Importance Of Customer Service Policies In Business Environment

Reasons for using customer service

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Reasons for using customer service

Customer services are the important tool that helps to enhance the growth of an organization.  There are several factors that help in providing satisfaction to the customers.  The primary reasons for using the customer service it to provide unmatched services to the respective customers of the organization (Uden, 2013). Excellent quality of the services to the customers helps in retaining the old customers as well as it attracts new customers towards he organization.  The next is to assist the customers either directly or indirectly in order to enhance the satisfaction level of the respective customers (3BFilm Studies, 2015).  Some of the reasons for the customer services area, accountability and customer perception, continuous improvements, in building a relationship with customers and to create brand value.  Helping the colleagues, who are the internal customers, is another means of the providing services to customers. The colleagues are engaged in serving pay to the consumers.  These policies are applied in commercial companies mainly for supplying goods as well as services to the respective customers.  The primary aim providing g the services to the customers are to increase the brand reputation of the concerned organizations and to increase the profitability for the firm (Berger, Roloff, and Roskos-Ewoldsen, 2010). These policies are also applied to public sector units, department of the central or the local governments, in voluntary organizations and in non-profit or business organizations.

In order to evaluate the desired customer policy, it is very important to analyze the demands of the customers related to the services offered to them. In other words the customer care policies within the industry help in handling the desired grievances of the direct users of particular service in a reasonable as well as in a positive manner.  The customer care policy helps in increasing the effectiveness of the entire organization by retaining the customers towards the organization.  It is evident to know that in various organizations there are different types of the customers (Berger, Roloff, and Roskos-Ewoldsen, 2010). Therefore, it is very important for the organizations to understand the desired requirements of the concerned customer and assist them suitably.  As a manager, the visit to the Hotel evaluate the policies for the customers are the training provided to the employees in order to evaluate the growth of the organization.  There were policies for the customers related to the costly leadership, focusing on the services provided to the customers and the policies based on differentiation for the services offered to the respective customers (Stephanidis, 2013).  The implementation of the Customer Relationship Management is very important as it helps to increase the skills and the ability of the employees in assisting the customers. Perfect means of training will help in improving the performances of the employees. Training to the staff members will provide the desired idea of handling the customers in a difficult situation (Collier, 2011). The primary motive of the policies would be to make the customers happy as it will bring the desired success for the organization.  

Purpose of evaluating a customer service policy

Evaluation of different communication methods

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Communication methods are considered to be of great importance in increasing the effectiveness of the organization.  It is the core responsibility of the managers as well as the management team of the concerned organization to develop perfect means of communicational methods as this will help in understanding the desired issues of the customers related to the services offered to them.   There are different types of the communication methods such as face-to-face communication method, email method, verbal communication method, non-verbal communication method, teleconferencing method and video conferencing method. The suitable means of the verbal communication helps in analyzing the desired needs and the requirements of the customers from the concerned organization (Coombs and Holladay, 2012). As a manager, it was found that Travelodge was having some serious issues related to assisting the customers perfectly. Therefore, there is the crucial need for providing   suitable training related to the communication methods (Stephanidis, 2013). The employees need to understand the desired needs of developing proper communication methods. The face-to-face communication methods are considered to be most promising as it directly understand the requirements of the customers and provide resolutions as per the satisfaction.   Attitude and body language of the employees are very important during the face-to-face communication processes (Craig, 2013).  Teleconferencing with the customers should be satisfactory and to the point asked by the customer. The employees should develop politeness in them as this will provide a desirable and smooth experience to the respective customers. 

It has been seen that some of the customers are not satisfied with the services provided to them. Therefore, it becomes the core responsibility of the management team to enhance the effectiveness in the services provided to the customers by suitable means. The service quality of the organization mainly depends on two of the most important variables such as the independent and the dependent variables. At present, the quality of the services provided by various organizations creates a great impact in increasing the profitability of the organization within the competitive market segments (Du, 2013).  The high quality of the services creates a great impact on the customers and it also plays the vital role in influencing their decisions.  There are four of the important factors that help in influencing the customer’s perception towards the business. These are the price, quality of the service, service quality and the reputation of the organization. The service quality is the most important factor as it helps in retaining the customers as well as it also develop the brand reputation within the competitive market and increases the efficiency of the organization (Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen 3B (EBNA3B), 2012).   Therefore more focused should be given in increasing the service quality by providing proper means of the training to respective employees of the organization.

Purpose of promoting customer focused culture

Assessing sources of information for customer requirements and satisfaction levels

For the success if any organization, the most important is to understand the desired requirements and the satisfaction levels of the customers. Marking and inventory of the data, complaints and the selection process related to customer help in assisting the customers successfully. The feedback and the queries of the different customers are important in finding their actual requirement from the organization (Late cornified envelope 3B (LCE3B); LCE3C; SNP rs4085613; IL-23; NF-κB, 2009).  The management team of the organization should formulate different strategies in order to understand the behavior and the needs of the respective customers as it will help in improving the performance of the organization.  Therefore, after the complete analysis of the demands and the requirements of the customers there should perfect formulation of the strategies in order to provide desired services to the customers. Another important thing is to analyze the quality of the products as well as the services in comparison to the other organizations within the market segments.  On the other hand, it is very important to know the targeted customers as it will help in identifying the actual needs.  The stakeholders of the organization contribute towards the enhancement of the business process by highlighting the requirements in improving the services of the concerned organization.  Use of the innovative tools and techniques are important in order to increase the quality of the services offered to the customers (Baba Abubakar, Barau Danbatta and Uwaisu Muhammad, 2015). It is evident to know that the improved and high level of services creates the brand value. The brand value   helps in increasing the number of the customers towards the organization.

There are many of the organizations who have adopted different types of the strategies in order to find out the requirements and the demands of the customers (Small Business –, 2016).  In order to achieve the satisfaction levels of the customers, it is required to know the exact demands of the customers. Feedback from the customers helps in evaluating the desired experience at the Hotel and this also provides relevant ideas related to improvements in some sectors as per the satisfaction of the customers. There are different types of the customers, for some often quality matters a lot and for some of the customer’s quality as well as prices both matters (Lee, 2010).  Therefore, the feedback from the customers is important in evaluating the changes required within the organization. Another best initiative would be to collect suggestion from the respective customers as it will also reflect the improvement that needs to be done in providing excellent quality services to the customers.

Evaluation of different communication methods

Delivering customer service in business and service environment

Delivering of perfect services with top most quality helps in attracting the customers towards the organization.  As being the manager, it is important to understand the desired requirements of the customers as well as the organization. There should be objectives in order to bring out the positive results for the company.  In order to meet the expectations of the customers, the employees should have the desired skills and ability while assisting the customers. Lack in the skills, as well as poor knowledge about the business processes of the concerned organization, creates a negative impact on the growth of the organization (, 2016). This sometimes affects the effectiveness of the firm and results in decreasing the number of customers for the organization.  The quality of the products offered to the customers should be checked and the employees need to have the professionalism while providing services to respective customers.   Analysis of the competitive environment and the different organizations will provide desired in evaluating the customer’s services in order to retain the customers towards the firm.

For enhancing the efficiency of the entire organization, it is important to enhance the performances of the employees.   The employees should gather complete information regarding the execution of the business process of the firm and the information’s related to the products and the services offered to them. Training to the employees will help in providing confidence and the knowledge in order to assist the customers in a better way (Morris, Ma, and Wu, 2014). The attitude and the behavior of the employees sometimes play the most important role in creating a positive impact on the customers, therefore, the employees need to work in enhancing the attitude and their behavior (Rajjoub and Garibay, 2012).  The performance of the individuals within the organization helps in increasing the brand value within the market segments and brand value attracts a large number of the customers towards the firm (Richeri, Zhang, and Jiang, 2013).  Feedback from the customers will help in analyzing the performances of the employees and this will identify the certain areas that need to be improved as to provide a high quality of customer services. 

The skills, ability and the knowledge of the employees play the most important role in evaluating the significant growth of the organization. Training needs to give to the respective employees of the organization regarding the customer handling in difficult situations.   Therefore, the formulations of the strategies are important in order to increase the effectiveness of the entire organization. The employees should be well disciplined and they should be professionals while assisting the customers. In a case of any difficulty or if the gets angry they should assist them with gentler care. Moreover, if the situation goes uncontrollable then they should take t6he help of their supervisors or managers in assisting the customers.  Use of the innovative tools and techniques are important in order to increase the quality of the services offered to the customers. The management team of the organization should formulate different strategies in order to understand the behavior and the needs of the respective customers as it will help in improving the performance of the organization.


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