Academic Success Strengthening In Scholar Writing

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Harold Kim and Jorge Mazza, 2011

It is a journal article includes the literature review and discussion of the subject matter.

Asthma & Clinical Immunology

Asthma is a respiratory disease, which affects the respiratory system of people. The article is based on the exploration of the diagnosis system in Canada in order to improve and get control over such disease. One of the main focuses on such article is determining that inhaled corticosteroids are initially representing standard care for the asthma patients. The adults who cannot take the control over the ICS therapy mostly prefer to inhale the combination of ICS/Long-acting beta2-agonists (LABA). Allergen-specific immunotherapy is providing to the patients and this is one of the most significant modifying therapies, which includes the appropriate training for the physicians to protect from allergies. The control over asthma by regular monitoring, application of inhaling techniques, and other therapies are also essential for eliminating such disease. The article discusses the linking of the current literature and guidelines for facilitating the proper diagnosis and management of asthma.

Asthma is considered as the chronic inflammatory disease, which is associated with the hyper responsiveness of airways within lungs. The diagnosis process of asthma considers the medical experiments and the assessments of several objectives. The measurement of the lung functions indicates the reversible airway obstruction. The lung functions tests are normal and the symptoms indicates the disease of asthma. The study includes the ways of treating the asthma patients and signifies the way of getting control over such disease.

 Kimberly Nguyen, Justin Peng and Eilee Boulay, 2010

It is a journal article, which contains the aim, literature, objectives of the research study regarding the Asthma and Allergy Educators.

 Effect of Smoking on the Association Between Environmental Triggers and Asthma Severity Among Adults in New England

One of the key aspects of this study is to identify the environmental triggers that are associated with the severe condition of asthma. The author has examined the linking between the use of the controller medication and socio-demographic characteristic. New England has been using the “Behaviour Risk Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) Asthma Call Back Data”.  The journal discusses about the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program guidelines to make people aware of such respiratory disease and the ways to control over it. The study provides the idea about the ways of preventing such disease by applying the self management procedure.

It was reported that the vast majority of adults get the disease of asthma. Cigarette smoking and ETS are considered as the contributors of the severe forms of asthma. The cross sectional studies are associated with the several limitations. One of the most prominent limitations is the lack of casual inference, which makes the study more difficult to analyse the involvement of the environmental factor. It has been seen that people are cooking in gas is associated with such disease more specifically.  The lack of inference is thus much concentrating on the determined existence of treatment to control over such disease. 

 Sveum R, Bergstrom J, Brottman G, Hanson, M, Heiman M, Johns K, Malkiewicz J, Manney S, Moyer L, Myers C, Myers, N, O’Brien M, Rethwill M, Schaefer K, Uden D, 2012

This is a journal article includes the Evidence-based research discussion paper.

 Institute for Clinical System Improvement

The article includes the ICSI Health Care Guidelines that involve the medical process developing segments. The guidelines adopted from ICSI Health Care are applied in the medical group and the electronic documents are provided accordingly. The study provides the idea of some of the Asthma Triggers and the clinical testing to ensure the prevention of such disease. The study contains the differential diagnostic possibilities for asthma by discussing the diversified obstruction related to the subject matter. The classifications of the severe forms of the asthma have been provided in this study.

The medical guidelines in this study are suggesting several work groups as the key strategies for incorporating the support. Facilitating the timely and accurate diagnosis of this disease would be eliminating the severe forms. It is important to educate the health care practitioners while using the spirometry as the diagnostic tool. The patients and the practitioners need to know the importance of developing the partnerships by utilizing the ICSI collaborative Conversation. The shared decision making model is helpful in establishing and maintaining the action plan based on this disease by addressing the adherence.

Wenping Zhang, Xianliang Chen, Lijun Ma, Jizhen Wu, Limin Zhao, Hongyan Kuang, Taibo Huang, Jianjian Cheng, Luoxian Zhang, Yong Qi, Beibei Sun and Hongyan Niu, 2014

 This is a journal research paper associated with the proper methodological style  

 Epidemiology of Bronchial asthma and asthma control assessment in Henan Province, China

 The study includes the prevalence of bronchial asthma. The study assessment also provides the treatment of asthma in accordance with the syndrome. In Henan Province, the asthma prevalence is comparatively low. However, it has been reported that the urbanised people get the prevalence of asthma more than the rural people. Asthma people usually get insufficient medication, which causes suboptimal asthma.  It is to be notified that the Bronchial Asthma is a common disease that affects the respiratory system of the mankind. In this journal article the cross-sectional study has been conducted randomly. The questionnaire distribution provides the idea of the ratio of the affected people and the severity of such disease.

The cross-sectional observational study provides the idea of the prevalence rate of the asthma in Henan province. In the year of 2000, the prevalence rate of asthma disease in China was 1.05%. The study includes the recognizable relationship between the socioeconomic status and asthma prevalence.  The generalized idea obtained from this study is indicating that both the patients and the practitioners need to be much educated regarding such disease. The importance of receiving much education would simplify the treatment and control over the disease more significantly. 

 U.S. Department of Health & Human Services


 This is a website blog

 How Is Asthma Treated and Controlled

 Asthma is a long term disease that is not curable by the help of any treatment. Asthma can only be treated with the objective to keep it in control with the help of certain medicines so that patient could breathe in a better way.

The treatment of asthma is associated with the prevention of chronic and troublesome symptoms, such as coughing and shortness of breath. Once these symptoms are treated with prior importance then only asthma will remain in control. 

There are several things that should be maintain to keep control on asthma such as less need of quick relief medicines. It is also important to maintain a good lung function. Normal activity of a person is also important because it reduces the stress level of the patients.

 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology 2014

 This is a website article

 Asthma Treatment.

Often the best way to control asthma symptoms is to avoid whatever causes them

  There are many reasons that trigger asthma such as pollen, dust mites, cockroaches, molds, animal dander, smoke, air pollution, chemical fumes and strong odors.

Allergenic materials are one of the main reasons that increase asthma.

Proper medication is very necessary for the patients. Regular use of medication will help patients to remain in good conditions. Only medicine cannot control asthma lifestyle is also necessary.

Steroids are the medicine for asthma treatment that should be used with proper guidance from the doctor.

Exercise also helps to control asthma.

 Asthma guidelines are given in the website therefore all the information that is important for the patient is available.

There is no exact cause of asthma but exposure to allergen for long time will trigger the risk of asthma. Other symptoms are caught, breathing problem, chest tightness, shortness of breath and wheezing.





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Is the author qualified on the subject?


Is there a sponsor?


 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Is the sponsor reputable?


 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute run by government of USA that has good reputation throughout the world.

Is there contact information for the author and/or sponsor?


 Anyone can contact them through their website where all the contact information are given such as e-mail id, phone number and postal address.


Is the purpose of the site clear?  What is the purpose of the site?


The purpose of the site is to provide proper information to the victims of asthma for better guidance.

Is the site free from error?


 There is no error in the website

What is the domain of the site?  Is it a university, government, professional association, commercial host, advocacy group, or publisher?


It is a government website with no profit motive


Is there advertising material?


Is there a bias to the information?


 Since there is no profit motive therefore the biasness is also less


When was the page last updated?


August 4 2014

Are there any broken links?



Is the information adequately covered compared to other websites?


Yes the website is completely informative and provide lot of information to the public

Do the links complement the information?


Is there a balance between text and images?


 Images are less and text are more therefore it is difficult to understand without knowledge in the subject

Is the information presented cited correctly?


 No in text is used in the website





Is there an author?


Is the author qualified on the subject?


Is there a sponsor?


 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

Is the sponsor reputable?


American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology is well known in health sector

Is there contact information for the author and/or sponsor?


 85 West Algonquin Road

Suite 550

Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Phone: (847) 427-1200

Fax: (847) 427-1294

e-mail: [email protected]


Is the purpose of the site clear?  What is the purpose of the site?


The purpose of the site is to provide proper information to the victims of asthma for better guidance.

Is the site free from error?


 There is no error in the website

What is the domain of the site?  Is it a university, government, professional association, commercial host, advocacy group, or publisher?


It is a University website with no motive of doing profit


Is there advertising material?


Is there a bias to the information?


 Since there is no motive of making profit therefore the biasness is also less


When the page was last updated?



Are there any broken links?



Is the information adequately covered compared to other websites?


Yes the website is completely informative and provide lot of information to the public

Do the links complement the information?


Is there a balance between text and images?


Images are given in proper ratio

Is the information presented cited correctly?


 No in text is used in the website





Is there an author?


Is the author qualified on the subject?


Is there a sponsor?


 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Is the sponsor reputable?


 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute run by government of USA that has good reputation throughout the world.

Is there contact information for the author and/or sponsor?


 Anyone can contact them through their website where all the contact information are given such as e-mail id, phone number and postal address.


Is the purpose of the site clear?  What is the purpose of the site?


The purpose of the site is to provide proper information to the victims of asthma for better guidance.

Is the site free from error?


 There is no error in the website

What is the domain of the site?  Is it a university, government, professional association, commercial host, advocacy group, or publisher?


It is a government website with no profit motive


Is there advertising material?


Is there a bias to the information?


 Since there is no profit motive therefore the biasness is also less


When was the page last updated?


August 4 2014

Are there any broken links?



Is the information adequately covered compared to other websites?


Yes the website is completely informative and provide lot of information to the public

Do the links complement the information?


Is there a balance between text and images?


 Images are less and text are more therefore it is difficult to understand without knowledge in the subject

Is the information presented cited correctly?


 No in text is used in the website





Is there an author?


Is the author qualified on the subject?


Is there a sponsor?


 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

Is the sponsor reputable?


American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology is well known in health sector

Is there contact information for the author and/or sponsor?


 85 West Algonquin Road

Suite 550

Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Phone: (847) 427-1200

Fax: (847) 427-1294

e-mail: [email protected]


Is the purpose of the site clear?  What is the purpose of the site?


The purpose of the site is to provide proper information to the victims of asthma for better guidance.

Is the site free from error?


 There is no error in the website

What is the domain of the site?  Is it a university, government, professional association, commercial host, advocacy group, or publisher?


It is a University website with no motive of doing profit


Is there advertising material?


Is there a bias to the information?


 Since there is no motive of making profit therefore the biasness is also less


When the page was last updated?



Are there any broken links?



Is the information adequately covered compared to other websites?


Yes the website is completely informative and provide lot of information to the public

Do the links complement the information?


Is there a balance between text and images?


Images are given in proper ratio

Is the information presented cited correctly?


 No in text is used in the website





Is there an author?


Is the author qualified on the subject?


Is there a sponsor?


 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Is the sponsor reputable?


 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute run by government of USA that has good reputation throughout the world.

Is there contact information for the author and/or sponsor?


 Anyone can contact them through their website where all the contact information are given such as e-mail id, phone number and postal address.


Is the purpose of the site clear?  What is the purpose of the site?


The purpose of the site is to provide proper information to the victims of asthma for better guidance.

Is the site free from error?


 There is no error in the website

What is the domain of the site?  Is it a university, government, professional association, commercial host, advocacy group, or publisher?


It is a government website with no profit motive


Is there advertising material?


Is there a bias to the information?


 Since there is no profit motive therefore the biasness is also less


When was the page last updated?


August 4 2014

Are there any broken links?



Is the information adequately covered compared to other websites?


Yes the website is completely informative and provide lot of information to the public

Do the links complement the information?


Is there a balance between text and images?


 Images are less and text are more therefore it is difficult to understand without knowledge in the subject

Is the information presented cited correctly?


 No in text is used in the website





Is there an author?


Is the author qualified on the subject?


Is there a sponsor?


 American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology

Is the sponsor reputable?


American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology is well known in health sector

Is there contact information for the author and/or sponsor?


 85 West Algonquin Road

Suite 550

Arlington Heights, IL 60005

Phone: (847) 427-1200

Fax: (847) 427-1294

e-mail: [email protected]


Is the purpose of the site clear?  What is the purpose of the site?


The purpose of the site is to provide proper information to the victims of asthma for better guidance.

Is the site free from error?


 There is no error in the website

What is the domain of the site?  Is it a university, government, professional association, commercial host, advocacy group, or publisher?


It is a University website with no motive of doing profit


Is there advertising material?


Is there a bias to the information?


 Since there is no motive of making profit therefore the biasness is also less


When the page was last updated?



Are there any broken links?



Is the information adequately covered compared to other websites?


Yes the website is completely informative and provide lot of information to the public

Do the links complement the information?


Is there a balance between text and images?


Images are given in proper ratio

Is the information presented cited correctly?


 No in text is used in the website

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