Evaluating Australasian Markets On Management Principles And Application

Critically analyzing management practices in the Australasian context

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There are lots of differences in the cultural and management in the both countries. In the Asian countries I have selected the India as a comparison between two countries. The employs has different rights in both countries. The employees had to work company, but they are not equally respected in both countries. The relationship between the organization and employees in the Australia is friendly. They are allowed to give opinion, but in India they are not allowed to give an opinion and had to work under guidance only. The Australian gives full independence to the employees.

We can survey the Australian in through the lens of the 6-D model. By this model we can judge all the culture very easily and different from the world culture. The 6-D models are given below:

  • Power distance: The Australian score 36 in the graph. The manager or any high post member cooperates with the employees. They interact with the employees working under them weekly or everyday according to the time table. The team head is appointed who play communication role in between the company employees. But in India Graph give 77 percent this we came to know that powerful people are not interested to interact with the employees working under them. They just believe that they pay and they want work but if the manager will not take care of the employees. The result will be worst as we know if the employees are not satisfied they will not happy to work for the company.
  • Individualism: The Australian believes in individualism life. They work for themselves and their immediate families. They earn and spend and the Indian believes in earning more and more and save more and more for family. They live in joint families in their families they live together with brother family and parents. But the Australian culture does opposite; they leave their family house when they get married. They earn themselves and do not save single penny. If we see the graph the Australian believe in 90 percent individualism and India believe in only 48 percent. This due to come changes came from culture. The Indian is accepting the western culture.
  • Masculinity: The Australian and Indian both believe in hard work. They give first Priorities to the work. They do their best to achieve the goal. They work hard to earn more money for their family, but the only difference is people from Australia earn money to enjoy life on Saturday and Sunday. On Monday again, they start working, but in the India people believe in saving. There a first priority is the family. They earn money and save money for the future life.
  • Uncertainty avoidance: due to economic slowdown the Australian are trying to save money more than the Indian. The people Indian has already saved money in the bank, but now they feel to enjoy life or we can say due to inflation in the market the Indian can save money. The earning hands are less because the new generations are not hard working. They need to enjoy life on his parent’s money.
  • Long term Orientation: In the graph we can see that the Australian score 21. The graph shows that the people in the Australian never think about the past. They only believe in present and future. They do not believe in traditions and not prefer to maintain time honored. But if we see the graph Indian score 51 percent. The Indian never forgets the past life and respect the tradition.
  • Indulgence: According to the graph Australian score 71 percent because the parents force their child to earn in the age of 18. They should pay their school and college fees themselves. The children like to earn but in Indian only 26 percent score in the graph. We know that children are totally dependent on the parents. The parents take care of the children till the young age and after that they join parents business. They enjoy their life with the parent’s money and do not struggle for the earnings more or to grow.

The organizational behavior is that in which the employees and a group of employees, proceeds inside the organization. This behavior is to construct the good relationships by attaining employees, organization and collective objectives. Similarly, management theory is to motivate the employees by giving promotion, incentive or increment (Patrick et al., 1993).

In Australia there is democratic leadership in which they respect the employees working under them. They free to give their opinions. The company manager or team leader plays the role of communication between the employees and the organization. They try to solve the problems on their head, but if not possible they take that matter to organize and help the employees. In Australia the relationship between management and employees are friendly.

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The paternal leadership is used in India. The organization leader believes him as parents and orders the employees to work. The employees are taken for granted as equally intelligent then the seniors. They are asked to do overtime without any extra payment. The interference in the organization in working time is huge employees cannot go without permission (Gadot, 2007). 

The Australian organizations have a friendly relationship with the employees and manager. There are many rules and regulation; they just fire the employ if he is not working according to the company requirement. The second chance will not give to employees and the new employ will appoint. The work experience is very necessary during the job.

  • The employees given full independence.
  • The employees will work in the company for the money’s sake.
  • They will feel their responsibilities; work hard for both organization and personal needs.
  • The employees will misuse of the liberty.
  • They will never listen to the boss if they are wrong.
  • They will not give respect to the senior because they always feel friendly.

 The Indian organization does not trust on the employees they keep an eye on the employees. The employees are not given equal rights and respect. The employees have to work under the guidance of the manager.  They cannot give an opinion to the organization because company owner or manager believes that they are much more intelligent than the employ working under them.

  • The employees will learn a lot if the manager will teach them.
  • They will work more when the organization keeps an eye on them.
  • They will work hard which bring profit for the organization.
  • The employee will be scared of the organization leader.
  • The employee will not work by heart.
  • The employee will work for money not for the organization.

Understand organizational behavior and management theory

In Australia the company does not give stress to the employees for example the employees working in the medical insurance. They are not pressurized to work or find customers for medical insurance. The people believe its responsibility to buy medical insurance. But in India the employees who are working with the medical insurance company are given the targets to achieve.  The employees had to sell the medical insurance and if they do not achieve the targets they will not work in future in the company or their salary will be deducted. The people are not aware of the benefits of the medical insurance. In India people do not like to buy medical insurance by saying what will happen with me.

The manager or any high post member cooperates with the employees. They interact with the employees working under them weekly or everyday according to the time table. The team head is appointed who play communication role in between the company employees. But in India Graph give 77 percent this we came to know that powerful people are not interested to interact with the employees working under them. They just believe that they pay and they want work but if the manager will not take care of the employees. The result will be worst as we know if the employees are not satisfied they will not happy to work for the company (Ann & Carr, 2010). 


The recent made proves that the employees had to work company but they are not equally respected in both countries. The relationship between the organization and employees in the Australia is friendly. They are allowed to give opinion but in India they are not allowed to give opinion and had to work under guidance only. The Australian gives full independence to the employees. 

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