The Importance Of Organizational And Contextual Factors In Technology Adoption And Job Performance
Creating and Delivering Value in Marketing
The report helps in the entire analysis of the importance of the different contextual factors which are helpful and essential in nature to create a positive impact on the overall profitability of the organization effectively.
The different kinds of contextual factors help in analysing the usefulness of the collaboration in different organizations and this helps in improving the overall condition of the market in an effective manner. The conditions of the firms are required to be improved which will help in managing risks effectively and this will provide benefits to the customers effectually.
The contextual factors furthermore help in preparation of the competitive business model canvas which will help and assist in reducing the different risks in an effective manner as well. Furthermore, the process of decision-making helps the organizations in understanding the usage of the various contextual factors which will be effective in nature to be more competitive in nature.
The factor which have been conversed is relating to the organizational structure which is indispensable in the organizations. Furthermore, the organizational structure such as partnership and the other structures of the organization help in managing the leadership performance relationships effectively. Furthermore, this is one of the essential component of the strategic management in which this will improve the functions which are being undertaken by the companies in an appropriate manner. The performance management is required to be done by the company which will help in reducing the barriers of communication and this will help in reducing the negative productivity.
The new discoveries in the contextual factor is relating to the structure of the organization which is required to be effective in nature. The organizational structure is effective and this is important which includes improvement in the communication and this increases the overall productivity of the organization in an efficient manner.
The findings which have been generated from the article helps the managers in the organizations in using and following the respective structure of the organization. This kind of structure helps the organization and the employees in managing the different tasks which are required to be performed by them. Furthermore, this has been seen that the partnership structure of the organization will include the different kinds of factors such as sharing of profitability is required to be managed which will help in improving the communication process in an efficient manner.
The factor which have been ascertained in the respective article is related to the different environmental forces that can affect the firms in both positive or undesirable manner. The macro environmental forces such as macro analysis for instance PESTEL analysis can help the organizations in identifying the dissimilar kinds of issues which can be faced by them along with analyzing the solutions effectively that can reduce the issues in a positive manner.
Academy of Management Journal
The new discoveries in the contextual factors is related to the macro environmental approaches which can be faced by the establishments and their effects on the strategy of the firm in a positive or negative manner. The contextual factors help in the decision-making process of the organization in which the different kinds of issues such as environmental forces on the effectiveness of organization can be examined which will provide suitable solutions to reduce and resolve the same effectively.
The meaning of the different findings for the different managers in the organizations is that they are the ones who are responsible to analyses and identifies the effect on the productivity of the firm. The managers in the organizations have to be cautious relating to the utilization of resources in the organizations which will reduce the different kinds of environmental issues or the external environmental issues in the organization.
It is related to the different kinds of risks which can be confronted by the firms. There are different internal and external types of risks which can be faced by the companies and this can create huge pressure on gaining huge productivity of the organization in an effective manner. There are different kinds of enterprise risk management in the firms in which this can cause huge pressure as this can affect the firms in a negative manner.
It is relating to the different kinds of approaches which can be adopted by the firms as to reduce the different issues in an effective manner. the risk can be managed by the firms and the managers by using the business model canvas as this will help in managing the key resources and customers in a positive manner. The business model canvas is essential in nature which will help in motivating the different individuals in the organizations to reduce such risks effectively.
The meaning of the various findings for the managers in the organizations is relating to finding solutions for reducing the different risks which are confronted by the organizations. This can be seen that the organizations have to undertake the convenient business model canvas which will assist in reducing the issues and risks effectively.
It is related to the to the organization and business practices. There are different business practices which is required to be performed by the managers as to motivate the employees in the organizations and solve their grievances in an efficient manner.
International Small Business Journal
Furthermore, the main contextual factor is to include the employee engagement among employees which will improve working conditions in companies. The motivation approaches such as financial incentives along with non-financial approaches can be adopted by the individuals which will be effective to improve the condition
It is related to the different kinds of organizational practices such as motivational approaches and the employee and organizational engagement. The contextual factors are required to improve the decision-making approaches in the organization which will help in reducing the different challenges such as improve the productivity of the organization by implementing different strategies in an effective manner.
The meaning of the different findings for the managers in the organization is related to the different kinds of organizational performances which are essential in nature to be implemented as this will improve the performance and gain huge profitability as well. Furthermore, motivational approaches such as financial and non-financial awards are required to be adopted by the organizations which will be effective in nature.
The main contextual factor which has been discussed in the article is relating to the functions of the diverse firms. There are different kinds of human resource, finance and marketing functions in the organizations which are required to be performed in an efficient manner. The HRM functions include the different compliances of the employees are being managed by the employees which will be effective in nature.
It is related to the functions and their role in the different companies. This has been seen and analyzed that the firms need to understand and analyze the different kinds of functions such as HRM functions deal with performance of the employees, providing the compliance and salary related tasks. On the other hand, the marketing department is regarding the various types of the functions such as advertising of the products and services of the company which will make the tasks of the company more effective and efficient in nature.
It is relating to the different kinds of functions of the diverse teams and the impact of the same on the overall productivity of the organization effectively. This has been seen that the managers need to divide the tasks between the different departments who are specialized in nature and this will help the company to become more effective and appropriate in the tasks which are being performed by them and gain more productivity effectively as well.
Structural Equation Modeling in Strategic Management
Therefore, this can be concluded that these five articles have helped in gaining huge knowledge on the different kinds of macro and micro environmental forces in an efficient manner. Furthermore, there are different kinds of findings which have been generated in the five articles which were connecting to the purposes of the diverse firms along with the effect of the same on the structural productivity.
It has been observed that there are different kinds of environmental forces along with the structure of the firms which can create huge essence and effect on the productivity of the firm in a positive or negative manner. The new findings for the managers along with main contextual factor have been discussed in the different articles which has helped in managing the differences by resolving the same with different kinds of strategies effectively.
Furthermore, the organizational structure played a major role in the organizational productivity in which this was seen that the different HRM functions are mandatory to be followed and this improves the complete efficacy and correctness of the different companies. The diverse dangers which are being confronted by the different organizations have been analyzed.
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