Project Management Report For Modern Sports Building At Southampton Solent University

Organization Background

The role of the project management holds an integral part in the deployment of construction project management and the alignment of the construction activities (Burtonshaw-Gunn 2017). The construction of the buildings has been in large use for the deployment of the improved functional and operational development. The alignment of the activities of the construction management was done for ensuring that the organization had been able to align with the goals and objectives of the project.

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The following assignment is a project management report for the project of “Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University” and it would show the processes of the construction of the building for the university. The building development for sports department would be helpful for the management of the improved communication in the organization. The alignment of the operations had implied for the ease of construction of the buildings and the report involves the overview of the project, organization background, project management framework, considerations for the sustainable practices, and the risk control implementation.

Southampton Solent University is a British University that had been providing education based on the industry and they had been providing education based on the expertise required by the student. The main pillar of strengths for the Southampton Solent University is their first class facilities and equipments. They believe in use of improved technology and best equipments for providing education to the students. The improved education system for Southampton Solent University is dependent on industry led curriculums, skilled teachers, and personalized support staff. The study area in the university is not only dependent on the books and journals but also dependent on media studies, communication, and sports and engineering. The university works internationally and the university’s campus and six residences are all located at the heart of Southampton Solent University. The building development for sports department would be helpful for the management of the improved communication in the organization.

The project of “Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University” is developed for the construction of the modern sports building with all the facilities at Southampton Solent University. The construction of the building would involve the use of the project management principles and operations. The building development for the sports department would allow the formation of the effective construction of the operations. The development of the building was helpful for the alignment of the successive project management and formation of the operations and development of the integration management (Saunders et al. 2017). The project plan development, construction of the building, installation of the equipments, and alignment of the final project documentation. The development of the modern sports building is the primary deliverable for the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University. The alignment of the operations was helpful for the management of the construction of the modern building for sports department of Southampton (Sears et al. 2015). The project is deployed for the alignment of the construction activities and the construction of the sports building for the university.  

Project Overview

The scope of the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University would involve the management of the operations and the deployment of the operations for the management of the successive development operations (Walker 2015). The project scope can be divided into in scope and out of scope items for the project and they have been pointed out below,

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In scope: The in-scope items of the project are those factors that have direct connection with the implication and final deliverable of the project. The project plan development, construction of the building, installation of the equipments, and alignment of the final project documentation (Harrison and Lock 2017). The development of the modern sports building is the primary deliverable for the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University. The in scope of the project also includes the monitoring and controlling of the project activities and the implementation of the risk assessment plan.

Out of scope: The out of scope items of the project are the factors having no direct impact on the operations of the project and they would not form any impact on the operations of the project. The out of scope items of the project are the transportation requirements of materials, supply of the raw materials, and the contractor’s work are not a part of the project (Demirkesen and Ozorhon 2017). All these activities are not included in the project work scope for the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University.

The construction projects comprise of a number of activities and operations but they can be managed with the help of implication of a project management framework (Saunders et al. 2017). Prince2 is the advanced project management framework that would be helpful for the continuation of the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University. The Prince2 project management framework would form the project in 4 phases namely initiation, planning, construction, finalizing. The most specific benefit of using the Prince2 methodology is that it allows each of the crucial outcomes of construction to be tester before it is completed (Lock 2017). The phases of project management framework have been explained below,

Initiating: The initiation phase of the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University comprise of analysis of requirements, project initiation documentation, charter documents are made, tender documentation, submission of the documents, and reviewed and sign off. The phase is characterized by the initial analysis of the requirements for forming the various documentation like initial, charter, and tender documents (Mir and Pinnington 2014). The initiating phase is aligned for the deployment of the activities of initiating the project and it is formative in nature. The development of the modern sports building construction at the university is formed for aligning the utilization of the activities.

Project Scope

Planning: The planning phase is developed for the outlining of the activities and the development of a framework programme that would be helpful in completing the project (Martínez-Rojas, Marín and Vila 2015). The plan phase consists of the activities like selection of plan outline, analysis of constructional activities, listing the critical tasks of project, completing the project plan, and plan approval. The completion of all these phases would result in forming the final project plan. The plan phase for the modern sports building construction at the university would help in forming the activities that are helpful for forming the alignment of the operations. 

Constructing: The constructing is the major phase of the project management framework and it would form the deployment of the successive and operative development operations. The building construction requires the development of the site, infrastructure, interior works, and exterior works (Alomari, Gambatese and Olsen 2016). The earthworks in this phase involve level definitions, excavation of ground, natural ground level to cut up level, lying of geo-textile, proof rolling and testing, and concrete slab finishing. The site preparation involves imported fill, slope cutting, compacting fill, and drainage formation. The construction of the modern building is aligned with several activities and forming the deployment of the activities so that the building construction would be aligned for the completion of the project activities.  

Finalizing: The finalizing is the final part of the project and it marks the completion of the project. The final documentation is followed by remediation works, validation testing, cladding, design loads, and site inspection (Turner 2016). The final inspection and approval of the project is based for the alignment of the modern sports building construction at the university. The implication of the operations would be based for the alignment of the successive alignment of the operations.

Hence, the project plan for the project would follow the Prince2 methodology and comprise of the four parts as explained above. The initiation phase of the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University comprise of analysis of requirements, project initiation documentation, charter documents are made, tender documentation, submission of the documents, and reviewed and sign off. The planning phase is developed for the outlining of the activities and the development of a framework programme that would be helpful in completing the project. The constructing is the major phase of the project management framework and it comprises of earthworks like level definitions, excavation of ground, natural ground level to cut up level, lying of geo-textile, proof rolling and testing, and concrete slab finishing, site preparation like imported fill, slope cutting, compacting fill, and drainage formation, and structural development like  foundations are laid, basement retaining wall, ground slab, sports hall superstructure, car park superstructure, and tower superstructure. The finalizing of the project involves the remediation works, validation testing, cladding, design loads, and site inspection. The schedule plan for the project of “Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University” is given below,


Task Name






Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University

140 days

Mon 4/2/18

Fri 10/12/18



20 days

Mon 4/2/18

Fri 4/27/18


      Analysis of requirements

4 days

Mon 4/2/18

Thu 4/5/18


      Project Initiation Documentation

5 days

Fri 4/6/18

Thu 4/12/18



      Charter Documents are made

5 days

Fri 4/13/18

Thu 4/19/18



      Tender Documentation

4 days

Fri 4/20/18

Wed 4/25/18



      Submission of the documents

1 day

Thu 4/26/18

Thu 4/26/18



      Reviewed and Sign off

1 day

Fri 4/27/18

Fri 4/27/18




17 days

Mon 4/30/18

Tue 5/22/18


      Selection of plan outline

2 days

Mon 4/30/18

Tue 5/1/18



      Analysis of Constructional Activities

4 days

Wed 5/2/18

Mon 5/7/18



      Listing the critical tasks of project

4 days

Tue 5/8/18

Fri 5/11/18



      Completing the project plan

6 days

Mon 5/14/18

Mon 5/21/18



      Plan Approval

1 day

Tue 5/22/18

Tue 5/22/18



   Construction Activities

98 days

Wed 5/23/18

Fri 10/5/18


      Remediation works

4 days

Wed 5/23/18

Mon 5/28/18



      Validation Testing

5 days

Tue 5/29/18

Mon 6/4/18




26 days

Tue 6/5/18

Tue 7/10/18


         Level Definitions

3 days

Tue 6/5/18

Thu 6/7/18



         Excavation of ground

5 days

Fri 6/8/18

Thu 6/14/18



         Natural ground level to cut up level

4 days

Fri 6/15/18

Wed 6/20/18



         Laying of Geo-textile

4 days

Thu 6/21/18

Tue 6/26/18



         Proof rolling and testing

6 days

Wed 6/27/18

Wed 7/4/18



         Concrete Slab Finishing

4 days

Thu 7/5/18

Tue 7/10/18



      Site Preparation

14 days

Wed 7/11/18

Mon 7/30/18


         Imported Fill

3 days

Wed 7/11/18

Fri 7/13/18



         Slope Cutting

4 days

Mon 7/16/18

Thu 7/19/18



         Compacting Fill

3 days

Fri 7/20/18

Tue 7/24/18



         Drainage Formation

4 days

Wed 7/25/18

Mon 7/30/18



      Structural Development

38 days

Tue 7/31/18

Thu 9/20/18


         Foundations are laid

4 days

Tue 7/31/18

Fri 8/3/18



         Basement Retaining Wall

5 days

Mon 8/6/18

Fri 8/10/18



         Ground Slab

4 days

Mon 8/13/18

Thu 8/16/18



         Sports hall superstructure

10 days

Fri 8/17/18

Thu 8/30/18



         Car park superstructure

8 days

Fri 8/31/18

Tue 9/11/18



         Tower Superstructure

7 days

Wed 9/12/18

Thu 9/20/18




6 days

Fri 9/21/18

Fri 9/28/18



      Design Loads

5 days

Mon 10/1/18

Fri 10/5/18



   Site Inspection

4 days

Mon 10/8/18

Thu 10/11/18



   Project Closure

1 day

Fri 10/12/18

Fri 10/12/18


Project Management Framework

Table 1: Project Schedule Plan

(Source: Created by the author)

The sustainable practices have been in use since the advent of Corporate Social Responsibilities and it signifies the deployment of the processes relevant to all scale industries keeping intact the designers, contractors, and supply of materials (Alias et al. 2014). The sustainability considerations include environment, workplace, community, and marketplace. These four are the major sustainability considerations of the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University.

Environment: The project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University must consider the impact on the climatic conditions. The consideration of climatic conditions and water management are crucial factor for the deployment of the sustainable development.

Workplace: The work place sustainability is implied for the developed for the integration of the operations and the alignment of the operations and the alignment of the successive development operations. The fair treatment of the staff, prevention of the discrimination, and accessibility workplace for the corporate social responsibility are the major factors of workplace sustainability.

Community: The community engagement on a social and global scale would be implied for the deployment of the operations and the alignment of the successive development integration. The creation of the job opportunity, training opportunities, and volunteering development are the sustainable practices required for the project.

Implication of Sustainability: The achievement of sustainability is largely responsible for the good BREEAM rating. The green development of operations would help in forming the deployment of the successive operations. The green building development would be eased by the alignment of the operations. The implementation of the activities is eased by the formation of the operations. The alignment of the sustainability could be implemented by green programs like TDM study, energy tech study, water sewage study, and open space study. The use of TDM methods is implied for forming the quality maintenance of the operations for building development.

The management structure of the project is largely dependent on the operations of the deployment management and the alignment of the improved functional development model. The management structure of the project is divided into Board Members (CEO, Directors), Management Level (Manager, HR, Contractor, Project Manager), and Operational Level (Workers, technician, operators, and other team members).

The Design and Build type of procurement contract was used for the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University as it was construction project and the contract involved both designing and building the alignment of the successive operation development. The alignment of the activities would be helpful for forming the management of the contractor’s proposal. The integration of the operations would be helpful for the appointing the 2 stage tendering the quality assessment and competitive analysis. The inclination of the design build is implied for forming the implication of the operations and it would be aligned with the operations.


The implication of n-dimensional visualisation in project management of construction projects would be helpful for the development of the improved project operations. The design management and visual would be managed by the implication of the successive deployment of the control strategy (Mok, Shen and Yang 2015). The multidimensional visualization of the device would be helpful for the better evaluation of the designs. The implication of the multi dimensional view would allow the designer to form the detailed evaluation of the constructions diagrams.  It would help in fixing the minor issues in the development of the construction projects. The improvement of the tasks and the arrangement of the steady advancement model would be executed for the administration of the activities. The execution of the particular contract would be useful for the advancement of the particular activities. The issues in quality can be of plan, material, hardware, or some other alternative. The quality issue would tend to cause prevention in the development exercises. The outline administration and visual would be overseen by the ramifications of the progressive sending of the control procedure. The multidimensional representation of the gadget would be useful for the better assessment of the plans. The ramifications of the multi dimensional view would enable the fashioner to frame the definite assessment of the developments outlines (Globerson 2017). It would help in settling the minor issues in the improvement of the development ventures.


Beneficial for project


Building Information Management is implied for listing the alignment of the operations and it would be formed for implementing the utilization of the activities and it would be helpful for forming the utilization of the processes for designing, construction, and management for the building of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University.


Revit is a single application useful for the alignment of the activities for forming the development of the operations. The useful implication of the Revit would be helpful for aligning the utilization of the operations.

Risk Assessment is the most crucial factor of analysis during the execution of the construction project management (Jalal and Koosha 2015). The assessment of the risk factors involves the identification of the potential risks and their impact on the project operations. The project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University is a construction project and the identified risks are resulted due to the implication of the construction activities. The activities of construction would allow the formation of the operations and alignment of the activities suitable for the management of the building construction (Heldman 2018). The various risk factors of the project are,

Shortage of materials: The raw materials are the most crucial factor for the construction projects and the shortage of the materials would tend to form the major hindrance in the construction project activities. The shortage of the materials would tend to form the impact on the activities like layering the ground works, excavation operations, and making walls, roofs, and structure. All these activities require materials like cement, concrete, bricks, stone, sand, and clay. The building construction would be highly dependent on the raw materials used for the construction of the project.


Quality Issues: The quality issues are another major factor that would form the impact in the completion of the project. The quality issues of the project had been the major factor for impacting the development of the final project outcome. The quality issues in the project would result in forming the major problem for the project. The issues in quality can be of design, material, equipment, or any other option. The quality issue would tend to cause hindrance in the construction activities.

Equipment Failure: The failure of the equipments would tend to form the major issues in the development of the operations. There are various equipments that are required for the completion of the project operations. The alignment of the equipments for construction would tend to form the management of the effective development model. The failure of the equipments would tend to form the major issues in the completion of the construction activities.  

Unskilled Labours: The issues of unskilled labours are a major factor that can form the impact on the operations of the project. The slack in the number of skilled labours would cause the delay in completion of the activities. The absence of skilled workers would also result in causing the problem in the development of the operations for the project. Both presence of unskilled labours and absence of skilled workers have same impact in hindering the development of the operations for the construction project.

Risk Factor


Involved Stakeholder




Shortage of materials

The crude materials are the most vital factor for the development projects and the deficiency of the materials would tend to shape the real obstacle in the development project exercises. The lack of the materials would tend to frame the effect on the exercises like layering the preparations, uncovering activities, and making dividers, rooftops, and structure.





Quality Issues

The quality issues are another central point that would shape the effect in the finish of the task. The quality issues of the undertaking had been the main consideration for affecting the advancement of the last task result. The quality issues in the undertaking would bring about framing the real issue for the task.





Equipment Failure

The arrangement of the types of gear for development would tend to frame the administration of the viable improvement display. The disappointment of the types of gear would tend to shape the real issues in the finishing of the development exercises.





Unskilled Labours

The issues of incompetent works are a central point that can frame the effect on the tasks of the undertaking. The slack in the quantity of gifted works would cause the deferral in finishing of the exercises. The nonattendance of gifted labourers would likewise bring about causing the issue in the improvement of the tasks for the undertaking.





Table 2: Risk Assessment Analysis

(Source: Budayan, Dikmen and Birgonul 2015, pp-102)

Risk management is the most effective method of analysing the factors of risk and developing outcomes from the operation of the project (Kerzner 2017). The risk management would involve the development of the risk identification process for the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University. The identification of the risk factors is the primary factor that would form the base for development of the final risk assessment. The identification of the factors of risk would tend to the management of the operations and alignment of the operations. The risk identification is followed by the analysis of the risk factors and the deployment of the formation of the operations. The impact of the risk on the various aspects of the project is evaluated in the scenario of the implementation of the project. Some prevention and mitigation methods are implied for the risk factors identified. The identified process is helpful for developing and implementing some methods of risk mitigation method (Budayan, Dikmen and Birgonul 2015). The method of risk mitigation is implied in the project for Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University so that the identified risks of shortage of materials, quality issues, equipment failure, and unskilled labours can be mitigated.


The implication of the control management plan is helpful for the implication of the changes in the project and the implication of the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University. According to Varajao et al. (2014), the control process is dependent on 4 variables of contract management namely performance management, change management, dispute management, and financial management. The control of the complex activities would be done by aligning the performance analysis, developing the change management, aligning dispute management, and most importantly financial score management.


It can be concluded from the assignment that the role of the project management had held an integral part in the deployment of construction project management and the alignment of the construction activities. The assignment was a project management report for the project of “Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University” and it had shown the processes of the construction of the building for the university. The construction of the building had involved the use of the project management principles and operations. The building development for the sports department allowed the formation of the effective construction of the operations. The study helped in understanding that the in-scope items of the project were project plan development, construction of the building, installation of the equipments, and alignment of the final project documentation while the out of scope items of the project are the transportation requirements of materials, supply of the raw materials, and the contractor’s work are not a part of the project.

The Prince2 project management framework had formed the project in 4 phases namely initiation, planning, construction, finalizing. The sustainability considerations included environment, workplace, community, and marketplace. These four are the major sustainability considerations of the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University. The management structure of the project had been divided into Board Members (CEO, Directors), Management Level (Manager, HR, Contractor, Project Manager), and Operational Level (Workers, technician, operators, and other team members). The Fixed Price (FP) type of contract was used for the project of Modern Sports Building at Southampton Solent University as it was construction project and the implication of n-dimensional visualisation in project management of construction projects was helpful for design management and visual control. The multidimensional visualization of the device resulted in better evaluation of the designs. The various risk factors of the project were shortage of materials, quality issues, equipment failure, and unskilled labours. The controlling of the construction activities was implied with the help of the establishing performance standards and goals, measuring actual performance, comparing actual performance with standard performance, and evaluating the results.



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