The Future Of Digital Marketing: Trends, Applications, And Strategies
The essay question to be addressed through research and review of the contemporary literature in the topic area: digital marketing?
The process of digital marketing can be defined as the process in which the various marketing activities are done via the various digital media present in the world. The process of digital marketing allows the various digital media to be used by the organisations in the various industries around the world. The current digital age allows the internet to be one of the most important parts of the lives of the individuals in the current societies and the various organisations in the current industries. The advancements in the various aspects of the information and communication technologies allow the information and communication systems to be used for a wide range of organisational operations and processes. The process of marketing involves a number of activities which are done by the organisation to introduce their products and services in the market and increase the interest of all the existing and potential customers in the corresponding market (Wang, 2001). There are a number of methodologies and strategies which are implemented by the various organisations in the current industries. This essay focuses on such wide range of marketing activities which are being done via the various digital media present in the current digital age. The essay focuses on a question which allows us to reach a conclusion of the future of the process of digital marketing in the various industries. The essay allows us to identify, understand and analyse the various aspects of the process of digital marketing and their effect on the future and implementation of the process in the current industries.
This section includes some of the interesting facts and description about the process of digital marketing which allows the organisations to consider it as a viable marketing option for the various marketing activities along with the wide range of products and services provided to the customers (Chaffey, 2012).
Online shopping
The trend of shopping for products over the internet is increasing day by day. The individuals around the world prefer to buy the various products and services over the internet without going to the actual physical retail stores. This is causing the business of the various online retailers to bloom in an accelerated manner. The business of online marketing includes the activities of providing the customers with the complete set of information regarding the products and services. A number of recent surveys and questionnaires reveal that the individuals in the societies across the world prefer to have all the information over the internet regarding the products before making the buying decision (Wind, 2002). This process of marketing over the internet helps the customers in each stage of the buying decision for the corresponding product or service. This also allows the customers to have confidence in the various online retailers across the internet who are providing authentic and complete information regarding the products.
Email marketing
The process of email marketing allows the retailers to send emails to the existing and potential customers regarding the new products of the organisations, various promotional offers on a number of products and some of the enhancements of the existing products. This allows the existing and potential customers of an organisation in a particular market to get the information regarding the various releases and launches of the products of the organisation. The process of email marketing allows the organisations to send frequent emails to the potential customers based on their browsing behaviour over the internet (Miller, 2012).
This activity in the digital marketing allows the organisations to provide the existing and potential customers in the corresponding market with the video of the products. These videos allow the customers to see the various features of the products, which in turn helps them in the process of making the buying decision. These videos also gain visibility in the search results in various search engines over the internet due to large number of views by a number of individuals across the globe (Chaffey, 2012).
Content marketing
This type of digital marketing involves the activities of the posting some data in a number of blogs by the organisations providing a number of products to the customers in the market. A number of recent surveys and experiments have proved that the blogs affect the buying decisions of the customers in the market in greater manner than the other media. The popular blogs followed by a large number of individuals across the country allows the data posted by the organisation to be accessed by a large number of potential customers, which in turn allows the sales of the products to be high. Increase in the number of pages in the posts in various blogs allows the customers to have more detailed information regarding the products and hence it leads to increase in the popularity of the products along with the increase in the sale (Ryan, 2014).
This section explains the marketing activities of some of the organisations which have implemented the process of digital marketing in their business model as part of the marketing module. This section of the essay also focuses on some of the statistics analysed and monitored by the organisation. There are a number of organisations in the current industries which have implemented the process of digital marketing in their business model. Some of these successful applications of digital marketing are mentioned in this section.
Uber implemented the process of digital marketing in its business model by focusing on the large number of business professionals present in the various societies across the globe. The organisation focused on such business professionals who won’t mind paying a little extra according to the comfort, style and class of their car rides. The organisation started marketing the service of providing cab services with premium vehicles through its mobile application. The high usage of smartphone by the business professionals present in the various industries across the globe allowed the organisation to have a lot of exposure through the mobile application (Chaffey, 2012). This activity of mobile marketing allowed the customers in the markets to easily book rides between wide ranges of locations, which in turn led to the success of the business of the organisation. Another digital marketing activity by Uber was the delivery of the Christmas tree on the occasion of the holidays. Uber was providing a service of delivering the Christmas trees to the homes of the customers in a number of cities in the United States of America (Bird, 2007). The organisation was charging 135 US dollars for the delivery of the tree to the homes, which allowed it to gain a lot of popularity. This digital marketing activity of Uber was done under the name of UberTREE which became a lot popular during the festive seasons. The organisation has also carried out a number of other digital marketing activities like allowing the customer to cuddle with the kittens on the National Cat Day. The customers could demand the service from the organisation on the National Cat Day, which allowed the organisation to gain popularity and strengthen the brand image of the organisation (Miller, 2012).
Buzzfeed is an organisation which is blooming in the market by providing interesting contents on the internet. The organisation focuses on the people who consume a lot of contents over their smartphone during the time they are idle or waiting. The organisation’s digital marketing strategy focuses on the people who claim to be bored in life or bored at work. This digital marketing strategy has allowed the organisation to increase its revenue in a very aggressive manner which in turn makes it one of the top contenders in the race of being the best in the market of providing social content over the internet (Wind, 2002). The organisation implements a very effective and efficient marketing strategy which allows the organisation to identify, analyse and understand the various content which have the potential of trending in the internet. The digital marketing activity of the organisation also focuses on the browsing behaviour of the individuals across the globe and their consumption patterns of the various social contents. The content marketing activities of the organisation allows the users and consumers to relate themselves with the various brand images and videos, which in turn allows the organisation to gain revenues through a number of strategies of sensible advertising. The organisation also focuses on the consumption of the social contents by the mobile devices, which causes it to direct its digital marketing activities towards the mobile devices.
This is an organisation which is operating in the United States of America in the industry of micro financing. This is a non-profitable organisation which operates in order to allow a number of individuals in need across the world to avail financial loans from a large number of lenders around the world. The organisation also allows the entrepreneurs and students across the entire globe to take advantage of this arrangement which allows a large number of people to be connected over the internet through the activities of borrowing and lending money. The organisation involves a number of digital marketing activities which aims at spreading the objectives of the organisation over the entire world which in turn allows the organisation to have a large number of consumers over the globe through the internet (Chaffey, 2012). One of the strongest factors of the digital marketing process of the organisation includes the capability of the organisation to maintain the brand name and image in the industry of microfinance. The digital marketing strategy of the organisation allows it to maintain high visibility in the results of a large number of search engines which allow the consumers across the globe to search through the viable options in the industry of microfinance. This allows the organisation to be one of the first preferences of the consumers across the globe for the financial transactions in terms of quality of service, security and confidence. The organisation also includes the usage of a number of social networking sites to provide its services to the consumers by claiming that the processes of microfinance are also a way for the people across the globe to connect (Miller, 2012).
Domino’s pizza
This organisation implemented the process of digital marketing in its business model by allowing the customers around the world to have access to the menu and the ordering system via the digital medium of internet. The organisation developed a mobile application and website to allow the customers to easily place their orders in the nearest kitchen, which in turn allowed the organisation to have more popularity and better brand image. The mobile application developed by the organisation was ensured to be available for the customers in every kind of platform.
This section of the essay focuses on the discussion regarding the process of digital marketing being the future of the marketing module of the business model of the various organisations. In the essay we identified, analysed and understood the various applications of the digital marketing process in the real world which has led a number of organisations to the success of their businesses (Wind, 2002). This section includes some of the future predictions of the process of digital marketing which explains its position as the future of the marketing process of the business models.
The organisations in the current industries are focusing a lot on the design of their website and the targeted landing page for the customers. There are a number of tools and techniques present in the market, which allow the organisations to have a better website designs and better accessibility of the websites. This allows the organisations to have a stronger brand image via the internet, which in turn allows the organisation to have more popularity and curiosity for their products and services (Bird, 2007). The organisations are channelizing more and more of the resources available to them to utilise all the digital media available in the current societies. This allows the popularity of the digital marketing process to increase a lot and continue increasing in the future. So digital marketing can be considered as the future of the marketing process as most of the organisations in the various industries around the world are focusing on strengthening their process of digital marketing.
The usage of the mobile devices and other handheld devices are increasing day by day in an aggressive manner, which allows a lot of content to be consumed by the people around the globe through these handheld devices. The process of digital marketing involves a number of such activities which are responsible for providing contents over the internet which leads to the consumers having more and more interest towards the products and services of the organisation. The high usage of these devices requires the organisation to implement the process of digital marketing in their business model to ensure that the process allows the organisations to gain more and more popularity in the corresponding market. This proves that the process of digital marketing is responsible for the satisfaction of the needs of the customers in the present and the future. So this allows us to conclude that the process of digital marketing is the future ahead for the marketing process (Miller, 2012).
The process of digital marketing allows the marketing professionals working in various organisations around the world to have a lot of options in terms of the media, tool, technique and way used to connect to the existing and potential customers across the world. This allows the marketing professionals to have better effectiveness and efficiency in their respective business operations, which allows them to make the organisation move ahead in the direction of achieving its goals and objectives. So the process of digital marketing allows the marketing professionals to have better customer base, stronger brand image and more popularity. This proves the presence of the digital marketing process in the future (Wind, 2002).
The essay focuses on the various applications and techniques involved in the process of digital marketing along with the various components of the process. The essay included the discussions regarding the future of the process of digital marketing in the current societies. This can be concluded from this essay that digital marketing indeed has a future in the industry operating in various parts of the world. The advancements in the information and communication systems and techniques in the world has allowed the process of digital marketing to be more and more effective and efficient, which in turn allows the organisations to focus on the targets of the business processes in a better way (Chaffey, 2012). The process of digital marketing is also getting a lot of innovative and creative solutions for a number of issues present in the organisations around the world. This allows the process of digital marketing to be very popular in a number of industries where the process provides easy and effective solution in comparison to any other process or technique. So the process of digital marketing is actually the way to move ahead in the future.
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