Wearable Sensor-Based Remote Health Monitoring For Elderly Care And Wellbeing

Wearable Sensor-Based Health Monitoring Systems


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Discuss about the Wireless sensing technologies for blood Pressure.

Life expectancy in many nations has been expanding consistently finished the few decades on account of critical changes in medicine, public health and individual as well as natural cleanliness. However, expanded future joined with falling birth rates are anticipated that would incite a huge maturing statistic sooner rather than later that would force critical loads on the financial structure of these nations. In this way, it is fundamental to create financially savvy, simple to-utilize frameworks for elderly human services and prosperity. Remote health monitoring, in light of non-intrusive and wearable sensors, actuators and present day correspondence what’s more, data innovations offers a productive and savvy arrangement that permits the elderly to keep on living in their agreeable home condition rather than costly human services offices. These systems will likewise enable social insurance staff to screen essential physiological indications of their patients progressively, evaluate wellbeing conditions and give criticism from inaccessible offices. In this paper, it has been exhibited and thought about a few minimal effort and non-obtrusive health and action observing frameworks that were accounted for lately. A study on material based sensors that can conceivably be utilized as a part of wearable frameworks is likewise displayed. At long last, similarity of a few communication advances and additionally future viewpoints and research challenges in remote checking systems will be talked about.

Wearable devices

Wearable gadgets can monitor and record ongoing data about one’s physiological condition and movement exercises. Wearable sensor-based wellbeing checking frameworks may include distinctive sorts of adaptable sensors that can be coordinated into material fiber, garments, and versatile groups or straightforwardly connected to the human body (Chen et al. 2014). The sensors are equipped for measuring physiological signs, for example, electrocardiogram (ECG), electromyogram (EMG), heart rate (HR), body temperature, electro dermal activity (EDA), blood vessel oxygen saturation (SpO2), pulse (BP) as well as respiration rate (RR). Likewise, micro electrical mechanical system (MEMS) based smaller than expected movement sensors, for example, accelerometers, gyrators, and attractive field sensors are broadly utilized for measuring activity related signals. Nonstop checking of physiological signs could identify and analyze a few cardiovascular, neurological and aspiratory sicknesses at their initial beginning (Appelboom et al. 2014). Likewise, constant observing of a person’s movement exercises could be helpful in fall discovery, stride design and act examination, or in rest evaluation. The wearable wellbeing observing frameworks are normally prepared with an assortment of electronic and MEMS sensors, actuators, remote correspondence as well as signal processing unit.

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Sensors in Medicine and General Health

Medical sensing

There is a long history of utilizing sensors in medicine and general health. Embedded in an assortment of restorative instruments for use at healing centers, facilities, and homes, sensors give patients and their human services suppliers’ knowledge into physiological and physical wellbeing states that are basic to the recognition, finding, treatment, and administration of sicknesses (Chen et al. 2015). A lot of current pharmaceutical would basically not be conceivable nor be practical without sensors, for example, thermometers, blood pressure monitors, glucose monitors, EKG, PPG, EEG, and different types of imaging sensors. The capacity to gauge physiological state is additionally fundamental for interventional gadgets such as pacemakers and insulin pumps. Fernandez and Pallis (2014) stated that restorative sensors join transducers for distinguishing electrical, warm, optical, concoction, hereditary, and different signs with physiological starting point with flag handling calculations to gauge highlights demonstrative of a man’s wellbeing status. Sensors past those that straightforwardly measure wellbeing state have too discovered use in the act of solution (Yu et al. 2014). For instance, area furthermore, nearness detecting innovations are being utilized for enhancing the conveyance of patient care and work process proficiency in clinics following the spread of illnesses by open health offices and observing individuals’ health related practices (and presentation to negative natural factors, for example, contamination.

There are three particular measurements along which propels in restorative detecting advancements are occurring. We expound on each of the three in the sections that take after.

Advances in innovations, for example, MEMS, imaging, and micro fluidic and nano fluidic lab-on-chip are prompting new types of substance, natural, and genomic detecting and examinations accessible outside the bounds of a research facility at the purpose of-mind (Vashist et al. 2014). By empowering new reasonable demonstrative abilities, these detecting advancements guarantee to change human services both as far as settling open wellbeing emergency because of irresistible sicknesses and furthermore empowering early identification and customized medicines.

Wireless Sensor Platforms

At present years it has seen the rise of different embedded platforms for computing, which can integrate processing and storage along with the wireless systems networking and sensors. These inserted figuring stages offer the capacity to detect physical wonders at fleeting and spatial devotions that were already unreasonable. Embedded computing platforms are utilized for healthcare applications that go from cell phones to particular remote detecting stages, known as bits, that have considerably more stringent asset limitations as far as accessible registering power, memory, arrange data transfer capacity, and accessible vitality. Existing bits regularly utilize 8 or 16-bit microcontrollers with many KBs of RAM, several KBs of ROM for program capacity and external storage as Flash memory (Hamida et al. 2015). These gadgets work at a couple of mill watts while running at around 10 MHz [60]. The greater part of the circuits can be fueled off, so the standby power can be around one microwatt.

Advances in Medical Sensing Technologies

 In the event that such a gadget is dynamic for 1% of the time, its normal power utilization is only a couple of microwatts empowering long haul operation with two AA batteries. Bits are generally furnished with low-control radios for example, those agreeable with the IEEE 802.15.4 standard for remote sensor systems. Such radios generally transmit at rates between 10-250 Kbps, devour around 20-60 milliwatts, what’s more, their correspondence extend is regularly measured in several meters. At last, bits incorporate various simple also, advanced interfaces that empower them to associate with a wide assortment of product sensors. These equipment developments are paralleled by progresses in inserted working frameworks part based programming dialects and organizing conventions (Benharref and Serhani 2014). As opposed to asset obliged bits, cell phones give all the more capable microchips, bigger information stockpiling, and higher system data transmission through cell and IEEE 802.11 mobile interfaces to the detriment of higher vitality utilization. Their reciprocal qualities make cell phones what’s more, bits reciprocal stages appropriate for various classifications of health care applications, which is examined in the segment that takes after.

Monitoring blood pressure

Blood pressure is the pressure of the blood in arteries as pumped around body by heart. At the point when your heart thumps, it can contract and drive blood through arteries to left of your body (Li et al. 2015). This power makes pressure on the arteries. Blood pressure can be recorded as two numbers such as the systolic pressure (as the heart beats) over the diastolic pres-sure (as the heart unwinds between pulsates). There are rising procedures to take circulatory strain readings without the utilization of vein choking yet such strategies are not financially accessible. Swelling the sleeve naturally requires a pump and the improvement of algorithms and hardware to control the pump (Mehmood et al. 2014). Rationale must be composed to decide readings in light of the arrival of pres-beyond any doubt in the sleeve. For these and a few different issues involved assembling a weight screen from the earliest starting point is past the extent of the project. The trust was that at least one existing circulatory strain screens available would have a straightforward interface that would permit automatic control and access to unit’s memory, maybe through USB link.

Shockingly there are no such screens available. The most appropriate and attainable answer for building a model is to utilize the Blood Pressure Sensor (Sphygmo-manometer) as appeared in Figure 2 which planned by Cooking Hacks. The Blood Pressure Sensor has been intended for automatic estimations of systolic, diastolic blood weights with time and date. Sensor has a huge LCD screen with LED backdrop illumination, additionally a touch cushion key is connected to the pulse sensor (Andreu-Perez et al. 2015). There are 80 estimation come about with time and date can be put away in the gadget memory. Circulatory strain Sensor is outlined as completely good with Arduino board. Pulse Sensor and correspondence modules utilize UART port for transmission of the information each other (Soh et al. 2015). The Blood Pressure Sensor just works with e-Health Sensor Shield V2 which outlined by Cooking Hacks. Circulatory strain Sensor and Arduino interface each other by means of e-Health Sensor Shield, likewise as specified before different sorts of restorative sensors can be added to the framework for extending the extent of the venture.

Embedded Computing Platforms for Healthcare Applications

 e-Health senor platform

The e-Health Sensor Platform has been outlined by Cooking Hacks with a specific end goal to help specialists, designers what’s more, craftsmen to quantify biometric sensor information for experimentation, fun as well as test purposes (Priyantha et al. 2015). This shield gives a modest and open option arrangement contrasted and the exclusive and cost restrictive medicinal market options. In any case, as the stage does not have medicinal affirmations, it cannot be utilized to screen basic patients who require precise checking or those conditions must be precisely measured for a ulterior expert determination. It permits Arduino and Raspberry Pi clients to perform biometric what’s more, medicinal applications where checking body is needed by utilizing 9 distinct sensors. This data is utilized to monitor progressively the condition of a patient as well as get delicate information keeping in mind the end goal to be consequently dissected for medicinal determination (Chiuchisan et al. 2014). The shield has different info and yields for associating diverse therapeutic sensors as depicted above, likewise a realistic LCD can be utilized by the shield. Shield likewise is perfect with all UART gadgets. Extending the extent of the venture is conceivable with utilizing e-Health Sensor Shield, for this situation utilizing another therapeutic sensor can be a decent approach on the developed of the extend.

Figure 1: e-health sensor platform

(Source: Chiuchisan et al. 2014 p.511)

An Electrocardiogram (ECG) Monitoring alternative will be a decent point for the advancement of the venture, as a result of that reason, other than the pulse sensor, an electrocardiogram (ECG) Sensor will be considered in the framework engineering of the venture for the future work.

The research questions can be listed as followed.

  • How technology impact on health monitoring at present days?
  • What is the role of wireless sensor technology in monitoring blood pressure?
  • What are the challenges faced while using the technology in health monitoring?
  • How the challenges can be overcome?

Aim of the project:

It is important to have a proper aim in order to continue the research in appropriate way. The research has aims to identify and critically analyze the role of wireless sensor technology in order to monitor blood pressure of human.

Objectives of the project:

The objectives of the project can be listed as followed.

  • To indentify the impact of technological advancement on health monitoring system
  • To critically analyze the role of wireless sensor technology in monitoring blood pressure
  • To find out the challenges faced while using wireless sensor technology to monitor blood pressure
  • To recommend solutions for overcoming the challenges

Sub-goals of the project:

The sub-goals of the project would be explore the technological advancement and its specifications in health monitoring system. In addition, cost-benefits analysis would be made for the proposed project topic.

In order to carry forward the research in proper way, it is important to select appropriate methodological tools for the research (Mackey and Gass, 2015). It is the way of explaining and exploring as well as makes a prediction of the research phenomena. Different methodological tools like research design, approach as well as strategies are selected for the research.

Blood Pressure Monitoring System

Research philosophy

 Positivism, realism as well as intepretivism are considered as three major types of research philosophies. Positivism philosophy relies on making quantifiable observations and for this statistical analysis will take place (Taylor et al. 2015). Along with these, positivism philosophy deals with the scientifically testing of the research. Realism philosophy concerns with making continuous research as scientific mehods are regarded as not proper for bringing out the actual truth. For the present research, positivism philosophy is selected for using factual knowledge. Moreover, in order to understand the role of wireless sensor technology in monitoring blood pressure, positivism philosophy would be helpful. Hence, positivism philosophy will be selected and interpritivism philosophy discarded for the research.

Research approach

Deductive and inductive are approaches are known as two types of research approaches used in scientific researches. Deductive approach deals with assisting the researcher for developing hypothesis along with testing by establishing new strategy (Brinkmann 2014). In addition, deductive approach includes with testing of the existing theories and concepts in order to achieve the questions of research. However, deductive approach concerns with transformation of general data to the specific data in the statistical way. Hence, the approach goes well with the positivism philosophy for research. Inductive approach takes with finding out specific patterns in the previously existing approaches in order to create new theory out of gained knowledge. For present research, deductive research approach can be selected. It is appropriate for taking positivism philosophy in current research. On the other hand, inductive approach deals with devising new theory. The researcher aims to fulfill the research questions, deductive approach is selected over inductive approach.

Research design

Exploratory, explanatory and descriptive are the type of research types of research designs used in scientific researches. Exploratory research concerns with explaining the reasons of the phenomena and making prediction of the future occurrences. In exploratory research, developing of the problem and clarification of distinctive concepts related with the research topic that are analyzed (Flick 2015). Descriptive research concerns with options of exploratory along with the explanatory research and focuses on the process of explaining the characteristics of the population through making data collection. For current research, descriptive research design will be chosen to clarify the topic of research as well as understanding reasons and effect of the research issue (Vaioleti 2016). In order to understand challenges faced during the use of wireless sensor technology for monitoring blood pressure that can be understood with descriptive research design.


Sample and Sampling process

In order to collect data regarding the topic, secondary data will be collected from various books, journals as well as websites. There are two types of sampling process used in research such as probability and non-probability sampling technique. For the present research, simple random probability sampling technique will be used.

Data collection and analysis process

Primary data collection and secondary data collection are two types of data collection. In the present research, secondary data will be collected from books, journals as well as several internet sources. On the other hand, the data will be analyzed with the help of qualitative data analysis.

Ethical issues

While conducting the research, it will be required to ensure following the ethical principles of the research. In addition, personal information will be secured under the UAE Federal Law of 1987. It restricts personal information of individual. In addition, research data will be secured with password protected for ensuring full confidentiality of data.

This is an experimental set-up where the analysts controls one variable as well as control/randomizes whatever remains of such factors. It has a control gathering as well as the subjects have been arbitrarily relegated between the gatherings, and the specialist just tests one impact at any given moment. It is additionally vital to comprehend what variable(s) you need to test and measure blood pressure with the help of wireless sensor technology (Rodgers et al. 2015). A wide meaning of the test that looks into, and in order to explore where the researcher effectively have impacts something for watching the outcome. Most of the investigations have tendency in order to fall in middle of strict as well as wide definition. General guideline is physical sciences, for instance material science, science as well as geography tend to characterize tries more barely compared than sociologies, for example, human science as well as brain research that direct analyses nearer to more extensive definition.

After completing the research, it is expected to result the effectiveness of wireless sensor technology in order to monitor blood pressure. The research will explore the technique and methods used for monitoring blood pressure. In addition, development of technology in term of benefitted for health monitoring system is also explored in the research. The research will identify the challenges faced while implementing the technology for monitoring.  The research is relevant because of advancement of science and technology. It helps other researcher to get secondary data and use in the similar research.


Task Name





Resource Names


Wireless Sensing Technology for Monitoring Blood Pressure

56 days

Mon 7/24/17

Mon 10/9/17



   Topic selection for the study

1 day

Mon 7/24/17

Mon 7/24/17


Project Supervisor, Researcher


   Preparing the layout for proposal

2 days

Tue 7/25/17

Wed 7/26/17


Project Supervisor, Researcher


   Design the research proposal

2 days

Thu 7/27/17

Fri 7/28/17




   Literature Review

14 days

Mon 7/31/17

Thu 8/17/17




   Developing the proper methodology for research

10 days

Fri 8/18/17

Thu 8/31/17




   Collection of the Secondary Data

7 days

Fri 9/1/17

Mon 9/11/17




   Analysis of the Data

7 days

Tue 9/12/17

Wed 9/20/17




   Collection of findings from the analysis

4 days

Thu 9/21/17

Tue 9/26/17




   Drawing conclusions from the study

4 days

Wed 9/27/17

Mon 10/2/17




   Preparation of rough draft for the study

3 days

Tue 10/3/17

Thu 10/5/17


Project Supervisor, Researcher


   Review and final submission of the work

2 days

Fri 10/6/17

Mon 10/9/17



 Gantt chart


From the above research proposal, it concludes that it is significant to research on the role or effectiveness of wireless sensor technology for monitoring blood pressure. The project will build up a Wireless Blood Pressure Monitoring System that is equipped for measuring a crucial indication of wellbeing and speaking with the end gadget utilizing chosen remote network alternative. The distinguished aftereffects of the examination are required to be adequate estimations of the circulatory strain and other sensors’ pieces of information. The examination work exhibited will set up a base for such medicinal services observing conditions after ongoing execution of the venture with this model framework, more components can be added, for example, functionalities to screen Electrocardiogram (ECG) charts of a human. With the further connections of the distinctive restorative sensors with remote observing framework the project will have a colossal application in the human health care field.


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