Recommendations For Future Network Infrastructure For Cookie Co.
Unified Communications
Discuss about the Geographical Systems and Computer Cartography.
Cookie Co. is a chain store for the cookies that has business all around the country. However, of recent they have been frustrated from the slow data networks connectivity, as well as distorted and unreliable voice call as a result of the issues in the network which has been a challenge to both the clients and the staff (Archiving, 2015). The organization is seeking a fresh design in regards to their information technology infrastructure particularly on networking to be able to support all their business functions and for the growth of the business. This report, it will focus on the solutions and the recommendation in regards to the future network infrastructure for the Cookie Co.
- Network infrastructure
- The network convergence and unified communications.
The communication between the computers usually depends on the working of the network infrastructure. Without such kind of the network, the organization will not be able to access other computers from the machine nor surf the internet (Archiving, 2015). The unified communications will consists of the hardware which include at least one network switch as well as network cables to be able to connect all the computers as well as the printers with one another (Yuen, 2013). When it comes to the network they will be Wi-Fi-enabled and they will cover few meters to the entire organizations so that each department could access the internet. This technology is useful to the business operations as well as the customer satisfaction. On the part of the organization they would benefit when it comes to how the communication will be relayed. On the part of the customers with the infrastructure in place especially on the network convergence they can be able to make easily the voice calls and raise their concerns in regards to a given product.
The local area network is the system that connect various computers in office. The LAN usually consist of the computers in addition to the peripheral devices which are linked to the local domain server (Laudon and Laudon, 2016). Presently there would be a network logical structure diagram that would be designed to highlights precisely how the logical organization of the network. The diagram might emphasizes the basic devices along with the zones such as LAN, DMZ as well as the group (Jones, 2014). On the LAN it might visualize the communication techniques of the LAN, in addition to the network arrangement in the office. This technology would be useful in the head office and the branch office when it comes to the connection of the computers so that the employees could communicate effectively.
Local Area Network
The type of LAN they intend to use will be bus logical topology which is used for the data communication as well as support by the ieee 802.3 standard (Ghezzi, Cortimiglia and Frank, 2015). In all the nodes they will share on the common line. The transmission would occur in both of the directions on the common line rather than in one particular direction, as compared to the ring topology (Galliers and Leidner, 2014). When one of the nodes transmit all the other nodes receive the transmission at the approximately the same period.
Setting up a branch office is the most-effective way for the business to be able to put people on the ground in a given region. To be able to connect the head office and the branches the organization will have a dedicated lines between the sites and the internet connection for each site (Ghezzi, Cortimiglia and Frank, 2015). Moreover, they will connect to the XCH server through use of the dedicated line. The new WAN services which will be used will be 3G wireless and the metro Ethernet. To manage the requirement of the common WAN services should be obtainable in both of the branch office along with the WAN aggregation routers which are located within the data centers and the site of the organization (Jones, 2014).
The transmission media are the physical pathways which will be used to connect the devices such as the computers as well as individuals on the network. Some of the media used for the connection of the devices are wireless, which will include the radio frequencies, as well as the satellite (Jones, 2014). The deployment of the wireless media is beneficial to the operation of the business since it is much faster and less costly than the deployment of the cable, especially to where there is no or even little infrastructure. Moreover, the wireless is also advantageous particularly to the environmental circumstances which makes it impossible or even cost-prohibitive to use cable (Jones, 2014). Moreover, the wireless transmission devices support much lower data rates for the branch and the head office than the wired solutions.
The DNS is a service which translate the domain names into the IP addresses. The management of the DNS is important for the organization website. The internet is based on the IP addresses. The domain names are usually in alphabetic, which makes it much easier to remember, hence every time a domain names has been used the DNS service should translate the name to the corresponding IP address (Rainer, Prince and Watson, 2014). The new information infrastructure will ensure that there is a web management in place to be able to take the responsibility of all the aspects of the name of the Domain name for the clients, and that the correct name is pointing in the correct server thus ensuring that the visitors type in domain name in which the correct website would be rendered. This is beneficial to the organization in their operation and the satisfaction of the client in a number of ways. On the part of the client they would be able to access easily the website for the organization and be able to focus on the product which they intend to make an order, this ensures there is an efficient communication between the client and the organization. On the part of the organization they will address on the needs of the clients much quicker as comparison to the traditional methods they used. The management of the DNS would ensure that the domain names are current and they are paid up, which would prevent the site from going down for this reason. There would be expertise professionals who would be employed to monitor on the system on this aspect. Moreover, they would also manage various records which ensures that the email are found and they are stored on the various servers to the website. Therefore, the aspect of the DNS management is to ensure that there are no DNS issues when rendering on the needs of the clients.
Type of LAN
This is the private network which would only be accessible to the employees in the organization. There would be a range of the information as well as services from the organization internal information technology system which are available and not accessible by the public (Yuen, 2013). This wide intranet would be beneficial to the processes of the business since it would serve as a focal point for the internal communication as well as collaboration between the head office and the branches (O’Brien and Marakas, 2005). This would provide a single starting point of accessing the internal as well as external resources. The simplest form of the intranet could be establish with the technologies for the local area networks as well as the wide area networks.
The extranet is the regulated private network that is permits the use of the partners, vendors in addition to the supplier or even approved number of the clients. The extranet is comparable to the DMZ because it provides an access to the needed services for the parties that are authorized, without giving them use of the company entire system. This networked services is beneficial to both the business and the satisfaction of the customers (Jouini, Rabai and Aissa, 2014). On the part of the customer they would have access to the services they need from the organization. This is significant on the part of the customer since they can inquire on any service they want and see its availability (Laudon and Laudon, 2016). On the part of the business operation it is significant there is exchange of the large volume of the data through the use of the Electronic Data Interchange, they are able to collaborate especially between the head office and the branches. Additionally, they can also share product catalogs exclusively to the trade partners.
It stands for the voice over internet protocol. This is an alternate method of making the phone calls which is often cost effective or perhaps completely free. When it comes to Cookie Business they have slow data network connectivity, that is compounded by the distorted along with undependable voice calls because of the issue on the network, hence, use of VOIP would be beneficial to the organization especially on the voice calls made by the clients in regards to inquiry of the products and services they offer (Jouini, Rabai and Aissa, 2014). The VOIP has been named the most successful technology for the last decade. This networked service has various advantage to the process of the business as well as satisfaction of the clients. The organization should turn to the VOIP technology because of its low cost. In the business, VOIP is a way of cutting down the communication cost, it also add more features when it comes to communication as well as the interaction between the employees and the clients, thus they can render the system more efficient and better quality in service delivery(Warf, 2013). The VOIP has revolutionized on the voice calling globally, and it is a fun way to communicate especially through the computers and the mobile devices for free (Laudon and Laudon, 2016). This would surely bring satisfaction to the clients since they may not even pay anything when making the voice calls to Cookie Co. to make an order or even obtain information.
Setting up a Branch Office
This networked service is a method for exchanging of the messages between individuals electronically. The email can operate across the computer networks that are today is primarily the internet. The use of the email will be beneficial especially to the operation of the head office and the branches in that it reduces geographic barriers for the business since they are able to communicate (Kaur and Aggrawal, 2013). The employees from around the world they can communicate regardless of the location. Moreover, the email lower the costs especially when moving communication from the physical mail to email could result in significant savings when it comes to the postage costs, shipping supplies as well as the employees resources. Additionally, the business could decrease on the customer services support costs when they focus on email customer support options as compared to the phone based services.
The organization can utilize various data processing facilities which could be used to store their data through data centers and use of the cloud database.
This is the facility which is used to house the computer system as well as other associated components for instance telecommunications and storage systems. It usually includes the telecommunications as well as the storage systems. The data center centralizes the organizations information technology functions and equipment, in which stores, manages in addition to disseminate its data (Meyer, Howard Jr and Loofbourrow, 2017). The data center would house the network critical system which are essential to the continuity of the daily operations in the business (Harrison, Free Stream Media Corp., 2016). The data center which the business needs should be built for the cloud service provider which needs to gratify the facility, infrastructure in addition to the security requirement which will differ from the complete private data center. An effective data center is going to be achieved through the balanced investment in the organization and which equipment are housed (Yuen, 2013). This data center will be beneficial to the operation of the business since it will house all the data within the organization and protect it from any damage.
This is an information technology model which allows ubiquitous access to the shared pools of the configurable assets that can be provisioned with the minimal management effort, more regularly over internet. The cloud allows the users as well as the enterprises with numerous computing functionality to be able to store and process the data either in the privately owned cloud or even the third party server that is situated in the data centers .This technology will be beneficial to the organization because they will be able to share resources and be able to achieve a coherence and economy of scale (Vasilakos, Zhang and Spyropoulos, 2016). Moreover, the business will be able to minimize up-front information technology infrastructure costs. It will enable the business to focus more on their core businesses aspects rather than expanding on the resources on the infrastructure of the resource as well as maintenance.
Transmission Media
This is a networking technology which is a distributed application architecture that will partitions on the tasks or perhaps the workloads which is between the peers. The peers are privileged equally, in the application. The peer generally make the part of their resources for instance, the disk storage and the network bandwidth, that is accessible to the other network participants. The peers are both suppliers along with consumers of the resources, in the contrast to the traditional client server model that the consumption and the supply of the resources has been divided. This model would be beneficial to the operation of the business since it would bring in unique resource as well as capabilities to the virtual community hence empowering it to engage to the greater tasks which are beyond those which are accomplished by personal peers.
In this research it has focused on the use of the technologies into the proposed plan for the future network infrastructure for the Cookie Co. The organization has been encountering frustration from the slow data network connectivity. In this research it has provided recommendations on the best technologies which they could use to effectively benefit the business operations, as well as enhance customer satisfaction through effectively delivery of the services.
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