Ways To Embed Sustainable Practices & Foster Environmentally Responsible Children
Negative impact of Lack of Connection with Nature
The aim of this assessment is to assess your skills and knowledge that are required for this unit. Use the Learning Resources that the Trainer provides you and also your Trainer to assist you in completing this booklet with accuracy.
This section of the assessment incorporates the unit scope, underpinning knowledge, critical aspects and the appropriate employability skills. This assessment can be given as a self-paced written assessment, administered orally by an assessor or a combination of both. Whichever method is used, the answers to the questions will be recorded on this assessment schedule.
The Studentmust complete ALL questions correctly. If an answer is not correct, the Assessor must investigate the level of understanding. The Assessor will then document any discussions in the Assessor Box provided at the bottom of each page. If the Assessor asks any additional questions, these will be documented in the Assessor Box and include the Student’s answer.
If the Student does not demonstrate the required underpinning skills and knowledge, then the Studentis deemed not yet competent in this unit. Some possible solutions to achieve competence are:
• Any incorrect questions may need to be completed again and re-submitted
• Additional training may be required
• Additional research may be required
1.There is no one definition of sustainability however; Morrison-Saunders & Hodgson (2009, as cited in your text) suggest a number of principles of Sustainability.
Provide a definition for each of the principles of sustainability.
Ecological integrity and maintaining biological diversity A proposal based on this principle focuses more towards environmental protection and ecological integrity by implementing biodiversity offsets on ecosystems which will result to environmental benefit in any case of change (Capmourteres and Anand 2016).
Integrating environmental, social and economic considerations in decision making This principle states that all the other principles of sustainability are to be applied at once without compromising any of the principles. It also takes into consideration the economic, social and environmental in each of its decision making process (Farnsworth, Adenuga and De Groot 2015).
Non-renewable resources These are the resources that cannot be renewed once they are used or consumed. These are natural resources which form after ages and most of the times if it gets used then it is difficult to use again.
Precautionary behaviour The precautionary principle focuses on taking action against the scientific proof of evidence for the required needs that if delayed can severely affect the resources and nature for the future generation.
Involving the community This principle focuses on involving community people to increase their participation in protecting environment, by providing them the facilities required and the social implications such as high rise development. All resulting to create a cohesive community.
Continual improvement It is the creation of systems that will identify the opportunities that helps to build an environment with the process to safeguard and continuously improve the process.
Equity for each generation, and between generations This principle demonstrates the concept of inter-generational equity which endures value for future generation along with the outline of the proposal that is needed to be manage by whom and how in future.
Democracy and governance This principle ensures that public participation is essential for the development and planning of land and resources are equally important. It also states that community engagement is an active participation for the decision making processes.
To complete this task refer to the following reading:
• Sustainable Practices, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria (2012).
According to the reading, what are some of the ways that services can embed sustainable practices within their operations?
Some of the ways in which services can embed sustainable practices within their operations are by:
In gardening, children can be made to learn to plant new seeds and grow them by watering and taking care of them.
Children can be asked to recycle paper by using both sides of the paper either for rough work or fresh work..
The children can recycle various resources that they use in their daily life. For example, writing on the back side of the paper for not letting to get waste.
Gardening and growing plants nearby to promote healthy and green environment.
Water conservation is another way they can save water and get to know the importance of water in world.
By saving electricity they can understand the need of the resources.
Provide an example of sustainable practices that may be implemented within each of the following areas within a children’s service. Service Practice Example
Administrative practices Using the colour and crayons till it can be used. For example, children can use the colour pencils and crayons till the end of it. Simply, use these items until they are totally finished.
Use of utilities Children can use air conditioners and electronics when required. For example, switching on air conditioners each time when entering the room is not required instead when the time he is going to sleep can on the air condition.
Purchasing Students can limit to purchase of bags and handbags instead first try to use the one which already exists. This way he can prevent over purchasing and appropriately use the stuffs.
Use of recycled materials The children can purchase fewer amounts of craft materials instead try to use and recycle the stuffs that he might get at home. For example, using boxes and card boards for making a project where he needs to built a small hut.
Gardens The children can use the vegetable stuff to make compost matter out of it which he can later use for the soils fertility.
7.How can the educator engage children to explore environmental sustainability through nature
The educator can engage the children into discussions about the sustainable practices. For example, garbage full of bin, wastage of food.
Approaching Environmental Program from Child’s Perspective
Including and encouraging the children to participate in recycling programs (Öztürk 2016). For example, recycling of paper and plastics or putting into a habit of donating materials like art and craft.
Focusing towards protecting environment resources by making them responsible for noticing water pollution and saving water, overuse of energy and in place switching off the fans and lights when not in use.
Confronting with environmental issues such as weather reports and pollution level to make them understand the need to protect the environment.
Define the central focus of the Sustainability Curriculum Framework and why it is relevant to the early childhood setting
The central focus of the sustainability curriculum framework is to promote education for sustainability which will simultaneously help to improve quality of the society and will make it liveability. It is both present and future oriented and needs to be focused from the early period of time to implement actions to experience the impact of these actions in future. It is relevant to early child hood setting because this is the time when they will learn to love and take care of nature. This will help them to grow interest towards protecting environment (Ensi.org, 2018).
Assessor Notes:
Using the ‘Taking action’ concept, plan a hands-on learning experience with a group of preschool children to explore the natural environment and the interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land. Your focus should be on lifecycles, growth and change. Use the attached template to complete this task.
(List/describe how you intend to implement the experience with the children from beginning (set up) to end. How will it be set up? What will the children be required to do?)
The children are needed to draw different stages of a plant from sowing the seed into the soil in the first paper then the second stage would be to draw a small plant that grows out of the seed the second stage will be to draw a plant which is being watered then similarly draw other stages of 5 drawings in the drawing paper and then in the last they will draw a rose plant with rose in it which will be the final stage of the plant. They need to fill colour in their drawings as well. In the end their drawing papers with their drawing in it has to be pasted in different card boards.
(What role will you play in the experience? How will you facilitate children’s engagement, learning and development? E.g. initiating, modelling, prompting, coaching, encouraging, playing alongside, giving directions, asking questions, extending, demonstrating, one to one interactions. What strategies will you use to assess children’s learning and development?)
I will alongside help them to draw and understand the concept with the help of practical by showing all the process that they are drawing in real so that they can feel and get interact with what they have learnt and drawn. I will also give directions and one to one interactions and feedbacks to evaluate their understanding of the concept.
Helping children learn to love the Earth before we ask them to save it: Developmentally appropriate environmental education for young children, Dimensions Educational Research Foundation, (2005).
This article highlights the need to approach an environmental program from a child’s perspective rather than from an adult’s perspective. Explain the reasoning behind this statement in relation to cognitive development.
The article highlights that the need to approach an environmental program form a child’s perspective is important rather than from an adult’s perspective because the author focuses that the children are not even attaining that age where the children can absorb and understand the concepts like acid rain, ozone layer and other factors which is not possible for the children to understand before attaining the age of nine. The author also added that this can lead to phobia among the children regarding environment issue. On the other hand, adults are familiar with the concept and had time to make a relationship with nature but as compared to the children are less use to play outdoor games and ultimately do not share any such bond with environment. Sharing bond means to create a love for the nature in an individual’s mind which will automatically result into saving the environment. However, if there is no love for the nature among the children there will be no specific reason to save the nature.
Blue Bay Sustainability Plan for Administrative Procedures, Kearns Education, (2014). Using the reading as a guide, develop a sustainability plan for
i.Energy use,
ii.Waste Management,
iii.Water usage.
Your plan will have three strategies that will focus on experiences, materials and the involvement/ contribution by the children, families, educators and the community.
1 Put into habit of the children to ensure that at the end of the day they switch off after use of all their electronics such as computers, lights.
2 For small distance ensure using of cycles or foot walk instead of cars which will help to save the resources.
3 People can use washing line instead of a dryer to dry clothes.
1 By purchasing only the paper towels and toilet papers that can be recycled.
2 Reduce the use of paper and in place use the electronic journals and newspapers and re-use one sided paper.
3 Family members or community can request for three different bins to collect garbage distinctly. For example, green garbage’s in one bin, plastic in one and recyclable material in one.
1 Families can install rain water tank to save water for gardening and washing purpose.
2 Spreading awareness among the family members and the community members on saving water by limiting the use of unnecessary water (Somerville 2015).
3 Where possible repair the leaks to stop wastage of water.
To complete this task refer to your task and the following reading: Example Environmental Sustainability Policy, CCCC, (2013).
aThe example Environmental Sustainability Policy includes role-modelling as an educator strategy for sustainable practice. List three ways an educator could role model sustainable practice.
The educator could maintain a no dig vegetable/herb garden. The educator could switch off the equipments and light when not in use. By minimising waste and limiting the service resources.
Acecqa.gov.au. 2018. Quality Area 3 – Physical environment. [online] Available at: https://www.acecqa.gov.au/nqf/national-quality-standard/quality-area-3-physical-environment [Accessed 6 Mar. 2018].
Berendonk, T.U., Manaia, C.M., Merlin, C., Fatta-Kassinos, D., Cytryn, E., Walsh, F., Bürgmann, H., Sørum, H., Norström, M., Pons, M.N. and Kreuzinger, N., 2015. Tackling antibiotic resistance: the environmental framework. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 13(5), p.310.
Capmourteres, V. and Anand, M., 2016. Assessing ecological integrity: A multi-scale structural and functional approach using Structural Equation Modeling. Ecological indicators, 71, pp.258-269.
Ensi.org. 2018. Sustainability Curriculum Framework [online] Available at: https://ensi.org/global/downloads/mailing/53/Sustainability%20Curriculum%20Framework.pdf [Accessed 6 Mar. 2018].
Farnsworth, K.D., Adenuga, A.H. and De Groot, R.S., 2015. The complexity of biodiversity: A biological perspective on economic valuation. Ecological Economics, 120, pp.350-354.
Handler, D.E.B.B.I.E. and Epstein, A.S., 2010. Nature education in preschool. Highscope Extensions, 25(2), pp.1-7.
Neugebauer, M. and So?owiej, P., 2017. The use of green waste to overcome the difficulty in small-scale composting of organic household waste. Journal of Cleaner Production, 156, pp.865-875.
Öztürk, D.K., 2016. A Study on Preservice Preschool Teachers’ Recycling Intentions in Relation to Parents’ Educational Level and Recycling Opportunities. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 11(5), pp.949-956.
Somerville, M., 2015. Children, place and sustainability. In Children, Place and Sustainability (pp. 166-184). Palgrave Macmillan, London.