Impact Of Social Media On Business Communication: A Case Study Of Woolworths, Australia
Importance of Social Media in Contemporary Business Communication
Discuss about the Analysing The Impact Of The Social Media On The Contemporary Business Communication.
The essay helps in analysing the impact of the social media on the contemporary business communication. The different kind of changes has to be addressed that has impacted the ways in which the modern business operates in the organization. Proper explanation of the different kind of fundamental challenges and opportunities has to be analysed effectually that can help in making the business better in nature. The company that has been chosen in the essay is Woolworths, Australia wherein proper analysis is required to be done on the importance of the social media in the company in an effectual manner.
The main aim and purpose of the report is to understand the importance of the social media on business communication. It helps in understanding the different kind of changes in the business communication that have impacted the way and this will help in identification of the suitable business that uses the social media in an effectual manner and it helps them in utilizing the social media effectually.
Social Media plays a vital role in the business communication process wherein this includes powerful marketing platform for the different suppliers and companies in an effectual manner. Social Media is one of the online contents that is created by the different kind of individuals with the different and proper usage of accessible publishing information with the help of information in an effectual manner. Social Media includes the different kind of contents wherein this includes the content of allowing the different individuals to connect with them and create proper personal and professional relationships with the different customers and suppliers as well (Tiago and Veríssimo 2014).
Woolworths is one of the Australian supermarket that has been owned by Woolworths Limited and it was founded in the year 1924. The headquarters of the company is situated in Bella Vista, New South Wales, Australia and the company uses the social media technologies in managing the client base and analyse the different strategies of the company that is required to be adopted by them in an effectual manner.
Social Media plays a major role in the contemporary business communication process in Woolworths. There are different kind of reasons wherein the social media is essential in nature for the business communication in Woolworths. The social media helps the business of Woolworths in learning about the customers along with connecting with them in an appropriate manner (Taiminen and Karjaluoto 2015).
For example: Woolworths uses the social media applications in their business wherein this will help them in managing the different kind of services and products in the organization wherein this has increased their revenues and the customer base has become strong in nature as well. It has helped them in addressing the larger crowd in the competitive market and gain more customers in the future as well.
The success of the entire business of Woolworths is dependent on the live performance of theirs on the social media sites. Proper connection with the different kind of potential customers along with suppliers play a major role in networking with them for Woolworths and this helps them in receiving information about the different products and services wherein they are available in nature. The companies use the social media tool in helping the customers to gain different knowledge on the various products and services effectually about the services provided by Woolworths in an effectual manner (Baker and Saren 2016).
Woolworths: A Case Study
In order to remain in contact with the different kind of potential customers in the business world, it is essential to get connected with them through social media and this will assist them in getting in touch with the prospective customers as well. Communication is a vital tool wherein communication plays a major role in the success of the organization. There are different companies in the market who do not keep in touch with the customers and they do not use any kind of technological advancements in the communication process of communicating with their potential customers (Holliman and Rowley 2014).
By using Facebook along with Twitter, it will help Woolworths in keeping the clients informed about Woolworths products and services and every single kind of move in an appropriate manner. Communication with the usage of technology has altered in an effectual manner and it is predicted to be upgraded within the few years. Social Media has different kind of corporations in eyes of the different customers and it do not matter about the geographical location or even the customers as everything comes to place when the potential customers and the store is connected to one another (Järvinen and Karjaluoto 2015).
It is seen that no one prefers to do business within a specific wall and proper usage of social media will help the companies in the market will help them in becoming more personable and it will help them in optimizing their presence in the entire market as well. It is seen that there are different kind of businesses or industries that uses social media to learn about the customers and connect with their audience in an effectual manner (Shankar et al. 2016). The different kind of successful businesses have grown to know the audiences in an effective manner.
For instance: It has been seen that social media has helped Woolworths in managing the entire customer base and solved the different kind of grievances of the customers effectually. It has been seen that Woolworths has been able to clearly reinvesting profits in the capital as well.
The social media tactics will help in analysing the behaviour and preferences of the different customers in the organization. This helps in allowing the companies to get better kind of audience and it helps in analysing the needs of the customers effectively and solve their grievances in online platform as well (Spiller and Tuten 2015). Secondly, the social media tactics and techniques help in reaching the new audiences both locally and globally as well. There are different kind of customers in the market who uses Twitter and connect with the different shops who use such applications to gain knowledge about the availability of the different products and services in the market.
For instance- There are different organizations that include San Francisco ballet along with Woolworths that believes that by offering different kind of valued services to their customers in the market will help in engaging and nurture the existing relationship with the customers in an effectual manner. Woolworths, in the present scenario has helped them in managing the customer base by making them aware about the introduction of new products and services through social media networks and solve their queries with the online chat support system as well.
The Role of Social Media in Woolworths
Furthermore, it was seen that the social media presence in the different businesses help in improving the customer service that is provided to the different customers of the respective company. It is seen that social media works best in the real time and it helps in providing the instant access to the feedback from the customers. This kind of insight is valuable in nature and it helps the company and the audiences in customer retention (Krajewski, Malhotra and Ritzman 2015).
Proper market share has to be gained by the different organizations with the utilisation of the social media wherein when social media is used in an appropriate manner and find the potential customers. The Manhattan Group has stood up by the idea that the serious kind of recruiting agencies with strong kind of presence of the social media is helping the company in gaining market share in the entire market in an effectual manner.
Furthermore, it is seen that there are different retail companies in the retail market wherein they use the social media to create proper and meaningful relationships with the different customers to generate lead in the entire competitive market. Proper investment of time is required in the social media relationships wherein social media plays a major role in the internal and external environment and this is positively affecting the business as well (Charlesworth 2018).
Social media helps the different kind of businesses as it is one of the affordable way in order to increase the awareness of the brand. It is seen that best part of the social media is one of the affordable kind of option as this will help the companies in attracting the potential suppliers and customers and get started with the marketing options as well. The best part about the social media is establishing the business as the industry expand and expert the professional work wherein proper relationship is built with the different customers to connect with the people in the industry (Shankar et al. 2016).
In the year 2017, it has been seen that social media is growing at a very warp speed and there are different kind of organizations that are using social media in attracting different kind of customers along with potential customers effectually (Spiller and Tuten 2015). The entire industry of social media is growing and it will become bigger in the coming years as well. It is seen that the current market is not much focused on pushing the different products and services to the customers with goal of making sale.
The most essential part is that the company wants to make connections with the different customers and aligning the different customers with the respective brand and engaging the customers continuously with the unique content of their brand as well. With the help and implementation of social media marketing, the companies can create different kind of campaigns in promoting the different goods and services in the market and this helps them in providing products and services and get proper feedback from the customers as well.
Benefits of Social Media Tactics for Business Communication
The entire social media networks have made the process exponentially faster and with the marketing campaign going live, this will help in making the customers engaged with the respective brand in an appropriate and effectual manner (Rowley 2016). The social media networks help in allowing the different business to monitor constantly and track the entire performance of the campaigns and this will help in understanding the feedbacks in an effectual manner (Armstrong et al. 2015).
Furthermore, it has been seen that social media has proven the old adage that includes the engagement round the clock and this is necessary in nature. It has been seen that the entire business has changed in a drastic manner with the use of the different kind of modern technologies and this will become effectual in nature as well. proper ascertainment is required in nature wherein it has improved the communication process as this helps in providing real time information to the customers relating to the different kind of products and services along with innovativeness in the products and services as well (Kannan 2017).
Social Media has provided and created huge connection among the different customers and companies as the information is accessed in the organization in an effectual manner. The social media has offered different and numerous kind of presence and opportunities to interact with the different kind of stakeholders in the market. As per the study that has been conducted in the year 2010, it is seen that the different kind of organizations has created brand community wherein the importance of the social media tools is essential in the organization and this will affect the brand loyalty in a positive manner (Stelzner 2014).
For instance- The retail industry in the different kind of countries along with Woolworths has adopted the social media techniques and strategy in such a manner that is assisting them in managing the customers in an effectual manner. The graph below helps in showing the usage of the social media in more than 500 countries and this is affecting the different kind of maintenance of the leading positions in the market. Furthermore, it is seen that Woolworths and Walmart are the best examples in the retail market wherein it is seen that both of them uses the social media strategies in such a manner that will help them in competing with other competitors in the market.
Furthermore, it was seen that there are different kind of rapid changing landscape in the retail market wherein both Woolworths and Walmart are the supermarkets that uses the social media tools and techniques along with different online campaigns to make the customers be aware about the usage of the social media (Tuten and Solomon, 2017). With the implementation of the social media techniques, both the supermarkets have been able to make the customers aware about the different products and services in the market and this helped the customers to gain knowledge on the changing preferences and tastes of the customers as well.
Therefore, it can be concluded that proper social media techniques and methods has been used by Woolworths as this helped them in learning about the tastes and preferences of the customers. Furthermore, it was seen that the retail market in the entire world has adopted different kind of marketing techniques along with promoting their products through different campaigns has helped and assisted the company in making the different customers aware about the availability of the products and services in the market.
Furthermore, it was seen that the Facebook and LinkedIn are the different kind of tools that is used by different companies as this will help in conducting the market research and this helps in providing great exposure as well. These kind of social media techniques are used by various companies in facilitating the online discussions in such a manner that will provide powerful marketing platform to the suppliers and the companies and this includes the being connected with the customers in an effectual manner as well.
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