Language And Literacy Development Plan For Early Childhood Education

Visual literacy activity for children aged three to five

Early childhood can be considered the timeframe when the individuals are introduced to the most basic foundation of learning and education. This is the phase that lays the foundation for the cognitive development that a child is going to have. Along with that, it has to be mentioned in this context that along with the cognitive development that an individual gets is not the only outcome of the early childhood education, the personality traits are also influenced by the educational environment that an individual gets. Hence, it has to be mentioned that the importance of early child education is profound on the proper cognitive development and growth of a child (Kaga, Bennett & Moss 2010). And the parents as well as the early childhood educator must take into consideration that the literacy activities and developmental goals for the particular child concerned is being planned and executed very carefully, providing keen attention to the particular needs and preferences of the children. This assignment will attempt to put forth a language and literacy development plan with literacy activities involving the use of ICT and facilitate optimal language development, and at the same time adhere to all the core principles of the EYLF framework, keeping the focus on the age group of five to eight years.

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The very first learning activity plan that will contribute to the language development of the children of the age group of three to five will focus mainly on enhancing the visual literacy of the preschoolers. The pre-schooling is the age bar where the children are introduced to the concept of learning and education for the every first time (Worth & Grollman, 2013). And hence the learning activity plan will attempt to catch the attention of the children with the attractive concept of visual literacy.

The literacy activity that these children are going to be introduced to include the learning through paintings. It has to be und4rstood in this context that the age group of preschoolers are very difficult to control with any monotonous activity. This is the age where the children are easily bored and cranky; hence, the children can only be contained with an activity that will grab the most of their attention. This visual literacy plan will incorporate colourful paintings, which can easily grab the attention of children and will be very easy to introduce the language development and learning activity. In this activity, paintings of simple and easy real life objects will be used to elicit and propel the children to name the object. This impromptu identification and naming activity will develop the children’s ability to recall and recite different objects and will contribute to their cognitive as well as oral language development (Wortham & Hardin, 2015).

Sentence formation activity for children aged five to eight

The resources used in this activity are very simple and minimalistic, only paintings and few object are going to be used, along with blackboards and chalks. The activity will be introduced with different objects and paintings being shown to the children and their names written on the blackboard to identify them. Following this the paintings will be shown again, the children are going to be participating on their own, and while concluding the best performers will be rewarded.

According to the early years learning framework, children need to be involved learners and effective communicators in their learning activities. Without proper visual literacy and language development, it is impossible. This visual literacy activity will be helpful in the enhancing both visual literacy and language development (Fleet & Patterson,  2011).

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The next learning activity will involve the most revolutionary technology in the concept of learning, the ICT or the information and communication technology. This activity will involve the age group of five to eight years olds, and will focus on enhanced language development of the children.

The information and communication technology can be considered as one of the most potent tools of providing interactive learning experience to the children. This activity will be a sentence forming activity involving the ICT technologies like textease or clicker. It has to be understood that at the age of five or higher, correct sentence formation is a task that many pupils struggle with. And this activity can be considered as the basic foundation of correct language and literacy development (Ignatova, Dagiene & Kubilinskiene, 2014). Without the ability in the children to transform their thoughts and ideas in meaningful and grammatically correct sentences, the educational development of the children will always remain incomplete. Hence, a sentence formation activity in the early years will be extremely beneficial for the children to learn from early age, the incorporate of ICT based interactive learning aid, this activity will enjoyable as well.

The activity will be introduced with the children being grouped into different groups with three children each, and will be given an ICT device like textease or clicker to work with. There will be 18 rounds each where the children are going to be given words to which they have to make sentences using the device. Each member of the group will be given two opportunities to perform and the fastest group will win the prizes. The resources required are ICT sentence forming devices, interactive white boards or regular blackboards, chalks, dusters, etc.

Activity for children with English as an additional language

According to the forth outcome of EYLF framework, the children must be confident and involved learner. This activity will enhance the confidence in the children of both writing and speaking with correct sentence formation skills and the technology associated with it will involve their undivided attention (Barblett, 2010).

For the native population, English as an additional language development can be very tricky for the culturally diverse children. This activity will focus on their literacy development in the sector of English as an additional language. This will be a play based learning activity and will focus on the age group of 5 to 8 years.

In case of culturally diverse communities, the children often struggle with learning English due to th fact that it is not their native language and is not used in their homes. However, for career growth, English is the operational language that they have to have a strong hold on. This activity will be a board game that will playfully help them to discover every objects, and their English names with contrast to their aboriginal symbols. This playful activity will very easily help them to learn English as an additional language while being adhered to their cultural roots (Flannery et al., 2013).

The children will again be grouped into groups of children and they wil be provided a board with pictures of different everyday objects attached. Along with that they will be given blocks with their English and aboriginal names of symbols attached to it. The children will first match the aboriginal names, following which they will have to match the English names. Resources used are boards, pictures of daily objects, glue, blocks, paper, marker pen.

This activity related to the outcome 2 of EYLF framework, the children are connected with their surroundings and are well aware of it. This activity will help the aboriginal children understand the English names of the daily objects they use or see in their surroundings everyday but knew them by their aboriginal names or symbols only (Essa, 2012).


It has to be mentioned in this context that one of greatest concern for the children in the early years of development is the language development of the children and whether it is progressing at a pace that is optimal for the overall cognitive growth if the child. That is the reason why there are varied range of literacy activities that help the early childhood educator plans and execute activities that facilitate maximum development for the children. Along with that, with the incorporation of the ICT by the EYLF framework, designing and executing interactive and engaging literacy activities for the children has become extremely easy. It can be hoped that the above mentioned learning activity plans will provide interactive and playful means to optimal language and literacy development of the children.


Barblett, L. (2010). Why play-based learning?. Every Child, 16(3), 4.

Essa, E. L. (2012). Introduction to early childhood education. Cengage Learning.

Flannery, L. P., Silverman, B., Kazakoff, E. R., Bers, M. U., Bontá, P., & Resnick, M. (2013, June). Designing ScratchJr: Support for early childhood learning through computer programming. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children (pp. 1-10). ACM.

Fleet, A., & Patterson, C. (2011). Seeing Assessment as a Stepping Stone: Thinking in the Context of the EYLF.

Ignatova, N., Dagiene, V., & Kubilinskiene, S. (2015). ICT-based learning personalization affordance in the context of implementation of constructionist learning activities. Informatics in Education, 14(1), 51.

Istenic Starcic, A., & Bagon, S. (2014). ICT?supported learning for inclusion of people with special needs: Review of seven educational technology journals, 1970–2011. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(2), 202-230.

Kaga, Y., Bennett, J., & Moss, P. (2010). Caring and learning together: A cross-national study on the integration of early childhood care and education within education. UNESCO.

Patterson, C., & Fleet, A. (2011). Planning in the context of the EYLF: Powerful, practical and pedagogically sound.

Worth, K., & Grollman, S. (2013). Science in the early childhood classroom. Learning from Head Start: A Teacher’s Guide to School Readiness, 117.

Wortham, S. C., & Hardin, B. J. (2015). Assessment in early childhood education. Pearson.

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