Demonstrating Key Concepts And Techniques In Mental Health Support Work

Self-assessment Tools

This reflective report supports to demonstrate my experience at the time of working in mental health hospital. It also discusses challenges that are faced by me in mental health hospital. There are certain mental issues such as physical, psychological, social, and emotional challenges. At last, it presents the personal development plan for improving my skills and effectively deals with the challenges that could be faced by service taker at the time of working in the mental health.

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The support worker plays a crucial role in the mental hospital. As service worker, I assisted service users to obtain a higher level of personal care by involving cleaning, assistance with laundry, and personal hygiene. As a service worker, I was responsible for securing confidential information of staff, service users, and company. As health and support worker, I also attend many training programmes to satisfy the service users and gain my interest in the healthcare sector. I gained my understanding towards many policies and procedures that support to improve the code of practices for conducting appropriate behaviour in the working place. As a service worker, I maintained the data of a company that is required to complete the organizational goal. I also supported to the patients in the leisure activities such as watching DVD, listening music, and playing games. I participated in fire drills at every three months intervals that update me regarding the safety of themselves and others in case of fire. It is evaluated that service taker reporting to management about an accident, which could occurred in the hospital and harm to others (Kerr, et. al., 2018). I attended many meetings to improve my skills for easily satisfying needs of consumers. I also participate in continuous supervision that helped me in determine training needs and enhanced work performance by professional development. The tanning course and meeting support to improve existing skills and obtain favourable outcome (Crampton, et. al., 2016). As a support worker, I used norms of General Social Care Council GSCC for performing well at the workplace and fulfil needs of service users. I also observed that norms could support to promote interest and independence of service users. As a service worker, I was also responsible for respecting, privacy, dignity, religion, and culture of service users. I maintained the confidential data of service users for developing trust and confidence at the working place. The regulation and rules of mental health direct impact on my responsibilities. I also worked in professional boundaries by considering person-centred approach. I observed about many unethical activities that are generally occurred in hospitals. I also gained my experienced towards several forms of unethical activities like mental abuse, sexual abuse, financial, and emotional abuse. These challenges could create the complexity in the working place to attain their specified objectives in least time (Bayley, Chambers and Donovan, 2016). My manager has offered feedback to me about my working activity and skills. In this, the communication is vital for the service worker to communicate with users and obtain favourable outcome. My manager has observed many weaknesses in me that directly influence my performance such as lack of communication skills, emotional intelligence, and lack of appropriate pronunciation. It creates complexity to accomplish my assigned work in limited time and cost (Glasby, 2017). My manager also enables me to develop my professional and personal skills by using many techniques. My manager also observed that I have lack of self-awareness and confidence that could negatively impact on my performance. The manager also suggested that I needed to gain my understanding of many theories related to legislation and verbal and non-verbal techniques for improving my skills and get a reliable outcome with respect to my performance. I also gained my understanding of the Management of Violence and Aggression (MVA) that enable to effectively deal with the violence and aggression behaviors of clients or service users. I also observed that mental illness of individual could be varying from individual to individual. The behavior of service users is unpredictable. The expertise of healthcare support to manage issues of social users performs better in the working place (Sims and Cabrita Gulyurtlu, 2014). My manager supports me how to handle the aggressive behavior of service users and make a robust relationship with them. My manager conducts training for improving my skills. I observed that my communication skills are improved than earlier. I used many tools and techniques to evaluate my personal and professional skills and critically evaluate my characteristics for performing better at the working place and make an effective relationship with service users.

Myers-Brigs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The self-assessment techniques support to evaluate communication skills an individual. These techniques are Johari Window, MBTI, Assertive Questionnaire, Communication style questionnaire and SWOT analysis (Westwood, et. al., 2015). I used these techniques to evaluate my personal characteristics in a significant way.

The Johri Model is self-evaluation tool that is created by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham. The name came from the initial word of John and harries and wad known as Johari (Osborn, et. al., 2015).

There are four factors that are considered in this model like ARENA, BLIND SPOT, FAÇADE, and UNKNOWN. It is

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The ARENA: It demonstrates characteristics of people that are identified the person himself and others as well.

The BLIND SPOT: It demonstrates the personal traits that are disclosed by others but unknown to an individual himself (Glendinning, Mitchell and Brooks, 2015).

The FAÇADE: It is unseen capabilities of an individual that is unknown to him but unknown to others.   

The UNKNOWN: It considers each characteristic of an individual that is not known by others and the individual himself as well (Van Teijlingen, et. al., 2015).


Active Listening Skills

Blind Spot:

Weak Pronunciation of opinions




Requisite to enhance  Emotional Quotient

(Sources: Surr, et. al., 2016).

Myers-Brigs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Myers-Brigs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a significant technique that is self-assessment tool, which is developed by Carl Jung. The MBTI techniques consider four major aspects to evaluate the behavior of people in an effective way such as sensation, thoughts, intuition, and feeling. It supports to evaluate how a person perceives thought of other (Gorli, et. al., 2017).







I react spontaneously to other without considering other evidence.



I depend on the emotional feelings as compared to situational analysis.



I clearly express my thoughts and communicate with others



I usually go beyond to the statement that is given by another person



I like to maintain an emotional connection with others









I always listen to other carefully



I can easily direct my thoughts to others without any hesitation.  



I always keep eye contact at the time of listing and speaking with others.



Am I capable to communicate effectively in the front of others in the same way as they communicated?



When focus on contrasting thoughts, I would prefer self-introspection than communication  



I could simply match my motions with what I want to express       



I cannot disturb other people with double thoughts I always work with a positive attitude.       



I never depend on anyone decision making.





I use my hands at the time of communication   


I can simply switch between the tasks at the time of talking with other                                                                    


I try to frighten or influence others at the time of disagreement.                                                 


I like to perceive things by the opinion of them.


I have an adequate understanding of resolving problems.


SWOT analysis method is also imperative for evaluating the strength, opportunities, threats, and weaknesses of an individual. It is a technique to understand the strength, weaknesses and to determine the threats, opportunities an individual might have to deal with (Edwards, et. al., 2015). The strength and weaknesses are internal capabilities of a person while threat and opportunities are external factors (Drummond, et. al., 2015).  


Good listener

Prompt decision maker


Detailed oriented

Complexity in expressing their though on the front of others


Prompt decision-making skills support make competitive position among market players.    


Complexity in expressing their thought could be complex for the service taker because it creates a situation of position threatening.

There are different techniques that are suggested by my manager to improve my skills in a systematic manner.

Action Plan for improving my Emotional Intelligence and Thought Articulation  

It is crucial that an effective action plan to improve thought articulation process and emotional intelligence within time constraints (Dewing and Dijk, 2016). I have decided to time limits of 12 months to improve my emotional intelligence by thought articulation procedure. The following table demonstrates the action plan that I should follow strictly with respect to enhance my thought articulation process and EI.  

Action plan for improving Emotional Intelligence

Serial .No.

Models, Concepts,  and Interpersonal Skills to be used to improve EI

Time Frame



Self-awareness Model

Week 1-5

Self-awareness Model enables me to determine my emotions and gut feelings.


Ability understanding theory

Week 6-12

Ability understanding theory

Would enable to develop my understanding of emotions and behavioral changes.


Trait model

Week 13-18

The trait model would aid to control my thought process and work appropriately.


Empathy model

Week 19-22

Empathy model support to determine many emotional connections in a specified period. It could create the capability to deal with emotional reaction (Payne, 2015).   


Social Skills Model

Week 23-29

The social skills model would support to manage the relationship and take an appropriate decision without influenced by emotional reaction (Martin, et. al., 2015).  

Serial .No.

Models, Concepts,  and Interpersonal Skills to be used to improve Thought Articulation Process

Time Frame




Week 30

Voice-recognition theory supports to improve my thought process and demonstrates whether I sound annoyed pleasant and energetic.



Week 31-38

The vocabulary model support to improve my pronunciation and give appropriate thought process.  



Week 39-45

Through this model, I would be capable to enhance my self-confidence and assurance.


Identification of problem

Week 46-48

Identification of real problem would make me closer to the audience.


Thought Process

Week 29-52

It would support to evaluate the situation before giving sudden reactions at a particular time.

Assertiveness Questionnaire

I have worked as a support worker in mental health hospital. I have experienced many activities like good listening, patient’s observation, client developmental, and reporting manager about all activity of mine. I have worked as a trustworthy, amiable healthcare professional diligent over last four years. I have experience in both public and private sectors including Care Homes, Supported Living Establishments, and Hospitals. I have the capability to deal with diverse culture, region, and age group of patients.  


BSCH health and community care





Career Objective

To utilize my skills towards the achievement of organization goals and based on the virtue of my performance climb up the ladder of hierarchy following the principle of Continuous Learning.



Exam / Degree





BSCH health and community care



Foundation Degree, Social Care (Adult and Community



Access to Nursing



Additional Skills

  • Proficiency in MS-Office.
  • Proficiency in MS-excel
  • Adult literacy and numeracy.
  • City and guilds 2009 Certificate in Maths and English level 2,
  • ICT Level 2City and Guild 2012,
  • ITC Level 2 certificate,
  • Level 2 Health and safety in the workplace,
  • Charter of the Institute of environmental health, 2009.
  • NVQ  Level 2 Food safety in catering.
  • Charter of the Institute of environmental health, 2009

Traning Details

Course title

Training provider


Year completed

Induction Training




Safeguarding adults and children

Primary Care Training Services

1 day


Clinical Risk Assessment

Primary Care Training Service

1 day


Mental Health Act workshop

Primary Care Training Service

1 day


Basic life support

Skills for health U.K

1 day


PMVA training

Cygnet Hospital

5 days


Manual Handling

Skills for health U.K

1 days



Additional Care Training Courses with certificates



Project Title


2014Manual moving and Handling                                        

March 2017


May 2016

Infection Control                                                                        

November 2017

Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults                                        

August 2016

Mental Health Act                                                            

September 2016

The Safe Administration of Medication                         

September 2016

Emergency First Aid including Anaphylaxis                         

August 2016

Emergency First Aid at Work                                                 

July 2016

Health and Safety                                                                   

October 2016

Food Allergens                                                                            

March 2016  

Food and Safety                                                                       

October 2016    


May 2016

Equality and Diversity                                                               

August 2016

Course title

Training provider


Year completed

Induction Training


3 days


Safeguarding adults and children’s

Primary Care Training Services

     2 days


Clinical Risk Assessment

Primary Care Training Service

1 day


Mental Health Act workshop

Primary Care Training Service

5 days


Basic life support

Skills for health U. K

1 day


MAVA training


5 days


Manual Handling

Skills for health U. K

1 days


MAVA training                                   


5 days         


Personal Skills

· A Good Listener

· Confident

· Enthusiastic towards any kind of work.

· Leadership skill.

· Flexible and self-motivated

· Good at interpersonal and communication skills.


I hereby declare that above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

UK is used Universal Health care system by which it offers quality medical service to their citizen. In UK, a large number of healthcare organizations are depended on Universal Health Care system. The UK healthcare system is known as ‘National Health Service’. This report supports to gain the conceptual understanding towards the UK healthcare policy. This paper discusses the challenges and benefits of the UK healthcare policy (Glasby, 2017).

The national health services in UK healthcare system had come into existence in the consequences of the Second World War.  It became operational on 5th July 1948. It was first planned by parliament in 1942. For this system, a former minor Aneurin Bevan became minister of Health (Bochel2014). The minister of health is considered many factors under NHS like satisfy medical needs of citizen; provide care without any biases, and equity in the payment. It will support to satisfy a large number of consumers in least time. Despite the organizational and political changes, NHS has provided these services at the universal level.

It gives preference to medical need of consumers. There is no need to pay for services are funded by taxes and national insurance contribution (Dickinson and O’Flynn, 2016).

The universal health care systems enable the health care organization to offer quality medical services to their citizen in reasonable price. It could be supportive for enchasing the satisfaction level of medical service users, which could improve the performance of healthcare organization. In many cases, health care organizations are not capable to save the life of patient’s by drugs while NHS enables the doctors and care taker to save patient’s life in any situation. Hence, it can be said that NHS is more effective as compared to other medical equipment. The only way, where people could not be able to access these drugs is an external environment of universal health care system. The NHS policy is used to extend the life of a person through drug in case a person is terminally ill. However, this policy has not been allowed to the drug for life savings (Preston?Shoot, 2018).

It is also stated that the Universal health care system is beneficial for people as it is based on the facts that information about the patient should be shared among medical institutions. It is determined in the form of electronic healthcare records. It is analyzed that each medical centre has completely digitized to their records (Pilgrim, 2017). As a result, doctors and nurses can access their records and perform their activities effectively.   

According to Frank et al. (2015), the universal health care system permits each legal individual in the nation to get the health care. This health care also aids to enhance health of the general population as people have equal opportunity to get free medical treatment. It will be effective to decline the number of ill individual from the general population. It will lead to more productive and healthier population.

In support of this, Glasby and Dickinson (2014) evaluated that the United Kingdom is regarded as the nation with the generous healthcare system in the world. The nation has been operating in the fiscal deficit. There are certain nations, which are failed to organize the same issue due to implementing welfare program. This program is used to cover the population of all the nations for health care.

In the view of Green and Thorogood (2016), universal health care system will put each system under the one system. Hence, doctors and nurses will no longer trouble with the paperwork of patient like complicated insurance and can emphasize on the medical treatment. It leads to improve the performance of doctors and professionals of health care as they can focus on their area of expertise. In support of this,… stated that adequate health and medical care is the right of every human. It is government duty to offer equal and free medical care for the whole citizens via universal health care system.

It is stated that universal health care system sounds very effective as it facilitates free and identical medical care for people. But, at the same time, this system has also certain disadvantages.   

According to Šiška et al. (2018), executing universal health care takes more time. It is not complicated to put new alterations without forfeiting the other factors. There is also trial and error as well as technical complexities along the way. Since, universal health care has high regulations that people should understand as it becomes the learning curves.

In contrast to this, Miller (2016) stated that the universal health care system does not allow the citizen to select the treatment and physician that they want. Furthermore, government facilitated the care is somehow not as good as private health care providers. The scope of universal care policy is not diverse as growing as private insurance.  

In the view of Blank Burau and Kuhlmann (2017), the universal health care system policy is in not very fair with the perspective of nurses and doctors as the government workforces. They do not get the rewarding monetary packages. These professions of doctors and nurses have complaints regarding the low wages under the universal health care system.  

On the other hand, the British health care system has no luxury that citizen can select. The long waiting time is a key issue in universal health care around the world. The long wait time would make individuals wait for months to get treated (Miller and Glasby, 2016). Although, the health care policy is trying to avoid the waiting times but, it seems there is no actual success until now.


From the above discussion, it can be concluded that the UK healthcare policy enables the organization to solve the health issues of clients in a systematic manner. It can also be summarized that there are many advantages such as improve public health, generous System, less paperwork, and promote human right. But at the same time, it can also be summarized the health care policy could also a negative impact on health care organization such as takes time, lack of options, low wages for nurses and doctors, and long waiting time. Hence, it can be said that the UK healthcare policy could influence the performance of the organization.


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