Efficiency And Impact Of The Fishing Industry In The Australian Market
The demand for fish and aquaculture in Australia
How Efficient Is The Fishing Industry In The Australian Market?
How Has The Industry Help In Employing More Number Of People?
How It Has Helped In Alleviating The Poverty Of The Country?
The demand of fish has increased on a global scale, which has put a lot of pressure on the fisheries that harvests the fishes from the wild. Most of the demands have been met by shifting the global trend towards increasing the productivity within the aquaculture sector. The Australian fishing industry is estimated to be worth over AUD 2 million on an annual basis and helps in contributing towards the employment of many numbers of people. It can be seen that aquaculture in its present form is one of the fastest growing industry in the Australian economy (Voyer et al., 2017).
The managing part of the fisheries that harvests the wild fishes is done jointly by the States and the Commonwealth. The responsibility of the Commonwealth is beyond the 3 nautical mile territory from the states. The States are responsible for the harvests that are done within the boundary of 3 nautical miles. The present fishing industry that is present is Australia is managed by both the States and the territories that is within the three nautical miles and the requirement for legislative framework is currently under development within the range of 3-200 nautical miles. The managers of the fisheries of both the state and the territory are taken in to consultation so that it can provide a better view of the value chain to the government (Byrnes et al., 2016).
The project will deal with the fishing industry of the Australian market, as iot is one of the major markets in the country, which has been helping the country in rising its export incomes and is also providing people with employment. The project will help in analyzing the opportunities that are present in the fishing market in Australia so that it can help the economy in gaining profits.
The main aim of the project will be as follows:
- To understand the efficiency of the fishing industry
- To understand the employment factor that is generated due to this industry
- To understand the social contribution from this industry
The seafood that is edible and non-edible in nature has been almost stable over the last twenty years and it is estimated that it is over 230,000 tons on an annual basis. The consumption of the seafood by an average Australian has increased from 13 kilograms in the past decade to around 15 kilograms during 2013-14. The production of the fisheries that are present in Australia has been estimated to be around $2.4 billion per year, which has shown a positive impact on the economy of the country. The industry also has export earnings of an estimate $1.2 billion on an yearly basis, which has helped them in maintaining the balance of payments in the international market. The majority of the imports are done by countries such as the European Union, the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States, which has helped them in gaining popularity for their quality of catches (Fowler, Roberts & Rigney, 2016).
Management of fishery resources by the States and the Commonwealth
This quality of catches and the increase in their exports has taken a heavy toll on the Australian market, which has to be borne by the Australian consumers, as they have to pay a heavy price for their own share of meals. The products of the fisheries fetch a high price in the export markets, as a result of which the Australian consumers have to pay a bigger price in consuming the local products (Frusher et al., 2014).
It can be seen that the fishing industry that is present in Australia is able to fill in the gaps that is present within the demand and supply of the materials. The shortfall of the supply is lean because of amount of fish that is harvested in a wild manner is fit for consumption for the non-humans, which are often discarded in the sea. This has helped the country in increasing its consumption and supplying to the rest of the world, as most of the fishes that are caught are largely for the humans to consume (Fleming et al., 2014).
The fishing industry that is present in the country has helped in attracting large employment opportunities, as the requirement of labors have increased many times. The pattern of employment includes the harvesters of fishes, traders, processors, builders of boat, suppliers of ice and makers of net just to name a few. There are even employment opportunities for people who are experts in scaling and gutting of the fishes. These opportunities have helped in increasing the opportunities for employment, which has further led to the increase in the purchasing power of the people and a better growth of economy within the country (Marchal et al., 2016).
Women play an integral part in the fishing industry, as they carry out the critical tasks in this industry alongside the shore line of the operations. The women counterparts unlike the males also have an opportunity in going out to the sea, which has helped them in being independent. They are even known to gear the boats and some of them are also owners of the boats that are being given to the fishing companies on rent. This helps in increasing the wealth with the Australian community (Shaw, Stocker & Noble, 2015).
The heavy fishing activity that is carried out within the country has helped in contributing generously towards the foreign exchange by exporting the fishes to other countries as well. fishes such as salmon and lobsters fetch high price in the export market and the country has developed in producing harvesting these catches in a better manner by utilizing the latest technologies that are available to them. This has helped the country is substituting their deficiency in exporting other rich protein items, which needs to be imported from the other countries as well (Kienzle, Courtney & O’Neill, 2014).
Analyzing opportunities in the Australian fishing market
It has also helped in alleviating the poverty, as people from the societies that are not affluent can turn up to seek jobs within the fishing industry on a temporary or a permanent basis. This has helped them in increasing their capacity to purchase items and strengthen their income levels as well (Holbrook & Johnson, 2014).
It is an organized method through wehich the dissertation will be carried out in an efficient manner. It is inclusive of the types through which the researcher can carry out the process of research study so that the results can lead to a finite conclusion. It also enables the researcher in identifying the various techniques that are available in conducting the process of research.
There are primarily three types of investigation methods that the researcher needs to consider for conducting the process of research, which are as follows:
- Exploratory
- Descriptive
- Hypothesis (Macket & Gass, 2015)
In carrying out the process of research in a successful manner, the researcher will take the help of descriptive type of investigation, as there are lot of datas that are available previously in carrying out the research in an efficient manner.
The use of data collection method helps the researcher in collecting the data in an organized manner. It is basically of two types such as primary and secondary. The data that is collected on a primary basis is inclusive of the questionnaire sample that is distributed among various participants whose responses are collected along with the interviews that are conducted so that the answers can be collected (Herr & Anderson, 2014). The data that is considered to be secondary in nature consists of the various books, articles and journals that are already present along with all the necessary information that has been published previously by other researchers, which will help the process of research to be conducted in a better manner (Wall & Stokes, 2014).
The researcher will consider the secondary sources of data, as a preferred choice in carrying out this present process of research in an efficient manner. The researcher will use the books, journals and other sources of information that are already established by other researcher so that it can be compared and a finite conclusion can be reached (Marshall & Rossman, 2014).
The research her may encounter various difficulties in accessing the information, as the facts and figures can be manipulated, which can lead to wrong conclusions in the final study. These problems need to be taken in to account by the researcher while carrying out the process of research.
Reference List
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