Impact Of Employee Motivation On Performance: A Study Of The Banking Sector In Australia

Motivation and Performance: Literature Review

Discuss about the Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance.

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In the modern world the performance of the organizations play a key role in the development and advancement of a business and the economy. There are various aspects that enhance the productivity level of an organization. However, there has been an observation that employees are the core factor on which the productivity of a firm depends and therefore critical decisions are undertaken by the management in order to maintain motivated employees (Cerasoli, Nicklin and Ford 2014). This research proposal has therefore being constructed in order to have an idea about how employee motivation has an impact on the performance of the employees. In this paper, the companies that have been performing in Australia has been taken into consideration.

Background of the Study

Motivation has been discovered to be the combination of the factors that function within every individual and needs a combination of actions and motives. Cherian and Jacob (2013) has recommended that performance can be regarded as the multiplicative role of ability and motivation. The framework of motivation is reliant on an explanation of motivation that defines it as a method of administering the choices undertaken by the employees among the alternative form of activities that are voluntary in nature. The research even discovers that the ability of the employees partially ascertains their productivity and output. The other key determinant is their level of motivation. The employee motivation plays a key role in the field of management in practicality and theoretically. It is seen that one of the key functions of the human resource management is to assure job enrichment and commitment at the workplace, which can be attained through motivation (Elnaga and Imran 2013). There is a common agreement that employees are motivated in scenarios when they can participate, feel accomplished and recognised and knowledge and career growth and enhanced level of communication. Australian economy is a developed economy that has room for improvements as well and therefore stress has been given on the motivation for better performance by the management of the Australian firms. Hence, such researches have been undertaken with the help of which impact of motivation on employee performance can be understood. 

Statement of the Problem

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In the current competitive world, the business firms have been facing rapid growth issues with respect to commitment, recruitment, retention and engagement of the employees. Several researches have been taken with the help of which the impact of employee motivation on performance can be understood. However, it is seen that with the advent of time there has been significant changes that affects the motivational level. Therefore, there is a need to undertake further researches on this topic. Motivation is all about providing the employees with the correct blend of resources, guidance, and direction and rewards so that they get inspired and thereby are keen to work in the manner the organization wants. Therefore, a huge part of these issues can be mitigated by providing effective motivation. In the current competitive world, there has been an observation that management has been focusing on the human resources and therefore motivational tools play a key role in this respect. The maintenance of motivation leads to the mitigation of the employee retention and high cost of recruitment. The essence of the paper has been to discover what extent of employee commitment in the process of decision making can motivate the employees to enhance their resolution and perseverance.

Research Questions and Hypotheses

Objective of the Study

The key objective of this research proposal has been to examine how the various significant factors of employee motivation improves the performance of the employees. The paper there aims to:

  • Assess the outcomes and the influences of motivation on the performance of the employees
  • Examine the level to which the external motivation can be accomplished by the performance of the employees

Scope of the Project

The research was undertaken on the banking sector of Australia. The research was undertaken on selected participants who have been chosen large population of the employees functioning in the banking sector. Their ages and experiences has even been considered and banking sector of Australia has several number of banks and therefore the research on banking sector with respect to the employee motivation is of great significance.

Research Questions

The research questions comprises of the aspects that would be considered in this paper and would be assessed in order to understand the effect of motivation on employee performance. The research question is as follows:

Primary Question

Q1. How does the external and the internal motivational factors have an effect on the performance of the employees?

Secondary Question

Q2. How does the workplace environment and effective level of communication with the top level management have an effect on the performance of the employees?

Q3. How can employee motivation lead to the development of the employee within the firm?

Research Hypothesis

The research hypothesis consists of the aspects and the variables that would be assessed in order to understand the impact of motivation in the performance of the employees. The hypotheses are as follows:

H0: Motivation does not have an impact on the performance of the employees

H1: Motivation has an impact on the performance of the employees


This section of the paper looks to assess the suggestions and the recommendations that have been put forth by the researchers who have concluded research on similar topics earlier. There has been an observation that the researchers have looked to discover and explain the variables that are associated with the research so that effective solutions can be achieved with respect to impact of employee motivation on their performance. Hence, the respective variables would be discussed and the suggestions forwarded by the other researchers would be put forth.

Motivation Concept

With respect to the personality, perception, learning and attitude, motivation is a key aspect for gaining knowledge about the attitude and the behaviour of the firm. Bellé (2013) has explained motivation as the method that initiates with a physiological insufficiency or the requirement that initiates the behaviour or the force that looks towards a goal incentive. Kooij et al. (2013) on the other hand has explained that is the aspect of a system motivation comprises of three interdependent and interacting elements inclusive of the incentives, drives and needs. It is a strong notion of the researchers that business goals are unachievable without looking into the commitment of the employees of the firm. Motivation has been looked down as a human physiological feature that contributes to the extent of commitment among the employees. Motivation is even looked down as the answer for accomplishing goals that is marked by goal associated behaviour (Bellé 2013). When something is referred to as being motivated it suggests that the employee is looking to execute a specific job. Conversely, motivation single handed cannot satisfy what is required to complete the task with effectiveness.



The employees are always influenced directly by motivation in order to meet their physiological safety, esteem, and social safety and self-actualization degrees. Pinder (2014) has explained job satisfaction as the accountability, opportunity and identification for the development for employee motivational factors. Chen et al. (2014) distinguished the individuals who are satisfied and the ones who are dissatisfied and it was discovered that hygiene factors like the ones that influences, social wellbeing, comfort and health. The elimination of these factors will lead to employee dissatisfaction. The hygiene factors are inclusive of the policies of the firm, interpersonal relationship, working environment and job security and salary.

Decision Making

The process of decision making independently enhances and motivates the employees to be conscious of the rights that is existent within a firm. It inspires the employees to sustain an increased level of constancy among their ideas and actions. By associating to the motivational approaches and the career exploration, it is seen that career exploration is variant in the way that people develop and maintains their motivation (Lazaroiu 2015). The control and autonomy orientations were associated positively to the self-exploration and in the utilisation of the decision making. The internal locus for the control has been the most significant predictor of the career exploration and decision making and permits the employees to understand their own actions and individuals. The employees are attracted by the external and internal forces but the effect of these forces is reliant on a great deal on their own levels of external and internal control.


The productivity has been observed as the ratio of the production capacity and the output of the employees in a firm. The actual essence of employee motivation is to meliorate the level of productivity. An efficient employee is a blend of an effective skill and an appropriate working environment (Barrick et al. 2015). The organizations are reliant on the employees to manufacture and deliver effective quality of services and products. The employees are affected by a variety of forces as they try to perform their duties. This is directly associated to productivity.

Organizational performances, goals and job satisfaction

For any firm, the main factor that is behind the active operations is to accomplish the organizational goals and the degree of performance that is established with respect to the various factors. The organizational performance plays the fundamental role in achieving these goals and targets (Fu and Deshpande 2014). There have been certain beliefs with respect to the extent of satisfaction of the individuals that instigates them to perform their work and deliver effective services. Satisfying the personal goals aids an employee to be motivated and feel about them to work effectively. By enhancing the employee connection and proficiency aids in enhancing the performance and thereby reaching the organizational goals. The effectiveness of the organization is a level up to which the firm fulfils their goals by making use of various resources and putting stress on their employees (Kehoe and Wright 2014). It even aids in assuring the operational use of the human resource, employee gratification and mutual consistency, workforce durability which has been looked upon as the key factors for accomplishing the business goals, levelling organizational performance and thereby bringing about job satisfaction.


Different theories of motivation

Motivation is looked upon as a scheme which is implemented to influence; raise the stamina and the work capability by mentally conciliating the employees to their work in the firm (Judge and Zapata 2015). There have been various theories that have been put forth by several researchers. The key theories of motivation are:

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: The human attitude has been goal directed. The motivation makes the goal directed attitude. The needs have been categorised in to 5 kinds and they have been sorted from the lower to the highest order. The employees needs to satisfy their lower order and accordingly has to move ahead to the highest order. The orders have been explained with the help of the diagram that has been given below:

Figure 1: Different theories of motivation

McGregor’s theory X and theory Y: This theory of theory X explains that the employees have little ambition and therefore do not like their work and avoids any kind of responsibilities and thereby need proper supervision. The employees do not like to work and therefore the management has to control and threaten the employees to get them to work.

Theory Y predicts that the workers are self-motivated and perform self-direction, responsibilities and have the eagerness to work. The employees do not dislike their work as they feel that it is a natural part of their life. The employees are motivated internally in order to attain their objectives. The innovations have the ability to undertake innovations in order to solve problems.

Figure 2: McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

Herzberg’s motivation hygiene theory: The job satisfaction and the level of dissatisfaction are established by various job factors and they are:

  • Motivators
  • Hygiene factors

Three needs theory: Mc Clellands’ three needs theory explains that every person has any of the three compelling motivators that includes power, accomplishment and affiliation. These aspects has to be developed with the help of life experience and culture of the employees. 

Goal Setting Theory: The basic predictions of goal setting have been that goals are instantaneous regulators for the human actions. This theory explains the impacts of setting up goals on a subsequent performance. Some of the key features of this theory are:

  • Willingness to work in order to attain the goals
  • Clear and specific goals
  • Challenging goals
  • Ideal and better feedback of the outcome

This section of the paper tries to explain the method and the kind of data that would be used for this research in order to collect the data and thereby collecting true and fair data that can be used for the purpose of undertaking analysis on the respective topic. This proposal tries to undertake a qualitative research in which the research design, the research approach, the process of data collection, sample size and sampling method will be explained. The validity of the data and the ethics that have been considered would even be highlighted in order to satisfy the reader about the results that would be obtained by examining these data.    

Research Design

The research design for this proposal is descriptive research design that would be undertaken with the help of the construction of a questionnaire. The descriptive survey has been used with the idea of collecting and exploring the detailed information that fully explains the specific phenomenon. With respect to the literature review, a survey questionnaire has been constructed that comprises of close ended questions in order to collect the primary data for the paper (Elliot, Dweck and Yeager 2017). The questionnaires have to be forwarded respondents who have been chosen. The completion of the filling process of the questionnaires by the participants would be used for the purpose of assessment in order to discover that how factors associated with motivation has an impact on the performance of the employees.

Suggestions and Recommendations

Research Approach

The research approach explains the method that would be followed so that the data would be assessed and predictions can be validated. There are two sorts of approaches that includes deductive and inductive approach (Shields et al. 2015). In this proposal, deductive method has been used in order to identify the factors that have an impact on motivation on employee performance with respect to the past researches. This proposal would cross examine and thereby collect the information in order to examine the data attained from the participants so that the research can be completed in a precise manner.

Target Population, Sampling and Sample Size

The population tries to explain the average of all the incidents that are in similarity to certain sets of the specifications that are authentic for the purpose of data analysis (Paillé et al. 2014). This research has implemented the selection of the employees from various banks that are functioning in Australia and the employees have been selected by observing their age, experience and designation. The paper has selected a total of 100 respondents and each one of them has been provided with a questionnaire with the help of which the answers were gathered as primary data. The process of stratified random sampling would be implemented in choosing the size of the sample, within which the respondents were grouped with respect to the factors that have an impact on the influence of motivation. This sample design was exploited with the goal of reducing the sample selection biasness along with justifiable representation of all the sections of the population.

Data Collection Strategy and Technique

It is known that this paper concentrates on understanding the impact of motivation on the performance of the employees and hence the responses of the employees who have been functioning in the banking sector of Australia has been used with the help of which effective results can be obtained (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). This primary data would be collected with the help of the questionnaires forwarded to the participants with the help of face to face communications and electronic mail.    

The paper has incorporated the utilisation of SPSS software as a statistical assessment and data management tool thereby providing versatility in the data assessing technique. It was even considered as it is a common scheduled descriptive statistical information for the responses received from the question and answers. Additionally it establishes the graphical representation of the questionnaire data hence making it simpler to disposer the relationship among the various questions and the responses. 

Data Reliability and Validity

The authenticity of the data has been regarded as the fairness of the data that would be used for the purpose of data analysis (Bidee et al. 2013). The data that has been collected is true and fair and does not have any false information hidden within it. It is even seen that this data is reliable as it is gathered from the responses of the respondents and thereby issues that are related to this topic can be concluded in an effective manner.


Limitations of the Research

The limitations of the research are the constraints that have restricted the researchers from giving out much more effective results. The restriction of time with respect to this research has undermined the researcher from discovering much precise results than the one that would be attained. The other restriction has been that many of the respondents have forwarded incomplete the questionnaires and thereby limiting the researcher to eliminate those data thereby the sample size getting reduced.   

Time Schedule

Research Activities

1-2 weeks

2-4 weeks











Research Topic


Determination of Aims and Objectives

Development of Research Questions

Review of Literatures


Development of Research Design

Collection of Primary Data





The researchers have explained that motivation is actually a meaningful impact on the performance of the employees. The review of literature has highlighted that the variables that have been explained has a key role to play as they are are the determinants that affects employee motivation and thereby has an influence on employee performance. The research methodology suggests that primary data from the employees who are working in the banking sector in Australia have been useful for the collection of the data that would be used for achieving the final results. The data would be examined with the help of the SPSS software and thereby authentic results can be attained. Hence using this process would give out results that would aid the researcher to reach the conclusion with respect to the aims and objectives that have been highlighted earlier

Reference List

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