Nature And Purpose Of Education: Critical Reflection
The Significance of Education
This essay reflects on the nature and purpose of education to validate understanding of key concepts. Education is a significant medium of attaining vital knowledge and skills. Education is not about learning from books. I believe that it is an effort to transfer knowledge to individuals. The world is consistently changing and advancing so it has become quite significant to impart and bring up intellectual individuals who can cope up with the concerns of modern society and cope up appropriately. I have observed that education has a substantial role in shaping successful people. The education offers the prospect to become a creative individual of society by attaining all the required skills. I have learned to become a cohesive personality and sustaining the continuation of the culture. I have learned norms, guidelines, and rules of society through education only. Education is a systematic procedure through which a person attains knowledge, experience, skill, and sound attitude. Education has attained significance in every society as it is a solution to all the problems. Education is essential in equipping children with the capability to act accountably in the complex environment (Bulla, et al. 2016).
I believe that education lays the foundation stone for the upcoming. It has even widened vision and created insight. Education has assisted me in advancing a disciplined life and offering better earnings prospects. The education has also become a prerequisite for affluence and transformation of the society. I feel that contemporary education is generous, exposed, and exoteric. Moreover, it is a ground of development in not only families but societies as well. It guides individuals to be reasonable on the basis of freedom, humanism, equality, democracy, and human rights. I have experienced that education keeps step with the requirements of the contemporary society and is a reflection of its aims, values, and primacies (Mustaffa, 2017). Attention has been raised concerning education signifying a general misinterpretation about the nature and purpose of education along with different means of delivery. According to my views education is required to be standardized for everyone than offering a multiplicity of choice for a multiplicity of needs. The priorities such as political, economic, religious, sociological, and technological always describe and direct educational provision. The education is not likely to be neutral but a competition of ideas. The citizens in Australia have been provided with the most diverse models of national education provision. The schools offer a different experience along with various modes of delivery. The education system of Australia frame provision in a system of beliefs and values which is not necessarily of high significance for some people. It is totally fine. Human choice is something that is appreciated highly in democracy. The nation is having a long history and exceptional track record (Mills & McGregor, 2016).
Standardization in Education
I believe that schools used to be undertaken as places for student learning but now it has started to be thought of as places of learning for school, parents, teachers, and community members. Moreover, these are referred to as learning communities where innovative and wide forms of thinking are raised, communal ambition is set free and individuals consistently learn together. On the other hand, I consider that pastoral care is something done by all (Romm, 2018). It is not simply an institutional vision. Caring is all about safeguarding or being a custodian of another. It has been considered that boys learn best in a caring and controlled environment that inspires adventure, challenge, adventure, creativity, and inquisitiveness. I have observed that the advancement of sympathy and empathy as the base of a caring approach to others within the robust tradition in pastoral care (Billaiya, et al. 2017).
On the other side, education is also something which concentrates on teaching than learning. The traditional learning concentrates on teaching, not learning. On the other hand, according to modern views, the objective of education is learning, not teaching. I consider that there are various ways of learning and teaching is one of them. I believe that other than focusing on teaching and learning, it is a medium to attain essential knowledge and skills. Teaching as a powerful way of learning reflects two ways such as explaining something to someone who wants to discover (Im, et al. 2016). Another aspect leaves the interpreter more enriched with a thorough comprehension of the subject. According to my views, education ensures that the information is described and standardized along with fitting into the standardization. The education also reflects that skills and knowledge attained by everyone have to be converted into being a productive citizen of a developed nation. The education even advances a means of defining and collaborating the standardized information. People are trained to understand the standardized material and master the method of conveying it. The places should be formed where students and instructors can meet to exchange ideas. The education offers coercive backing required to conduct major cultural and social turmoil. The instructors have also attained respect in the ways by turning meanings upside down (Francis, et al. 2017). The standardization prevails in both schools and colleges. The teaching includes conveying one’s knowledge to the individuals. The individuals are guided through the acquaintance base which is not only subtle to the requirements of field applications but also includes a meaningful and conceptual combination of theoretical understanding accessible in various related disciplines. The knowledge base of the instructor includes concepts along with principles of other disciplines. The knowledge base should be differentiated into stage precise programs. It should be used for advancing efficient procedures and performed as anticipated on each phase. Moreover, it entails a system comprising an interdependence of inputs, procedures, and consequences. The individuals come to a specific instructor with the values, beliefs, commitment, and moral codes (Marikar & Jayarathne, 2016). The knowledge base should be properly specialized and diversified to advance an effective procedure so that instructors can perform at an anticipated level. On the other hand, individuals are also anticipated to implement ideas in novel situations. If the individuals only practice calculating answers to foreseeable exercises then they are more anticipated to learn. Moreover, the individuals can not learn to think judgmentally, assess information, convey ideas, enable logical arguments, function as a part of a team, and attain other required skills unless they are inspired to do such things over and over in several backgrounds. Moreover, effective learning by the individuals necessitates feedback. The learning generally takes place when individuals have the prospect to express ideas and attain feedback from their peers. The feedback should consist of more than the provision of correct answers. The feedback needs to be logical and suggestive (Ashour & Fatima, 2016).
The Role of Instructors in Education
The key concepts of education have relied on effective teaching and learning. Active learning enables students to engage in a lively exchange. In this concept, students do not inertly listen and take notes during lectures but energetically contribute their ideas and thoughts to a pertinent combined conversation and the activity directed by the instructor. For instance, a classroom involved in active listening can be full with the voices. It can be a classroom on a forager hunt. Another concept, hybrid learning usages a blend of in-class active learning and out-of-class online learning by digital media. For instance, outside the classroom, students are asked to watch online video lectures by a specific website or other connected activities. The students are also guided to contribute to active learning negotiations and the activities directed outside the classroom. Meta-cognitive awareness is also a significant concept of education (Beech, 2018). It is all about thinking concerning own knowledge and the way a person has come to recognize a topic. Meta-cognition is a type of contemplation. It serves a momentous role in thorough knowledge and perilous thinking. For instance, self-reflections and concept mapping are approaches to enhance student’s metacognitive cognizance. In this concept, students can be asked by the instructors to write self-reflections evaluating the way they did on a project and what they erudite during the class. The students can also be asked to form graphic min-maps revealing the advancement of discerning on a provided subject and the way their thinking has advanced over time (Tamtik, et al. 2016). On the other hand, there is also another concept known as meta-effective awareness. This concept is quite similar to meta-cognitive awareness and is meant to identify one’s own sentiments and then procedure and connect them. Meta-effective awareness is also alike to emotional intelligence. Although this term is less familiar as compared to other concepts of education (Kupriyanovsky, et al. 2017). Meta-affective awareness is majorly a theme of interest in math education about some time but thereafter the topic is progressing among configuration scholars. For instance, both students and teachers stand to assist from advancing meta-affective awareness. The teachers can influence their spirits on a topic along with the capability to teach. The students identifying their emotions can be better able to succeed students. For instance, a student realizing bored may be able to advance approaches to keep himself involved (Gallagher, et al. 2016).
As per my views, the self-regulated learning concept meant to have awareness of student’s learning encounters and controlling particular behavior to address those encounters. Self-regulated learners vigorously pursue resolutions to enhance their learning. For instance, instructors might inspire students to conscious of their own erudition fortes and weaknesses and discourse areas that encounter them (Shestakova, et al. 2017). The students are self-aware of the element that they have a tough time concluding allotted readings can advance approaches to discourse the challenges and control their own interpretation schedules. The growth outlook concept is a mode of discerning in which students assume that they can acquire by working towards enhancement and attaining a goal as compared to the fixed outlook in which students assume that they have the capability to do (Akcil, et al. 2017). The notions of growth and outlook have been advanced by Stanford Professor, Carol Dweck. The concept has revealed a great influence on the student’s performance. For instance, inspiring a growth framework by interpositions in the classrooms. It prompts students that growing, learning and ensuing is a never-ending and on-going process. It can not be simply attained by inborn talent. Another significant concept of education identified is stereotype threat. It is a phenomenon in which a person who is undesirably stereotyped experience more strain during testing than the persons who do not feel stereotyped, instigating them to expressively drift (Zaitseva, et al. 2016). Any individual can get influenced by a stereotype threat along with posing specific damage for minorities and females. Such a phenomenon was first detected and named by Stanford Professor, Emeritus Claude Steele, and colleagues. This concept has been also verified by some other researchers. For instance, there are various methods to alleviate stereotype menace and minimize its influence on students in the classroom comprising encouraging students that tests are impartial along with focusing that multiplicity is appreciated and inspiring an evolution framework (Guseva & Solomonovich, 2017).
Active and Hybrid Learning
I believe the community affianced learning and service- learning entails that students attain valuable real-world experience by community-engaged learning. In this concept, students accomplish volunteer projects advanced with communal stakeholders and directed by the instructors. This approach has not successful in promoting student learning but also benefiting community organizations. For instance, community affianced learning projects can be a precise project, probably interdisciplinary and taking a variability of other methods (Sheikh, 2017). The Rhetorical situation focuses on the way students acquire to assess the rhetorical situation, appearing to spectators, resolution, and framework. This concept assists students in becoming more active communicators in written and verbal language. Enabling the convention of evaluating the rhetorical situation offers a life-long roadmap for successful communication in the classroom and outside (Kumari, 2016). For instance, introducing students to assessing the precise rhetorical situations, an instructor can ask students to deliberate the resemblances and variations between collaborating and urging seniors, a corporate board room, and writing teacher. The grade norming concept limits prejudice and inspires uniformity of grading on the projects by instructors and teaching assistants across sections or programs. For instance, graders meet and settle on the standards in the norming sessions used to grade. It is generally done by having each grader pre-grade a framework of written projects. This concept compares significances along with advancing a strong and agreed upon grading rubric for each grader to use as a reference (Aithal & Aithal, 2016).
I have come to a conclusion that education is a substantial medium of attaining vital knowledge and skills. The education is not only limited to the books that are read at the institutes but it covers more than that. The education includes everything that a person does in life and covers all the important characteristics. The older generation transfers their life wisdom through the power of education. The education is even reflected in the way a person treats others around. I have been successful in contributing to the society by attaining all the needed skills. Education is a consistent procedure. It’s pre-service and in-service apparatuses are complementary to each other. The education is likely to take place in 3 phases such as pre-service, induction, and in-service. Such phases have been a significant part of the education’s consistent process. Education is significant in everyone’s life and leads to the accurate path. It enables humans to enhance human living conditions along with the standards. Attaining a decent education is imperious in civilization and is a substance of a effective future. The crux of education relies on the design, curriculum, structure, organization, and transaction methods along with the scope of relevance.
Meta-Cognitive Awareness and Meta-Effective Awareness
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