Improving Communication Skills
Principles of kinesic interview and interrogation
The following report is based on the reflective practices using a range of diagnostic tools and feedback. The report goes forward with identifying two different key areas of personal capability that can be improved. In this report, I have discussed and shown my ability to show advanced knowledge in written communication. Likewise, in the report, using five different diagnostic tools I have presented an analysis of communication style across different areas such as verbal, non-verbal communication and listening communication. In order to demonstrate my understanding of the results applying to the personal situation, I have presented the findings of the tools. Based on the analysis of the findings have discussed two significant communication issue that need development. In the end, an action plan has been provided showing the techniques of enhancing the skills and abilities.
Communication skills are some of the most significant skills that one needs to succeed in the workplace. No one communication style is inherently better than another but choosing the wrong style for a particular audience whether it is one individual or thousand, affect the listening. Each communication style has its own characteristics; for example, an analytical communicator could like hard data, real numbers. I have discussed my own communication skills with five different diagnostic skills in the following.
Diagnostic tool 1:Self-perceived communication competence scale (SPCC)
I always feel awkward or I find it difficult when it comes to initiate a talk to a group of strangers. Rather, I find it easy to talk with one single individual I do not know as acquaintance. On the other side, when I am supposed to start to a conversation in a large meeting of friends. Likewise, I also find it easy and comfortable when it comes to starting a talk with a friend, in a large meeting of acquaintances. Compared to acquaintance, I also find it difficult when I am supposed to start a conversation with a complete stranger. In the case of verbal communication, some elements such as talk with a group of acquaintance of self-perceived communication competence tools are similar to my own style of communication. For example, according to the diagnostic tool of SPCC, my score of starting communication in a meeting is 97 which is certainly higher the usual or average one. Nonetheless, my score is low when I am supposed to start a conversation with the strangers. When I start a conversation in a public, my competencies and ability enable me to convey the message clearly to the audience. On the contrary, I am not able to start a healthy or normal communication with the strangers because to me, it is important to learn characteristics and usual reaction to any particular conversation.
Embodiment and cognition in literary narrative (rethinking theory)
Diagnostic tool 2- Nonverbal immediacy Scale
From this particular diagnosis tool, I have found that when it comes to non-verbal communication I have the tendency to use my hands and arms to gesture while talking to people. In addition to this, while talking to somebody in non-verbal communication I hardly touch others on the shoulder or arm while talking to them. I never use a monotone or dull voice while talking to people. However, sometimes I find it difficult to maintain a relaxed body position when I talk to people. Thereby, sometime, the discussion leads to unexpected result. In this particular diagnostic tool, I have scored 88, which is certainly not good according to my expectation. Non-verbal communication is one of the significant communication areas that I need to improve.
Diagnostic tool 3- Feelings of making a presentation
My skills of presentation are effective; for example, the visuals in my presentation match well with the information I communicate and the elements in the presentation help to carry to the speech. In the presentation, it is important to send a clear and concise message to the audience. Therefore, at the time of preparing the presentation I think carefully regarding the message I want to send to the audience. I understand that it becomes easy to describe a presentation in front of the audiences if I am familiar with the audience, room and space. However, when these things are not in my favor, I find it little difficult to present the presentation. Moreover, when I am supposed to send a clear message to my audience through my presentation , I mainly focus on the major part of the presentation which usually remains in the middle.
Diagnostic tool 4- Verbal Communication
Verbal communication is certainly a significant aspect of communication style. Each individual needs to become effective in practicing a verbal communication. When I am involved in verbal communication, I always try to pay attention to the non-verbal cues of the others or the person that I am talking to. Likewise, I always prefer to understand the ideas of others, which I also believe in others’ competencies, especially the ideas that are completely different but effective. Moreover, whether it is a public verbal communication or a group and individual communication, I always openly acknowledge my errors. In addition, I also encourage the views of others and for doing so I ask others for critical feedback; so that those feedback helps me to improve my own strength and weaknesses. Likewise, as I am aware of the impact of my behavior on others I usually do not prefer to expose myself to any high extent. On the other side, if I do not like a particular context, I open my disagreement clearly and openly. However, I need to enhance the techniques of giving critical feedback, as sometimes I find my feedbacks are average.
Higher nonverbal immediacy leads to greater learning gains in child-robot tutoring interactions
Diagnostic tool- People management skills
It is very certain that I show a same standard or level of behavior that I usually expect from other. I understand that feedback is a crucial aspect of communication so it is always wise to wait and observe each element and provide feedback to others. Conflict in the conversation always leads to negative consequence; therefore, I always avoid the conflict in the communication. Instead, I focus on preserving the relationship and fulfilling my purpose.
Issues in Non—verbal communication
The above-mentioned findings help to observe that there are certain issues in the non-verbal communication, which need to be improved. I do not have much vocal varieties, which has a strong negative influence on my communication style or practice. In addition, I maintain a stiff personality when I talk to people, which sometimes become an issue in communication. This is because sometimes I need to become polite and humble while responding to other’s opinion. In addition to this, while starting or maintaining a conversation I should carry a smile on face to make other person feels comfortable. However, it becomes difficult for me to carry and maintain such gesture especially when a conflict occurs in the conversation. Another significant issue I found in non-verbal communication is maintaining a relaxed body while talking to others. This needs to be improved as it is always important to carry and maintain a relaxed body expression while taking part in a conversation. Uncomfortable body expression could distract the concentration of others involved in the conversation.
Issues in people management skills
People skills are significant skills required almost in every field of communication. Especially, I have the tendency to speak first and think later, which is not certainly not required in every conversation. Sometimes, it is necessary to understand each aspect in detail and then respond to situation because I experience that earlier reaction could lead to an unexpected consequence. Another element I found often appears as issue is I study my audiences’ needs and decide what I want to say and then I figure out the best possible way to solve but it takes a lot of time manage the entire situation. Nonetheless, above everything, managing a conflict in a meeting during a conversation certainly becomes a challenge for me. Therefore, I need to develop skills of managing a conflict in the conversation of a meeting or group.
Communication issues often occur in every individual’s life and communication is broad aspect consisting of several issues. For example, in the last June, I had an appraisal meeting with senior supervisors, where I was supposed to defend my performance against the critical feedback provided by my manager and supervisors. My supervisors were quite confident about rating me average. Particularly, some aspect such as my English efficiency, which was also a challenge to me and due to lack of efficiency in English I could not understand what my supervisors were saying and similarly I was also failed to present my point. My supervisors raised the issue about less involvement in the team meeting and consequently, I was rated poorly. Later, I realized that I should have presented my views more confidently. As I discussed above, I speak firs and think later in that particular context. I should have understood what the supervisors were saying the in the appraisal meeting. I could have explained and defended each point one by one. There was a state of hesitation in my speech, which made me failed me in the appraisal meeting. My supervisors insisted on my flaws, as I did not have relaxed body language while I was conveying my messages.
How to form, build and maintain stronger, long-lasting relationships
Another incident I recently came across in my workplace is the internal conflict. I was the given the responsibility of managing an official trip involving of a group of people of my organization. As I was the leader of the trip, I called a meeting and explained the things that are required to be done to avoid disruption in the event. However, few of the group members were not agree to the plan we arranged. On the other side, some members were against those people in the group. Thereby, an unexpected conflict occurred in the meeting. The conflict affected the purpose of the meeting and hence I find myself responsible here because I believe that I would have managed the situation by listening to them. Likewise, I should have heard each individual’s opinion regarding the trip. By giving an adequate value to each opinion, I could have managed the situation. However, due to poor skills of managing people or conflict, I took a lot of time to resolve the issue and fulfill the purpose. Had I acquire the skills of non-verbal communication and people skills, I would have managed to these incidents. The major fact that I usually find difficult in non-verbal communication is that carrying a smile. This means although I concisely smile a little as well as shake hands with someone when I first tem but it is difficult fake that I am happy to meet that individual. Moreover, as my career does not involve concise manipulation of non-verbal signals I find it difficult to suppress them my emotion such as aggression and happiness.
Explaining the extent are these incidents need the support for personal communication development
The issues that I have discussed above are certainly the significant ones because failing an appraisal meeting is big loss for an individual. On the other side, the conflict can arise in any situation or event. However, the person involved or the individuals who are faced with non-verbal communication issues should focus on developing each element of non-verbal communication. I should indeed develop a timeframe in which I can identify my weak areas and implement the required strategies to enhance those skills. On the contrary, the people management skills are also required because the skills of conflict handling help to improve the efficiency of understanding. Thus, when understanding people or individuals are easy, task of convincing them for a particular context is also easy.
Proxemics Data Analysis and Social/demographic limitations
Non-verbal communication as identified by Knapp, Hall and Horgan (2013) includes the mode of communication that excludes all sorts of verbal communication. Verbal communication as perceived by the mass comes from the Latin word verbum that roughly means information sharing by means of words. However, the concept goes far beyond just the use of words for the information transmission. The verbal communication as defined by Burgoon, Guerrero and Floyd (2016) is the mode of communication where human being use different mode to directly communicate the information held by the individual. This can be either word or symbols. The physically disabled individuals use symbols as their instrument of verbal communication. Hence, the non-verbal communication is the indirect mode of communication that human transmits through their range expression either consciously or unconsciously. Fletcher (2013) on the other hand expressed the concern regarding the importance of non-verbal communication. This can be identified as the first step towards interpersonal interaction. The mentioned modes of non-verbal communication hold the information of the individual’s personality. This communicates the background information of the individual and the person interacting with the gain a basic perception. Leathers and Eaves (2015) further supports the view and identified the importance of non-verbal communication in interpersonal relationship formation. The authors further stretch their view by identifying implication of the concept in intercultural communication and relationship building. Remland (2016) on the other hand rejected the idea of non-verbal communication as a separate entity and believes in the interrelation with the verbal mode of communication. This is an inseparable part of the total communication process.
A number of scholars over time provided a number of theories of nonverbal communication. The first noticeable theory of nonverbal communication is the Kinesics theory. This theory argues that human uses all their senses in the process of communication and the information is transmitted through the human gesture and movement. These gestures and movements are coded and patterned in the human culture (Walters, 2016). These codes and patterns are hereditably transmitted through generation within the culture. Moreover, this theory identifies the meaning of these gestures within the boundaries of the culture, which can be considered as meaningless, or may carry different meaning outside that particular culture. However, Duncan and Fiske (2015) identified the gap within the Kinesics theory of nonverbal communication. This theory like any other is not free from criticism. Raine (2014) found the theory culturally biased. This creates and promotes the cultural stereotypes as the gestures used for communication as described in this theory are culture specific. Hence, understanding the nonverbal communication between the people in different cultures require different set of principles. Additionally, this theory fails in identifying the nonverbal communication in the cross cultural communication setting where the gesture communication finds its limits.
Reflective analysis of communication skills based on diagnostic tools and feedback
Another significant theory of nonverbal communication is the theory of proxemics. According to this theory the gap between the individuals under interaction helps in understanding the closeness. This is also known as the space theory of communication, as this theory studies the use of space in the process of communication (Rios-Martinez, Spalanzani and Laugier, 2015). For example, the space maintained by the spouses while communicating tends to be much smaller than that of two unknown individual. Understanding the space can communicate the relation of the individuals taking part in a communication. Moreover, this space can vary depending on the place and environment. For example, the space tends to increase while the communication takes turn into an argument. Hence, according to this theory, the space maintained the individuals taking part into a communication transmits powerful message about the person and relationship maintained with the other people. Firdose and Brito (2016) on the other hand criticised the theory of proxemics by stating that it is too generalised to formulate any specific idea. Moreover, the theory to some extent fails to be proven as some particular type of communication behaviour can possibly be measured using this theory. Moreover, the theory of proxemics promotes cultural stereotypes by identifying the difference between the cultural norms in communication. This limits the usability of the proxemics theory in diversified cultural backgrounds. However, this theory is widely used with certain cultural modification. However, the usability of this communication limits in hte cross-cultural communication.
According to Wigham and Chanier (2013), nonverbal communication can be considered as the important part of human behaviour that helps in managing the life’s significant tasks. The authors’ work also identified three primary sources of nonverbal that are inherited neurological programs, experience common to all members of the species and experience that varies with specific culture, class, family or the individual.
Nonverbal communication skill assessment
The crucial mode of non-verbal communication as identified by Wigham and Chanier (2013) are facial expression, eye contact, gesture, movement, posture, orientation and first impression. These are the behaviour developed in an individual that helps them in developing a non-verbal mode of communication with the person under interaction. The development of these skills helps in developing standard nonverbal communication, which ultimately supplements in improving the communication between the individuals. Nonverbal Immediacy scale proposed by Albert Mehrabian in 1970 helps in identifying the efficiency of the individual in nonverbal communication process (Kennedy et al, 2015). This communicates the results and the level of skill developed by the individual.
Two key areas for improvement identified
People Skill
Current business scenarios require a high degree of people skill. People skill as explained by Thompson (2015) is the ability an individual holds that helps them in listening, communicating and relating to other on a professional or personal level. It also incorporates the problem solving abilities under pressure, empathy for the others and likings to work together for a greater good. Some of the good people skills as identified by Tyagi (2013) communication, empathy, conflict resolution, patience and tolerance. A combination of these skills helps one in managing both the professional and personal life. However, as defined by Thompson (2015) the skills that falls under people skills cannot be learnt. These are the talents one develops by birth and no amount of practice can make one learn these skills. However, Hansen (2009) argues differently and identifies these skills as learnable. According to the author, people skills are developed in the developmental phase of life. Various external environmental determinants play active role in developing the people skills. These can be upbringing, education, practice etc. However, according to the author, these skills can also be developed in the later phase of life with extreme practice.
Type of activities |
Current performance |
Things I need to improve |
Time required |
Undertaking a short course on communication skills |
Although my verbal communication skills are effective enough to deal with the people of different cultural background; however, I should pay more attention to my non-verbal communication skills. Sometimes, I find it difficult to understand the body language or body expression of other individuals. Particularly, I need to pay a little more attention to listening skills because I found many situations, where I did not catch or understand what other individuals are saying. |
I need to develop my listening skills because I realize that to resolve someone’s issue I need to listen to that person carefully. This I can improve by listening to speech given by somebody or listening to a speech played on an audio device. I need to do this or attend the session on a regular basis. |
It might take six months to generate a positive outcome. |
A reading plan on problem solving and decision-making skills |
The above-presented evaluation indicates that I am not skilled enough to manage a conflict. Conflict occurs due to miscommunication and issues that remained unresolved for long. Presently, I am not efficient enough to resolve conflict due to poor decision-making abilities. |
Firstly, I need to develop my problem solving skills and to resolve problems I need to take decision. I need to go through an auto-biography of some big leaders and the critics. I need to read how the leaders would take decision and resolve the conflict. |
This might take 3 months to accomplish. |
Presentation skills |
Presentation a broad area where each element I would or explain in front of the audience should be clear and concise. However, there are some elements such as understanding someone’s question and provide him/her with appropriate answer in the presentation is a difficult task. |
I need to do improve this skill by attending more sessions where presentation would be demonstrated. Moreover, I also need to take part in different debates and argumentative sessions where I would get the opportunity of sharing and exchanging ideas. |
The implementation of this activity might take 6 months.. |
Table 1: Action Plan
Burgoon, J. K., Guerrero, L. K., & Floyd, K. (2016). Nonverbal communication. Routledge.
Duncan, S., & Fiske, D. W. (2015). Face-to-face interaction: Research, methods, and theory (Vol. 3). Routledge.
Firdose, S., & Brito, R. (2016). CBrain# 95: Proxemics Data Analysis and Social/demographic limitations.
Fletcher, C. (2013). 1 6 IMPRESSION MANAGEMENT IN THE SELECTION INTERVIEW. Impression management in the organization, 269.
Hansen, H. (2009). STTS: Powerful People Skills: How to form, build and maintain stronger, long-lasting relationships. Marshall Cavendish International Asia Pte Ltd.
Kennedy, J., Baxter, P., Senft, E., & Belpaeme, T. (2015). Higher nonverbal immediacy leads to greater learning gains in child-robot tutoring interactions. In International conference on social robotics (pp. 327-336). Springer, Cham.
Knapp, M. L., Hall, J. A., & Horgan, T. G. (2013). Nonverbal communication in human interaction. Cengage Learning.
Leathers, D. G., & Eaves, M. (2015). Successful nonverbal communication: Principles and applications. Routledge.
Raine, M. (2014). The style of gestures: Embodiment and cognition in literary narrative (rethinking theory)[Book Review]. Parergon, 31(1), 185.
Remland, M. S. (2016). Nonverbal communication in everyday life. SAGE Publications.
Rios-Martinez, J., Spalanzani, A., & Laugier, C. (2015). From proxemics theory to socially-aware navigation: A survey. International Journal of Social Robotics, 7(2), 137-153.
Thompson, N. (2015). People skills. Palgrave Macmillan.
Tyagi, B. (2013). Listening: An important skill and its various aspects. The Criterion An International Journal in English, 2(12), 1-8.
Walters, S. B. (2016). Principles of kinesic interview and interrogation. CRC Press.
Wigham, C. R., & Chanier, T. (2013). A study of verbal and nonverbal communication in Second Life–the ARCHI21 experience. ReCALL, 25(1), 63-84.