Hospitality And Tourism In United Kingdom – Growth And Strategies

Secondary Research

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Hospitality and tourism industry in United Kingdom is becoming an important contributor to the nation’s economy. The industry is growing day by day and employs 4.4% people of country’s total employment to support their visitors. The tourism industry in United Kingdom is the sixth biggest industry and third largest export earner. Government is also supporting to promote this industry in all the ways because it is helping to earn the foreign currency. According to the ranking of visitors destination of choice, United Kingdom ranks sixth and seventh in the international tourism market. It has been found that there will be an employment of 1.5 million people by 2020 in United Kingdom by tourism industry. The government is helping this industry by hosting many international events like Olympic, world cup and other events which creates huge opportunity to show the world about their tourism industry. There are many scopes which are untapped in the market. Including these markets in the tour programs will give more advantages to the industry. The tourism industry in United Kingdom is flourishing because of the government policies also. The government of UK is providing VISA to the visitors very easily and in the fastest way so that the flow remains good. The government has started an unique e-passport facility which will create a good image in the visitors mind about the country as soon as they arrives in the port or airport. The national and international policies are not so stringent for business which helps tour operator to operate from any country to send their tourist here. When an industry is growing it is very important to have a look on its infrastructure. The tourism industry also depends heavily on its infrastructure. The infrastructure of tourism department includes the international transportation, local transportation, hotels, good restaurants and most importantly good employee. In this aspect the infrastructure of United Kingdom for airport is very good as the busiest airport in the world is situated here. The hotels are also good in quality but their number is very less as compared to the demand and local transport is also very good to travel in between the country. The government should take more initiative to invite hotel companies to build hotels in the various parts of the country so that in every visiting place there is no shortage of rooms. Government is promoting this industry in the international market where many public and private companies are in a collaboration to support them. The market was highly progressive since there was high end high cost customers was limited to the country. It has been found that the future market is going to be the middle class peoples from countries like Brazil, Russia, China and India. To tap these markets it is very important to arrange programs which are cost effective so that the middle class families from these countries can avail the facility. Moreover the industry is changing from all aspect to provide all class of people to visit the country and enjoy their holyday.

Critical evaluation

Tourism business comes under the service industry. Customer satisfaction is the most important aspect in terms of accommodation, food and travelling. To capture the international market it is also important to provide those services in affordable price. Satisfying customers in affordable price is not an easy task. This needs a detailed marketing strategy which will help to set the goal about the needs of the customer and the industry which. There are few aspect which should consider during strategy making.

The key goal of any marketing strategy is to increase the brand image within the market. To increase the brand image it is very important to enhance the brand loyalty. Tourism marketing strategy is also creating their own identity and establishing them as a brand. To enhance their brand image, network and customer relationship management plays an important role. Network and relation both are dependent on each other because to maintain a good relation with the customer it is very important to have good network of customers. Network can be created by different strategies such as membership, gift vouchers, continuous offering something to the customers helps to have a good customer base. Main goal of the networking is to increase the customer base. Good networking for a tourism company also includes their network of their business partners. Maintaining a good relation is the next step of the strategy part. Without a good relation with the customers and business partners it is very difficult to get success in tourism business. Below the strategies are discussed to maintain a good relation for a tourism company

Package the product – The need of the visitors are changing day by day. Understanding these needs good tour operators should develop tour packages for their customer that will include everything from travelling, lodging and food. Visitors can be impressed by the service and the commitment which will help to have references also.
Build the product – Focus should be to make aware the visitors about the product such as what your business and region has to offer to them. this kind of strategy help to enhance the appeal towards the experience you are going to provide.
Third party seller – Third party sellers such as travel agents, wholesalers and inbound tour operators should be familiar with your product so that they can approach their customer without hesitation. Everyone should be well informed during the process because one failure by any partner will lose the customer for ever.
Join national and international operator – To have a good customer base and increase the product range it is very important to join national and international operators. Joining with them will allow offering more number of places to the visitors. The more option will attract more customers towards your product.

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Network and customer relationship marketing strategies

Marketing communication is the process by which company provide information to their customer. In case of tourism industry marketing communication provides the information to the customers about their products. There could be many type of marketing communication process

Brochure is the tool which helps to visualize the description by the company. Customers can get an Idea about the products and services which influence their decision. In case of tourism industry brochure should include the detailed description and pictures of hotels, cars and the places where they will send the visitors. The quality of the brochure has to be good also because it will create the first impression about their product in front of customer. A good brochure should maintain few basic things

Research – Research the customer about whom to target what are their expectation and the place where you will send your visitors. Good research will ensure good presentation in the brochure which will help to impress customers in the first sight.

Write your content – Content is the part which provides the information about the product or the tour package. Content writing is also important because customers will get information from here. Proper description of information will help to understand easily. Details should be there about the facilities which will be provided.

Choose Image & Graphics – Brochure is the tool which gives the customer a sense of the service which he or she will be provided. So the color and the images in the brochure should be selected very carefully so that it doesn’t create a negative impact on the customers mind. Images and the graphics in the brochure should not create any controversy. Actual images will be more preferable to the customers.

Design – Design of the brochure should be handy so that it can easily be carried into the pocket. This type of strategy in the design of the brochure will keep it in the customer’s pocket which will help to influence the customer’s decision making process.

Trade & Consumer show – Tourism is the global industry which includes all operators and destinations throughout the world. To aware the customers for the tourism industry trade and consumer shows plays an effective role to provide information. Participating in the international trade and consumer shows will help to capture visitors from different countries. These kinds of shows are generally done by the government of different countries where they invite foreign companies to showcase their countries attraction. Customer attends these shows very actively which is the best way to advertise directly to the customers.

Media & Publications – Media and publication will help to reach the customer very easily. There is electronic media and print media which are very effective for the advertisement purpose. Advertisement in the electronic media is very frequent which influences the customer most of the time. The public relation is also important for the generation of news and stories to release them in the media for distribution. Along with media different national and international publications are also a good way to advertise the product of the tourism business. Publication is also an effective tool to reach the quality customer.

Customer Service & Referrals – The cheapest but one of the most effective form of promotion is referrals. To get good referrals from existing customers it is very important to provide them best of services which satisfy them at the highest level. This satisfaction will make the customer loyal and that customer will be converting others for the company.
E-marketing, viral and guerilla marketing

Marketing Communications

One of the best marketing ways is E-marketing. Internet is now everywhere and peoples throughout the world is using this internet to satisfy their daily needs. So advertising in internet is one of the best way which helps to reach customers throughout the world. There are many ways by which internet marketing can be done.

Email Marketing – Email marketing is to send emails to the customers about the company’s different tour packages. These emails may be send to various customers generously, they may be the existing customer or anyone who is not a current customer. Sending mail to the customer in their personal email ID ensures that they will be looking at the advertisement at least for once.

Website – This is one of the best advertising tools now a day. There are many popular website where any company can publish their advertisement. Whenever anyone will access that website the advertisement will pop up in front of the customer, ensures that the viewer sees it.

Social media – Most of the people who access internet also access any of one or more social sites like facebook, twitter, Google connect etc. these people spend lot of time with their friends in this social medias, where they share many things with each others. Advertising in these sites will help to reach very quickly to more number of customers.

Mobile revolution – Mobile user is more than the internet user. So it is also important to give advertisement via mobile phone to reach more number of customers. Massage can be send to the customer via mobile. This is the best way to reach more number of people but it is not as effective as internet marketing.

Viral marketing depends on a high pass-along rate from person to person. If a large percentage of recipients forward something to a large number of friends, the overall growth snowballs very quickly. If the pass-along numbers get too low, the overall growth quickly fizzles.

Guerrilla marketing is one of the forms of marketing which uses the unconventional methods of promotion to engage audience. Tourism industry also needs guerilla marketing to attract their customer in different ways. Guerrilla marketing is very cost effective and is an alternative of large alternative campaigns. The objective of the guerilla marketing is to engage people, Think out of the box and be spontaneous and unexpected.

The objective of public relation in tourism industry is to stimulate the desire to travel of their customer. Once travelers are convinced then help them to arrange the places and the bookings. To maintain a good public relation company should ensure that visitors are comfortable, well treated and entertained when they visit the place.

Hospitality and Tourism business is one of the fastest growing businesses now a day. It provides the quality services to its customers, in every corner of the world we can see that people love to go for the holidays, so in this context the hospitality and the tourism business is doing so well for the customers. It is very important for the hospitality and tourism business to spread their business in every corner of the world, and for growing the business the hospitality and the tourism business are using various marketing theories and conceptual framework. We will discuss these theories and the framework in this context:

In hospitality and tourism business it is very important to satisfy the customers by providing the best quality of product and services, so that customers can motivate themselves to take the services again from the services providers. The hospitality and the tourism business take all the responsibilities for making the holiday special for the customers, in order to satisfy the customers. The customers just need to pay according to the package of the holiday plan; the package includes all the necessary things like; booking of air tickets, booking of hotel rooms, food facilities and the cite seeing facilities. The hospitality and the tourism business can also use the “Marketing Mix” or the BCG Matrix for the growth of the business. The Marketing Mix consists of the 4P’s of marketing that is; Product, Price, Place and Promotion, which helps the businesses to grow faster in the global market. The 4P’s can also be related with the 4C’s of the marketing i.e. (Product with the Customers Value, Price with the Cost, Place with the Convenience and the Promotion with the Communication, that the organization made for promoting of the product). In order to satisfy the customers, firstly it is important for the organization to know the needs of the customers, if the business organization knows, what actually the customers want from the organization, then it will be easy for the organization to satisfy the customers, and it can also help the organization to build the strong relationship with the customers, which will lead the organization to increase their customers. The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) growth- share Matrix also analyzes the market and helps the organization to know about the competition in the market. The BCG growth- share matrix is the instrument that can use to estimate the products and services for the business. The BCG Matrix can be also used to identify the development level of the business organization. These two applications of theory can help the hospitality and the tourism business, as these two theories are used by every business organization for the growth of the business and also expand the business in the global market. For the business like hospitality and the tourism it is very important to expand their business globally, in order to satisfy the customer and also it will help the business to increase their customers.

For the hospitality and the tourism business organization it is very important to work according to the framework or the business structure for the development of the business. Here in this context the hospitality and tourism business organization can used the McKinsey 7S framework model to expand the business or to make the performance level more accurate or for the decision making process of the organization. The 7S framework can also help the organization to solve the various problems that are facing by the company. The 7S framework model includes (Structure, System, Style, Shared Value, Staff, Skills, Strategy). The 7S are inters related with each other in this way that one element cannot complete its work without the other elements.

S Ahmad, ‘Entrepreneurship Education in Tourism and Hospitality Programs’, in Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, vol. 27, 2015, 20-29.

A Zopiatis & P Constanti, ‘Managing Hospitality Internship Practices: A Conceptual Framework’, inJournal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, vol. 24, 2012, 44-51.

Åž Akyol, ‘Social Media and Marketing: Viral Marketing’, in Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, , 2013.

B Blichfeldt & K Smed, ”Do it to Denmark’: A case study on viral processes in marketing messages’, in Journal of Vacation Marketing, vol. 21, 2015, 289-301.

A Camillo, Global enterprise management, in , Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.

R Christian, ‘Developing an online access strategy: Issues facing small to medium-sized tourism and hospitality enterprises’, in Journal of Vacation Marketing, vol. 7, 2001, 170-178.

M Cimbaljević, ‘Social media marketing in tourism and hospitality’, in Annals of Tourism Research, , 2015.

L Eagle, Marketing communications, in , Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge, 2015.

R George & K Swart, ‘Tourists’ Perceptions of London, United Kingdom (UK), As a Safe Host City During the 2012 Olympic Games’, in Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, , 2015, 1-16.

K Gordon, ‘7 Relationship-Building Strategies for Your Business’, in Entrepreneur, , 2004,

D Gursoy, M Saayman & M Sotiriadis, Collaboration in Tourism Businesses and Destinations, in , Bradford, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2015.

K Hutter & S Hoffmann, ‘Guerilla-Marketing in der Unternehmenspraxis’, in WIST, vol. 44, 2015, 188-193., ‘Hospitality And Tourism Marketing Strategies Tourism Essay’, in , , 2015,

P Kotler, J Bowen & J Makens, Marketing for hospitality and tourism, in , Upper Saddle River, NJ, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2006.

K Krieger et al., ‘Die Aktivierungskraft von Guerilla Produktinszenierungen’, in Marketing ZFP, vol. 34, 2012, 196-212.

X Leung, B Bai & K Stahura, ‘The Marketing Effectiveness of Social Media in the Hotel Industry: A Comparison of Facebook and Twitter’, in Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research, vol. 39, 2013, 147-169., ‘Five Relationship Marketing Strategies that Work | AccountingWEB,in,2012,

S Levy, ‘Marketing on the couch: Sidney and psychoanalysis’, in Marketing Theory, vol. 15, 2014, 9-12.

W Lu & S Stepchenkova, ‘User-Generated Content as a Research Mode in Tourism and Hospitality Applications: Topics, Methods, and Software’, in Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, vol. 24, 2014, 119-154.

J Mu, ‘Marketing capability, organizational adaptation and new product development performance’, in Industrial Marketing Management, , 2015.

This is the organizational structure, in which the organization runs its business. Every organization maintains this structure for doing the work properly. This structure also includes the reporting system of the organization.

System: System is the way, that how the employees of the organization work each day in the organization. The proper maintaining of the system is also important for the organization, as this system is followed by the employees of the organization.

This is the style in the leader of the organization work, which means the leadership quality. The leadership style also motivate the employees of the organization to work more accurately for the organization, as every employees of the organization loves to work under the good leader.

Shared Value: This is the core value of the company; in this the organization set the goals and objectives for the organization. For every business organization it is very important to set some goals and objectives for the organization.

The workers of the organization and the work they are doing for their organization. The manpower of the organization is the main resources of the organization, as the proper utilization of the human resources will lead the organization to achieve the target of the organization.

The skills of the employees of the organization. The workers want to utilize the skills and the knowledge for doing their daily work. It is very important for the organization that the employees of the organization properly utilize their skills and knowledge.

The planning that the organizations are used for the achieving the goals and the objectives of the organization. Making the proper strategic plan for the organization is very important, as it will help the organization to gain competitive advantage in the competitive market.

The marketing is the very important for the development of the Hospitality and the Tourism business. As we know that the hospitality and the tourism business is growing very fast the present scenario, in almost every part of the world the people are like go for their holidays. So in this context the hospitality and the tourism business are helping the people by providing the services. Now a day’s every one, who are planning to go for a holiday trip is taking the help of the hospitality and tourism i.e. the package system which include everything for the holiday, for the comfortable holiday. The Tour and travels business used to take all the responsibilities for the customers, they provide the package system for the customers, which includes all the facilities for the customers. Once the customers booked the package for the holidays then it is the responsibilities of the organization that they will take care for everything for the customers. In the world there are some parts in which the peoples are only going for the holidays. So the economic system for that place only depends on the tourist. Therefore it is very important for those places that it promote its tourism system, for the development of the economy.

There are various recommendations that the hospitality and tourism can use for the development of the business:

The hospitality and tourism can use promotion like; using the print media for the promotion, as giving information in the newspaper can help the organization for the awareness of the business. Most of the people of the country used to read newspaper, so if the customers saw any advertisement regarding the holidays then they may go for it.

The promotion in the Television media can also help the organization to raise the awareness in the customers. It is also important for the organization to give the advertisement in the television, as the audio and the visual advertisement attract the customers more accurately, and it is also easy to remember, as the audio visual system can catch the mind of the customers very easily.

The use of banners and the leaflet can also help in the promotion of the business, as many people use to read the banners in the road side while walking. And also the distributing of leaflet in the hand of the people may also work.

Giving the article in the magazine can also be the one way of promotion, as many people who are planning to go for the holidays, used to read the magazine for collecting information about the holiday plan.

If the hospitality and the tourism organization can know, what is the actually needs of the customers, then it will easy to for the organization to provide the best quality of product and services to customers in order to satisfy the customers.

The organization can also provide the discount offers to the customers, in order to increase the numbers of customers. As it is the human nature that discount on anything attract the customers very easily.

The pricing system can also effect the organization, as there are many competitors in the market. So the organization has to set the price in that way that it can give the competition with the other organization in the market.

The organization also offers the safe holiday plan to the organization, as the customers always want to travel safe. The safety assurance can increase the numbers of customers for the hospitality and tourism business.

Getting the best quality of product or services in the best price is the most basic need of the customers from the organization.
The hospitality and tourism organization always put some of the rules and regulation for their customers, which is very annoying for the customers, if the organization can change those rules and regulation, which can be helpful for the customers, than there is a good chances of increasing the customers.

The proper planning for the organization can also help the organization to develop the business. The training and development program for the employees of the organization is also necessary, so that the organizational employees can do their work properly, which will lead the organization to satisfy the customers.

Management should put more emphasis on the recruitment and selection in an effective manner so that right person is selected for the right job because a person who is specialized in particular field can perform the job in more efficient manner.

Housekeeping staff are the main person who is responsible for the hygienic factor which serves as important criteria for the entire customer who visits the hotel in their leisure period of time. Clean linen should be provided which will of cotton which is more comfortable for the customers to use. Clean washroom, bathroom, dining space will encourage the customers to use the place in more convenient manner which will help in the overall business of the hotel and tourism industry.

Front office staff is responsible to greet the customers and take care of them throughout the complete stay and make them comfortable so that they feel like visiting the place once more time. The atmosphere should be friendly and clean in the hotel because individual visit the hotel to relax with their family and friends by paying a sum of money. So, the customer actually deserves to be provided with all the facilities so that they do not face any kind of problem during their stay in the particular hotel.

Ambience of the hotel should be kept proper attention because that is a factor which the customers look and remain attracted that is the design of the rooms, lawns, dining hall etc. retaining existing customer requires less cost as compared to acquisition of new customers because new customers needs proper attention but the existing customers has already visited the place and have an idea of the available services and they mostly spread good word of mouth which helps in the promotional activities. Existing customers, if properly taken care off can act as a real asset to the company because they help in enhancing the revenue by spreading positive word of mouth relating the quality services which they receive in the hotel.

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R Nunkoo & D Gursoy, ‘Rethinking Role of Power and Trust in Tourism Planning’, in Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, , 2015, 150527102920000.

R Nunkoo & D Gursoy, ‘Rethinking Role of Power and Trust in Tourism Planning’, in Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, , 2015, 150527102920000.

J O’Shaughnessy, ‘Note on the marginalizing of psychoanalysis in marketing’, in Marketing Theory, vol. 15, 2015, 17-19.

N Pappas, ‘Marketing Hospitality Industry in an Era of Crisis’, in Tourism Planning & Development, vol. 12, 2014, 333-349.

J Schulkind, R Biggart & G Bowsher, ‘Time to end the political rhetoric on health tourism’, in BMJ, vol. 350, 2015, h2215-h2215., ‘Hospatility and Tourism Marketing’, in , , 2015,

B Seetanah & R Sannassee, ‘Marketing Promotion Financing and Tourism Development: The Case of Mauritius’, in Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management, vol. 24, 2014, 202-215.

G Belch & M Belch, Advertising and promotion, in .

M Sigala, ‘Social media marketing in tourism and hospitality’, in Inf Technol Tourism, , 2015., ‘integrated marketing communication’, in , , 2015,, ‘Marketing Tips & Tricks » Tourism Boost’, in , , 2015,

R Tsiotsou & R Goldsmith, Strategic marketing in tourism services, in , Bingley, Emerald, 2012.

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