Analyzing Organizational Transformation In Health Care Sector

Room for Improvement in the Ongoing Process of Organizational Transformation


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You are asked to write a report to clinic management as to how to improve the change process within the clinic. This case will be evaluated at different levels. You need to identify and evalute key ot issues (as you see it) which have a bearing on the case, suggest possible interventions and make recommendations as to how change could be implemented.

The organizational transformation in health care sector driven by employing proactive strategies in establishing healthy work culture, leadership and infrastructure to ascertain maximum outcomes by the working professionals leading to the longevity and sustained development of the healthcare setting. Indeed, the acquisition of talent, unbiased recruitment of employees, periodic training programs and exploring the scope for further improvement and enhancement of the facility constitute the important interventions warranted in streamlining the prospects of growth and enhancement of the medical fraternity.

This report strategically analyzes the process of change within the laboratory division of the major health care clinic, while exploring the room for improvement in the ongoing process of organizational transformation. The analysis also explores application of proactive measures and interventions requiring implementation to acquire positive outcomes in terms of increased job satisfaction, sustainability and reduced attrition rate among the employees of laboratory division of the healthcare setting. The evidence based recommendations of the report present the contention in context to the prerequisites of the organizational transformation process to acquire the desirable results following the transformation protocols.

The organizational change program undertaken by the major healthcare clinic follows the results in terms of increased job dissatisfaction rates among the medical lab technologists in context to the implementation of modern technology within the confinements of the laboratory division. Whitsett (1996:p.7-8) describes the psychological perspectives of organizational change in various management settings. Indeed, drifts in the process flow, working mechanism or infrastructure of any organization results in the behavioural degradation of the associated employees. The anxiety and psychological distress in context to the separation from the conventional structure influence the cognition and emotional homeostasis of the affected employees. These psychological perspectives require careful analysis by the caretakers of the organization to ensure stability, while avoiding loss of productive capacity and quality by the employees due to the shockwaves emanating with the onset of organizational transformation. The processes and working strategy of the healthcare setting requires close monitoring while analysing the deficits in normative strategies, laboratory training sessions, feedback mechanism, and quality of professional life warranting execution of the best development practices for effectively enhancing the organizational change process with the perspective of rigorously transforming competitive adaptability among the associated employees (Cummings & Worley, 2009:p.7). Lorenzi & Riley (2003:p.45) describe the lack of appropriate utilization of medical informatics and technology in context to the organizational requirement, thereby generating serious conflicts in terms of demarcating the job responsibilities for the employees with the effective utilization of information resources. This is the reason why lab technologists in the major healthcare clinic find themselves trapped under organizational vacuum due to their apparent underutilization following the lack of job challenge, prompting them to explore further options with the intent to attain professional growth and work satisfaction. These perspectives indeed considered as the major transformation factors influencing the strategic approaches in materializing organizational transformation for optimizing work strategies and instilling confidence and satisfaction among the potential employees. The surveillance and monitoring strategies by the physicians in the major clinical setting are primarily responsible for the effective utilization of the resource pool of qualified medical lab technologists. The managed care treatment strategies intend to treat the patients following their symptoms, rather than ordering lab investigations to rule out the suspected morbidities (Institute of Medicine, 2000:p.44). This provides another reason for the underutilization of medical lab technologists in the clinical setting. These potential gaps require statistical analysis to explore the strategic approaches in terms of effectively associating medical technologists in the clinical decision making process under the managed care systems. These requirements of workflow and job profile changes of the medical technologists indicate the need for operational transformation within the clinical setting to ensure effective resource utilization and reduction in the attrition rate among the qualified medical technologists.    

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Factors Influencing the Prospects of Growth and Enhancement of the Medical Fraternity

Grieshaber (1997:p.300) discusses various issues related to the defects in organizational management requiring serious debate and consideration for devising effective strategies to ascertain progressive work environment within the healthcare setting. Indeed, the deficit in career goals due to limited options for work enhancement, lack of cooperation with the immediate supervisors, absence of work recognition and low pay scale are some of the key concerns warranting the drift toward organizational transformation. The principal objective of the organizational change in the major healthcare clinic revolves around the intent to maintain the psychosocial homeostasis of the employees and effectively utilizing their domain knowledge and skills in context to the allocated assignments. The growth matrix of the employees require statistical configuration by the management while attempting to execute transition toward organizational transformation. It is important to evaluate the requisite timeframe for organizational transformation in context to the healthcare setting while maintaining the integrity, psychological health and work capacity of the associated employees (Zidel, 2006:p.11). The strategic analysis of the psychosomatic health of the employees highly warranted while devising problem focused remedial approaches in supporting the employees following the transitioning toward transformation. The lack of sufficient communication between the medical technologists in the laboratory setting of the healthcare clinic attributes to inappropriate division of tasks and subsequent disintegration leading to sustained dissatisfaction and episodes of depression among the affected medical technologists. Dianne (2007:p.75) describes the influence of effective communication between the medical fraternity in treating the patients of life threatening malignancies. The lack of appropriate communication indeed, disrupts the flow of medical information from physicians to medical technologists leading to inappropriate outcomes and erroneous clinical decision-making process. These gaps in the clinical settings require strategic evaluation while hypothesising organizational transformation program for its successful implementation in the healthcare setting. The limited scope of practice for the medical technologists in terms of participating in the medical decision making process with the healthcare practitioners attributes to the need of transformation for upgrading their skills and job profile for proportionately reducing attrition rate, and enhancing sustainability and scope of work (Lieseke & Zeibig, 2012:p.91). Garcia (2014) discusses the causative factors responsible for the sustained dissatisfaction and disinterest in jobs among the medical technologists in the healthcare setting. These factors primarily include less wages, subjective issues in context to medico-legal accountability, disrespect by the medical staff, improper shift schedule, exposure to infectious organisms through study samples, lack of career enhancement opportunities and viable growth prospects in the healthcare clinics. In fact, the emerging technological revolution has further reduced the dependence of the medical fraternity on the services by medical technologists. The automation of lab investigation protocols advocates the least requirement of skills and knowledge by the medical technologists in processing of the samples in the clinical apparatus. These implications of technological innovations warrant reconfiguration of the training programs for medical technologists in context to the better utilization of their skills and knowledge in enhancing qualitative health care services to the patients’ population. These necessities of the medical technologists warrant statistical analysis while devising potential approaches and protocols to implement and improve the change process within the major healthcare clinics.    

Psychological Perspectives of Organizational Change in Various Management Settings

The appropriate interventions for executing organizational transformation process require careful evaluation of the potential issues necessitating the changes in the health care setting. The challenges in terms of barriers encountered during the transition phase require careful consideration by the management for imparting education sessions to the employees to make them understand the intent of the change and the positive outcomes of the transformation process in the immediate future (McClatchey, 2002:p.54). The requirements of the medical technologists in context to attaining job satisfaction, respect from physicians, appropriate utilization of skills and expertise, attaining synergy with the technological revolution, and career enhancement opportunities warrant statistical evaluation while devising transformation models and appropriate interventions during the phase of transition. Indeed, force field analysis highly warranted to evaluate the positive and negative outcomes on the employee population from the prospective change management interventions (Lorenzi & Riley, 2003a:p.105). The potential factors adversely influencing the psychosocial status of employees include the disrupted workflow patterns, the inefficient utilization of information and technology resources in managing the assignments, and lack of periodic strategic interventions by the management to analyze the existing gaps in the information flow between various levels of the organization (Anderson & Aydin:p.255). These gaps require proactive analysis while devising intervention strategies in context to the transformation process within the healthcare clinic. The most important intervention pertaining to organizational transformation relates to the mapping of the evolving technology and information systems with the present workflow leading to efficient work designs capable of utilizing the skills and expertise of the employees in context to the project requirements at all levels within the organization (Poole & Ven, 2004:p.40). These attempts require organizing training programs to facilitate the understanding of technological evolution and their effective utilization by the medical technologists to aid in their process of clinical investigation, with the intent to acquire precise outcomes resulting in qualitative enhancement of the service delivery process to the target population. The behavioural perspectives of workflow patterns are of paramount importance with respect to enhancing the work culture and productivity of the potential employees (Cummings & Worley:p530). The interventions in terms of redefining the workflow, allocation of assignments in accordance with skills, experience and expertise of employees, establishing synergistic association with the immediate superiors constitute some of the essential factors warranted to induce positive outcomes from the process of organizational transformation. The well-defined workflow patterns indeed positively influence the psychosocial homeostasis of the potential employees and assist them to explore the opportunities of personal and professional enhancement within the healthcare setting.    

The implications of the organizational transformation process on the workflow outcomes, attrition rate and employee satisfaction require SWOT analysis while defining strategic interventions to improve the process of change within the healthcare clinic (Allcorn, 2005:p.199). The organizational diagnoses require retrieving the conclusions from the analysis of the earlier studies in the healthcare clinic. The interventions following the perceived diagnoses include executing proactive strategies in restoring confidence and professional relationship between the management and the potential employees. The periodic organization of individualized sessions with the employees as part of the transformation process assists in maintaining balance between the expectations of employees and the outcomes following the change process. The principal targets of the change process include modifying the job attitudes and ambition levels of the potential employees (Poole & Ven, 2004:p.40). The statistically defined work structure and incentive schemes warrant implementation of strategies for the effective utilization of skills and expertise of the employees and allowing them with the freedom of thought to utilize their talent for enhancing profitability and development of the organization (Rivard, 2004:p.86). The potential intervention warranting organizational transformation further includes introducing incentive schemes in context to executing the additional responsibilities allocated to the medical technologists. Neider & Schriesheim (:p.117-18) advocate the concept of implementing groups incentives schemes in context to the organizational transformation. The flexible incentives plans intend to associate the workflow outcomes with behavioural alignment of the target employees. In fact, a psychologically matured group of professionals with common goals tend to strive for achieving the desired work capacity while enjoying job satisfaction in the transformed infrastructure.  The flexibility in terms of working from the distant location or home saves the transportation cost and allows flexible working hours to the employees for generating the desirable outcomes. Dawson (2003:p.58) discusses various theories and contentions regarding the impact of workplace change on the socialization and employability of the individuals aspiring for professional growth and job satisfaction. Indeed, the flexibility to work from home ascertains the improvement of productivity and reduction in the organizational expenses. However, defining the extent of such freedom to the potential employees requires statistical analysis in context to the proposed transformation and gaps in the workflow patterns.   

Effective Strategies to Ascertain Progressive Work Environment within the Healthcare Setting

The configuration of well-framed controlled systems for measuring the performance and outcomes of the potential employees is highly warranted in maintaining profitability and development in context to the organizational transformation (Bruns, 1992:p.248). The process of organizational transformation further warrants defining stringent goals and parameters for effective governance of workflow mechanisms in context to the interest of the potential employees vs. projects requirements (Janoski, 2005:p.297). Shi (2007:p.35) discusses the impact of technological revolution on the skills and expertise of the medical technologists. The assumption of the underutilization of employees’ skills with the advent of medical informatics and technological evolution nullified with the emerging requirement of technical expertise in efficiently utilizing the evolving technology in processing the medical procedures. The medical technologists indeed require upgrading their skills and knowledge on a continuous basis to keep up the pace with the emerging tools and techniques with respect to their effective utilization while rendering laboratory services. Indeed, the process of organizational transformation warrants developing multidisciplinary expertise in terms of bidirectional specialization among the medical technologists to ensure effective utilization of technology by the medical fraternity (Stevens, 1971:p.3). These strategic reforms and interventions certainly reshape the organizational potential and motivate the medical fraternity for mutually acquiring processing synergistic mechanisms following the statistical objectives of organizational transformation. 

The perspectives of organizational transformation redefined by Sullivan (2009:p.365) in the light of social and behavioural sciences. The plan of action for initiating psychological transformation among the medical technologists follows the principles of human process methodology to improve the interpersonal attitudes and expertise of the potential employees. The execution of the targeted intervention by the human resources departments allows the employees to share their unbiased and confidential feedback regarding the ongoing challenges and gaps in the process cycle affecting their personal and professional development. These inputs indeed acquired through anonymous questionnaires requiring processing by the employees at various levels in the organization. The statistical evaluation of the outcomes of these studies authenticate the validity of the proposed transition and provide the scope for further debate to configure effective strategies in improving the process of change within the major healthcare clinic. It is practically imperative to evaluate and analyze the degree of resistance by employees in context to the prospective organizational transformation (Thi, 2003:p.1). Boonstra (2004:p.321) identifies various causes for this resistance including the state of displeasure, insecurity and demonization among employees at workplace. The antagonistic measures to overcome the resistance by medical technologists in the healthcare setting require conducting counselling sessions by the external psychologists as well as the internal human resource department to evaluate the existing insecurities among employees, for devising proactive measures to ensure and establish psychological stability and state of confidence between the targeted individuals.

Buono (2010:p.84) categorically asserts the ingredients of transition phase by delineating the intervention mechanisms warranted at different levels of the organizational transformation. The foremost objective of the transformation process revolves around developing widespread acceptance in context to the prospective change process within the organizational premises. The utilization of external consulting services warranted in rendering training programs to the concerned employees to ascertain effective dissemination of information in context to the proposed process of organizational development. The purpose of organizing employee oriented training programs influenced by the philosophy of aligning the aspirations of potential employees with their work commitment and success strategies for acquiring professional development simultaneously with the organizational enhancement (Andersons, 2010:p.200). The employees experiencing the prospective change process require undergoing focussed counselling sessions with the learning outcomes of attaining an in-depth understanding in context to gaining skills and expertise through self-motivation and experience. Norbutus (2008:p.22) explains the modalities for executing episodic transformation in context to the environmental requirements related to the infrastructure, culture and work strategies pertaining to the organization. The contention discusses the                 execution of organizational transitioning mechanisms in terms of discrete and discontinuous units to ascertain the effective implementation of the evolving information systems by the peer groups, and profit sharing protocols required to bring sustainability and professional enhancement among the potential employees. Levy & Merry (1986:p.22-25) describe various programming models for implementing and executing strategic intervention approaches in context to the organizational transformation. These models focus on reframing the present scenarios following the analysis of past events to accomplish the existing gaps in workflow strategies and infrastructure with respect to the productivity and skills utilization of the potential employees. The pitfalls in the work management strategies, and political and cultural patterns prevailing within the organization are key elements requiring strategic analysis in formulating the catalysts for organizational transformation. The through monitoring of relationship patterns between the employees indeed assists the decision makers to understand the psychosocial impact of the drift in organizational development on the potential employees. Viljoen (2015:p.158) elaborates the difficulties in assignments’ execution in context to the diversity prevailing across the potential employees. This diversification in the organization warrants implementing antagonistic mechanisms while organizing people of similar aptitude, skills, expertise and behaviour in discrete functional groups assigned with similar projects requiring execution at the predefined locations. These strategically processed mechanisms facilitate the close collaboration between employees with similar orientation and aptitude, thereby catalysing cross-organizational adaptability, sustainability and performance with the broader perspective.  

Concluding Remarks

Duari (2010, p.446-48) describes various promotion strategies employed for the enhancement of employees in context to the organizational structure. Indeed, the organizational transformation approaches warrant promoting efficient employees enabling the change strategies to the supervisory and managerial levels. These moves undoubtedly enhance the credibility and work efficiency of the prospective leaders, thereby proportionately assisting the sustainability and productive capacity of their respective teams. The management of the organization looking for major transformation must ensure retaining transparency in their processes to ascertain execution of revolutionary changes in context to improved work environment and productivity of the potential employees (Whitsett, 1996a:p.121). Indeed, the transparency in work processes facilitate the provision of direct communication between the employees of various levels and groups, thereby enhancing the feedback mechanisms and performance of the employees willing for the major transformation. The configuration of the infrastructure facilitating transformation warrants conducting interventions including knowledge based support systems and education programs to initiate the process of learning with special emphasis on the requirement of periodic transformation to ignite and catalyse the mechanisms leading to professional development of the efficient employees. The American Society for Training and Development (2008:p.57-58)                  elaborates the influence of practicing dynamic change strategies and conducting training programs for potential employees in context to the six phase model. The intent of practicing these strategies lies in enhancing the surge for transformation among the medical fraternity, while conducting periodic meetings with the support groups facilitating the change process. The cultural reforms within the heath care setting warrant executing training sessions to facilitate back and forth dissemination of information regarding the transformation process and its potential outcomes for the medical fraternity. Moreover, the outcomes and influence of the change process on the employees require careful analysis to explore the gaps in the process of transformation and requirement for initiating the review process for reconstituting these gaps to ascertain adaptability and satisfaction among the potential employees. The feedback mechanisms warrant their consistent execution for thoroughly refining the organizational infrastructure and facilitating employees in context to acclimatization with the transformation process.    

The major challenges among employees with respect to the process of organizational transformation including, ignorance, job insecurity, lack of focus and career ambition, interpersonal conflicts and group pressure require strategic intervention to configure rational and normative approaches for executing operational transitioning with the desirable outcomes (Harsh, 2011:p.105-106). These strategic interventions within the major healthcare clinic will indeed reduce the resistance, lack of trust and knowledge, and incompetence among the medical technologists pertaining to the domains of biochemistry and microbiology. The clarity in goals, and willingness and focus toward achieving the professional priorities will undoubtedly facilitate overriding the personality conflicts hindering the process of organizational transformation.    


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