Improving Customer Service For Enhanced Customer Satisfaction In InsCorp Insurance Company

Stakeholders Associated with InsCorp Insurance Company

Project Tasks

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Initial rounds of introduction and explanation of the project to understand the purpose and aims of the research



Roles & Responsibilities

Allocation of roles and responsibilities to be performed by each member



Learning Contracts Review

Learning Contracts are assigned to the members



Conduction & Execution

Kick-starting of the execution of the project activities



Data investigation & Gathering

Data and information gathering methods for the research work



Documentation Activities

Writing of the project researched



Final Completion, Presentation, and Submission

Completion of the final research tasks and activities and submission of the work done



InsCorp is an insurance company that provides insurance services and solutions to its customers. The primary goal of the company is to make sure that the customer service that it offers to its new, existing, frequent, and non-frequent customers is enhanced. It is required for every business organization to make sure that it provides its customers with the set of services and products as per their expectations. In this manner, the level of customer engagement and customer satisfaction is enhanced. The reputation of the organization in the market and its brand value also improves. The aim of the project is to list out the mechanisms and processes that may be followed by InsCorp Insurance Company to improve its customer service for enhanced customer satisfaction.  

There are several internal and external stakeholders that are associated with the company. These stakeholders play an extremely significant role in the growth of the company. The project aims to cover the measures that not only enhance customer engagement and satisfaction but also show marked improvements in the stakeholder engagement levels. There is a research that is carried out to provide answers to these questions and there are a lot many data sets that have been utilized in this process. These data sets have been gathered through the application of varied data collection methods. The report covers the models/theories, project phases and their effectiveness, team skills, analysis of actions and key learnings. 

Trans-disciplinary models and theories follow an approach in which sources beyond a particular boundary are explored and studied to gain the necessary knowledge.

It is the approach in which societal impacts that may be caused as a result of an action are explored during the research process. The results and conclusions that are gained after carrying out the research process are then put into action and there is direct collaboration between the groups that is formed. The theories and models that were used in this research included co-produced knowledge theories and post-normal scientific methods (Toomey, 2015).

The exploratory methods were used during the research to come up with the measures and techniques that may be adopted by InsCorp Insurance Company to improve its customer service. There were a lot of data collection methods that were used to investigate and gather the data sets. The domain analysis in the insurance sector was carried out to understand the market trends and patterns related with the customer experience and enhanced customer service offered by the other organizations. The data was obtained from the market to acquire details on the methodologies that could be followed to improve upon the existing issues and implement the necessary changes.

Research Methods

There were also many sources of information, such as journals, academic and research papers, articles, and whitepapers referred to gain an insight into the customer service issues, measures to improve the services, and the techniques to gain competitive advantage in the market. The other data collection methods included conduction of interviews with the customers and stakeholders, acquiring of the data from the social media channels, observations, and group discussions. All of these methods and theories provided data sets of varied structured and formats.

The data sets collected were then explored and analysed using automated data analytics tools to identify the associated trends and patterns. The trans-disciplinary methods used involvement of the external viewpoints and the information sets of other organizations as well in the process of research. 

It is the initiation phase in which the research team explored different categories of strategic, operational, financial, environmental, and political risks associated with the research project. A small team of 3-4 members was created to investigate on the risks and to find out the measures to treat the risks that were identified. The risks that were identified were analysed in terms of their risk category, probability, impact, and score. A treatment strategy was then mapped with each risk identified (Gasik, 2015).

These activities were effective as they prepared the research team to deal with any of project issues or uncertainties without causing any impact on the progress and status.   

The implementation phase was carried out by analysing the current state of customer service and support provided by the InsCorp Insurance Company. There were a few technical tools and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems identified that could aid in the improvement of the state of customer service. The information and compatibility details of these technical tools were identified to understand their integration and installation possibilities. There were also other measures, such as 24×7 availability to the customers, incident recording and response tool, social media integration, and improvements in the marketing strategy that were identified.

The effectiveness of the phase can be evaluated in terms of the success of the technical tools in the similar organizations and the positive results of the compatibility analysis that was achieved for InsCorp (Sundqvist, Backlund and Chronéer, 2014).

There were a number of factors and drivers that were involved in the decision-making process that was carried out in the project. These included the research methodology and trans-disciplinary models and theories that were adopted along with the specification, requirements, research questions and a lot more. The data collection methods were selected on the basis of the research methodologies identified.

Data Collection and Analysis Methods

The research tasks and activities adhered to the applicable ethical, regulatory, and legal norms and there were no violations identified. The quality standards and practices were also followed all throughput the research life cycle (Matthews and Ross, 2014). The effectiveness of the phase can be identified with the results of the review processes that state that the estimated and actual values had negligible gaps and the purpose of the research could be fulfilled (Kerzner, 2009).

The research team was formed of the resources and individuals from different backgrounds with different levels of experience, skills, and knowledge. This led to the emergence of a few conflicts and disputes that needed to be solved to maintain the project progress. The project allowed the development of enhanced decision-making and conflict resolution skills through ethical practices and team collaboration so that the project continuity could be maintained (Mettas, 2011).

Planning came up as an essential skill for the research project. It is because there were estimations, such as schedule, budget, and effort that were required to be made. The project also required risk planning and communication planning to be done. These processes led to the development of enhanced planning skills (Lu, Berchoux, Marek and Chen, 2015).

There were analytical task and activities that were carried out on the huge clusters of data and information sets that were gathered using the execution of the data collection methods. The analysis of these sets was done through manual and automated processes (Helyer, 2015). The relevant data sets were retained improve the manner with which I attend to customers in delivering goods or services (Snyder, 2014) the others were discarded. The analysis of the data sets and other aspects of the research process led to the development of analytical skills. These skills proved to be of a great aid in understanding the patterns and trends associated with the customers and also helped in gaining answers to the research questions (Irwanto et al., 2017). 

There were a number of actions that were carried out in the project.

  • Research methodology and Data Collection: Trans-disciplinary methods and actions along with qualitative approach were used for conducting the research. There were a lot of data collection methods that were used to investigate and gather the data sets. The domain analysis in the insurance sector was carried out to understand the market trends and patterns (Shobeiri, Mazaheri and Laroche, 2014). The other data collection methods included conduction of interviews with the customers and stakeholders, acquiring of the data from the social media channels, observations, and group discussions. These methodologies were aptly selected as they provided an insight in to the preferences and choices of the customers of InsCorp and other similar organizations and also provided details on the expectations of the customers. The customer service measures could be accordingly designed as a result (Brannen, 2005).
  • Data Analysis Method: The majority of data analysis activities were carried out through the application of automated data analytics tools. These tools allowed the conduction of the analysis process quickly and the accuracy of the results was also enhanced. The alternative approach to the same could have been the use of manual steps and processes. The use of automated tools has been evaluated as beneficial for the project as the probability of the errors and mistakes was nullified. The processing speed of these tools is way faster than the manual procedures and methods.
  • Phased Approach: The research project was executed in a phased approach that comprised of the primary steps as initiation, planning, execution, control, and closure. The use of phased approach provided the research team with the required time to effectively carry out the research tasks and activities. In case of the use of Big Bang approach for the research, the results could have been negative. This is because there would have been too many simultaneous activities that the project team would carry out leading to higher chances of risks and failures (Kostalova, Tetrevova and Svedik, 2015).
  • Ethical, Quality & Legal Compliance: The research project was conducted after analysing the ethical, quality, and legal compliance requirements and aspects. The research tasks and activities adhered to these compliance requirements and there were no violations observed in the process. If the analysis was not carried out, then there would have been chances of violation of the compliance requirements (Flynn, 2016).
  • Use of exploratory methods: The exploratory methods were used to research the internal and external viewpoints and sources involved in the process of research. These methods made sure that every aspect of customer service and support associated with InsCorp could be researched in detail. The adaptation of an alternate methodology may not have led to such good results (Heldman, 2018).


Week 1: Finalization of the topic and data collection processes to gain better understanding

Week 2: Brainstorming activities to determine the feasibility of the project.

Week 3: Allocation of roles and responsibilities using brainstorming and group discussions

Week 4: Identification of the existing data and concepts that could be utilized

Week 5: Help from the senior, tutor, and guides to explain the approach and methodology that shall be followed

Week 6: Data gathering and collection activities

Week 7: Analysis of the data gathered and identification of the trends and patterns in customer service

Week 8: Appropriate planning for the documentation of the results

Week 9: Review from the seniors and tutors

Week 10: Closure planning and analysis activities

Subjective as well as objective for all the ten weeks


Week 1: The data collected had replicated sets which led to ambiguities and confusions  

Week 2: Conflicts and disputes started to come up among the members

Week 3: Decision-making and problem-solving activities were carried out for enhanced team collaboration

Week 4: The existing knowledge and skills were utilized to get closer to the results

Week 5: The tutor was also involved for conflict and dispute resolution

Week 6: Exploration of new ideas and concepts

Week 7: Reflection on the learnings and activities done so far

Week 8: Further analysis of the results

Week 9: Continuous improvement and quality enhancement activities

Week 10: Continuous improvement and quality enhancement activities

Subjective as well as objective for all the ten weeks


Week 1: Primary focus was on the gathering of relevant data from relevant sources

Week 2: Focus on the maximum contribution that could be made by every resource

Week 3: Streamlining of the thoughts and concepts for better organization

Week 4: Utilization of skills and capabilities

Week 5: Focus on complete resolution of the underlying issues  (Yom-Tov, 2017).

Week 6: Analysis of the variations and conflicts that were still present

Week 7: Efforts to bring the learnings and knowledge on a common platform

Week 8: Efforts to achieve the project aims

Week 9: Gap analysis on the actual and estimated values

Week 10: Implementation of the changes for further enhancements

Mostly objective for all the 10 weeks


Week 1: Relevance and requirement of the data and information in the projects  

Week 2: Importance of planning and analysis in the initial phases of the project  

Week 3: Importance of team work and team collaboration to achieve the desired results and goals

Week 4: The importance of documentation of all the project tasks and activities for easier and better decision-making

Week 5: The advice and guidance from an experienced professional can do wonders

Week 6: The proximity to the real-life scenarios and cases can give better results and outcomes

Week 7: A 360-degree analysis and study is essential so that every aspect is explored and researched

Week 8: The decision-making skills are extremely relevant for the projects

Week 9: Effective communication channels must be developed in the projects

Week 10: Acceptance of the clients and users is essential  

Subjective as well as objective for all the ten weeks


Week 1: Collection and gathering of the data is easy but discarding the irrelevant data is difficult  

Week 2: Advance planning is necessary for every project task

Week 3: Collective and collaborative learning was useful

Week 4: Brainstorming and group discussions made the process of decision-making easier

Week 5: Conflicts and confusions could be resolved by seeking the advice of the tutor

Week 6: Practical experiments were necessary

Week 7: Perspectives and viewpoints of varied entities shall be obtained

Week 8: Selection of methodology is critical

Week 9: Compliance levels must always be maintained

Week 10: Risk assessment and analysis is always a good idea

Subjective as well as objective for all the ten weeks


Week 1: Stakeholders’ views  

Week 2: Team members’ views

Week 3: Lessons acquired so far

Week 4: Technical aspects

Week 5: Operational aspects

Week 6: Ethical and legal aspects

Week 7: Security aspects

Week 8: Quality aspects

Week 9: Originally estimated values

Week 10: Continuous improvement

Mostly objective for all the ten weeks


Week 1: Utility of varied data sets

Week 2: Use of different brainstorming activities

Week 3: Individual skill utilization

Week 4: Decision-making and problem-solving skills

Week 5: Use of external sources for decision-making

Week 6: Use of practical applications and experiments

Week 7: Impact of external and internal factors on the process of decision-making

Week 8: Application and utilization of the lessons acquired

Week 9: Meetings and internal discussions

Week 10: Final improvement and enhancements

Subjective as well as objective for all the ten weeks


Brannen, J. (2005). Mixing Methods: The Entry of Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches into the Research Process. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 8(3), pp.173-184.

Flynn, C. and Bedminster, N.J., 2016. Improving Customer Video Service with Early Problem Detection. Joint Statistical Meetings.

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Heldman, K., 2018. PMP: project management professional exam study guide. John Wiley & Sons.

Helyer, R., 2015. The work-based learning student handbook. Palgrave Macmillan.

Irwanto, Rohaeti, E., Widjajanti, E. and Suyanta (2017). Students’ science process skill and analytical thinking ability in chemistry learning.

Kerzner, H. (2009). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2018].

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Lu, C., Berchoux, C., Marek, M.W. and Chen, B., 2015. Service quality and customer satisfaction: qualitative research implications for luxury hotels. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 9(2), pp.168-182.

Mettas, A. (2011). The Development ofDecision-Making Skills. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 7(1), pp.63-73.

Shobeiri, S., Mazaheri, E. and Laroche, M., 2014. Improving customer website involvement through experiential marketing. The Service Industries Journal, 34(11), pp.885-900.

Snyder, C.S., 2014. A guide to the project management body of knowledge: PMBOK (®) guide. Project Management Institute: Newtown Square, PA, USA.

Sundqvist, E., Backlund, F. and Chronéer, D. (2014). What is Project Efficiency and Effectiveness?. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 119, pp.278-287.

Toomey, A. (2015). Inter- and Trans-disciplinary Research: A Critical Perspective. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 Mar. 2018].

Yom-Tov, G.B., Rafaeli, A., Altman, D. and Ashtar, S., 2017. Text-based customer service: Using big-data to connect customer emotion to service operations.

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