Creating Templates With Microsoft Office Professional 2010
Entering and Formatting Text
The desktop publishing software, which is taken into consideration, is the Microsoft office professional 2010. This is taken into consideration due to the factor that user by using this can make a variety of tasks which can be helpful in many situations.
To create a template in Microsoft office professional 2010 the following steps should be followed:
- Open a blank word document and adjust the margin, the style, and any automatic feature of numbering the user wants in the document.
- In the file section, select the open Save as…, and then select the word template. The file should be saved at a place which can be easily be accessed.
- In order to modify the template later, open the word document first then select the template file – if the user double clicks on it, it would directly create a new document based on the template as described.
- Double click on the template file, which is created in the step above. This would directly open a new window with the template, which is defined.
- In the file ribbon select Save As then click on the button of the browser. This would result in opening of a biflog box. The Save as type dropdown is set to default extension of .docx. In order to save the file as a temple the user can either .dotm or .dotx format. Unless the user is using macros in the document, choose would be .dotx option.
The text can be entered automatically be either block of text, which are predefined from the AutoText gallery or with the help of phrases, word or sentences that automatically completes after the user have typed a few characters. The text can be inserted according to need of the user about the font size font colour. The formatting of the text can be done automatically with the help of a template, which is already in the application. This can be helpful in reducing the time of the user.
- Click on the part where the text has to be used.
- On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click the arrow, which is next to object and then click text from file.
- In the insert file dialog box, locate the file that has to be imported and then double click on it.
- Repeat the step for importing more files.
- Select the text, which has to be formatted.
- Then click the home tab
- Click the font Dialog box launcher
- Click the formatting (font, font size, colour of the font, underline style and colour of the underline) the user wants.
- Select the text, which has to be modified.
- Select the desired font size from the font size option, which is available on the home tab; click the font size down or up arrow.
- The font size would be changed in the document.
The function of IN copy allow the user to import graphics into frames, which are existing. This is very much helpful where the content is created before the process of layout. This is because choose of the graphics can be done as the work of writing is done. The import of the graphics can be done in existing frame only. Only IN design, the user can create graphics frames. In the concept of Standalone IN copy document, the user can insert the graphics into the text frame which is default making it a graphics inline.
- Click the image which has to be resized
- To keep the centre of an in the same place, press and hold CTRL while the drag of the image is done
- To maintain the images proportion press and hold SHIFT while the user drags the sizing handle
- To maintain both the objects proportion and keep its centre in the same place, press and hold both SHIFT and CTRL while dragging the sizing handle.
This is a technique to resize automatically.
Resize to an exact height and width
- Click the picture, text box and shape or word art that you want to resize.
- To resize a picture under the picture tool on the tab of the format in the size group enter the measurement that is needed.
- To resize a text box or Word Art under the drawing tools, on the format tab in the size group, enter the measurement that is needed.
- In the size group, click the position and size in the dialog box launcher.
- On the size, tab under the rotate and size clear the look aspect ratio in the check box.
- Select the text or the item, which has to be moved.
- Drag the selected text and drop it where should be attached.
- To move the section copy the part, press, and hold the CTRL key while dragging.
- To move the selected part use the cut command on the home tab of the Ribbon
- To paste it in desired location click on the paste option available in the home tab (Papazoglou et al. 2015).
- Select the image or the text whose link has to be created.
- Right click the selected image or text, and then click on the option hyperlink. The user can also click on the blank area of the file and click on the hyperlink option.
- Then the hyperlink dialog box would open. The other way of opening this dialog box is from the insert tab by means of clicking hypertext.
- If a text were created, the word would appear in the option text to display field, which is at the top. The user can also change this if needed
- Type the address which has to be redirected to
- Then click on the option OK. This would create a hyperlink of the image or text.
- Highlight or click the image that has to be turned out into a hyperlink.
- Click the tab of insert and select “Hyperlink” option.
- Select the “email address” option, which is in the left menu. This would directly help the user to configure the message, which is blank.
- Enter the subject and the address: This would be the address that the reader would be using to send mail. What the user had entered in the “Subject” field would automatically filled in for the reader. However, they will be able to change if they desire to do so.
- Test the link: ones the link is created the user the test the link by hold CTRL and CMD and clicking it. The email client should be open with the new link message, which is addressed to the email of the set.
In order to save the document press the File option and click on the save option which directly saves the file. In order to save the file with a desired name and location of the user click on the option SAVE AS and enter the name by which the file can be saved and the location where the file has to be saved. In some of the cases the file are auto saved which reduces the work of the user to save the document every time when they take an exit.
The application can be safety be exit by clicking of the file option and choosing the exit command. The application can also be safely exited by means of saving the document. This would not also help in exit the application but also help in saving the document or the file.
The access to the help function can be done by pressing the F1 button, which enables the help option. Another method, which can be applied, is by clicking on the Help menu, which is added into the backstage of the application. The option of help can be accessed by means of clicking on the File option. It is very much helpful for new user who access the features for the first time (Papazoglou et al. 2015).
Advantage: The window is very much energy efficient. The frame provide a window, which play a decisive role in the concept of promoting energy and cost efficient thermal insulation.
Disadvantage: The window cannot be used in winter season due to the factor that it does not have so much of restriction of cold involved into it. In most of the cases, it is seen that crack can occur when exposed to intense snow or cold.
Shower Glass A beautiful glass screen can be considered a highlight at any bathroom. The global star enterprise range of shower screen can be fit according to the need of the customer. This incorporates customer fitting which can be considered an advantage. The shower screen can be considered as a collection with the stylish centerpiece in any bathroom. Advantage: The shower screen is an award winning collection. The heatproof glass and water provides a see through shower in all types of situation. The floating glass panel creates an illusion of more space within the area of the bathroom. This collection aim at creating an open space within bathroom. Disadvantage: There can be situation where exposure to water many times can damage the glass shade. It is very rare situation. which is faced sometimes. It should be kept clean all the times so that damage is not made to the shower glass. |
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