The Need For An Information Security Program Manager In Organizational Management
Importance of Information Security
Convincing the Board Director
Information security is a crucial area in organizational management which often requires sensitive leadership approaches in order to enhance quality performance. The information which often comprise an organization’s basic credentials like copyrights, trade secrets and vital system passwords just to mention but few (Acocella, 2010). Managing information within an organization goes hand in hand with protection of intellectual property which is a key aspect in the well being of an organization. When the security of the company’s IP can be guaranteed, then the security of almost every other thing can be confirmed. This therefore explains the need for the position of an information security program manager (Ashforth and Kreiner, 2009).
There are various other crucial elements regarding the need for a stable security program within a company. To begin with, the movement of people including workers, consumers and other key stakeholders in and out of the company is an inevitable occurrence. However, there very movements can be the sole spots for security breaches (Collings and Wood, 2009). Other individuals can take advantage of this mobility to gain access into the organization causing harm, destroying property or taking away crucial information. Despite the fact that monitoring this movement could as well be performed by other organs, charging a particular individual with the key responsibility of evaluating the effectiveness of ever single security step within the organization would enhance the quality of services offered by this arm and in turn improve the organization’s general security (Dubin, 2009).
In addition, information security ought to be diversified. This implies, not one person should be left with the sole responsibility of handling an organization’s key security issues. Diversification here may not mean involving many people but simply bringing on board a number of qualified personnel to jointly help in planning and implementation. Having a single individual running the show comes with a number of uncertainties (Gomez-Mejia, L and Robert, 2008). For instance, in the unfortunate event that the individual is incapacitated at a period when the company has no ready replacement, the security levels at this point becomes a major issue and may lead to more drastic effects. Secondly, when such an individual is compromised, because there is a higher possibility compared to when the people are many, the company may be left at the mercies of its very employee.
Lastly, it would be important to have an Information security program manager for the simple reason that it makes the security detail within the organization much more definite and organized. In the event of breaches, the board has a single individual who can be approached for explanations (Johnason, 2009). This makes management more efficient compared to a case where no specific individual can be charged to account in case of uncertainties. This position therefore allows the top management an easier platform for monitoring and evaluating security levels within a company without having to go seeking for this information from many corners. Summarily, the need to take good care of a company’s intellectual property, diversify its security scope and make security evaluation and monitoring more speedy and effective is some of the reasons why the board ought to consider introducing this position (Klerck, 2009).
Managing the Movement of People
Job Security Requirements
The individuals to be considered for this position ought to meet a number of requirements. These have been listed below.
- Must be proficient in communication
- Should be accurate in problem solving
- Should be good in strategic planning and thinking
- Should have good supervisory skills
- Good team management
- Proficient in time management.
In addition to the above basic requirements, the following list comprises the additional requirements
- Proven experience in security management
- Experience in reaction to emergency
- Shown experience in using specific security technology like the use of CCTV monitoring.
- Knowledge in security protocols as well as procedures
- A good understanding of statistical data analysis and budgeting
- Proven working knowledge of MS word
Explanation of choice of requirement details
Communication Proficiency
First of all, communication is a vital element in effective management. In addition to being in charge of information security, the individual will basically be a manager with a myriad of people to work with. The manager will need to clearly relay his ideas, policies, protocols and new developments to other workers in the department. These responsibilities require good communication abilities.
Accurate Problem solving
Being a sensitive department, problems and challenges are bound to occur from time to time. The manager in this case needs to be in possession of the most effective problem solving skills and approaches. Effective problem solving enhances the quality of service delivery.
Strategic planning and thinking
The department needs to have a definite order of procedures and details each of which are aimed at enhancing the security of information and other assets within an organization. In order to come with these tacit procedures, there the inevitable need for proper thinking and planning capabilities. Such plans allow an easy flow of activities within the department.
Supervisory Skills
Good supervisory skills would be another vital requirement for such a position because without this, it may be practically impossible to maintain order and achieve results within the department. The Information security program manager will definitely have people working under them. These workers need efficient supervision in order to improve their output. This responsibility ought to be executed wisely. The manager must maintain a good wring environment while still obtaining the best out of the workers.
Team management
The security team shall most probably comprise individuals from diverse backgrounds. Differences may exist in terms of age, gender, class, religious affiliations and sexual orientation just to mention but few. Despite these differences, the manager ought to put in place the best strategies which ensure that the team is not only knit but also remains uniformly committed to the key mandate of the department handling information security.
Time management
Good time management is a vital determinant of the quality of services offered at a work place. Showing commitment to time management is an indication of commitment to one’s responsibility and all the activities that go with it. Proper time management also improves efficiency in processes hence its inclusion in the requirement list.
Diversifying Information Security
Proven experience in security management
The person working in this post ought to have prior experience as this would allow them to quickly grasp the culture in line with information security in the new organization. Prior experience also saves the company the cost and time of having to train the new manager before employment.
Reaction to emergency
With the rise of cyber crime and other online security issues, there is need to be acquainted with various quick response techniques as an information security program manager. Such immediate counter measures go a long way in averting the damage that would have been caused by the security issue.
Security Technology and Protocol
A good understanding of the various security protocols would be key for performance in this post. The organization needs to employ an individual who delivers when trusted with responsibilities. This may not be possible in this area especially if one lacks the necessary knowledge in technology surveillance and protocol.
Statistical data, budgeting and computer knowledge
Given that the company is an online agency, there will be the need for the individual to be computer literate. They also need to be proficient in a number of computer packages and computer handling. This would give the necessary ability to analyze statistical data related to information security before giving the right reports. The knowledge in budgeting is equally crucial as the manager will be occasional required to outline a budget that is synonymous with its activities and plans for a given period of time.
- High School diploma
- Diploma at college level preferably on information security management or a related field
- Certificate on computer knowledge including MS word, Internet and Excel
These are credentials which indicate that the individual has actually gained prior knowledge and probable experience on the area of information security. They are a sure proof of the recruit’s academic achievement and an expression of their appropriateness for the post.
- At least a three year work experience with an stable firm
- Experience in security management, security protocol and security technology shall be an added advantage.
- Experience in the legal aspects of online payments shall also be an added advantage.
- Should be a good time keeper
- Adept in both written and verbal communication
- Ought to be flexible to team dynamics and an effective leader in times of crisis
- Calmness and sobriety in decision making and problem solving is a key requirement
- Good leadership attributes especially on supervision and execution of responsibilities
- High level of integrity and ability to keep confidential information safe from intruders
The experiences and attributes/personalities highlighted above would be vital in making the selected individual a holistic performer with the right tools to deal with all the challenges related to work. In addition, having such prior attributes saves the organization both the time and cost of having to train the new individual brought into the position in line with job requirements
Acocella, Nicola (2010). Social pacts, employment and growth: A reappraisal of Ezio Tarantelli’s thought. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag
Ashforth, B. E. and Kreiner, G. E. (2009). “How can you do it?”: Dirty work and the challenge of constructing a positive identity. Academy of Management Review, 24(3), pp. 413-434.
Collings, D. G. and Wood, G. (2009). Human resource management: A critical approach. Human resource management: 2(1), pp. 1-16
Dubin, Robert (2009). The World of Work: Industrial Society and Human Relations. Englewood Cliffs: Palgrave.
Gomez-Mejia, Luis, R. and Robert, L. (2008). Management, People, performance and Change. New York: McGraw Hill
Johnason, P. (2009). Human resource management in changing organizational contexts. Human resource management. 2(1), pp. 19-37
Klerck, G. (2009). Industrial relations and human resource management. Human resource management. (1), pp. 238-259.
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