Disaster Surveillance, Animal Welfare, And Bio-terrorism: Impacts And Responses
400847 Surveillance And Disaster Planning
400847 Surveillance And Disaster Planning
Disaster Surveillance and Support
Discuss about the Social Media and Disasters Framework.
If a disaster takes place, I have realized that it is vital to carry out surveillance in order to analyze the extent of health effects on certain affected people. I understood surveillance to be a systematic measure of analysis, collection and analysis’s of injuries and illness that supports public health in tracking and recognizing the adverse health impacts within community. The Disaster Surveillance Workgroup (DSWG) has attained experts from all through CDC to develop certain data collection, sharing and reporting standards at the time of public health disaster. In support of DSWG, HSB has generated mortality and morbidity surveillance tools and training tools (CDC – Health Studies – Public Health Surveillance during a Disaster, 2017). Certain instances of CDC Health Studies Branch Disaster Surveillance Activities that I remember includes ice storms in Kentucky in 2009, floods in Iowas in 2008 and earthquake in Haiati in 2010.
I remember a case of mortality surveillance in India where in the leadership of Byrraju Foundation, the collaboration implemented a mortality surveillance system within 45 villages all over West and East Godavari districts. This research analyzed the major reasons for death within the rural areas of India and explained whether mortality surveillance system can rely on verbal autopsy method that can be implemented within routine work of primary healthcare system (Mortality surveillance system, 2017). Such system followed these three stages:
- Data collection of deaths through verbal autopsy tool by trained multipurpose primary healthcare employees
- Independent assignment of death cause through trained physician analysts
- Developing summary statistics and reports
I gathered from the report that psychological trauma can take place from viewing an occasion that is perceived to be life threatening or has the potential of drastic bodily injury to themselves or others. Such experiences appear in addition to intense fear, helplessness and horror that can result in diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder. In such type of disorder the impact of psychological trauma on neurobiological systems are focused on. After such neurobiological symptoms observed in the traumatized patients, the gene expressions are evaluated in details all through the illness duration (Department of Health | Surveillance systems reported in Communicable Diseases Intelligence, 2016, 2017). I also gathered from analyzing the article that through the presumed mechanism of injury from psychological trauma is different from brain trauma. Moreover, the etiologic abnormalities are deemed to encompass identical to encompass neurobiological systems and develop overlapping clinical syndromes.
I came across a case that deals with non-communicable disease surveillance that includes diabetes surveillance in USA. From consideration of such surveillance, it is gathered that several preventive care measures are taken by the USA diabetes surveillance centre that are explained below:
- Dilatation of eyed exam in the last year
- Everyday self-monitoring of glucose in blood
- Visit of health professionals for diabetes
- Foot exam by the health professionals
- Everyday individual exam feet
- Vaccination for influenza in the previous year
Mortality Surveillance in India
Awareness on certain risks factors is considered by the USA Diabetes Surveillance centre. Risk factors for diabetes encompass pre-diabetes and testing of high blood sugar (U.S. Diabetes Surveillance System, 2017). This risk factor for complications and the reasons for which diabetes rate is increasing in USA includes:
- Obesity
- Current smoking
- Increased cholesterol
- Hypertension
- Overweight or obesity
I came across national planning principles for animals in case of disasters that offers guidance regarding certain aspects that must be included within the planning process for animals in disaster situation and local disaster management planning. I also came to realize that the planning process for the animals in disaster:
- Realizes that considering animals within emergency management planning can enhance animal welfare results
- Realizes that considering animals within emergency management planning will facilitate securing enhanced human welfare and safety in disasters
- Analysis a broad range of parties involved within animal welfare and animal management arrangements in a domestic area for the initial responders in disasters. Moreover, acknowledging expertise of local government is necessary in understanding available local needs and resources.
I realized that the National Planning Principles for the animals within disasters can serve as an efficient tool in order to support jurisdictions as they might intend to enhance disaster management planning through making sure that animals are considered (AAWS, 2017). Through considering the animals within disaster planning and arrangements within Australia, governments and communities are working collaboratively in improving disaster resilience.
I came across a case where in the year 2005, after Hurricane Katrina, the global fund for animal welfare sent emergency rescue teams in New Orleans. The group made great attempts in rescuing number of cats and dogs left out by evacuees. The people those were rescued and brought to shelters were not allowed to bring their pets. IFAW sustains a team of highly trained professionals ready to support and rescue animals threatened by natural disasters or became victims of cruelty. The emergency relied team includes experts that guides seabirds affected by oil spills, pets, livestock and wildlife damaged by natural disasters and supports wide life that needs rescue, rehabilitation and release in the wild (IFAW, 2017).
Natural disasters are presenting a great blow to wildlife along with their animals on which people base on livelihoods and companionship that includes pets and livestock. I recognized that in the year 2009, the number of natural disasters all through the world increased to 100. Moreover, the effects of oil spills and several related events that can be resulted from climate change based disasters making the situation more adverse. Considering the seriousness of animal rescue and recovery IFAW necessitated United States to attain a global declaration on animal welfare which facilitates people and governments to take into account animals in disaster preparedness. Moreover, government also requires considering animals in disaster preparedness along with response efforts climate change-based disasters.
I came across a case where Hurricane Katrina was among the severe hurricane disasters in the US. More than 1833 people died in this disaster along with the flooding that took place after such disaster. Several people were homeless in the areas of New Orleans and Gulf Coast. This hurricane attained sixth rank in strength and caused damage of $108 billion as per National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration (Hurricane Katrina: Facts, Damage & Aftermath, 2017). Several residents did not respond to the warnings of evacuation that put numerous stresses on rescue operations. I also gathered that according to data center that is a sole research company in New Orleans, this hurricane displaced more than 1 million people all through the Gulf Coast area. After such disaster National Guard came for help of the evacuations. Many rescued people were sent to refuge in New Orleans Convention Center and the Superdome that was overwhelmed.
Psychological Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Certain provision of psycho-social support to population that is affected by disaster is considered as a major strategy in decreasing the adverse mental health impacts caused from man-made or natural disasters. Guidelines based on psychosocial responses focused on the need for multi-level support strategies that are to be offered in consideration to the need and circumstances of people those are affected. Six disasters were considered in developing effective disaster planning that includes Northern Italian earthquakes in 2012, the great East Japan earthquake, nuclear disaster and tsunami (Reifels et al., 2017), The Florida Hurricanes in 2004, The London bombings in 2005, the mass shooting in Norway in 2011 and the Sandy Hook school shooting in 2012. After analyzing six different disasters occurred in different nations it was recognized that in case of these disasters there is an increased need to:
- Effectively coordinate and link disaster response services
- Link research along with analysis into disaster response planning
- Increase the responsibilities for mental health professionals
- Address all psychological response in every disaster
- Offer multi-dimensional psychosocial care
I came across a scenario where Japan faced a magnitude-9 earthquake disaster along with a savage tsunami. The drastic impacts of this earthquake were felt all through the globe from floods in Norway to ice sheets in Antarctica. After such disaster, Japan is observed to still recover from such disastrous situation. In the year 2017, there are still more than 150000 evacuees those lost their residences and 50000 of them were still residing within Japan Reconstruction Agency’s temporary housing. After the tsunami took place Meteorological agency of Japan was criticized for indicating an initial warning on tsunami which underestimated the wave size (Science & Earth, 2017).
Another earthquake took place in Japan in the year 2011 that brought devastating results for the country and killed more than 15000 people. Residents in Tokyo were previously warned and Japan’s early warning system prevented a high rate of death from earthquake through stopping high-speed trains along with factory assembly lines. Residents of Japan also attained texted alerts regarding the earthquake and tsunami warnings on their mobiles.
I remember disastrous situation in which a Malaysian airline flight 370 vanished while travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing. After such disaster, the airliner offered official condolences to the relatives of 239 people those were in that flight. It was reported that the flight crashed near to the Indian Ocean and no one survived. From analysis of the disastrous case I gathered that the crash of MH370 caused due to lack of information that developed clear grounds for conspiracy theories. However, such disaster was inevitable but still the chaotic along with contradictory government responses from Malaysian government made it worse. Malaysian airlines realized that 99 percent of the crisis communication is preparation (Department of Health | Overview of Biological Agents that could be used in a Terrorist Act., 2017).
Non-communicable Disease Surveillance in the USA
In the disaster, relatives of passengers those boarded on MH370 recognized that the facilities that were set up generally happened to remain disorganized. Malaysia Airlines kept relatives within hotel rooms in Kuala Lumpur and Beijing and conveyed information there to the families of the dead. However, such news delivered late and often sporadically. Numerous airline companies maintain protocol that explains best ways in responding to the tragedies. Family assistance centres are set up with implementation of information hotlines. After such disaster occurs relatives must remain in touch with the designated representatives by means of telephone or e-mail (A Disastrous Void: Why The MH370 Public Response Failed, 2017).
Numerous biological agents are deemed to be deemed as a bioterrorist act. Such agents can be bacterial or viral and can include toxins that increase threat due to their ease of transmission or the adverseness of illness. Moreover, I came to understand that these substances an pose a great adverse impact on public health that needs preparedness in decreasing consequences of several deliberate release.
Highly serous bio-terrorism disasters are caused by certain infectious agents causing severe diseases like plague, smallpox and botullinum toxin (Commonwealth of Australia, 2017). This can result in severe diseases; however, in the initial stages after exposure, symptoms can be difficult to differentiate from common illness. To recognize that whether a person is suffering from disease caused by bioterrorism disaster it is important to attain evidence of attack in other places. In order to deal with such disaster, the department of health has implemented a regulatory scheme for security sensitive biological agents along with support of National Health Securities Act in 2007.
I remember another instance where in the year 2003, Australian Health Disaster Management Policy Committee was introduced to coordinate national health emergency responses such as mass causality events in a better manner. The attack of releasing B. anthracis bacteria spores in the air within Australia resulted in high public health emergency. When Australia was attracted by anthrax this committee dealt with the health consequences occurred from such disaster and coordinate assistance among the Australian government and the states. This included utilization of the national medical stockpile and transfer of patients between the states.
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