Change Management And Analysis In Gantts Hill Restaurant Area
Define, with references, the word analyse?
Analyze means to find out or discover the exact meaning of anything. Examining the details results in improved understanding of things (Collins, nd). The scrutiny of the thing makes the process more easy for the examiner. (Macmillan, 2015).
Change is the inevitable truth, for the business it becomes all the more important in determining the change management process. The management challenge is to garner the right strategy so that the changes mitigate the risks (Caldwell & O’Reilly, 2003). Theorists have pointed that change management to be effective it should be studied in a way that regular checks and balances are ensured for the effectiveness (Lemieux & Mcguire, 2006). Interventions at required intervals improve the effectiveness for the organization. Planning for the changes includes all the sections of the organizations to be a part of the process. In case of the restaurants in Gantts Hill, which come under service industry it is all the more critical to satisfy the customers. Vision of the leader and his ability to satisfy the resistance that comes naturally against change should be taken into consideration. Kotter (1996) has stated the need for adequate climate before even the change happens. Lewis has also mentioned that the changes can be segregated into two types. One is the changes in the nature of the work done, second is the change in the motivation levels of the employees (French & Bell, 1999).
The biggest challenges that restaurants have to meet in the Gantts Hill area are the cyber security management. Restaurants have to deal with anti social elements and therefore significant attention should be paid on the plan to deal with these issues. Strategies should be devised for the night time activities of the restaurants. This includes given training to the staff in handling the night time activities of the visitors.
The other issue is the hygiene and cleanliness of the area. Change management plan should adopt measures like picking of the litter in the nights or attractive advertisements so that the people having night outs realize the important of cleanliness. Restaurants also benefit the economy and development of the area. The restaurants benefit from the effective transport system.
The strategies for change management can be made revolving around the social media platform (Beerel & Annabel, 2015) Social media has the capability of linking new people which us beneficial for the restaurants of Gantts Hill. This has also been noted from the key drivers of change in UK by the senior executives. Management plans should be based so that the economic and business volatility is mitigated. The second thing that comes in the change management is the leveraging of the technology so that the globalization and its benefits can be harnessed for the restaurants. The use of newer technology should be adopted in the purchase of inventory and its management. It can also be adopted by improving the supply chain, and the service to the customers (Chuaa, 2013). Adopting innovativeness can also fetch the fruits and attract new customers. It is therefore required that the innovativeness is built in the team efforts. The team of managers, stewards, waiters, chefs, and cooks should be streamlined and integrated. New efforts should be made to create the services that are liked by the client. The other thing is to take into accounts the benefits for the customers.
Change management adoption should be on the basis of the organization and the environment in which the organization does its business. The discussion of change management in Gantts Hill restaurant was based on the strategies that can be adopted and the relevance of the same.
1. Caldwell, D., & O’Reilly, C. (2003). The determinants of team-based innovation in organizations: The role of social influence. Small Group Research, 34, 497–517.
2. Collins Dictionary (nd). English Dictionary. Accessed on 27 January 2015.
3. Beerel & Annabel (2015). Leadership and Change Management, Ethames Graduate School.
4. French, W. and Bell, C. (1999). Organization Development, 6th Edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
5. Kotter, J.P. (1996). Leading Change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.
6. Lemieux-Charles, L., & McGuire, W. (2006). What do we know about health care team effectiveness? A review of the literature. Medical Care Research and Review, 63, 263–300.
7. Macmillan Dictionary (2015). Accessed on 27 January 2015.