SWOT Analysis Of Notting Hill Carnival

SWOT Analysis of the Notting Hill Carnival

1.SWOT Analysis of the Notting Hill Carnival

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The SWOT analysis of the Notting Hill Carnival has been carried out in order to understand the utility of the event in London so that the shift of the carnival to an entirely new geographical location could be properly conducted (Andersen,  Hanstad and Plejdrup-Skillestad 2015). A SWOT analysis refers to the identification of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the carnival is subjected to and can be listed down as follows:

  • Strengths – the strength of the program lies in the fact that the program acts as a medium for the conjugation of the multi diverse population of London. It is an event that celebrates and unites the people from different culture. Moreover, this particular has proper recognition in the world thus, facilitating the adding up to the commercial value of the location where it is held
  • Weaknesses – the weakness of the program lies in the criminal events that have revolved around the program throughout the year and has contributed to potential fear among the visitors thus, hindering the popularity of the event
  • Opportunities – the Notting Hill Carnival having the required degree of popularity and recognition in terms of world events has the opportunity to grow and expand. This means that the promotion of the carnival in other parts of the world will not only add up to the value of the target market but also serve as a source o employment and revenue to the residents of the geographical location where it is introduced
  • Threats – the only threat that exists in relation to the Notting Hill Carnival is that the program has been subjected to various political unrests that may ruin the particular agenda of the program

2.Identification of the new location

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The identification of the target market for the promotion of the chosen event that has been chosen is Nigeria. Nigeria is placed in West Africa. It must be noted here that a common name for Nigeria is the Giant of Africa. This is due to the large economy and the population that it possesses. Over 500 ethnic groups comprising mostly of the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba groups of people inhabit this particular country. Nigeria is a country that is home to a population that belongs to a diverse range of culture. The official language of the country is English. The economy of Nigeria is the 20th largest economy in the world and is worth for a value for  more than $500 billion. It became the largest economy in Africa in the year of 2014. The debt to GDP ratio for the country for the financial year of 2013 had been 11 percent. Furthermore, it must be noted here that Nigeria is one of the rising economies of the future and is also a founding member of the African Union and other international organizations (Joseph 2014).


Moreover, the location of Nigeria is also suitable or in other words, perfect for the promotion of the Notting Hill Carnival. This is because the country has a coastline of about 853kilometres and also has mountains in it. Moreover, the world’s largest river deltas are also present in this country. It has a varied landscape (Bohannan and Bohannan 2017).

The country is divided into a number of thirty six states and a single federal capital territory. The federal capital territory is further divided into a number of 774 local government areas. The major cities of the country are Kano, Lagos, Benin City, Ibadan, and Port Harcourt. It must be noted here that the largest city in Africa in terms of population is Lagos. Moreover, the carnival is planned to be held in this particular city as it will create the largest number of target audience. Furthermore, the geographical position of Lagos is just by the Ocean, thus, the carnival can be held in the aesthetic location of the coastline (Bohannan and Bohannan 2017).

Identification of the new location

The economy of Nigeria is a rising economy. According to the World Bank it has already reached the lower middle income status. This is because the country is rich in its natural resources and has a well connected sector that has been supported by the financial, legal and social aspects. Moreover, this particular country had been ranked the 21st in the world in terms of GDP in the year f 2015. Issues like the mismanagement, corruption and rule of the military had hampered the economic growth of the country. However, the unrest had been brought to an end by the government of the country by restoring democracy in Nigeria and further by establishing the much required economic reforms. The country is trying hard to get itself out from the clutches of poverty and be established as a model economy (Joseph 2014).


It must be noted here that the population of the country is home to a population that is rich in diversity as because Nigeria is home to more than five hundred ethnic groups. Therefore, the major two reasons for which this country is selected is that the promotion of the carnival in this country will help to unite the people and encourage them to fight against the corruption that the country is facing today. Furthermore, it has been mentioned in the earlier part of the study that the Notting Hill Carnival it is a program that celebrates the multicultural diversity of London. Therefore, the particular similarity that the motive of the carnival has with Nigeria is that the country having a population that is hugely diverse with a count of more than five hundred ethnic groups had made it the most suitable place for the promotion of the Notting  Hill Carnival (Bohannan and Bohannan 2017).

3.Event Theme and Design

The theme or design of the event should be such that the majority of the population in Lagos is well aware of the Notting Hill Carnival in Nigeria. This means that all the sources of media like television, radio and social media should be utilized in order to make the public aware about the carnival and the special attractions of it. Notting Hill Carnival being a musical show should be scheduled with the live performances of artistes who are popular in Nigeria. Moreover, the venue and timing of the carnival should be highlighted in every advertisement or media exposures. Furthermore, both the facilities of acquiring tickets via the online network and physical stores should be facilitated.  It should be noted here that the major attraction of the  event is that it is a musical event. Therefore, the most elementary requirement of the musical show are popular artistes who will be able to fetch the crowd and be a major crowd puller. 

Event Theme and Design



The strategy that has been utilized in order to understand the chances that this particular event has in Nigeria is that the Porter’s five forces have been analyzed in respect to the Nigerain market. The outcomes have been listed down as follows: 

  • Bargaining power of buyers – there are numerous well known event management groups in Nigeria that enjoy the advantage of the reputation that has already been created. Therefore, tough competition has to be faced in terms of buyers
  • Bargaining power of suppliers – the  bargaining power of the suppliers is also likely to be high as the country is a growing economy and majority of the resources has to be transported
  • Competitive rivalry – the degree of existing competition is high
  • Threat of new entrants – new event management groups can enter the market at any moment and invade the existing competition
  • Threat of new substitutes – the threat of being substituted is low

5.PESTEL analysis 

PESTEL analysis refers to the analysis that has been carried out in order to understand the degree of suitability of business to the chosen location of Nigeria (Raj 2015). The outcomes of the analysis has been as follows: 

  • Political – the political aspect that has to be maintained is that the promotion of the event in Nigeria should be in accordance to the political guidelines and legal obligations that have been established in the state
  • Economical – the process of successfully conducting the carnival in Nigeria would not, in any way harm the economy of the country. Moreover, the economy would be influenced by the promotion of the carnival as it would lead to the unison of the population
  • Social – the carnival is aimed towards the elevation of the social aspect of the economy in Nigeria
  • Technological – the technological aspect of the carnival might suffer as the required degree of technical help would not be initially present in Nigeria as in the home location of London
  • Legal – the conducting of the carnival in Nigeria should be carried out in a proper way. This means that all the legal obligations should be properly adhered to.

Environmental – the carnival should be carried out by adhering to all the environmental norms of the country and initiative should be taken in order to make sure that the environmental balance of the particular location has not been hampered


The particular conclusion that can be drawn from the discussion in the preceding paragraphs is that the particular task of event management is a rigorous process and involves both the analysis of the event as well as the target market where it will be held. It has been found out that the Notting Hill Carnival if held in Nigeria would influence its economy and add up to the commercial value of Lagos. 

The Notting Hill Carnival is a noteworthy event that takes place annually in London, UK from 1966. The event generally takes place in the street of Notting Hill in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea in the month of August on a stretch of two days. The event had been initiated by the members of the British West Indian community and is an significant event in the  Black British culture. The event had its roots in programs of the past like Caribbean Carnival that was held on 30th January 1959. Trinidadian Claudia Jones, who is apparently known as “the mother of the Notting Hill Carnival”, had organized this particular event of Caribbean Carnival. By the year of 1970, the Notting Hill Carnival had comprised of two music bands the Russel Henderson Combo and Selwyn Baptiste’s Notting Hill Adventure Playground Steelband and accommodated five hundred audience and spectators. It must be noted here that the Notting Hill carnival was run by a limited company of the name Notting Hill Carnival Trust Limited in 2003. A particular report that had been generated by the London Development Agency in regards to the Notting Hill Carnival reflected the fact that the event contributes as much as £93 million to the London and UK economy (Hammond 2016).

Porter’s five forces

This particular event has also achieved the much needed acclamation from all over the world. This fact can be evidently supported by the particular occurrence in 2005. In 2005, the entrants of the Notting Hill Carnival had participated in different events at the carnivals in Bridgwater, Somerset. These carnivals are the largest lighted carnival and have been a part of the West Country carnival circuit. Thus, it can be evidently stated that the Notting Hill Carnival is an well known carnival and has gained much acclamation throughout the globe. Another fact that should be mentioned in this particular study is that the this particular event since its inception had been subjected to a huge amount of trouble and had been like arrests and other related political unrests. In the year of 2016, there had been more than 450 arrests with five people being hurt due to knife attacks. However, in the recent times this particular event has been free of serious trouble and the particular perspective of the authorities in regards to the event is that it is a program that celebrates the multicultural diversity of London (Hammond 2016).

This particular study aims to research the fact that if the Notting Hill Carnival is shifted to an international or overseas location what would the particular impact of the new market have on the event. Moreover, the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of the new target market will also be discussed in this particular market (Hammond 2016).


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