Need Of Strategic Management In Improving Organizational Process
Importance of employees in the organization
Write an essay on the need of the strategic management in improving the organizational process.
This essay paper is primarily excavated the need of the strategic management in improving the organizational process. To sustain the position of the organization in the global competitive market, it is necessary for the management of the organization to maintain the employees (Blyton and Jenkins, 2015). Employers have to understand that employees are the significant and inevitable part of the organization. Often it is seen that management of the organization is using conventional methods of managing the employees but due to the growing demand of the employees, the management has brought significant changes in the managerial processes to retain the employees (Gangwisch, 2014). Strategic human resource management facilitates in managing the flexibility in the organization. Flexibility helps the employees to balance their work life with the family life. If the employees are provided all kinds of facilities in the organization then the employees do not even think of living job (Job flexibility and workâ€Âlife balance pay dividends for Nationwide, 2003).
Depending on a case study, this paper is trying to excavate the need of flexibility in workplace. Before going deep into the study, it is necessary to understand the definition of Strategic Human Resource management and the role of the Strategic Human Resource management in managing the human capital in the organization (Job flexibility and work-life balance pay dividends for Nationwide: High satisfaction rate among employees, 2003). Organizational activities are based on several aspects and objectives. Objectives help to shape the organizational process and the objectives of every second organizations are to determine the role of the organization in the global competitive market (Krull and Sempruch, 2011). On the basis of the need of the organization, Human Resource Department of the organization recruit employees. Management should be aware of the HRM process, which occurs at the three organizational levels (Mitsakis and Talampekos, 2014).
With the help of the HRM processes, the link between the strategic planning and strategic management can be understood. To accomplish the objective of the organization, the management should take help of the Strategic Human Resource Management of the organization (Pain, 2014). With the help of the Strategic Human Resource Management of the organization, all the resources and functions can be managed perfectly. Human Resources in the organization is known as the tangible resource or asset of the organization (Paludi and Neidermeyer, 2007). Correct coordination between the resources and organizational functionalities should be maintained. Management of every organization is entitled to engage all the resources effectively.
Role of strategic human resource management in managing resources and functions
Human resource Department of KPMG and Virgin Australia has believed that if flexibility in the organization is not maintained properly then it affects the productivity of the organization. It affects the productivity of the organization. Engaging the employee in long working hour is not at all effective for the company as it affects the quality of work. The employees who are tired or overworked have tendency to make mistakes (Mitsakis and Talampekos, 2014). The overall quality of the work can be affected due to the heavy pressure of work. The mistakes committed by them can be costly for the organization. Apart from this productivity, Stress is playing significant role. Higher degree of stress can affected output of the employees and stress has significant impact on the mental and physical health of the employees of above-mentioned two organizations.
Employees are the prime strength of any business organization. By their strong support and help an organization could be able to execute their functionalities in an appropriate and efficient manner. For this reason management of the business organizations must have to focus on the work life balance and flexibility of the employees. Employees can be able to enhance the potential growth and functionalities of the business process. The overall discussion is based on the work life balance and flexibility in the workplace. Flexibility is one of the serious issues at this present moment (Schwartz and Zimmerman, 2002). Most of the business organizations are focusing on this issue for giving employees a free chance to spend their time with their families. Employees could be able to share their free times. It has been observed through analysis that continuous working activities hamper the strength and potential of the employees. Due to this reason most of the business management initiated flexible working environment where people can work part time basis or in specific days of a week. According to the business managements through this process efficiency of the staffs could be increased. Employees could be able to get a free chance to explore their minds. It has also been analyzed that thinking power of the staffs might be stagnant if they work on a continuous basis.
There are lots of arguments present on this particular concept. Mr. Juliet Bourke argued that flexibility the term has been interpreted wrongly at this present moment. It can be said that flexibility has been moved from its original paradigm. Flexibility issues enhance the work load of the employees. In various organizations work load stays same in each of the day. Due to the issue of flexibility many number of employees on the basis of day is going to be less. On that case employers execute the functionalities by the less numbers of employees. Due to this reason employees are facing huge trouble and stress (Poelmans and Caligiuri, 2008). These types of stress hamper the physical and mental condition of the staffs. Management must have to think that employees are human being and they have also life. For this reason flexibility issue need to be maintained in an appropriate manner so that employees can get a bare minimum relaxation in their day to day life. Ross Gittings also argued with the fact if flexibility and according to this analysts employees are getting wrong benefits. Flexibility can be driven with the work procedure. Mr. Ross stated that if each day of week can be working day them pressure might be off from the employees. Pressure occurs if work is done a daily basis or a sequential way. On the basis of this discussion it could be said that Juliet Bourke has stated a positive issue and these things need to be taken care of by the employers and employees of an organization.
Maintaining work-life balance
Mangers are also playing a vital role in the organizational process. Mangers can also be termed as the leader of an organization. Being leader managers need to monitor the overall process of the business organization. They need to take care of the performance of the employees. On the other hand career Innovation Company believes that managers sometime have to pick calls for 24/7. On that occasion they are stressed out and through this way overall performance of the business is hampered (Krull and Sempruch, 2011). Flexibility issue needs to be maintained for both managers and employees of the organization. Employee satisfaction is playing an important role in the case of business process. For satisfying employees flexibility also needs to be maintained. In Australia employee satisfaction rate is very less. 20% employees of Australian organizations have to work for more than 48 hours. Multiple healths related issues are occurred due to long working hours. Many people are facing cardiovascular diseases due to these long working hours. Many researchers and observers have made research over this particular matter. After having the analysis it has been observed that health hazard is one of the prime impacts of this long working hour. Due to this factor employee sometime lose their patience and control over their personal lives. Long working hour creates stress among the employees and due to this issue depression and fatigue can be happened. Many doctors and physician suggested that people are facing more health related issues for this long working hour. Management of an organization must have to focus on this issue as they must have to monitor the physical condition of the staffs. According to the researchers’ flexibility and work life balance is the part of strategic human resource management.
Quality of work is also playing crucial role for the business organizations. Quality can be hampered due to the poor efficiency and workplace environment. Senior management and employers of any organization must have to focus on the quality issue of the process and for this reason they need to think for the benefits of employees. If employees can work properly then they can provide a good performance which is highly needed for the business organizations. Overall productivity and performance of the business is highly depended on the skills and proficiency of the staffs (Pitfalls in planning flexibility. 2016). If staffs are getting stressed, they couldn’t concentrate on the work. On that occasion poor quality of work is executed. After having the analysis it has been observed that most of accidents occurred in manufacturing sector and factories due to the negligence and poor effort of employees. After these types of incidents management blame the employees. Instead of blaming management must have to think for the actual reason behind this issue. Researchers claimed that sometime workers need to work for continuous 72 hours and on that occasion they feel boar and their mind can be stag. Energy can be gone and for this reason problems are occurred. There are many business processes present where innovative and efficient activities need to be done on a regular basis. In those types of organizations employees must have to be given a nice ambience so that they can think and develop their minds. Managers and employers also need relaxation as they always stand beside the employees to execute the work.
Exploring potential growth
Economic downturn can be occurred at any point of time. On that occasion management of the business needs to redevelop their organizational structure. A smooth and efficient management is needed on that occasion for handling all the factors. It has been observed through case analysis that 79% organizations maintain flexibility issue at the time of economic downturn. If poor economic condition hit the market then management must have to follow appropriate strategy by which cost of production can be handled along with the similar production rate. Employment sector is one of the cost sensitive sectors where management needs to invest huge amount of money. Researchers stated that in the poor economic condition also management needs to take care of the work life balance (Young, 2012). Those organizations maintain the work life balance activities those organizations can provide benefits to all of its stakeholders. Huge employee turnover was done in various organizations at the time of recession. Organizations couldn’t able to pay the wages of the staffs. On that occasion some organization came up with short time survival policies where employees are hired and fired on the basis of needs. This policy got huge success but some researchers argued with this factor and raised their voices against it. According to them instead of doing short time survival management must have to focus on flexibility where employees can be offered rotational job offers. For example shifting duties need to be initiated, if employees work at night they will be charged differently. More numbers of people need to recruited through the recruitment process and those must have to be contracted as per the flexibility issue. Senior managers and employers need to segment their work on the daily basis and selected employees need to be scheduled on those days. According to the researchers this type step is always cost effective and efficient. If managers employ fixed numbers of employees then they have to be paid a fixed amount of salary. At the time of economic crunch it is going to be too hard to handle. On that occasion management must have to be efficient enough so that they can maintain the flexibility, Along with work accomplishment work life balance of the employees will also be maintained. Many organizations hire extra employees and engage them in work round the clock. After some months it has been found that those organizations faced huge losses. To eradicate loss from the organization senior management must have to focus on this strategy by which work can be accomplished as well as work life of employees can be maintained.
From the above analysis of the paper, it can be understood that Human Resource is the most vital part of every organization and strategies are needed for fruitfully engaging the employees. The paper has successfully depicted that Juliet Bourke believes that flexibility can help in moving away the activities in the organization from the original paradigm of the organization. Apart from this, this essay is depicting the negative impact of the excessive working hour on the performance of the employees as well as performance of the organization (Pitfalls in planning flexibility, 2016). Over load of work or extra working hour are not only affecting the performance of the employees but also affecting the performance of the managers. Several ways are discussed that helps the workers to maintain work life balance at the time of severe economic downturn.
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