted social systems in the independent countries. This research report will focus on the various aspects of democracy in the modern world.
In order to complete this research two groups of people had been taken as the sample. The purpose of this research was to establish the several issues that are being faced in the modern day independent countries. The groups of people can be identified as the Group A and Group B. These groups were taken in order to address some of the issues that would be highlighted. These people have been the commoners from several countries. The purpose of the recent study is to establish the matters that are very important to know about the issues that are really important for the practice of democracy in the modern world. The effectiveness of democracy has huge implications in the modern world indeed. These two sample groups would be taken to view the opinions of the people from different countries. This is significant to assess the viewpoint of democracy of different people from different countries. The different methods would be applied in this report to assess the results.
The people who have been taken to assess the results are the two groups of people. These groups of people would contain 10 people each. One group or Group A would be the people from different countries, belonging to different religions and they are below 40 years of age. The second group or Group B would be also belonging to different religions and different countries. They are over 40 years of age. This clearly suggests that their level of experience is different. This is why they see the perspective of democracy from different angles. The viewpoints would surely vary from one another. This is why both the groups would need to view the different questions and answer them as per their opinion. The three pillars of democracy- justice, freedom and equality would be discussed in this matter. The three questions that would be discussed in this section are-
Which of these democratic values are most important to you? (People can choose only one option). These options are FREEDOM, JUSTICE AND EQUALITY.
Do all of the people think that democracy is the best political system? The options are YES, NO AND DON’T KNOW.
Do all the people use their rights? Here the options are YES, NO AND DON’T KNOW as well.
Here the main issues are about the democracy and the three main components about it. The first question is about the democracy as the best political system to keep the government running well. This is why the main issues in the democracy should be highlighted. This form of democracy is generally considered to be the rule of the people (Hirst 2012). The people choose whom they want to see in the throne of the Government. There are many challenges in this form of political system as well (Giddens 2013). Many times the election system is not crystal clear. This is why the people would need to consider some important things in this matter. There are many positive things in this system as well (Hobson and Kurki 2012). These things are the facts that democracy gives the common people the freedom to talk and cast their opinions in many angles (Schumpeter 2013) Democracy also helps the government to solve all the conflicts in a better manner. The representatives of the people are elected by the common people only. The democracy has some major faults but standing at this point of time this is the only way out (Berman and Murphy 2012).
The 20 people were divided in two groups and their views about the current world politics were discussed previously. The group whose age group is under 40 years is not as experienced as the first group. This is why they were given some important books to read about the world politics and the political systems that are other than the democracy. They had been shown some videos about it as well (Berman and Murphy 2012). After they gathered a proper knowledge about the issues and challenges about the democratic rights of the people, they could participate in this research (House 2017). The other group attended a session on this topic. After they acknowledged the things told to them during the session, they could understand everything. This is how they could understand the benefits of democracy in the modern world (Dahl 2017). As the questions were similar for all the 20 people, the answers had to be collected in order to make an all over progress. In this way the proper relationship could be addressed between the two groups indeed (O’neil 2015). The results would demonstrate the relationship between the three pillars of democracy like freedom, equality and justice (Duggan 2012). These three questions were very much significant for the people to understand the issues of democracy. Thus it would be relevant to establish the issues and focus on resolving the challenges for the democracy in the modern world (O’neil 2015).
The results of this research were very much astonishing from many aspects indeed. The results could be shown through the bar graphs that show the viewpoint of both the groups regarding the democracy in the modern world.
Respondents |
Percentage |
20 |
Freedom- 80%, Justice- 20% |
20 |
Yes- 90%, Don’t Know- 10% |
20 |
Yes- 80%, No- 20% |
The results have shown that as per the norms of the first question regarding the most important values of democracy, 80% of the people had voted for freedom. 10% of people had showed their support from justice. The rest 20% voted for justice. So, the obligation remains about the facts of getting the justice from the governments. However, they admit that they have the freedom in the democratic environment (Bowles and Gintis 2012). Sometimes, this right for freedom becomes only the freedom for voting or electing the national leaders. In this case they are manipulated by the political leaders as well. As per the question no 2, the answer of the people have gone for YES. 90% of the people believe in their hearts that democracy is the only system that could fit the government in the best ways. Rest of the 10% of the people does not have proper idea whether they should go for YES or NO. This is why they have stayed neutral.
In the case of the third question that deals with the using the rights of the people in many cases. Around 80% of the people have voted in favor of using their rights in their nations. Rest of the 20% people thinks they are unable to use their rights. This means that democracy is practiced in many countries as a positive thing. The negative impact of the democratic rights could be felt in only some cases (Stoker 2016). This is why it can be said that democracy is the only option in the modern world (Janda et al. 2013). Other political systems like anarchy and monarchy are not that much popular and people would not take it seriously as well. This is the groups of people from different countries have opted for democracy as the best political system and they think they can enjoy their freedom in their respective countries (Stoker 2016).
This paper can be concluded by saying that the impacts of democracy in the modern world have been discussed here. Democracy is seen and believed to be the most powerful system in the politics in the modern era. In this report, a research had been carried out discussing the various issues about the democracy as the best practice for the governments. The people had been divided into two groups according to their age and experience. The groups in this research have voted in favor of freedom to be the most important value for them. They have also voted that democracy is the most appropriate political system and they use their rights of freedom in most cases.
Berman, L.A. and Murphy, B.A., 2012. Approaching democracy. Pearson Higher Ed.
Bowles, S. and Gintis, H., 2012. Democracy and capitalism: Property, community, and the contradictions of modern social thought. Routledge.
Dahl, R.A., 2017. Politics, economics, and welfare. Routledge.
Duggan, L., 2012. The twilight of equality?: Neoliberalism, cultural politics, and the attack on democracy. Beacon Press.
Giddens, A., 2013. The third way: The renewal of social democracy. John Wiley & Sons.
Hirst, P., 2012. From statism to pluralism: Democracy, civil society and global politics. Routledge.
Hobson, C. and Kurki, M. eds., 2012. The conceptual politics of democracy promotion (Vol. 20). Routledge.
House, F., 2017. Populists and autocrats: The dual threat to global democracy. Freedom in the World Report.
Janda, K., Berry, J.M., Goldman, J. and Schildkraut, D., 2013. The challenge of democracy. Cengage Learning.
O’neil, P.H., 2015. Essentials of Comparative Politics: Fifth International Student Edition. WW Norton & Company.
Schumpeter, J.A., 2013. Capitalism, socialism and democracy. Routledge.
Stoker, G., 2016. Why politics matters: Making democracy work. Palgrave.