Exploring The Development Of IoT Product With Hierarchy Chart And Ethical Considerations

Hierarchy Chart

This report will explore the development of the IOT product which has described in the first assignment. This product will be helpful in tracking the location of someone or the working of the organization. The product of IOT will provide the entire information regarding the exact location and the information will be stored automatically after generating. The main aim of this report is to elaborate on the hierarchy chart in order to expand the exploration. The improvements are mentioned under this assignment in order to bring this IOT product in the system.

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Hierarchy is the way to structure of the company that use various kinds of level of authority and a vertical link between the subordinate levels and superior of the organization (Clauset, Moore and Newman, 2008). The hierarchical structure of Smart Tracker Organization is mentioned below:

The above mentioned hierarchical chart is for the company that will produce the smart tracker for tracking the various activities; it is required for the business to have an efficient knowledge regarding the new products. There should be a proper department within the organization so that the management of the new IoT products could be managed in a sophisticated manner. The company would be benefitted with launching the products as the hierarchical organizational structure will be helpful to track the activities in the easiest manner. With the guidance of the marketing director, marketing managers lead the team of the sales which would be hiring for defining the importance of the products to an Australian company for which the seminar would be ready. It is necessary for the company to have the financial director in the company who should be hired for looking after the situation of the accounts. Production manager will focus on the process of production in an effective way so that the proposed IOT products fulfill the need of the customers.

It is required for the business to focus on the various steps of recruiting and performing their roles so that the staff of the company can work on the same pitch in order to attain the goals of the company. there are some steps which should be applied by the organization in order to recruit the staff.

It is mentioned under the hierarchical chart that there is a department of human resource management and the above-mentioned steps will be followed by the same department. In the context of the developing a position description, the proper description of the vacant post will be made so that the roles and responsibility of each position can be understood (Healea and Hale, 2016). In the second step, there are two steps in which recruiter need to develop a recruitment plan which will entail the posting period, placement goals, additional advertising resources, diversity agencies and resume banks. It is necessary for the recruiters of the company to focus on the post positions by outreaching the talent (Sellon, 2014). Shortlisted candidate will be called for interview and as per their talent and the requirement of the profile; they will be finalized for the vacant post.

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Recruitment Process

There should be proper training program which would entail the training process of each department so that the working knowledge to a new candidate can be made in an effective way.

The role of the leader in the organization is keeping huge importance as they guide the employees of the organization to accomplish the goal of the organization. Transformational leadership style will be adapted to run the organization because it has the traits of self-management, lead with vision, ability to take the right tasks, make difficult decisions, entertain new ideas, adaptability and share collective organizational consciousness (Drucker, 2015). This will be helpful for the organization to attain the competitive advantages by bringing all team on the same pitch. It has been found that among leadership styles transformational leadership style will be better for the organization as the tracker is the system that would track each activity of the organization and for this cooperation is required. Cooperation will be brought by leading the company equally which could be done by adopting the transformational leadership style (Sadgrove, 2016).

The code of ethics for the company is mentioned below:

The improvement of Quality of Life

The employee will endeavor to improve the quality of the life which has been affected by the workload.


The employee will be honest towards the work performance, things, and services (Kernaghan, 2014).


The employee will work to compete on behalf of the stakeholders of the company.

Professional Development

The employee will amplify his or her professional development while performing for the company (Kernaghan, 2014).


The employee will respect to the society and behave like professionalism within the working zone.

There are many reasons to consider the code of ethics within the company as it helps to increase the potential of the employees in an efficient manner. the reasons are elaborated below:

To show the responsible Company

The code of ethics will be helpful for the company to show the responsible company which would increase the trust of the customer as well as the employee over the company.

To show the customer that the company value integrity

Furthermore, the customer of the company wants to get reassured by the existence of a code of ethics within the company. Code of ethics shows the company value integrity.

Prevents ‘innocent’ violations of ethics

There is another reason to handle the code of ethics in such a way by which they address matters that cannot happen to employees on their own. Whilst codes do not unavoidably touch on matters of illegality, the main concern of the codes of ethics to affect the profitability and integrity (Nieweleer, 2016).

Leadership Style

Legal protection against harmful action

There is another major reason to conduct the code of ethics for the smart tracker company to make discipline culture of the company in the corrective action so that in case of any harmful actions, the company could take legal action for the termination of such employee.

There is some list of the ethical issues that are specific for the company because the aim of the new products is to easy tracking and improving the tracking capability. The lists of ethical issues in the organization are mentioned below:

  • Enforcing the right to private life
  • Ensuring the access to information
  • Ensuring the information integrity
  • Ensuring the property rights on information

It has been analyzed that the company can face the ethical issues that are reasoned on the huge scale of the IOT specific technologies and features. The term of IOT is dependent on the global infrastructure network which links virtual as well as physical objects in a different way, by developing the data detained by various sensors (Jensen, Mandeville, and Karunaratne,  2017).


Figure 1: the impact of IOT technologies and features on the ethical behavior

Source: (Wortmann and Flüchter, 2015).

There is a huge risk as well for the company if someone uses this product for the wrong purpose or revealing the information of the company to other company. it is required for the company to focus on various security aspects while overseas the product as a number of companies will depend on this system and a little mistake can lead the company into the hazardous situation.

The role of the risk management plan is huge in the IoT as it helps in preventing unseen risks that can lead the organization into the adverse situation. Any kind of devices that can link to the internet has an entrenched operating system that is deployed in its firmware (Lam, 2014). It has been analyzed that the entrenched operating systems are not created with security in the form of the primary consideration, there is a number of vulnerabilities situated in the virtually all of them.

The need for risk management plan keeps massive importance for the organization as there is the first challenge of personal privacy. It is the issue which can come in the device of tracker when it intentionally or unintentionally gathers the personally identifiable information related to the customers (EFY, 2015). It is not possible for the company to make clear information governance techniques that help in gathering the information which is collected by the tracker devices. In such case, the risk management plan will help out to resolve the issues as soon as possible.

Code of Ethics

Another challenge for the company is the risk of the vulnerabilities that can become the major reason of the malicious user to cut into devices and cooperative a physical attack a user in order to introduce the malware into the systems (EFY, 2015). These cans enhance the huge risks linked with IoT.

The last risk for the company can be the challenge around handling the lifecycle of data collected from the IoT device, from development to attainment to analysis to disposal. It has been analyzed that the inaccurate control over the data can amplify the risk of handling the data.

Total Quality Management is the processor approach to success through continuous improvement. It is the process which is starts from top management and refers to the continuous process. It is considered as the long-term policy and part of the strategic planning to get the desired outcomes. The team of this organization can be made horizontally as well as vertically. With the help of TQM, the company would be able to make a sense of the environment of mutual trust. The requirements of the customer can be fulfilled by the company in an effective manner on a consistent basis (Valmohammadi and Roshanzamir, 2015). The company can learn from the customer dissatisfaction and can make changes in the company in an efficient manner in order to bring change. To develop the total quality management in the company, it is necessary to focus on certain elements such as integrity, leadership, recognition, trust, training, teamwork, recognition and communication. This would enhance the customer trust over the company as the main focus of the company would be on the customer requirements.  

ISO elaborates quality as the entirety of characteristics of a product or service that handles on its capability to meet an implicit need. The definition of the quality could be unspoken from different perspectives such as the perspective as per the consumer and the perspective as per the producer. The role of the quality management entails entire functions of the company to generate and develop quality products and services which complete the requirements of the customers and develop the customer satisfaction. ISO 9001 certification is needed by the company for the purpose of conducting periodically audit. With ISO certification, manufactures of a particular thing can make differentiation of their products to their competitors which decrease the chance of copy and increase the trust of the customers over the company’s product (Bangert, 2007). ISO standards have the ability to develop the processes of the business and add the values in the company. This kind of activity would increase the opportunity for the business to expand it to other countries.


It can be concluded from the above discussion that there are various factors which need to be considered at the time of developing the business. The main aim of this organization is to develop the selling of the product within the Australian Market as well as overseas. This product is made for the purpose of tracking the products in an appropriate manner. It is the product which will be manufactured to kind of factories and companies so that they can track their products at any time. This assignment has entailed the further information regarding the expansion of the products in which the hierarchical structure, recruit staff, code of ethics, moral and financial issue, ethical issues list and the role of the TQM and ISO in continuous improvement.


Bangert, M. 2007. Quality management: The Importance of ISO. Available [online] https://www.qualitymag.com/articles/84855-quality-management-the-importance-of-iso. Accessed on 27 Oct 2018.

Clauset, A., Moore, C. and Newman, M.E., 2008. Hierarchical structure and the prediction of missing links in networks. Nature, 453(7191), p.98.

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Wortmann, F. and Flüchter, K., 2015. Internet of things. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 57(3), pp.221-224.

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