Tourism: Paradoxes And Strategies

Behavioural Action of Visitors using Personality Theory

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Tourism operates at indifferent levels and displays varied paradoxes. At one level, it is high constructive and organised with the lucrative efforts to increase its visibility in the global context. In the circumference of the similar statement, Cano & Sobel (2016) determined that tourism creates a substantial influence of the public sector, especially in the provision of promotion. It had been inferred that the tourist agencies promote the unique infrastructural and the exclusive attractions concept to create a strong imagery of the destinations. Contrary to the latter assertions, Ford et al. (2009) denoted that the tourist paradox lies its capacity to generate the benefit to the visitors. As per the report of the previous scholars, inference can be drawn that the visitors specifically initiate the holiday tourism policy to recreate the generic habits. Thus, the value proposition rate the customers expect more from the tourist agents.

Considering the similar context, Fuchs & Reichel (2011) asserted that the customers that exclusively undertaken the tourism initiatives are ready to make the require expenditure for the refreshment. Therefore, the revenue margins the tourist marketers earn are relatively higher. The current study attempts to evaluate the responses of the visitors with respect to 6 destinations, which include Barossa Valley, Spain, France, Italy, Las Vegas, New Zealand, Hong Kong and Gold Coast. By the feedbacks, strategic recommendations would be provided to one of the tourist marketers to amplify its attraction strategies.

The expectations of the tourists with respect to the holiday destinations are indifferent. As per the opinion of Ryan & Collins (2008), certain percentages of the visitors are comfortable with the premium pricing structure. Therefore, prefer to experience the service of the attractions that kept the high standard pricing and return the similar proportionate value to the visitors. The behavioural aspects of the tourists had been evaluated with the support of the self-congruity theory. According to Tourism & Experience (2016), the self – congruity theory signifies the match and the mismatch between the individuals. Evaluating on the concept of self-congruity theory, an inference can be drawn that the visitors dedicates major attention to the brand image of the tourist destinations. On the basis of the brand reputation, the visitors arrive at a final decision. However, determining on the responses of the first three respondents (1, 2 and 3) a presumption can be inferred that the visitors prefer to spend an affordable amount of expenditure on the destinations. The maximum tenure of time the visitors prefer spending at the destinations for the holiday purpose is 5 days. Therefore, the specific time period, the respondents are ready to afford maximum $1900. Focusing on the opinion of the chosen respondents, it could be assessed that the price affordability is the major aspects that create a direct influence on the visitor destination visits. The feedbacks received from the chosen respondents with respect to the price structure of the tourist destinations are profoundly indifferent in nature. However, amongst the three samples, 2 have reported that the pricing structure of Spain, Italy and France is excessively poor.  Conversely, the samples have highly appreciated the activities and the recreational measures taken by Spain, Italy and France. The respondents are highly satisfied with the accommodation standards offered by the particular destinations. The similar inference had been drawn by Zhao & Mourshed (2012), which reflects that the visitors are highly influenced by the premium standards and the services offered by the popular tourist holiday destinations. However, the price affordability comes between the preference and decision-making actions. Therefore, visitors look for alternatives that serve nearby expectations and return the similar value proportionate.

Behavioural Action of Visitors using Demographic Theory

The behavioural aspects of the customers with respect to the demographic concept had been determined through the support of the Marx’s demographic theory. According to Petr (2015), the Karl Marx theory reflects that the population is dependent on the economic and the social attributes. It had been assessed that the major limitation of the population is the limited strength of resources and the lack of social support. Packham (2015) had researched in the similar aspects, which determines that the visitors prefers to visit the place that serves a positive social encouragement. As per the reports provided by the previous scholars, it could be inferred that the majority of the populations prefer to undertake the holiday tourism initiatives in order to change the daily routine. Therefore, a social gathering and the affirmative attitude from an external population assist the visitors to enhance recreational attributes. In a similar manner, Collerton et al. (2012) determined that the 30% of the global population prefer to initiate the holiday tourism option to gather different experiences. Therefore, the social offerings and the encouragement are excessively vital to accomplish a successful experience from the trip. Considering the feedbacks of the three selected respondents, a perception can be drawn that the majority of the samples prefer to initiate the tourism actions to gather different experiences. The samples hardly have any requirement for the unique offerings of the destinations. Page, S. (2012) asserted that in various cases, the visitors believe that the unique services of the destinations often add value to the individual experiences. However, the feedbacks received in the questionnaire reflect that the respondents generally prefer to attain better and firm experienced from the tip other than the unique service offerings. In the similar manner, the economic aspects create an indirect influence on the decision making habits of the visitors. The economic up gradation often assists the destinations to enhance the infrastructural, service quality and the environmental layout of the attractions. The respondents prefer to visit Las Vegas and Gold Cost for its accommodation facilities. The economic ranges of both the regions are decent, due to which the destinations charge an average range of the price from the domestic as well as the international visitors. On the basis of the respondents’ opinions, it could be perceived that the concept of the Marx’s demographic theory is accurate. The combinations of both the social and economic factors create a direct influence on the decision making

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Recommendations for the Marketer

The tourist attraction measures of the six destinations are highly lucrative. However, the strategies of the marketers operating in the destination of Spain, France and Italy (option 1) specifically lags in the constructive tourism knowledge. Therefore, despite of maintaining the premium level of standards, the destination fails to influence the major segment of visitors. Thus, strategic alternatives had been suggested to the marketer of the particular destination after analysing the expectations and the tourism habits of its potential segment. The recommendations are

The price offerings of the destinations are highly expensive. Therefore, the visitors find it extremely difficult to afford the services. According to Petr (2015), the customers primarily undertake the holiday tourism services to enhance the recreational actions and come out of the regular schedules of the daily life. Thus, to serve the specific purpose, the customers get ready to make at expenditure between the ranges of S1000 – $ 2500. On top of that the marketer of the specific destination (option 1) had strategized to provide the business class flight to the visitors, for which the marketer had to place the service price at a higher range. The majority of the respondents prefer to make revisits in the Las Vegas and Hong Kong due to its lucrative service and pricing strategies. Moreover, the price range of (options 1) Spain, France and Italy is three times greater than the other destinations. Therefore, the marketer needs to omit the provision of the business class tickets and three countries’ trip. The particular approach would assist the brand to compromise on the price margin, which would definitely tally with the expectations of the visitors.

The tenure of the service offering is quite long (Packham, 2015). The feedbacks received from the respondents reflect that the samples prefer to cover the entire holiday trip within five days. Herein, the marketers of the destinations of Spain, France and Italy (option 1) are necessitated to limit its tenure of the service period from 15 nights to 5 nights. The cutting down of the tenure would be the better option to fit a reasonable budget, which the target prospects can easily afford.


The study explicitly emphasises on the services and the tourism measures were undertaken by the tourist destinations to increase the tourist base. Considering the feedbacks of the first three respondents, a perception could be derived that the tourists basically prefer to initiate the holiday tour for a maximum tenure of 5 days. However, besides the above attributes, the economic, social behaviour, serve offerings, activities and the price margins are the major factors to create a direct influence on the decision making of perspectives of the visitors.


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Collerton, D., Forster, E., & Packham, D. (2012). An exploratory study of the effectiveness of memory aids for older people living in supported accommodation. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 33(8), 963–981.

Ford, R. C., Peeper, W. C., & Gresock, A. (2009). Friends to grow and foes to know: Using a Stakeholder matrix to identify management strategies for convention and visitors bureaus. Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, 10(3), 166–184.

Fuchs, G., & Reichel, A. (2011). An exploratory inquiry into destination risk perceptions and risk reduction strategies of first time vs. Repeat visitors to a highly volatile destination. Tourism Management, 32(2), 266–276.

Packham, C. (2015). Entertaining international Visitors. Intelligent Buildings International, 51, 247–262.

Page, S. (2012). Tourism management. Tourism Management, 33(3), 724–725.

Petr, C. (2015). How heritage site tourists may become monument visitors. Tourism Management, 51, 247–262.

Ryan, C., & Collins, A. B. (2008). Entertaining international Visitors—The hybrid nature of tourism shows. Tourism Recreation Research, 33(2), 143–149.

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