The Importance Of Creativity And Innovation In Business
What is the impact of inculcation of Organizational Culture towards job performance at local and foreign originated banks in Indonesia.
Creative thinking cannot be done with forcefully as everyone has their own perspective and thinking. According to Lee Odden, Creativity is communicating ideas in ways that are compelling, unique and unexpected. On the other hand, Maria Popova said that creativity can be considered as the ability to link the apparently unconnected and mend remaining knowledge into new look regarding some concepts of how the world works. With respect to success, it is required for everyone to appreciate the idea of creativity and innovation because the success is entirely dependent on the implication of the creativity and innovation. The understanding about the concept of the creativity and innovation is achieved; the ability of organizations, individuals and entrepreneurs is amplified in order to decide what situation this idea can find out why it is way to a problem. With the help of this, people can find the way of solution in order to be a successful person. The main purpose of this assignment is to evaluate the importance of the creativity and innovation in the context of general and business throughout their link to each other. The difference between creativity and innovation will be described under this assignment for the purpose of making better understanding about the concept of them in the business. The role o the creativity in the business is huge as it has been found that the creativity is incomplete without innovation because it is considered as the aptitude to generate various kinds of ideas while innovation is considered as the implementation of the creativity.
In the context of creativity, it can be said that it is a function of imagination, evaluation, knowledge and curiosity. The more one has the knowledge base and level of curiosity, the more combinations and idea one can attain, which them related to developing new and innovative products and services (Anderson, Poto?nik & Zhou, 2014). It is not easy to move forward towards the innovative things by keeping the knowledge, there should be pieces and bits must be taken in new ways. After that developing idea must be developed into functional ideas. With respect to the innovation, it is the process that brings change within the working place because it is required for the business to make changes within the organization as per the latest technology (Sousa, Pellissier & Monteiro, 2012).
Figure: meaning of creativity, invention,and innovation
Source: (Johnston & Bate, 2013).
Fostering creativity and innovation without encouraging unethical behavior.
It has been found that any kind of business needs three aspects such as creativity, innovation,and quality and these three are essential for the company to grow simultaneously. Creativity drives the development of ideas and they need to go with all three constantly (Somech & Drach-Zahavy, 2013). Imagination is more important for getting growth insignificant period in comparison of knowledge. Innovation is considered as the necessary steps to develop these ideas into useful services and products. it has been found that the successful business innovations and activities related to the creativity are amplifying identified as key drivers of economic development. It has been analyzed that the creativity takes different forms at different places. It is required for the business to invite people in the decision making prices of the company because it could not be said that which idea can change the entire organization and increase the productivity of theemployees (Mainela, Puhakka & Servais, 2014). However, there isa number of companies that involve employees in the decision making prices of thecompany so that they get new ideas from employees. These ideas are evaluated by them in an efficient manner and chances are being given by them to the employee in order to implement the ideas on the behalf of the company.
The difference between creativity and innovation is huge as the meaning of both aspects is entirely different from each other but the accomplishment of the project could not be possible if one is incomplete. It has been found that the major difference between them is the focus. The term of creativity is showing the set free potential of the mid to conceive new ideas. This kind of concepts can apparent themselves in various way (Mahr, Lievens and Blazevic, 2014). The major difference between them is that creativity is related to the imagination but innovation is related to the implementation. The creativity is imaginative in which one should imagine the entire process in an efficient manner. On the other hand, innovation is considered as the producer who helps in implements the imaginative process into the reality so that the set goals can be attained in a sophisticated manner.
It was apparent with the help of the above statement that the creativity is the initial process that gives an idea to the entire process of the business. It can be seen that when creativity ends, innovation begins. The combination of both is required for the continuous growth of the business (Sawyer, 2011). Creativity and innovation are interconnected with each other as it is vital for the company to engage with the customers for a long time. There is a model of creativity and innovation that shows the interconnection between them. The model of the creativity and innovation is enlightened on the aspects that motivate employees of the organization to improve creativebehavior. There are major three aspects in such model like domain relevant skills, creativity relevant process,and task innovation.
How the structure of technological interdependence affects firm performance in new technology generations.
Figure: Model of creativity
Source: (Pratt & Jeffcutt, 2009).
Domain relevant skills are measured as natural skills. It is encompassed the all effectual answer which is necessary at the time of difficulty or situation. This skill is comprised with various opinions, technical skills, and principles which are considered as a vital aspect for the exact domain. There should be factual talent in the special domain which would be able to give to creative productivity (Pratt & Jeffcutt, 2009). This concept of this model has encompassed the innate skills which are attained by the education. If the company has higher domain relevant skills, there can be a lack of creative relevant process which might be generated creative outcomes.
The creative relevant process is the component of the model that entails the features of personality in the form of self-discipline, perseverance, and delay of gratification. It includes the cognitive style that has the ability to understand the complexities. The main purpose of this component of the model is that it is focused towards the relevant solutions for an unproductive solution. The third element of the model is the task motivation which shows that there are two sorts of motivation such as intrinsic and extrinsic (Baucus, Norton, Baucus & Human, 2008). Intrinsic motivation demotes as a primary driver for creativity in the context of the individual. It has been found that there is no required to work in opposition to extrinsic and intrinsic motivation, majorly in the relation of the creativity of entrepreneurial. This component of the model entails the intrinsic as well as extrinsic motivation. The major objective of this model is to show the aspects of the creativity model as well as increasing the creativity in the business; it shows that there is need to consider the aspect of creativity and innovation as the interconnection of both.
It has been apparent that creativity cannot be reached at a higher level without innovation so the connection between them is necessary (Frankenberger, Weiblen, Csik and Gassmann, 2013). Discovery, invention,and creation are the major elements of the creativity and innovation in which discovery shows the lower level of creativity. As the name implies, it is done when you become aware of it and start to discover it. For instance, art is the unique thing and when someone commenced inventing new things, it becomes discovered art. There are number of inventions that start with discovery (Gumusluoglu & Ilsev, 2009). The invention refers to the higher level of the creativity, for instance, the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell but the question has arisen that without bell, it would not have been possible to invent the telephone. This thinking is absolutely wrong because the existence of science was there and because of the existence of science, it might have taken longer, but it would have happened (Hotho & Champion, 2011). It shows that in case of the higher invention in comparison of delivery, it is something that would be done definitely. Creation is the upper level of creativity. For instance, Othello is the play which is genuinely a creation.
The difference between creativity and innovation
The process of creativity, innovation and Entrepreneur is different but they are completely incomplete without each other. It is required for the business to consider all such aspects at the time of implementing some things for the purpose of bringing change within the organization. It has been found that the theory of creativity and innovation is more popular in Beijing as it creates an effective way of thinking within the organization. The hierarchy of business in China is being given value by the employees of that country. at the time of dealing with external parties, the disorganization might slow down the way of communication because the external parties are not aware of the best person to liaison. The employee turnover rate is increased in Beijing, it is not possible for the companies to be transparent in the terms of showing financial essays in openly (Herrmann & Herrmann-Nehdi, 2015). Creativity and innovation have the ability to take freedom of expression and collaborative efforts. There area number of companies that invest their time in developing new ideas. The major work is being done by technological companies on creativity and innovation in which Google is the company that motivates their employees to spend at least on fifths of their time in thinking new ideas (Adner & Kapoor, 2010). The same idea should be applied by a number of companies all over the world for bringing change in the business. It has been analyzed that instead of amending the business entirely, it is necessary for the business to become accustomed in innovation approach that would amplify growth more in an appropriate manner.
There is a number of factors which will be helped to encourage imaginative thinking. These aspects are facilitated in brainstorming, execution of techniques to develop new things, actively solicit ideas, confronts the way staff work, tolerate mistakes, supportive, act on ideas and reward activity. Brainstorming is considered as the vital process of the business because it can help in developing the ideas of the entire team at the level of starting of the project in the organization. It is necessary for the company to make the employee feel that they are the valuable assets of the company and without them, the company cannot grow (Lee, Olson & Trimi, 2012).
The role of the entrepreneurship is the foremostingredient to innovate not only as the stage of business but also instimulatingcomplete business sector growth. It is required for the entrepreneur to focus on the creativity, innovation as well as strategic business practices. The role of the developed and creative entrepreneurship is referred to as the vital component of the stability and economic growth. Entrepreneur has the ability to identify and pursue opportunities no matter it is large or small (Saputra, 2014). The company should focus on the process which is related to the creative and innovative in the competitive environment. The strategic business can be expanded with the help of the right thinking regarding creativity and innovation. It is integral for the entrepreneur to enforce the boundaries of trends with the help of latest approach related to the ideas and creativeness before introducing the new platform of social media (Inno Work, 2014).
Domain relevant skills
The interconnection between creativity and innovation within good companies has been identified as a sure way to success. Inspiring creativity can lead the business as a result to amplify the productivity of the company (Johnston & Bate, 2013). Entrepreneur can increase the creativity and thinking process within the business by giving proper time to the employee to think about new ideas so that the company grows in an efficient manner. The problems within the organization can be improved with the help of the creativity. It does not matter whatthe company is standing for the purpose of competing with other companies or not but the creative problem solving provides that competitive edge that any kind of organization is endeavouring to achieve.
The role of the innovation in the growth of the business is necessary as there isa number of examples that entail many organizations that have the scope to endeavor something which is quite different (Mahr, Lievens & Blazevic, 2014). there is an example of Coca-Cola company that focused on the creative thinking in order to meet the latest innovation. Freestyle dispenser machine is being introduced by the company that permits user all over the globe to combine their own flavors and recommends for the new one. The new flavor made by the customer would recognize by the machine so that they can get it from another machine of the company which is located around the world and it can be used by the mobile application. It is the open innovation model that puts the customers in the core heart of the manufacturing process as the company utilizes the recommended flavors as the component of the external ideas which can be measured and developed as a new product line. There is another example of LEGO that has faced hard times in the section of the sales and revenues. The company have decided to bring something innovative and focused on creative thinking which made it more innovative route in comparison of before. The new strategy of the company is aimed to focus on the customers by connecting both creativity and business. This new strategy is known as LEGO’s Shared Vision. The company has started the open innovation model in which the company has designed the online website in which the customers of the company can design what they want either using bricks of LEGO or computer 3D applications. The company has given the opportunity to the other users in which others can start to discuss the idea and once it reach to the target audience, LEGO can refer it as the latest product line with providing a small component of the revenues (Elmansy, 2018).
Creative relevant process
Along with that, there are many examples of it that show that creativity and innovation havethe ability to bring change in the entire process in a positive manner. There is an example of a YETI brand that is known for providing outdoor lifestyle with the high quality of products from innovated and necessity out of the experience. Etsy is another example that has faith in creativity and innovation and creates a valuable experience for the creative entrepreneurs. The antique gifts are provided by this company all over the world (ICAEW, 2012).
It can be concluded from the above discussion that the role of the creativity and innovation in the development of an organization is great as it helps in bringing new ideas for the business so that the business can grow effectively. This essay has demonstrated the connection between innovation and creativity in a sophisticated way for the purpose of describing the definition of them. the difference between creativity and innovation has been mentioned in the essay. There isa number of examples of companies have been mentioned under this research in order to describe the role of them in the progress of the company. There are various causes which may impact the decision-making process of an entrepreneur. The strategic practices of the organization can be attained effectively with the help of an entrepreneur’s thinking in a creative way. The role of them is described in an effective manner in this essay.
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