Case Study On Uber: Application, Benefits, And Future Plans

Overview of Uber Application

Uber is considered to be the largest provider of cab service in the world. On a snowy evening in Paris in the year of 2008, two person named Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp has some trouble in having a cab (Alley, 2016). So they ultimately come up with an idea that to a make use of simple idea for tap button so that they can easily get a ride. In the beginning this organization started as an application in some of metropolitan cities or areas where the logistic fabric is now changing the various cities round the world. Uber makes use of technology to provide the people the things which they need. This Uber application provides flexibility for the various men and women to earn some money new method or ways (Edelman and Geradin, 2015). Uber technologies aims in the improving or improvising the local economies which upgrades the access to transportation and making the streets much safer.

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In the upcoming pages of the report a research has been done on the successful implementation of Uber application. The following report mainly checks this particular application and kinds of benefits associated with it (Bond, 2014). An idea has been provided regarding the architectural feature of Uber application. Later on, some of the important parameter like problem, future plan has been discussed in details.  

Uber is considered to be a convenient, inexpensive and cab service for large number of users. This organization provides a platform where a private driver can pick up the passenger and take him to destination by tapping on the button and smartphone device. In this application a nearby driver often arrives and pick up of passenger with few minutes (Castillo, Knoepfle and Weyl, 2017). The application provides a platform where one can easily watch a driver when the car is on en-route to pick up someone. For the driver of Uber, it provides a platform for exceptional method which allow him to be his own boss and can easily even receive a number of tips. This organization was launched in San Francisco, California, United States. Uber is considered as the best and secured cab service (Chen, Mislove, and Wilson, C., 2015). After each ride passengers are allowed to rate their driver and can also write in details after each type of cab services.

In a similar way drivers are allowed to rate their passenger after each ride so that they can easily get an idea regarding the fact whether the passengers are kind of troublesome or belligerent in nature (Cohen et al., 2016). Recently Uber has been providing idea regarding the driver and experience of user with experience and kinds of security protocol associated with it.

Architectural Features of Uber

Uber is a well-known ridesharing application which provides fast, reliable rides in small interval of time irrespective of day or night. With the help of this application there is no need to park or wait for taxi or bus (Davis, 2015). With Uber application one can easily tap or make a request for a type of ride and passenger can easily make payment with various methods like credit card or even in cash (Verret, 2015). Whenever someone is going to an airport or across the various sector of town, Uber is there is there is for every kind of occasion. In today’s market is available in more than 500 cities across the globe (Scheiber, 2017). It is very easy to download an application and make a first trip on a daily basis.

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Requesting for an Uber Cab is very easy, one just need to open the application and select the destination address where the passengers wants to go (Wirtz and Tang, 2016). This application makes use of location of passenger so that driver can easily know the place where the passenger has to be picked up. One can easily send the picture of driver and various details of vehicle and they can easily track their arrival on the map (DeMasi, 2016). There is list of payment option like credit card, cash in some of the cities, Android app, PayPal and other kinds of platform. After the ride one can easily rate their driver and helps in providing feedback which is used by Uber for improving their experience and many times through the help of email.  

Uber application provides a large number of option for reaching from place A to place B and UberX is considered to be the most affordable technique for an individual platform travel (Edelman and Geradin, 2015). Uber also provides option of Uber pool which can be used for sharing of rides with other passengers who are heading in the same direction. UberPool provides rides to the passengers at much lower fare.

Uber provides much more exclusive option which comes with high-end vehicle with option like UberBlack. This vehicle is needed only when an individual is travelling with a big group or someone needs a vehicle with large number of accessibility features (Elliott, 2015). Uber in comparison to other kinds of cab services claims to provide high quality services. All the drivers working for Uber have been trained and this is the reason behind the fact that they are incredibly friendly and easy to work. They have an incredible knowledge or idea about the place which they are working and because of this fact they can get the passenger to a particular place quickly (Feeney and Companies Uber, 2015). The cars provided by Uber are clean and comfortable, even if an individual has taken a private vehicle the driver ensures that they can easily enjoy the ride.

User Experience and Security Protocols

The pricing system of Uber is easy to understand and considered to be fair in many of cases or situations. Uber charges the passenger for every mile as long as they are going at least 11 miles per hour. Apart from this one can easily find coupons and deals with Uber in many of the cases (Glöss, McGregor and Brown, 2016). Uber is easy and stress free application to use and easy to understand in many of the cases. If a passenger is looking to save money during getting from a place to place without any kind of hassle one must check the services which are offered by Uber.

The value of success of mobile application generally depends on a various aspect like design of interface and user experience which takes this application on the top of the list (Hall, Kendrick and Nosko, 2015). Uber has a good user interface and it claim to provide best of experience to its passengers and this can have stated as one of the major reason behind the reason for which application is standing on the top of the list. The design of user interface of this android application is considered to best for large number of users.

Uber application is developed in a way which can easily provide security for the protection of some data. Uber application is developed to meet the needs of the various kinds of users so that they can easily provide medium for communication so that they can easily achieve their goals and objectives (Henten and Windekilde, 2015). Uber is designed keeping in mind that it provides best interface for its user. Some of the latest technologies like CSS and JavaScript has been used in designing of this application.

Uber application is designed so that user does not have any issue or confusion regarding the information which is provided (Isaac, 2014). Uber application is developed to provide information regarding the errors which may take place during the runtime of the application. The visual interface or design of Uber application is good and this is the reason behind the fact that it provides the fastest loading time and experience for large number of users (Jenk, 2015). The basic kind of rule which is associated with this application is that to reduce the effort and time of user by providing automatic detection or judging of various location.

This application assures the fact that user is not exposed to large bits of information on the various kinds of screen provided to it. The application is not a bulky one and is very easy to use. This makes the assurance of fact 3-4 bits of information is used on a daily basis (Moon, 2015). Navigation is considered to be an another category of cab service which is placed on the screen for various kinds of usage. Various developers at Uber focus on the fact it takes into consideration the issues of security and 508 into consideration at the later phase of the development.

Pricing System and its View by Consumers

Business process development is generally stated as the method which can be used for improvisation of ways in which a firm works. It is generally attained by using the best ways by which an organization can work. Business process can be distinguished by various kinds of factors namely first, second and lastly third (Pick and Dreher, 2015). Various kinds of firms round the globe which is inclusive of Uber need to upgrade their application so that they can easily improvise their cost involved in operation and easily serve their customers in a much better method or way.

There are certain of issue which is encountered in this application that are:

Feedback and Response Time: The feedback method helps the user to get an idea whether a task has been completed or not it time. In the application it can be as simple as a kind of beep or can be complex type of Modal window (Posen, 2015). This factor in the android application that is Uber must be improvised so that user does not encounter any kind of problem.

Being inconsistent:  In many times it is seen that the Uber application can be considered to be bit complex as it uses different word for the same course of action (Prassl and Risak, 2015). Uber application should be modified in such a way that it should button which should have a unique name and performing of task with unique action which can make the experience of user much enjoyable.

Behind every successful ride is the technology which make every one for granted type like maps, GPS and other features which allow GPS that allow the passengers to match with closet driver which is available (Rogers, 2015). Existing maps used in Uber provides a good kind of starting point, on the contrary it focusses on improvisation of traffic patterns and better pickup and drop location on the application. The image captured by mapping cars with help in improvisation of elements for Uber experience which generally consist of proper pick-up and drop off point for various kinds of routes (Ross, 2015). Moreover, Uber is planning to launch some kind of additional feature so that passengers can get better result and service from this organization.


From the above discussion it can be easily concluded that the report focuses on Uber application which is known be largest provider of cab or taxi service in the world. This report highlights on the particular application or kinds of benefits associated with it. An analysis has been provided on the architectural feature of this application that is Uber. After that an idea has been gathered on the interface and its impact of this application on various user. After that an analysis has been done on any kind of business redevelopment which is generally involved in the project. An analysis has been done on the different kinds of problems which is involved in this application that is Uber. Future plans provided by Uber has been discussed i in the above pages. Various kinds of features provided by Uber like UberX, UberBlack and UberPool has been discussed in detail. Various kinds of deals and offer provided to its customer has been discussed in details. Some of the technologies like CSS and JavaScript and its use in development of Uber application has been discussed in details. Two of important problem associated with Uber application like feedback and time of response, inconsistency has been discussed in detail in this report.


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