Melbourne Cup Carnival – The Most Prestigious Annual Thoroughbred Horse Race

The Festival and Its Rich History

Melbourne Cup Carnival is Australia’s famous horse race festival.  The festival attracts people round the globe to experience the flash, finery and fanfare for a stake of $ 6.2 million prize money.  The sports festival is known as an eventful of spotlight, glamour and entertainment.   This glamorous festival has a long impact on Australia because people around the world travel to Melbourne.  This is known as one of the most prestigious annual Thoroughbred Horse race.  The 3200 meter race for three years old and more is carried out by the Victoria Racing Club on the Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne, Victoria.  The festival is the richest 2 mile handicap in the world and considered as one of the richest turf.  Every year the event starts at 3 pm on the first Tuesday of November and known as the Race that stops a nation.  It is a long traditional horse race started in 1861(Melbourne Cup Carnival, 2018).

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In 2018, the Melbourne Cup Carnival   will start from 6 of November. The event is hosted with full zeal and people across the globe visit in order to enjoy the famous festival.  The race is organized by the Victoria Racing Club. This year the AAMI Victoria Derby Day is on Saturday 3rd November 2018. The following Tuesday 6th November 2018 is Melbourne Cup Day, which will take place in front of 100,000 racing fans at Flemington.

The campaign is designed to target three audiences and focus on gaining adequate results by looking onto different section. A gigantic 310,608 racing fans came for the n2017 Melbourne Cup carnival, with Cup day alone drawing 90,536 people.

2017 Victoria Derby day crowd: 87,526

2017 Melbourne Cup day crowd: 90,536

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2017 VRC Oaks day crowd: 63,673

2017 Emirates Stakes day crowd: 68,873

The first audience is the supporter, those who actively participates in betting who are actively following the game from a long time.  The purpose of this segment is to generate awareness among the people about the dates and the itinerary.  This will somehow help in delivering the effective results and announcing greater number of audience. It is important from the point of view of inviting people across the globe. The festival occurs in front of 1, 00,000 racing fan. In this way, it is possible to seek attention from the people and upgrade the function in order to derive the effective results.  This is important enough for gaining effective roles and responsibility. The changes will possibly allow in focusing on people around in order to manage the popularity (Shank & Lyberger, 2014).

Different Audiences of the Melbourne Cup Carnival

The second set of audience is the followers who are following this festival religiously across the boundaries. They are following the carnival while sitting in the different country.  This segment is known for creating excitement and is held responsible for managing the interest. It is important enough to focus on this segment in order to attain favourable results and organizing the best possible role and responsibility. This is further important to attain accuracy in maintaining the balance and attaining high level of effectiveness (Shilbury, Quick & Westerbeek, 2003).

The third set of audience is the fan and followers who are not actively following the game. They are the one who are focused on gaining entertainment. In order to meet the interest of this group, the purpose is to find out the deliberate activities and functions.  These functions are important from the point of view of gaining effective role and responsibilities. The purpose is to attain the goals and focus oneself in a variety of functions.  It is therefore important enough for attaining deliberate results and helping in managing the role and responsibility.  It is important enough for arranging the functions and attaining the best possible results (Bee & Kahie, 2006).

The tone used in the campaign is clear and direct focusing on audience directly. This will allow in marking a strong impact in the mind of the audience. In this way it is possible for the audience to connect directly to the object. For the purpose o f gaining effective roles, it is necessary for managing the changes and allowing the best possible technique. The unclear abbreviations are avoided in the advertising campaign.  The entire campaign is made in order to maintain a balance in understanding and availing the best possible options in order to manage certainty. This is effective from the point of view of generating USP (Graham, Goldblatt, Neirotti, & Graham, 2001).

This is one of the most important part that allow in managing the brand  and allowing in  a best possible way to create craze for the  festival which in return will help in allocating the best allocation of the festival around the globe. It is therefore helping in allocating the requisite results in order to allocate best possible outcome.  This process is therefore affiliating long term effective role and responsibility that has a possibility to gain efficacy. In order to manage the changes it is possible to arrange the unique position that will help in organizing productive results. This will somehow allow in managing the suitable results and organizing the brand position around the world.

Social Media Campaign to Promote the Event

 The event will therefore attract people across the boundary which will surely help in getting business in an easy way.  In this way it is possible to arrange the business function by acquiring the sense of generating opportunities (Witkemper, Lim & Waldburger, 2012).  

The event wall increases the tourism in the city of Melbourne for the following time-period. This will in return allow in managing the effective roles and responsibility. The sports event will prove to be productive from the point of view of defining long-term result. The impact can be seen easily by supporting the purpose in order to retain long-term goal (Chadwick, Chanavat & Desbordes, 2015). It is necessary for maintaining the long term effects.  It is important to organize the benefit.  This is important enough to manage the process in order to allow in managing the event in an effective way.  It is one of the most productive and effective way of gaining lucrative benefit. It is necessary for managing the technology and allocating the best possible results. It provides supporters with information pertaining to the event with a focus on the audience needs (Shank & Lyberger, 2014).

 To come and attend the event with better facilities that allow in gaining effective results. This will however allow in matching up with the audience expectations. For this purpose it is important enough for maintaining an effective results and maintaining effectiveness.   This is however important enough for arranging effective results (Fetchko, Roy & Clow, 2016).

People visiting the place on a regular basis needed to be managing the changes in order to promote the event. In this way, it is possible to promote the event across the boundary.  The purpose here is to manage the changes while developing different range of products that include products that allow in matching up with the different expectations (Masterman, 2014). 

The purpose of this campaign is to carry forward the campaign in order to attain attention of audience. This is to attract people across the world and develop strong bond.   This is important enough for maintaining effective role and responsibility and enhancing the quality. It is evident from the point of sharing information on social media platform in order to maintain a balance (Cusack & Digance, 2009).

 In 2018.., the carnival will start from 6 November 2018 and includes a variety of events that will certainly allow in developing competitiveness. The long event wills there be handled by carrying out an effective communication practice. This will allow in managing the event in a pro-active way. The purpose here is to meet the target by matching up with the expectations. It is important enough for understanding the process of long term specific role and responsibility. This is eventually important for maintaining the popularity of the event across. It is necessary from the point of view of promoting the event in order to guarantee effectiveness. This will certainly allow in guaranteeing long-term effectiveness of the social media campaign. This is important for an event in order to balance the planning process. For this purpose it is important to maintain a balance an arranging the possibilities.  It is possible to manage the possible results that will allow in managing certain role in order to manage the changes. This is possible for managing the changes in order to achieve effective policies and procedure. On completion of this social media campaign it is possible to spread the information about the upcoming festival. It is therefore important enough for guaranteeing effectiveness and developing concrete objectives.  This is evident from the point of view of guaranteeing growth and accuracy. This is informative in order to arrange the determined functions and mentioning the best possible output in order to achieve adequacy.  There is a possibility where an individual might find interest in the particular objective. This is certainly important from the point of gaining effective way in order to manage the digital media strategy.  This will surely allow in maintaining the process.   It is important from the point of view of developing a better and purposeful role. It is therefore important enough for generating role and responsibilities. This is important from the point of view of appraising the social media process. All together the social media campaign is important to organize roles and responsibility.  The campaign is present in managing the function by validating the occupancy. It is further important in gaining strong existence of the campaign.

The promotion of this campaign will be based on highly visual advertising process. In order to gain an effective function, it is necessary to arrange the campaign not only in Australia but also across the boundaries.  The campaign will be carried through Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.  Ineffective and comprehensive plan will help in managing the event that will allow in executing the event in a well define way. The social media campaign will allow in defining the consistent objectives in order to define functions (White, 2011).  The purpose here is to manage the adequate capacity in managing the campaign.  It is therefore possible for obtaining the results and making it one of the famous in the world. This will certainly allow in managing the changes and developing interest of people interested in the event.  It is certainly necessary for ascertaining the functions and managing the changes in order to align the strategic growth of the event.

The video advertisement on national channel will help in promoting the brand name. It will increase the curiosity about the festival. In the age of social media transformation, it is evident to look into the process by conquering an illustrative social media plan. This is important enough for securing growth and aligning the best possible outcome in order to manage growth.  It is possible for defining the sustainable changes and responsible in increasing the viewership. This will help in arranging the functions and gaining growth. It is purposeful from the point of view of generating the possible growth. It is necessary from the point of gaining adequate results and measuring systematized growth in order to empower the social media campaign.  This is necessary for managing the effectiveness and most likely to help in arranging the functions in order to gain sustainable functions. It is therefore important enough for gathering the best possible manner

The media platform used during the process of campaign is Facebook.  This is one of the widest used platforms with millions of users adding up every year.  With this social media tool it is possible to attract more people and to add new one. In this way it is possible for every individual to validate the growth and development. It is necessary from the point of generating suitable growth and gaining opportunity in order to attain productive functions. It is crucial from the point of view of generating better objectives that has a capacity to multiply the growth of the product.

The second tool used here is Twitter. This will certainly help in creating productive information about the product. Hence it is necessary for maintaining the growth process. The continuous campaign session will allow in managing the promotional campaign. It is therefore evident from the point of view of gaining adequacy on a long run. The purpose here is to manage the consistent growth and aligning the complete process in order to attain distinguished results.  For this reason, it is important enough for managing the complete process in order to retain effectiveness. It is therefore important for acquiring the purpose and understanding the requisite functions (Lagos, Wrathall & Alebaki, 2014).

In addition to this, the Youtube channel will be used to provide with the effective promotional campaign. In this way it is possible to arrange distinguished functions and applying best possible results in the promotional campaign. The purpose here is to showcase the video of the past events. This will generate the curiosity in people in order to define functions.  This is further important from the point of enabling growth and productivity. This will certainly help in manifesting the effectiveness in order to ensure results. The different channel that is used in promotional activities is important enough to arrange distinguished results. The purpose here is to focus on the regular growth and increasing the viewership in the next event (Rolfe, 2009). It is important for focusing on the different functions and capabilities that will surely allow in managing the functions. It is important from the point of determining the capabilities and understanding g the process of attaining growth. This is important enough for acquiring consistent results and managing the adequacy in order to arrange the promotional campaign. It is important enough from the point of gaining adequate results and generating different possible results (Feltz, 2007).


To conclude, the purpose here is to manage the challenges and coming up with an effective social media plan in order to achieve effective results. The social media plan is therefore important enough to guarantee growth and development and propagating the positive side of the event. It is therefore important to manage the challenges in order to persuade the audience. In this way, it is possible for them to manage the variety of changes in order to increase the popularity of the event. This is important enough for gearing up the challenges camping up in the years.  It is furthermore essential to manage the popularity through exhibiting the process. The post is thereby responsible for making awareness among the people around. For the reason this is important for the purpose of undertaking the critical event.   In this way, it is possible to handle the certain impact of the social media campaign. This is important from the point of view of gaining capacity and validating the systematic growth.  This is necessary from the point of view of developing critical objectives and ascertaining better and consistent results.


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Fetchko, M., Roy, D. P., & Clow, K. E. (2016). Sports marketing. Routledge.

Graham, S., Goldblatt, J. J., Neirotti, L. D., & Graham, S. (2001). The ultimate guide to sports marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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Masterman, G. (2014). Strategic sports event management. Routledge.

Melbourne Cup Carnival, (2018). (Online). Retrieved from:  (Accessed on: 16 February 2018)

Melbourne Cup Carnival, 2018. (2018). (Online). Retrieved from:  (Accessed on: 16 February 2018)

Rolfe, C. (2009). Winners of the Melbourne Cup: Stories that Stopped a Nation. Red Dog Books.

Shank, M. D., & Lyberger, M. R. (2014). Sports marketing: A strategic perspective. Routledge.

Shilbury, D., Quick, S., & Westerbeek, H. (2003). Strategic sport marketing. Allen & Unwin.

White, L. (2011). 6 The role of the horse in Australian tourism and national identity. Tourism and national identities: an international perspective.

Witkemper, C., Lim, C. H., & Waldburger, A. (2012). Social media and sports marketing: Examining the motivations and constraints of Twitter users. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 21(3), 170.

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