Analyzing The Impact Of Brand Image And Awareness On Consumer Buying Behavior

The Importance of Brand Image and Awareness in the UK Market

Achieving customer satisfaction is the main motto for the business organizations, as this provides an opportunity for them to ensure customer loyalty. As commented by Huang and Sarigollu (2014), loyal customer base makes sure that the customers return to the particular business organization for buying the product or service regardless of the options available in the market. Various factors determine the buying decision of the customers. These include the individual needs, demands, cultural and environmental factors of the customers. The image and recognition of the brand in the market play a crucial role in the buying decision of the customers. This is because the popularity of the brand attracts the customers thereby, influencing the buying decision.

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The UK market is highly influenced by the image of the brand and the awareness of the brand. It has been seen that the UK market is highly trendy and prefers to go with the current market styles and trend (Buil, Martinez and De Chernatory 2013). In order to keep them updated with the recent styles and development, the UK population is extremely aware of the different brands. The majority of the UK population follows the big brands in the market in terms of the offers, products, discounts launched by them. In addition to, the populations of the UK are also aware of the upcoming products that will be launched by the brands (Malik et al. 2013). As a result, they are able to compare and contrast among the products of different brands and then purchasing the product. Apart from high brand awareness, the purchase decision of the UK population is highly influenced by the existing image of the brand. The population of the market hardly considers additional factors such as cost, free shipping, discounts and gifts when it comes to their preferred brand.

What is the issue?

Lack of appropriate brand image and brand awareness negatively affects the consumer buying behavior or decision-making (Hutter et al. 2013).

Why is it an issue?

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It is an issue because lack of loyal customer base hampers the profit and revenue of the business organizations (Lu, Chang and Chang 2014).

Why is it an issue now?

It is an issue now because lack of brand image and brand awareness fails to influence the consumer buying behavior of the customers due to which the business organizations tend to lose competitive advantage and their survival is threatened in the market (Sasmita and Mohd Suki 2015).

Analysis of Brand Image and Awareness on Consumer Buying Behavior

What this research sheds light on?

The research sheds light on the importance of analyzing the impact of the brand image, brand image, brand image and consumer buying decision, as this provides an opportunity for the business organization to gain several benefits in terms of the customers and the market.

The aim of the research is to analyze the impact of brand image and awareness on consumer buying behavior or decision-making.

The objectives of the research are:

  • To understand the concept of brand image, brand awareness and consumer buying decision
  • To understand the concept of consumer buying behavior or decision-making
  • To evaluate critically the impact of the brand image, brand image and consumer buying decision
  • To provide the suitable recommendation for improving brand image, brand image and consumer buying decision

In the competitive market, it is important for the customers to select from the variety of products or brands that are available in the market. As commented by Severi and Ling (2013), the image of the brand of the product influences the buying decision of the customers. This is because the brand image is immensely popular, as the customers tend to develop emotions with the brand with time. However, as argued by Malik et al. (2013), the concept of brand awareness highly influences the brand equity and is defined as the familiarity of the customers with the specific brand. Thus, brand awareness is the capacity of the customers in order to verify past exposure to the brand. As a result, it is the capability of the customers to select a brand from the available options in the market.

Consumer behavior is defined as the human responses that are received by the business organizations based on the particular products. As commented by Muruganantham and Bhakat (2013), individuals purchase particular products as they need them in their daily life. The perception, social and cultural background largely influences the buying decision of the consumers. However, as criticized by Cheng and Huang (2013), consumer behavior is also dependent on the psychological aspect of the customers that highlights identifying the needs and demands of the customers. The psychological dilemma of the consumers highlights whether to buy the product or not and which brand to buy the product. This is because along with fulfilling the needs of buying the products, the consumers also want to show their standard by the product used by them.

 Both brand awareness and brand image highly influence the buying decision of the consumers. As commented by Mohan, Sivakumaran and Sharma (2013), effective brand image and awareness helps in creating a unique image in the eye of the customers. The business organizations are able to do so by leaving an imprint in the mind of the customers about the product or service provided by them to the target market customers. However, as argued by Bhatti and Latif (2014), effective brand image and brand awareness provide an opportunity for the business organizations to gain competitive advantage. This is because positive brand image and awareness allows the business organizations to stand out from the competitors.

Challenges of Brand Image and Awareness on Consumer Buying Behavior

With the benefits of brand image and brand awareness, there come some potential challenges of brand image and awareness on the buying decision of the consumers. As commented by Bakshi and Gupta (2013), in certain instances the customers take an incorrect decision of buying products. This is because the consumers blindly trust the brand and the products or services provided by them to the target market. As a result, the business organizations are provided with the opportunity of misleading or misguiding the consumers in the name of their established brand.

Pragmatism, interpretivism and positivism are the most frequently used research philosophies while carrying on with the research. Positivism and interpretivism philosophy together forms pragmatism philosophy. As a result, the application of pragmatism philosophy provides an opportunity for this research to use the scientific approach as well as consider the opinions of other individuals in terms of the research topic. However, the use of pragmatism philosophy is limited, as this makes the research complicated and complex (Bryman and Bell 2011). In the case of interpretivism philosophy, the research takes into account the opinions and perspectives of different individuals and support own statements thereby, achieving the research aim and objectives. On the other hand, the application of positivism philosophy allows this research to use a scientific approach. As a result, the research is able to ensure data validity and accuracy (Alvesson and Deetz 2000).

In the case of this research, the positivism philosophy will be used. The application of positivism philosophy will provide an opportunity to use a scientific approach thereby, ensuring data validity and accuracy. It will be easier for this research to verify the impact of brand image and awareness on consumer buying and purchase decision. As a result, this research will be able to ensure data authenticity and complete the research successfully by achieving the research aim and objectives.

Abductive, inductive and deductive are the most frequently used research logic used while completing the research. As commented by Bauer and Gaskell (2000), the concept of abductive research logic is defined as the form of logical inference that is initiated with an observation. The abductive approach aim towards finding the most relevant explanation of the observation, after the observation is being made. On the other hand, the concept of inductive approach sheds light on the opportunity for the research to develop new theories and concepts based on the observations made. This imposes potential challenges for the research, as incorrect observations lead to the development of incorrect theories and concepts. In addition to, the use of inductive logic shifts the concentration of the research from fulfilling the aim and objectives of developing new theories. The application of deductive approach provides an opportunity for the research to align the observations made in the research with existing theories and concepts (Birley and Moreland 1998).

Research Philosophies and Logic

  In the case of this research, the deductive research logic will be used. This is because the use of deductive research logic will allow the research to align the information with the impact of the brand image on consumer buying decision. As a result, the research will be able to provide a deeper understanding of the variables, brand image or awareness and consumer behavior or buying decision.

Qualitative and quantitative are the most frequently used research methods applied while carrying out the research. The concept of qualitative research method highlights on the maintaining the quality of the research work. In the case of qualitative research method, the research emphasizes on uplifting the quality of the collected data by communicating with the respondents directly. In addition to, the research, also records the data collected in order to maintain the quality (Breakwell and Hammond 2006). However, on the contrary, the concept of quantitative data emphasizes the quantity of the data collected. According to the quantitative research method, the research focuses on the quantity or the numbers of the collected data. This provides an opportunity for the research to ensure data validity and accuracy by considering the numerical (Bryman and Cramer 1995).

In the case of this research, the research will be using quantitative research method. This is because the use of quantitative research method is justified according to the selected research philosophy and logic. In addition, the use of quantitative research method will allow the research focus on the number of respondents and determine the impact of brand awareness or image on consumer decision making or purchase decision.

The researches mostly use primary and secondary data collection methods. Secondary data collection technique highlights the concept of gathering relevant data and information from the secondary resources. The secondary resources include books, journals and other internet facilities. The use of secondary resources allows the research to develop a deeper understanding of the research topic (Creswell 2008). On the other hand, primary data collection method highlights gathering recent and updated information and data from a particular population. The use of primary data collection method provides an opportunity for the research to collect data from the live participants and consider their viewpoints in terms of the research topic.

It is essential for the research to sample the participants for primary data collection method. As the research has selected online survey, as the data collection method, it is important for the research to use appropriate sampling technique. The best-suited sampling method for the survey is random probability sampling technique. This is because random probability sampling technique allows the research to provide equal chances for all the participants to be a part of the survey (Creswell 2007).


In the case of this research, the research will use primary data collection method (online survey) and will select the online survey participants by using random probability sampling technique. This will allow the research to provide equal chances for all the customers to be a part of the online survey and take into account their opinions in terms of the impact of brand awareness on consumer purchase decision.

Analyzing the data is one of the most crucial parts of conducting a research work, as this provides an opportunity for the research to interpret the findings of the collected data and state and justify the opinions and perspectives of the individuals in relevance with the research topic. The data analysis method needs to be decided by the research after considering the data collection technique (Denscombe 2010). For instance, the data analysis technique for an interview is different from that of the survey. A survey is the data collection technique that will be used by the research, numerical analysis is most appropriate. The research can use simple percentages, averages, median, modes as well as a statistical approach for analyzing the data collected from the survey. The data can be presented in the form of bars, charts, tables, figures, Chi-square test and cross-tabulation.

The research will be using quantitative data analysis technique that will help in considering the numbers in terms of the customers. For descriptive and inferential statistical analysis, the research will be using SPSS tool.

It is evident that the research will encounter some limitations and challenges while conducting the research work. The challenges and limitations encountered by the research are based on the methodological tools selected by the research for completing the research. As mentioned the research will be using primary data collection technique for gathering data. One of the potential challenges associated with this data collection method is lack of surety (Flick 2009). For instance, the research is unsure of the number of responses that will be gathered at the end of the method. This is a limitation because compromising with the number of samples will hamper the research quality. In addition to, as the survey is a close-ended platform, the respondents might fail to express their real perspectives and choose from the given options unwillingly. This will hamper the quality of the research work, as the research will be unable to know the actual opinion of the customers (Hammersley and Atkinson 2007).

The research needs to abide by the ethics strictly for carrying on and completing the research successfully. One of the most important ethics associated with primary data collection technique is maintaining the confidentiality of the data and the identification of the participants. It is of utmost importance that the research will have to maintain the confidentiality of the data and the identification and cannot disclose it without their consent (Johnson and Duberley 2000). For instance, the research has to use different names for the participants. In addition to, forcing the participants is strictly against the ethics of primary data collection technique. The research cannot force the participants to be a part of the data collection method for the research.

Other research ethics prohibits manipulation of data collected by the research. The research is not supposed to manipulate the collected data and will have to present the data in its original and authentic form. Data manipulation will compromise with the quality of the research work. On the other hand, the research needs to collect data from authentic sources. This will help in gathering relevant data in terms of the research topic thereby, ensuring successful completion of the research work (May 2001).

Main activities

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4 & 5

Week 6 & 7

Week 8

Topic selection

Components of literature review

Research methodology

Primary data collection

Analysis and interpretation


Conclusion and Recommendation

submission of project



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