Health And Safety In HR Perspectives For Oil And Gas Industries: Critical Analysis And Recommendations
Key issues of Health and Safety in HR perspectives for Oil and Gas industries
1. Explain the ways in which the effectiveness of organizations can be influenced by human resource management
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the causes of conflict in organizations and methods of avoiding or mitigating conflicts
3. Analyse major HRM problems arising in organizational change and methods of resolving them Percentage of marks awarded for module:
The report shall investigate the past and present working conditions of Oil and Gas industry of UK which have seen the death of many in past decades. Thus the initiatives taken and the lessons learned from these disaster are critically analyzed to find how full proof the systems are in maintaining the safety and health of workers in the Oil and gas segment of UK. Since the past incidents like Piper Alpha offshore disaster that took 167 lives, the focus in keeping the safety of people as priority has increased and the firms are putting more efforts and technologies to avoid them in the long run. The case depicts the incident of July 1988, the offshore drill of the gas and oil drill disaster getting 16 lives, at Piper Alpha driller, have changed the way the safety is viewed in the UK forms both onshore and offshore (Ritson, 1999). The collective responsibility formation, health and issues are divided among the people of the firm as per hierarchy to avoid such incident further. The answers to the projected points shall follow a recommendation as a part of it. The Cullen Report had been the major step towards it which also is evaluated herein.
The current and future of oil and gas excavation is going remain fatal in terms of to safety if adequate measures for safety and maintenance measures are not in place. The people of the business who are in direct contact with excavation, the site safety needs supervision and training to anticipate, avoid and help in rescue of the accident affected. The oil and gas technology have changed the globe all together in terms of automation and time consumption ad have increased the comforts. However, the lopsided are in its safety adequacy measures undertaken. Few external and internal causes are responsible for it. The increasing carbon levels in atmosphere have the consumer depend of it for more than centuries and now it’s is scarce item with increased decency from all sections of the society (Azmi, 2011). The crude oil, natural gas has seen such accidents and in present too the chances for such mishap remains. However, with the use of technology and manpower awareness the limit ad scope can be widely reduced.
Critical analysis of Employee’s scope of Improvements
The needs for a HR personnel to work for the oil and gas excavation firm needs to address health and safety, Training and information sharing about the subject of drilling, time management and well and adequate amount of success in the employee awareness and knowledge of safe working. Further, Nelsen and Bierer (2011) notes most of the deposits are in the troubled areas of the globe, which poses another political problem of recruitment and control. Therefore, a firm to work needs to have a 3 directional approach in HR. Technical skills development, soft skill and managerial knowledge and skill to control the cases of mishaps. It is to pay productive and competitive in the oligopolistic oil and gas market, especially of the brand overseas and at home which drill oil from non-national sources. Demography plays a role where large amount of workers can be found but the excavation becomes problematic if they do not have adequate drilling and safety exposures Dhiman and Mohanty (2012). Hence the HR policies needs a comprehensive look where governments, business and worker are to be in the same loop with a standardized training for safety practice and a well oiled collaboration system between all to have an idea of the employees role in safety and security.
The NOC (National Oil Companies) and International Oil Company (IOC) have their own set of guideline that the HR has to follow during recruitment. These statements suggest who all can be employed with the skill set description. This is a step post 1988 tragedy that has helped the brand in doing what they do a to specific required level so than, it happens then again and if of this reason long term solution aid better design is needed. The innovation among the staff where the employee speaks for a change may be done to improve service in the future, without discriminations. Therefore, when HR is been discussed that ensures equal opportunity of learning, safety standards training recruitment of people who are of safety and then make the hierarch depending upon age, experience, qualification ad exposures (, 2014). The firm has to have a whistle blowing policy where employees who sees some faulty measures being conducted are being protected and seen that no harm is been done and the employee is been listed to and the similar is been articulated on the job. This sis ensure that all parts of safety is been looked into and all dealing with it are adequately trained and knows about the safety measures. A speak up policy in the website as well in the employ manual is well deserved that ensures people feel free to express the point of contention. Further, training and development of employee about the issues are well incorporated in the training module which encourages new learning and best performance of safety at work needs to be established. All these enable the employees to be more confident and ensure safety at work.
The leader the guides the team to work where the HR plays the induction provider’s role of induction given, feedback taker and an arranger of hierarchy with key performance areas, responsibilities and team coordination values to enhance the life of people as well as the nation they drill in. With multilinking the need for manpower has to be developed in a way that helps both operations, safety, communication, employee voice like concerns in note to see and check the chances of exposition or mishap in the future times. Again, making a pool of competent oil and gas industry needs to put its operational focus in the immerging issues of the recruitment and retention as the drilling exercise the business follows in the phase wise manner with exhaustion of the sites, perplex to the control and motoring, however worker selection and training holds the key to such a role at work. Equal employment and safe working conditions remains the key to the role of occupational health and safety practices which HR facilitates in recruitment and during employment of personnel with the drilling firm. The 310 the Session of Governing body has made the employment standards guided to be more decent and safe during its session in March 2011 (Ritson, 1999).
The mining and gas industry is been declining in their own accords due to the cost involved in operations and the international price regulations. The change of price is to a slack in boosted productivity due to international product. As followed on practice is the safe working standards, processes to be followed while on duty and HR is the department to promote the same. Safety Statistics of machinery and the measure of performance in the critical areas are to be monitored and the standards working and maintenance processes are to be developed to be propagated among the people where HR plays a mainly role. However the HR being a non technical department has to lean onto the people of technical to give a feedback to HR for preparation of standards and working guidelines. This is not a full proof way as the department is dependent on technical requirements study by others to implement even if it is an external agency. The non-acutance of the problem or its sky the evolution has made it difficult to predict or take measures however with technology.
The scope of improvement can be achieved with proper training, execution and better understanding of the situation for the correct result oriented actions. Training of the new joiners during the induction, as well as regular training for employees working would keep them at the footsteps of improvement each moment. The scope of improvement is the ways that an employee can be a vital part of the operations and be an asset in business operations. However the success of the training lies in the execution of the same in the field of action. The scope of improvements is to have the engagement of the people in full and have the needed in outs with changing times abortiveness and easy to comprehend and follow the set of rules they are acquainted with (, 2014).
Induction of new employee with the business needs a structured training that encompass safety and security training. In this part people are been adequately trained about the various aspects of safety measures and norms that are to be maintained considering the perils of oil drilling. Fire safety, mechanical safety, safety with machinery is all part of this activity which is mandatory to be learned while working in a drill. Regular training and safety drill has to be executed to ensure that no part of safety is kept untouched in the process. Nevertheless, the safety awards, suggestions, steps of safety measures, what to do, whom to report has to be incorporated in the training module. Such incident report register too needs to be formed so that all incidents and near misses are recorded for training purpose and development steps in the future.
The improvement process encompass few distinct traits as the firm seeks proactive solution resolution so they prefer a trait of people who can do here job effectively. The first scope is to view and perceive from the eyes of the consumer to access the needs and wants. The second is to prepare a data driven process s that with feedback the quality improves and make the production team be closer to consumer to do as is required. Consumer centric business in an oligopolistic affair where all competitors are looking to provide the best quality at lowers price. Therefore reviewing each transaction is important to have en an idea of the consumer demographics as well as preferences. Purchase practice is thus closely monitors and thus in the next strategic step taken.
The steps have its motive sand long term aspirations to develop a better understanding of law and such public health issues. The other part is the development of staff in the profession of medicine and health care can be adequately trainees in case of emergency handling the ccase of utmost importance even when the doctor or the competent authority is absent to keep the patient out of a fatal attack and keep them safe till the treatment of the needed kind appears. The roles of Human resources in all the aforesaid aspects are true and upto the mark if it has to deliver the best of patient care in the organization they serve in. The three major areas are the arrangement of right me at right place and schedule that the unit can afford a 24 hours support system while also initiate the process of multiple programmes to educate the people of such cases that hospital handles. The least that the HRM can do is segregate the manpower on skill, competence, exposure lines to allocate then to the specific areas that they belong to and then give the cross functional training to people so that the areas that these resources are assignment achieves the best of result ad the level of competence and competence grows (, 2015).
The provision of quality health is dependent on the issues like standardization of health care practices where the access ad finical burden needs to reduce as well as consistency and standard are to be maintained. This can only happen with prolonged exposure and use of the healing methods and with experience such staffs can be shortlisted by HR. Nevertheless as the issues are to be done in accordance to the will add experience the development of skills are thus directly related in the exposure to he case where the HR plays a major role in allocation of such jobs.
Therefore the scope of improvements may come from learning, practicing, experiencing in which the HR have a vital role to play, in allocation, description ad assessment of the progress. Agin people who are leaving the business are keen to have a better input giving session if motivated by HR, for the new employee development and positioning them in higher role with each passing period of learning and experience. Nevertheless, the HR also have a distinct role in selecting the right man for the right job where the one specialized in one field is given further training and learning scope to do better in the future. So the scope of HR is not only election and allocation but also monitoring where the job demands better supervision and specific skills. HR may help in admitting one or else groom another from the group to perform the job as they are wished to be associated with. The other part of HR is to allocate job to people in accordance to there criticality so as to make the people aware of the symptoms ad aid in assisting with medical choices to heal them completely. The HR also ensures the statutory norms of the state are followed so that the business don’t get a major jolt due to an accident or delayed treatments (Tan, 2014).
Best practices in the business are those which suites the business condition ethically and morally. Thus the practices that get the best of revenue and stops mis-use of products are the two most important aspects. Thus if one is going wrong the other is bound o follow. In such a mix of roles the scope of employee engagement and collegian shall increase in terms of sales value and for the business a group of multitasking operations on (Nelsen and Bierer, 2011).
The scope is however hampered with less experience where the HR may put one in charge who is not adequately informed about the ailment so the entire team selection for a cuse may be wrong. Again specific department needs special knowledge and expertise so the lack of it may bean other barrier to the best care an cure deliveries. Further the HR is non technical in mitigating so the patients decorating condition cannot be blamed on the doctor which again creates confusion and negligence and distorted treatment mythology so the role of HR have a dual edge to solver perpetuate damage those are incomprehensible (Mohamed et al. 2015).
Healthcare and safety are the two most important aspect of the oil and gas exploration as the product extracted are harmful for the human being. The oil and gas has to have a precondition of good mix of safety while drilling. The oil drilling or the drilling of the gas involves very tough steps for the drillers so that they may have the best of health while working. The experiments to kelp the human life safe in atmosphere with less than 2% oxygen and depth of few hundred feet is accomplished, than the scientific developments. Thus the recommendation is to get the right man for the right job with adequate skills to maintain the condition and work on patient improvement. However, the improvements are low and add the unimportant of society get care in working condition conditions too are deplorable (Ritson, 1999). The healthcare and safety aspect of the people working in the mines and mining related operations has to take care of few basic needs of health like proper ventilation for fresh air supply, no block of air that cuts off the air supply, water flow during the working hours for consumption, emergency evacuation mechanisms, well illuminated mines for the better and healthier working conditions, artificial air breathing system if the area is crowded ad have lesser opening for air transfusion. Occupational health hazards and safety norms in the case of such working conditions are of major concern for the people working along with the employer who are guided by the rules of mine workers in the legislative ways. The business views this as legal, financial, moral issue to provide the mine workers with the best of working conditions that enables them to have a healthy and safe working condition. Accidents, near misses, near risk situations are to be registered which ensures that the incident is recorded in the register and acted upon
The laws and the statutory guidelines also entrusts the people to take specific care before working in such locations devoid of light and air supply to ensure that the working in such conditions don’t cause any physical ailment to the workers working there. Its obvious from the good working atmosphere practice the occupational health hazards and health problems while working can be addresses to a large extend. However, this process is never ending and had been adding new inputs with discoveries and recommendations that comes from different underground or opencast mines to be adopted for better working conditions for the people working in the mines. The activates are undertake to make sure that there is n casualty, illness, accidents in the deep crust or any employee fatality due to unworthy working conditions The other benefit that the business gets in this case is that they save a lot in injury prevention, fatality restrictions, illness and such unwanted physical conditions due to the poor working conditions in the deeps of the mining pit. Special care is generally taken to see that the clearances for the excavation have all these elements in the loop to keep the related cost low and prevent the employee harm for both employees well being and cost to business due to accidents caused in the mines.
The working conditions of mines have significantly been enhanced with protective gears, controlled explosion and early warning systems with the help of technologies those are in place. The natural gas is a naturally existent product where excavation have brought in the needed change in the operations that have enhanced employee safety and increased the liability detection mechanisms. The training of staffs and there on the job exposures are few of the aspects that have been taken care of during the induction while the basics of the geology and the mining rules of a particular place, especially the underground places where the chances of explosion due to deposits are high are being taught along with safety measures and the standards operating and reporting processes. All this makes te mining and the people involved a better sire to perform their job in mining and excavations.
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