Narendra Modi: A True Leader Leading India
Qualities of a Good Leader
Using relevant theories and models critically evaluate and analyse the leadership of a 21st century leader of a (business, government or not-for-profit) organisation. If you were in the position of the leader, what could you do to be a better leader and make a stronger impact on the followers and on the situation?
Leaders are the one who are able to lead an organisation. There are always a great evaluation of the qualities which mainly reflect the personality like honesty, and integrity, caring for the youth and better communication skills. These all add up to bring a change in the way of delivering and vouched behaviour to impress the people which is able to deliver and depict the positivity in the attitude. The creative approach to lead the nation has been completely depicted by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. With his existence after coming to power, all his efforts have been to collaborate the nation and try to help all the people in bringing a change in their lives. Many have come and gone but only fake promises have been followed with them. (Haslam et al., 2015). No reliability or no conclusion along with the half work done on clearing the areas have led to change and irresponsible attitude. Leading a nation is not easy but trying to put in the best is the main object where you can Learn, Earn, Access and Direct for a better future.
Being an old yet enthusiastic leader, he is one of those who want to walk with the thoughts and the needs of the common people. To his existence as a BJP leader, his involvement in the Kashmir floods in 2014 and providing rescue to all the areas have successfully been able to manage all the problems at that time. Even though he is not learned and belongs to a small town, but his efforts have been tremendously appraising. His love for the country and the collaboration has led to organisation of a better leading society. His journey from Gujarat to being a leader in New Delhi has only been successful with the ideas he has put in to communicate with the youth. Being considered as the best, he is evaluated on the traits as below:
1. He is the personified personal who is the role model for the public and his work in the politics is mainly to control the powers. He does not include his family everywhere he is able to get the benefits rather try to be a normal person and try to walk with the crowd.
2. Another way to manage his perceiving power and to extract the biggest profit from the best and the tougher times could only prove that he is liberal enough and try to appal all the audience to change as a whole.
3. Priority is the one which makes him different from all leaders. The government is always dismantled if the small positioned ministers are not handled effectively and they are not given a keen loo on their work. The work of cleaning the Ganga River and trains establishment have helped people a lot to mark the right governance in India. (Nilson et al., 2015).
Narendra Modi’s Efforts to Bring Positive Change
4. Above all the politics in the party, the organisation has been able to maintain a control in the state which is managed as per the organisation.
5. The performance of the parliamentary support has let Modi to reach to an extra-ordinary approach. The speech and the performance has been awe-struck in the crowd with the promises being in effect.
His 100 days in power have been so influential that the people are impressed with his nature and the way he is carrying out the organisation. (Parker, 2015). Presently, making relations with the other countries is the major funda, he has focused upon in order to collaborate the ideas and bring the world on a short pace. A grand salute to the person who managed to call Barack Obama, President of United States with a confirmation that there will be a tight security, but it will surely help him to get into better agreements of some major projects. The soul identity to who has tried to step forward and bring the change in the nation is Modi. Controlling the powers, and attacking the smallest reasons which could be major enough to bring into point the agenda of holding why the spark of India lacks when it is presented in other countries. The powers and the way which cause slap-in the big identity to balance the community is possible only when people are able to care about such happenings. India is above all traits or any practices but when it comes to discrimination, it still lacks and equal opportunities are divided in such a way that more non-deserving people receives the best and the deserving candidates have to lack behind.
It has been generally seen that whatever promises the leader do, the people appoint him accordingly. But Narendra Modi has been the one who did not do much propaganda rather tried to implement all the work he claimed to get completed and all what was in his hand. This ability to rise above the (Bronstein & Fitzpatrick, 2015) fact has been tremendous enough for the people who respect their decision of choosing the correct person. Who is the one who picks by a broom just to clean the roads? Who is the one who is ready to take the first step and try to bring cleanliness to all the places where he is approachable enough? Taking care of his family, health as well as country is a major task. Concentrating on it separately and nicely is a big accomplishment and he has been pursuing his task very well. No leader could bear to get Ganga cleaned as they were not attached with it, but being Modi into action, the first task of his was to provide the nation a great prestige where, the people were able to enjoy the clean Yamuna, Ganga rivers. His strong connection with the kind of work he did is impressive enough and he has been accomplished in doing it to a long extent.
Modi’s 100 Days in Power
Efforts is what one can put into the work and his handful approach has presently led to a beneficial creditability to the rise in the stock share markets. Earlier, as everything was at a hike, it was not easy to carry (Kyaga et al., 2015) out with the organisation properly and so there were problems relating to it. But presently, a common man is able to save his daily savings as the expenditure in the daily products as well as fuel is no so high that he won’t be able to afford as per his earning. If these efforts are going to be continued, then people will surely be at benefit and India would be able to rise above all nations in terms of cleanliness and the “sanskriti”. The traditional (Dimitrov, 2015) outlook is popular in the world but it only lacks in the cultures, it has adopted which are against the normal functioning too.
The Prime Minister has tried to put in his all the efforts which could bring a handful sight of the nation. The collaboration and less of daily issues in the country will surely improve the condition of India in the long run. But since even a small suggestion, one could send to Modi is that he should try to make laws and implement them in the country for people who are always attacking girls. There has been a bad image and unloading of the stiff rules which has made girls so unsafe in the city to travel around. I would completely recommend or put in more efforts to track and configure such technologies which could embrace a change and bring a commotion wherein (Kumar, 2015) the people have the right to move on the roads without any anxiety. The unsafe place for the girls has been a major cause of the concern. “Eradicating the parda system and let them live their life” should be the main goal as there are still many small towns who are ready to give their small girl child to a boy in marriage when they do not know what the tradition is all about. If such happenings continue to be there then, there will be no progress of the nation. Only saying that girls hold equally important position does not bring a right and efficient outlook, one has to mean it and work for better proposals. There are people who are not bothered about this fact rather they continue to be busy in their life. Sometimes considering the birth of the girl child is a blame for all those people where it is not the mistake rather a pretty gift of God bestowed upon some fortunate people. If all this will not change, then there is assurance that people will not have a better outlook and they would pursue will their continuous orthodox minds which would never help in leading a better nation.
Holding a reputed position in the country, there are many responsibilities which are inlaid upon a person but the major issues are to be on the top of the list which could make it reasonable enough for the people even to continue with their daily life fearlessly. Being optimistic and confident enough to could complete inspire the leader to take a step forward and think about the girls whether (Hughes et al., 2015) they are equipped with what they have in hand or not. Being responsible enough, the perception to negotiate and balance the practicing could be difficult but important to become a dynamic personality who is ready to take up the responsibility. The management and the perseverance to arrange the public can lead to a big chaos at times but there can be assurance where people will be holding a higher aspect of life attaining a range of time where there is a complete freedom to all. Another idea and implementation which could be done on a smaller side, could be that the people could be more brought closer and discriminations which are generally on the caste system must be eradicated. A higher ranker does not get a better position or a college for his graduation just because he belong to a very reputed class rather a failure in school is always a failure at college. He deserves to be in the same position. But the caste system generally has an effect which provides him with the best colleges. These are the reasons which are majorly for the suicidal approach. A lot of people lack so many (Soane et al., 2015) opportunities who could actually bring a lot of change in the normal functioning of the nation. The attempts should be made and people should not be compelled to choose something which is beyond their level.
Taking a close look, the leader is only one who is able to motivate the crowd and remove the discrepancies which are making people separate. The self-esteem of a person is a major point where experience could lead to extraversion and integrity too. The leaders should access themselves and realise that there is a great response which could lead to perceiving a beauty and setting the goals for effective approaches. Building up a motivational team and communicate with the people to achieve the vision can only be achieved with impressive speeches. Being aware of the leaders and the (Abbasiyannejad & Silong, 2015) work that is going around can enhance the productivity as well as empathy which would be a great cause of concern for some. Being honest and bluntly publicise the ideas is only the best pre-planned activity to attract the youth, but how much one can implement is the question of an hour.
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