Understanding The Significance Of Customer Satisfaction In The Expansion Of Apple Products: A Product Analysis


This particular research proposal explains the reasons for research, the problem statement, the aims and objectives of the study and the specific research questions and objectives of the particular section. The main topic of the research, which is to be chosen for the dissertation, is the product analysis of Apple Inc., and the proposal includes the background of the research, which focuses on the growth of apple products in the market and how they attained a state of global dominance. The research proposal discussed as follows helps to give a proper understanding as to the way in which the research will be carried out. Market analysis of a particular product or brand becomes extremely crucial in the present competitive scenario. The research proposal therefore focuses on the specific steps, which are followed in the dissertation research procedure on the customer satisfaction and their choice with respect to the Apple products (So et al. 2016, pp.170-193).

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The major schedule of this particular research paper is “the illustration of the importance of customer satisfaction in the retail industry specifically in case of Apple products”. The retail industry is the highest competitive field in the present world. Therefore, the ability of fulfilling “customer expectations and demands” becomes the most essential element for the sustainable growth in the industry as well as for the attainment of significant profit margins. This research paper will aim to understand the reasons behind customers wanting to stick with Apple products. It also helps in understanding what actually the nature of the products is striking to the customers.

Not a hugely significant amount of research has been conducted in this particular domain. Hence an idea as to what are the major determinants of customer satisfaction of the apple products is an important way to understand the brand’s global dominance (Singla, Ahuja and Sethi 2017, pp.142-158). 

Apple started in the year 1976 as a computer company. It is a multinational corporation which is responsible for creating a range of products including customer electronics, personal computers, servers and also computer software. The company has a range of computer software. “In the last decade, apple has expanded to a very intricate company which specializes in much more than just the concept of computers (Shin, Hanssens and il Kim 2016, pp.503-528). Apple is basically a consumer goods company and therefore the evaluation of its value requires a proper understanding of the products and consumers”.  It has been said, “For reasons varying from the philosophy of comprehensive aesthetic design to its distinctive advertising campaigns, Apple has established a unique reputation in the consumer electronics industry. One of the most unique things about Apple is its strong customer base.”

Research Objectives

The aim of this particular research is to understand why the customers and consumers of the product brand are liking a particular product. Therefore, the main question to be answered in this case is that “What is the major reason for which consumers prefer apple products over any other?” In this connection, it can be said that the related questions, which would be considered, are:

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  • What is the rate at which apple products have grown in the past few years?
  • What are the target customers of the apple products?
  • What are the policies, which are to be adopted by the company to ensure customer loyalty?

The primary hypothesis, which is to be tested in this particular case, is “whether the marketing of the apple products has a significant impact on the preferences of the customers”.

The research is conducted based on the above research and hypothesis in order to help understand the techniques in the customer preference and analysis.  


The aim of the present project is to institute the significance as also the significance of customer satisfaction on the sustainable growth as well as the profit of a company and to understand the reasons for the customers to choose the Apple Products (Shin, Hanssens and il Kim 2016, pp.503-528). This particular research aims to study “the different reasons for customer satisfaction in the background of the Apple product range.” The research therefore also aims to throw light on the fact that how the incapability to provide the required level of “customer satisfaction can take a severe toll on the customer base of any particular company.”


The main objectives behind the carrying out of this particular research are:

  • To evaluate the role of the customer satisfaction in the retail industry
  • Identification of the standard causes of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction in terms of the Apple product range
  • To analyse in case any policies are being taken up by the company as a response to customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction
  • To gather several facts and figures of the Apple stores and also their customer bases

Customers are the backbone of any company and they are solely responsible for the success or failure of any major business. Customer choice and customer satisfaction therefore becomes a crucial part of any industry, which is important in this particular context. In case the customers are pleased with the services and products of the company, they become loyal to that particular firm and praise the products, which they use. This therefore results in the word of mouth communication for the company ultimately leading to its success. This also leads to the growth and profit of the business as a whole (Parise, Guinan and Kafka 2016, pp. 411-420). Consequently, in order to recognize the significance of the customer satisfaction with regard to the policies and growth of the Apple Products it is necessary to collect suitable data and analyse the data to understand the reasons behind the study. Apple is therefore the perfect example for this case study. Therefore, Apple is responsible for the study to utilize the significance of customer satisfaction in the expansion of a particular industry. 

Research Methodology

Apple is one of the biggest multi-national companies at present. Therefore, in case the Company has to divulge certain confidential information, the researcher needs to take prior permission from the suitable authorities. This is done to ensure that the information, which is collected from the company solely, does not have any sort confidentiality regarding the facts.

Apart from this fact, ethics also need to be maintained at the time of data collection and survey conduction. This is because of the reason that it is genuinely ethical to maintain the privacy of the respondents who take part in the survey and help in the research analysis (Ou, Verhoef and Wiesel 2017, pp.336-356). Therefore, it is to be ensured that the personal information of all the respondents are to be kept private.

Consumers usually implement preferences when they go for the comparison of different alternatives and choices. The preference based on a certain amount of scientific evaluation is more or less reasonable. Marketing in the real life is concerned with dealing with a limited number of resources in a particular environment which has several drawbacks. The utilization of traditional marketing techniques in these situations is inevitably partial and also unequal. Marketing trends change with respect to the changing circumstances of the environment. Marketing plays a pivotal role after the establishment of target specifications, concept generation and concept of screening and scoring. Marketing is basically categorised into two basic types namely product selling and concept selling. It is believed that the marketing of a product can be reached at a certain level by the concept of product selling (Nisar and Prabhakar 2017, pp.135-144).

The idea behind concept selling is to sell a particular concept to the customers after getting their feedbacks by several ways. This can be through face-to-face interactions, electronic mails, panel discussions, interactions with extreme users, written surveys and by word of mouth publicity. Marketing communications are the means by which the customers are informed, persuaded or incited directly or indirectly regarding the brands, which are sold by them. In this particular case is the idea of product selling majorly (Lewrick et al. 2015, pp.239-268).

In order to be market driven the companies need to build a strong capability for product management. Most companies are incapable of creating a role in their businesses, which is specifically geared towards their particular target market. In case a company understands the different factors, which are responsible for driving value in the organisation, they are able to incorporate the particular insight into the procedure of product development. After the collection of the results from the survey, it is necessary to collect the information and analyse it for future importance. Analysis of the target market is also important in connection to understanding the customer preferences with reference to a particular product which needs to be analysed (Lewis 2015, pp.473-475).

Population and Sample

Product analysis is an important project management procedure, which is crucial for the projects, which have a product as a part of a deliverable. It is basically supposed to mean that at the time of analysis of the product, there might be several questions which can be asked about the product. The research aims to through light on the several types of product analysis techniques are to be discussed with respect to the apple products in the survey (Kumar, Anand and Song 2017, pp.96-119). 

The research methodology discusses the several methods, which need to be utilized for the particular research. This research is to be done to find the best outcome from it and be genuine and productive in enhancement of information about the significance of customer satisfaction in the expansion of the industry and profit of the business. The procedure of the classification of the data into the primary and secondary data is to be understood. The research is to be conducted in a systematic as well as an organised manner with every characteristic of the research needing to be appropriately intended and the selection of the present choices and a smooth execution. The research findings are bound to help in the establishment of the customer satisfaction is the backbone of the expansion and growth in the different countries.

It is important for any research to have a particular population and a particular sample for the research and the analysis to be conducted. It can be said based on the particular research that the population comprises of people who are users of apple products. This particular population of the people is bound to help and develop a particular sample such that the research questions and research objectives can be developed and understood. The total range of users of the apple products are to be considered (Kozlenkova et al. 2015, pp.586-609).

The sample comprises of a certain segment of the population who are to be studied. A 5% or 10% sample from the total population of members is to be chosen and their responses are to be collected for analysis. It is desirable that the sample of people chosen is representative of the population so that the results, which are obtained from the study, are not skewed of any kind (King and Baatartogtokh 2015, p- 77).

The sources of data collection in this particular research comprise of the people who are to be selected as a sample and those who are to give their opinions regarding the reasons for choice of the apple products as also the factors concerning their brand loyalty. The data sources are therefore primary as the respondents who come under the 5-10% sample of apple consumers comprise the sample.

The primary data collection is strenuous and time taking. It also involves the presence of a lot of funds and their collection. This is because of the reason that the respondents have to be interviewed separately and their responses have to be categorised based on their nature and their types. In order to conduct a survey among the sample population, questionnaires need to be formulated and circulated among the respondents of the survey.

The questionnaire is a survey questionnaire and therefore comprises of several close-ended questions pertaining to the product about which the interview is being taken. The questions are closed ended and therefore the answers can be given in any of the possible alternatives, which are provided after each question. 

At the time of collection of primary data, the collection method should be completely accurate and suitable. This is because of the reason that the accuracy of the data plays a huge role in the determination of the accuracy of the data collection and results. In case the data are not accurate, the results of the analysis will also not be accurate and cause several problems for the analysis. The brand concerned is also a huge and significant one and this puts a huge amount of pressure on the researches (Greenland, Combe and Farrell 2016, pp.35-55). Proper attention needs to be given to the way in which the survey is being conducted.

It is to be considered that the technique of data collection is primary and the nature of the research is qualitative in nature. The nature of the data collected is primary by nature. The data collected is primary because the data is collected from the respondents themselves. The qualitative method of research results in large amounts of data, which are contextual and abundantly detailed. These data usually initiated from interview transcripts or observation notes and needs to be pared down to symbolize main themes or group, which explain the particular occurrence, which is being studied.

Qualitative research studies are distinctive and therefore demand exclusive strategies for the purpose of study. The qualitative data analysis comprises of identifying, coding as well as the categorisation of patterns, which are found in the data. The major types of qualitative data analysis involve thematic analysis, data coding and qualitative software. These methods of analysis have specific applications in different research situations. The concept of thematic analysis is a method of seeing as well a way of coding qualitative information. It can be said that with reference to the topic and context of study, the method of analysis to be chosen is that of a thematic analysis. This is done in order to identify the different reasons and concepts that arise out of the survey conducted among a sample of the users of Apple products.


Thus, this is the framework of the proposed method of research with respect to the topic for the type of the research applicable.  In case this particular discovered is found to be appropriate enough, then the research is to be approved out as per the structure in order to effectively complete the research based on the attainment of the aims and objectives of the particular research. This planned research aims to efficiently begin the significance of customer satisfaction in the sustainable growth, enlargement and also the profit increment of the business. The collection of the data about their services and the services to please their customers need to be satisfied to the fullest thus growing the customer count. This is bound to result in the expansion of their business and their growth. 

Reference List

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