Lean Project Management Implementation In The FIFA World Cup

The FIFA World Cup Tournament

The international world cup tournament that took place after every four years and this is eventually known as the FIFA World Cup (2018 FIFA World Cup Russia, 2018). For the year 2018, the tournament took place in Russia and 32 teams all over the world took part within the tournament. In this tournament, the cost was around 14.2 billion dollar and here for the first time the tournament management has used the VAR system that is video assistant referee system. The major aim of the paper eventually shows the implementation of the lean project management in the tournament. Furthermore, the discussion will be provided in the voice of customers along with the critical to customer requirement as well as the critical to quality parameters. Moreover, the paper will effectively discuss the various ways that could be utilised for the implementation of lean management within the project and also the process that supports the implementation.  

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Voice of Customers (VOC) 

Voice of customer or VOC is the vital method for the collection of information along with the feedback from the customers as well as the clients within the field. VOC is the valuable process that needs to be developed within the market for the effective function within the world. It helps to understand the need and the wants of the customer in the most valuable and effective way (Becker, Kautsky, & Widholm, 2014). This function is considered to be the proactive and also constant in the process of innovative improvement. In the general process, the VOC is being gathered with the help of an effective interview and survey process. In most of the cases, it can be seen that field survey and observation also help to gather the information for the VOC. In the FIFA world cup tournament, the VOC play a vital role as this allow the management to analyse the needs and the requirement for the customers that are highly effective for providing satisfaction to the customers (Kornegay, 2015). The primary concern of the VOC is regarding the arrangement and the process of ticketing to the customers. People in most of the cases can be seen that are unable to get the ticket due to bad management and for that FIFA needs to gather the VOC for the effective implementation of the arrangement within the field.

Critical to Customer Requirements (CCR) 

Critical to customers’ requirement or the CCR is considered to be the complicated procedure that is effectively dealing with the requirements of the customers. This process is complicated because the need and the wants of the people are continuously changing and for that analysing the perfect requirement of the customers is quite complex (Cortsen, 2017). It is the most crucial and the vital process that effectively helps the event manager to understand the buying decision of the customers. CCR is the valuable procedure which deals with the effective working function and the development process within the market. For the FIFA world cup, the process allows the manager to understand the buying decision of the customers regarding their ticketing process (Wang, 2015). This is the vital step for the event management to think about the facts and the figure and the dedication of the people towards the game that would drive them for the game. It can be seen that the ticketing process adopted by FIFA is the first come first serve so that people did not get discriminated or everyone gets the fair chance to buy the ticket for the tournament. 

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Voice of Customer Requirement (VOC)

Critical to Quality Parameters (CTQ)

Critical to quality parameters is considered to be the quality of the product along with the service which is generally provided to the customers. It is the most critical aspect for estimating the internal quality as well as the long-term process of the various servers that are provided to the people (Desbordes, & Chanavat, 2017). The quality of the product or the service have the vital aspect within the firm to access the numerous and effective process in the field. It is essential for the management team of FIFA world cup to maintain the numerous actors in the process. FIFA world cup has to maintain their quality of the service for the development of the working process within the field of development. With the help of this process, the project management of FIFA World cup can understand the need of customers within the market (Rodriguez et al., 2016). This also helps to understand the quality of inauguration of the event for the year 2018. The quality parameters effectively allow the management team to maintain the activity of FIFA World cup.

Lean management is the process that helps to reduce waste as well as the negative impact that might be formed during the event (Gyulai et al., 2018). It is the most vital activity and also the continuous improvement process for the project. In the tournament of FIFA World cup implementing the lean management is effectively used for the successful completion of the tournament. In this process, the entire project is segmented into small parts for controlling and monitoring the entire success of the project. There is the various way that could be utilised for the development and implementation of lean management within the project of FIFA World cup.

The ways that are used for implementation are as follows:

Continuous improvement for the project

The continuous improvement within the project management is the vital activity that helps to implement the lean management within the project. It can be seen that the continuous development in an event like the FIFA world cup tournament allow them to manage the entire task of the small project (Lam, & Mayer, 2014). The most vital and the valuable activity within the field is the development process for the tournament to maintain the entire process within the tournament for the development of any type of disaster within the project. With the help of a small project, the tournament can effectively understand the process for the improvement by analysing the flaws and the drawback that could be formed within the project. 

Critical to Customer Requirement (CCR)

Customer focus for the project development

Customer focus for the development of the project is one of the vital activity that generally performed by the event managers. This allows them to understand the process and also develop the effective field for maintaining the need and the wants of the customers. Focusing on the customer effectively implement the lean management within the field and for that, the most valuable process needs to maintain their activity for the development of tournament (Franceschini, & Maisano, 2015). Focusing allows the event manager to understand the process and the need of the customer for their satisfaction development.

Focusing on the leadership and the long-term learning process

In the focus on the leadership for the long-term learning process effectively improve the working function for the development of the project. This is highly essential for the project management to maintain their activity in the tournament and allow the team members to gather information from the field and develop their knowledge in the process (Fullagar et al., 2015). The learning process allows the management team to maintain their activity and develop their knowledge for the successful development of the tournament as this generally took place after every four years. The act is highly effective that learning and the development of leadership activity need to be developed for the tournament. 

The waste reduction process

The primary process of the waste reduction within the field allows the firm to maintain an effective working function for the tournament. In the implementation of lean the reduction of waste is the vital activity that allows the event management to maintain their activity in the most effective way (Lorgnier, Desbordes, & Chanavat, 2017). Waste reduction process in the event management is highly essential for building the knowledge regarding the success of the tournament in the field. For the FIFA world cup, the tournament needs to enhance their value within the project for providing their best service to the tournament. It is also essential for the entire valuable process in the field to maintain their value.


Table 1: PMBOK process for implementation of lean management



FIFA football world cup tournament


This is the actual principal step where the conversation on the necessity for project management as well as plan development took place

Initiation of the occurrence took place exactly after the efficacious end of the preceding year event


This planning phase provides an effective parameter for the administration to accomplish their activity

Planning is completed for uninterrupted four years on the opening ceremony action, ticket progression, safeguard as well as position, and even the look of the event (Kriz, Molloy, Kriz, & Sonntag, 2016)


This stage supports to implement the planning process effectively within the event

The execution occurs with the embellishment of position, manufacture of a ticket as well as other motion for the game

Monitoring and control

This procedure supports to screen as well as governor the presentation level as well as the working function for the event

Monitor the presentation level of the workforces for upholding the game event as well as analysing the response of the consumers


This stage is the concluding of the occurrence or the plan that vibrant whether the scheme is an achievement or not

The concluding of the occasion of 2018 FIFA world cup competition took place through the distribution of an effective event


Table 2: PRINCE2 for implementation of lean management

PRINCE2 Process


FIFA football world cup

Starting up a project

The first step in the project development where the strategy, project team, along with commencement phase design took place

The preliminary of the scheme of 2018 FIFA world cup occur right after the completion of 2014 tournament

Initiating project

This stage delivers an actual view of the scheme procedure, then the recognition of commercial case along with the promise of the capitals (PRINCE2 Processes – 7 Processes Of PRINCE2 Explained, 2018)

The operational purpose of the event is efficiently divided between the cluster for execution of the project

Directing project

This stage delivers the opinion on the numerous decision fact along with the venture run during the course of the process

Direct the crew memberships as well as the clients and even the promoters to uphold their activity level all the way through the project period

Controlling stage

This procedure is accompanying with the checking as well as the governing procedure within the scheme administration

Manage the team associates as well as the action they achieve concerning the opening ceremony along with the progression of ticketing besides seating preparation for the individuals

Managing the stage boundary

This stage arrangement with the principal decision action whether to endure the scheme or to immerse the plan

Need to contemplate the VOC concerning numerous activity in the plan administration plus manufacture the decision on the foundation of the persistence of the plan

Managing product delivery

This stage compacts with the formation of real distribution invention or service besides it safeguard the exertion done inside the project

Handling the procedure of ticketing plus making the actual preparation for the performers alongside with the individuals

Closing project

This stage demonstrate that the plan has positively encountered with the predictable wants

A positive conclusion of the occasion as well as the game display the finish of the scheme

The competition level is huge within the world and this is one of the most effective phases for the development of organisational project management. It is the most effective process which eventually helps the development of a strategy to maintain the competitive level of the firm (Molloy, & Chetty, 2015). It can be seen that the competition level gets higher with the development and the effective process for the improvement of the tournament in the field. In this, the governance effectively helps the development process of the firm to maintain their activity in the field (Soares et al., 2015). The entire process needs to be developed for the successful understanding of the FIFA world cup management need for the customers. It is essential for the management to enhance their working skill and their performance level within the field for the betterment of the process.

Critical Quality Parameters

Agile practice for the game event is the process that supports the development of continuous and the effective result within the field of project management. It can be seen that the effective communication process within the field allow the firm to maintain their activity and the valuable process to enhance the skill and the activity in the field (Cooper, & Sommer, 2018). It is depicted that the agile practice is one of the most vital and the crucial activity to improve the performance level of the team members within the tournament. It is one of the processes that the management team of FIFA world cup 2018 effectively utilise for the development of the firm and the working function in the game event. It is the most valuable process where the feedback of the consumers provide an effective view of the development process of the tournament (Andreff, & Scelles, 2017). It can be seen that the guideline for this process effectively help the firm to maintain their activity for the development of learning skill for the project managers. This practice allows the team management of the FIFA world cup to actively improve the working function and the delivery process within the field. 

Lean Six Sigma is the process where both the lean and the six sigma is being utilised to maintain the activity within the tournament management process (Jin, Ji, & Gu, 2016). It is entirely associated with the removal of waste and also the reduction of negative impact on the project management. It can be seen that lean six sigma is the effective and the valuable process where the firm needs to develop their activity in the field for maintaining the system and the success of the tournament within the field. It can be seen that the entire process needs to perform effectively within the market with the help of valuable management process for the FIFA world cup (Kowalska, 2017). This process effectively helps the tournament to improve their quality and their service that eventually develop the game along with the arrangement for the success of the tournament. This process also helps to maintain the VOC along with the CCR to actively understand the need of the customer and help them to make the decision for the successful development of the event within the world.


The paper eventually concludes the fact that the lean management implementation in the tournament is one of the vital processes for the improvement of the game and the management team. The paper concludes the fact that the entire process needs to be performed on the view of working function and also for the analysis of valuable process for the FIFA world cup tournament success within the field. Moreover, the paper also concludes the fact that the process like PMBOK then the PRINCE2 along with the lean six sigma effectively develop the management team and the learning process of the tournament. The most valuable and the suitable lean management implementation allow the event manager of FIFA to maintain their game and also the service of the event. 


2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ – FIFA.com. (2018). www.fifa.com. Retrieved 8 September 2018, from https://www.fifa.com/worldcup/

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