Analysis Of External Business Environment For PepsiCo Inc In The Food And Beverage Industry
Organisation Best Practice: Food and Beverage Company
Organisation Best Practice: Food and Beverage Company
Importance of Consumer Needs Analysis in Developing Business Strategies
Discuss about the Organisation Best Practice for Food and Beverage Company.
A business is required to develop a strategy that will increase the performance in the targeted market. The analysis of consumer needs is needed for a steady flow of operation in a particular industry. PepsiCo Inc is a food and Beverage Company that was founded in 1965 after Pepsi-Cola merged with Frito-Lay. The company has acquired n increased share in the food and beverage industry making it capture new market segments globally. The management of PepsiCo Inc is required to develop proper business environment analysis technique to effectively deal with future trends in the food and beverage industry. The analysis of external business environment is used by an organisation to acquire an insight of the expected changes in the market. The food and beverage industry is highly diverse due to the different needs of consumers thus requires a continuous analysis of operations. An organisation is required to develop strategies that will assist in adapting to the future trends in the industry. Benchmarking is a technique that is used by the management in ensuring that there is a consistency in the market.
PepsiCo Inc will be able to identify the changes in the environment through proper analysis of the food and beverage industry. Strategies are implemented to assist in accomplishing the long-term goals of production. The external business environment is highly dynamic requiring the management to evaluate the changes in the environment severally. Strategic management is done by the top management of an organisation with the aim of ensuring that there is an extended performance in the industry (Hill, Jones & Schilling 2014). An organisation is required to focus on teamwork for an increased level of production in the targeted market. PepsiCo Inc is expected to experience some challenges in the next 10 years in the food and drink industry. Proper strategic management should be implemented by the business to deal with the changes in the market. PepsiCo Inc. can find itself having a sustainable competitive edge through the focus on technology, competition and business sustainability in the market.
The technology is expected to change in the next 10 years of PepsiCo Inc business operations. A proper analysis of the changes in the technology is needed by an organisation for a steady flow of operations in the market. Technology change requires an organisation to develop a plan that will ensure that there is the use of advanced technology. Organisations are focused on technology and innovation to acquire a sustainable flow of business operations. The best practice of an organisation is achieved through the use of the latest technology to deal with the issues in the market. Technology is used to develop the information and customer service system implemented by an organisation. Therefore, businesses are required to focus on using advanced technology in achieving a long-term goal of production. PepsiCo Inc is an organisation that focuses on technology and innovation to acquire an increased market share in the food industry. The use of technology in production assists the business to attain the desired level of production as the products and services offered are highly standardised. It is important to focus on proper leadership in making sure that the technology state of the business will achieve the desired level of profits (Johnston & Marshall 2016). Use of technology and innovation by a business makes it possible to acquire the set long-term goals of production.
Proper Business Environment Analysis Technique for Future Trends
PepsiCo Inc is expected to experience stiff competition in the food and drink industry. The high business entry in the food industry has lead to the increased level of competition in the market. It is necessary for an organisation to focus on consumer needs and desires to acquire a competitive edge in the market. According to Hill, Jones, and Schilling (2014), an organisation is required to implement a strategy that will assist in dealing with competition in the market. PepsiCo Inc. implements the differentiated strategy that makes the food and drinks appear unique to the consumers. The brand has been able to acquire a competitive edge in the global market through the unique products considering the changes in the market. The company has acquired a competitive edge through the positive reputation in the Australian market. PepsiCo Inc is expected to continue acquiring a competitive edge in the food and beverage industry due to the diversification of products. The company has experienced a continuous increase in revenue with 2017 financial year reaching USD 63,525 million (Morningstar, 2018). The company will experience competition from bottled water which is increasingly consumed in Australia.
Business sustainability is supposed to consider the economic, social and environmental changes in the market. The economic factors in the business environment determine the profitability level of an organisation in a particular market. Australia economy is forecasted to continuously grow to make it possible for PepsiCo Inc to increase profit margins in the next 10 years. The social factor is an essential aspect that an organisation should consider in the market. PepsiCo Inc has been accepted in the Australian market due to the high number of people that the company employs and the corporate social initiatives by the company. The company has employed over 2,500 Australians and New Zealanders to achieve the targeted financial position (PepsiCo Inc, 2012). Plastic pollution is on the rise in the UK which has negatively impacted the marine life in the nation. According to Hannam (2017), plastic pollution in Australia has affected half of the turtles and two-thirds of birds. It is estimated that by 2050 over 95% of birds will have plastic in their bodies. The sustainability of PepsiCo Inc aims at ensuring that there is an enhancement of the community economically, socially and environmentally.
The organisation is expected to consider the changes in the Australian food and drink industry through the focus on technology use in production. Organisational culture is the behaviour of staff which directly impacts the flow of operations in the business. The staffs are required to develop a proper staffing policy that will deal with the changing technology in the market. Organisational culture is an important component for a business to achieve a continuous flow of operation in the long run. In adapting to the technology change, an organisation is expected to have a proper organisational culture that is focused on achieving the set corporate goals. The upper management, lower management, and employees are required to develop plans that will be beneficial to the business. The change in organisational culture is required in implementing advanced technology in the production process. The management is expected to develop a suitable workplace behaviour that will handle the changes in technology.
Use of Benchmarking in Ensuring Market Consistency
The diversified products are used by an organisation to acquire a competitive edge in a specific industry. Product diversification is used by an organisation to acquire business expansion to new market segments. An organisation is required to modify products considering the consumer feedback in the market. PepsiCo Inc is required to develop drinks and food products that meet the changing needs of the consumers in the market. A proper evaluation of consumer feedback provides the management with the necessary information to enhance production levels. The generic differentiation strategy is used by an organization to acquire a sustainable competitive edge in the market through a product that is consumer-focused and appear unique in the market (Brenes, Montoya & Ciravegna 2014). PepsiCo Inc should focus on a product design that will handle the competitiveness of the food and beverage industry.
The increased level of pollution is a major concern to businesses and the community. It is important for an organisation to focus on a sustainability project that will reduce the negative effects of the end products. PepsiCo Inc is committed to sustainable growth through the focus on the society and environmental conservation (PepsiCo Inc 2012). The company has developed a project that educates the Australians on the need to recycle the cans for the drinks and food products of the company. The initiative is aimed at caring for the customers as well as the world through a sustainable environment. Recycling of waste product will increase the reputation of the company and reduce the negative effects of plastics on marine habitats in Australia.
Benchmarking is used to develop credible goals for an organisation through the evaluation of the industry. The business is required to focus on a continuous development which is needed in increasing the competitive advantage. PepsiCo Inc could use benchmarking to make sure that there is a steady flow of operation even after 10 years. According to Prabhakar (2017) benchmarking can be classified to internal, competitive, generic, function or process, generic and partnering benchmarking. In dealing with the adaptation of future states, PepsiCo Inc is required to implement internal, competitive and function or process benchmarking.
The organisation is required to evaluate the various business units to discover the less performing unit in the business (Prabhakar 2017). A proper evaluation of business strategies is needed in identifying the flow of operations in the market. The analysis of different departments in the organisation will assist in identifying the unit that requires being developed for an enhanced organisational culture. The organisational structure could be changed to deal with the dynamic external business environment.
An organisation focuses on a competitor or a group of competitors in developing a proper plan to increase productivity (Prabhakar 2017). PepsiCo Inc is required to evaluate the high performing competitors in the beverage industry such as Coca-Cola to acquire the best practices used by the company. According to Dinnie (2015), a business is required to have an insight of consumer needs in developing a unique brand that will raise the profit margin. The competitive benchmarking will assist PepsiCo Inc to develop diversified products that will contribute to increased market share in the food and beverage industry.
The benchmarking is used to develop a plan that is aimed at increasing the business process for quality production. Quality management requires an organisation to continuously develop functions to meet the needs of customers (Oakland 2014). PepsiCo Inc will be able to handle environmental pollution issue by effectively analysing the production process. It is necessary to use a production policy that focuses on reduced waste products and recycling of end products for environmental sustainability.
PepsiCo Inc is an organisation that has been in the food and beverage industry for a long time. The company focuses on diversified products to meet the needs of consumers from different parts of the world. In the next 10 years, the company will experience increased competition, technology and issue of environmental sustainability. Strategies are used by an organisation to develop plans that will handle the market trend. Enhanced organisational culture, focus on diversified products and recycling will be used to handle the market changes. Internal, competitive and function benchmarking will assist ensuring that there is increased competitive advantage in the market.
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