The Importance Of Effective Leadership And Teamwork For Innovation In Organizations
Attributes of Effective Leaders
Discuss about the Managing Innovation for Effective Teamwork and Leadership.
The report talks about the leadership and teamwork of the organization. It explains that how leadership and team affect the innovation in the organization. It describes the key attributes and characteristics of the leaders. It explains that how effective leaders maintain teamwork in the organization to improve the performance and efficiency of the workers. It describes that a firm cannot survive its business without an effective and potential team leader.
In today’s competitive environment, effective teamwork and leadership are mandatory for the organization for innovation and development. An effective leader is a person who influences and affects the followers and subordinates in a very effective manner in order to meet the goals and objectives. After various researches, it has been analyzed that organizational culture is influenced by the leadership and team in the organization. Further, leadership includes decision-making process, clear vision, establishing goals and objectives with providing knowledge and information to the followers to gain long-term goals and objectives (García-Morales, Jiménez-Barrionuevo & Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, 2012). Good and effective leaders consist various attributes such as self-confidence, management skills, strong communication, innovative thinking, openness to change and willingness to take various risks. In addition, team defines as a group of person who works together in order to meet similar long-term objectives and goals of the company. Team members share responsibility and authority with each other to gain collective goals and objectives of the firm. In a team, each member tries to maximize their power and strengths and minimize their limitation and weaknesses. Denti & Hemlin (2012) stated that a team is a small number of persons with effective and complementary skills and abilities who are joined to the organization for the common objectives, goals, purpose, coordination, communication, and independent task and work. Thus, the team plays a vital role in an organization to build and develop innovation in the organization. It improves technology, development, managerial and financial performance in the association. Further, it will also enhance and increase the quality and efficiency of the employees. It maintains sustainability and flexibility in the organization. Teamwork also helps to improve the performance and productivity of the employees by improving and innovating working methods and strategies.
A research is concluded by the Hoch (2013) where he studied that leadership and team is interrelated with each other in order to meet the success and growth of the company. Leadership is necessary to define and explain the goals and objectives of the team to accomplish the goals and objectives of the organization. The organization cannot run the business effectively and efficiently without effective leadership and team. Team and leadership are essential for the innovation within the organization. If the leader does not possess effective and unique attributes of leaders then a team cannot be managed by the leaders. The leaders support and guide individuals and teams to turn their creative and unique endeavors into innovations. They manage goals and objectives of the organization in order to gain innovation and development. There is a moderate relationship between leadership and innovation and they both are interconnected with each other. Leadership and team treated as the independent and self-governing variable while innovation treated as the dependent and reliant variable. There are six leadership styles of leadership which have been discussed below (Latham, 2014).
Roles of Teams in Innovation
Autocratic leadership style: This leadership style is centered on the boss. In this leadership style, leaders hold entire responsibility and authority. In this style, leaders make decisions without discussing and consulting with their employees and subordinates. Many leaders support such kind of leadership style in order to gain sustainability and innovation within the organization (García-Morales, Jiménez-Barrionuevo & Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, 2012).
Democratic leadership style: In democratic leadership style, subordinates and lower level employees are involved in the decision-making process. These kinds of leaders hold the final responsibility of the organization and they delegate these authorities and responsibilities with other people. It is centered on the subordinates and they play a significant role in this leadership style. It is one the most important leadership styles. This type of leader entails various characteristics such as creativity, intelligence, honesty, competence, and courage (?erne, Jakli? & Škerlavaj, 2013).
Transformational leadership style: It is the important leadership style and it plays a significant role in every organization. Such kind of leader motivates and encourages other people to do work effectively and efficiently. The transformational leaders achieve higher efficiency and performance within the organization. They empower their subordinates and followers.
Team leadership style: It has been analyzed that team leadership style plays a vital role in an organization. The main aim of this leadership style is to provide a sense of direction and purpose to the organization. It motivates and encourages the teamwork and collaboration. These leaders believe in cooperative and supportive relationships in the organization. But this leadership style is not successful due to its poor qualities and attributes( Odumeru & Ogbonna, 2013).
Laissez-faire leadership style: This leadership style gives power and authority to subordinates and employees for doing the work effectively. This leadership style is considered effective and good leadership style because it satisfies the employees (?erne, Jakli? & Škerlavaj, 2013).
Transactional leadership style: This leadership style focuses on the exchange process in the organization in order to meet the goals and objectives of the firm. These leaders focus on the needs, expectations, and feedback of the employees. It has been analyzed by the Nworie (2012) that leadership style is a social and behavior influence process in which the leader looks for the voluntary participation of followers and subordinates to reach the goals and objectives of the firm. Further, a leader may be defined as an individual who delegates authorities and responsibilities to followers to carry out the business effectively and smoothly. In today’s era, effective leaders are mandatory who understand the key challenges and complexities in the global environment. Further, effective and potential leaders are essential for the innovation and development of the firm. Leadership and teamwork enhance the reputation and performance of the organization. It has been studied by D’Innocenzo, Mathieu & Kukenberger (2016) that leadership styles affect and influence the team innovation in the organization. In addition, it plays a significant role in the organization to gain the goals and objectives. This leadership style motivates and encourages employees with the use of rewards, rule enforcement and corrective actions (García-Morales, Jiménez-Barrionuevo & Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, 2012).
Different Leadership Styles
Further, after various researches, it has been analyzed by the Bradley et al (2012) that team innovation is important to gain success and growth in the market. In today’s world, the environment is becoming very challenging and complex. Therefore, teamwork is necessary to detect and reduce environmental challenges and changes. In addition, the team focuses on the different job designs, nature and size of the organization, and productivity of the organization. There is a correlation between team and innovation within the organization. Team innovation has a positive and significant impact on the organizational performance (García-Morales, Jiménez-Barrionuevo & Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, 2012. Team innovation includes vision, mission, objectives, goals, innovative technology and safety of the environment. Further, the team uses the effective knowledge and experience to achieve the firm long-term goals and objectives. The team maintains a balance among the team members within the organization. The team plays various roles in the organization. Team members maintain harmony and coordination across the team and they always try to create and maintain positive and favorable team environment and atmosphere in the organization. They provide innovative ideas and thoughts to the management in order to achieve the goals and objectives of the firm. The team members address the urgent and immediate matters and challenge to resolve the various problems and key issues. In addition, teamwork is compulsory to gain better results and outputs within the association. It is also important to improve and enhance the good and reciprocal relations among the workers. ?erne, Jakli? & Škerlavaj (2013) said that there are various reasons for using the teamwork within the organization. It provides various benefits to the organization. The team helps to maximize the profit and revenue of the company. In today’s world, various companies are taking the benefits of teamwork. It motivates employees for doing work with effectively and efficiently and it enhances morale and job satisfaction of the employees. Teamwork not only provides benefits to the company but it also increases the productivity and performance of the employees. The success and growth of the company depend on the teamwork. The company cannot meet the targets and goals without teamwork and collaboration. There are various types of the team which have been discussed below (Vaccaro et al, 2012).
Self-managed teams: After various researches, it has been analyzed by the Wang & Wang (2012) that self-managed team is the significant type of team. In this type of team, managers and employees act as a team leader who is responsible to explain and define the goals, targets, objectives, and strategies of the organization to the employees. This type of team provides freedom regarding completion of goals and objectives of the firm efficiently and effectively. The self-managed team takes a decision with mutual understanding and consensus (Schippers, West & Dawson, 2015).
Types of Teams
Project team: The project team is made for the predetermined time period with clear and comprehensive goals and objectives for a specific project. In a project team, members work together in order to attain goals and objectives of the firm. They maintain discipline in the environment and organization to gain the similar and common targets (Vaccaro et al, 2012).
Sports team: This team is played by the group of individuals to win the match and to achieve the similar and common objectives. Team members work together in sports team to increase and enhance collaboration among the players (Pieterse, Van Knippenberg & Van Dierendonck, 2013).
Virtual team: It is the team which is using the technology in order to coordinate and communicate with the group of persons in the organization for the accomplishment the common goals and objectives. It also explains and exposes the culture of the organization across the world (Vaccaro et al, 2012).
Interdisciplinary team: The multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary are related to medical science where many professionals provide services to patients. In this way, team members maintain good and reciprocal relations with employees. Now it is assumed that entire teams play a vital and integral role to improve the efficiency and productivity of the employees. Teamwork helps to maintain trust, belief, and faith among the employees within the organization (Vaccaro et al, 2012).
Now it can be said that teamwork plays a crucial role in every organization to maintain sustainability and cooperation. Teamwork motivates the employees to accomplish the task and duties effectively and efficiently to improve the work efficiency of the employees. it reduces the workloads and pressure of the task within the organization. Through teamwork, employees and members share their experience, responsibilities, and knowledge with each other to determine the success and growth of the firm (Nahavandi, 2016). It improves the relationships of the workers by providing good employment opportunities to them. It provides various leading and foremost opportunities to workers. Through teamwork, employees learn good and effective capabilities and skills of each other and they gain various knowledge and experience from teamwork. The team generally consist those members who differ from the one another in terms of talents, potentials, and skills. Vaccaro et al (2012) said that working together with employees is a great opportunity to gain and obtain skills and knowledge from various resources (Anderson, Poto?nik & Zhou, 2014).
Somech & Drach-Zahavy (2013) measured and evaluated the leadership effectiveness, role, behavior, attitude and significant to meet the goals and objectives. Leadership styles affect the organizational commitment and performance of the employees. It provides job satisfaction and job commitment to the employees. Further, leadership behavior and teamwork can affect the satisfaction and trust of the workers in the organization. It improves the quality of the work and it maintains a peaceful environment within the organization (Wang & Wang, 2012).
Relationship between Leadership, Teamwork, and Innovation
Further, teamwork is also mandatory for an organization to attain the goals and objectives of the firm. There are many tasks which cannot be performed individually but these tasks can easily accomplish by working in a team. The team is the combination of skills, ideas, leadership and helpfulness (Schippers, West & Dawson, 2015). Another side, leadership is the important and core function of the management which helps to maximize the productivity, and efficiency. The leader is the person who starts the tasks by communicating various plans and policies to their subordinates and employees. Further, a team also appoints a leader to carry the business activities and operation smoothly. The leader will provide guidance and support to all the members of the team to ensure their roles and responsibilities. The guidance includes training and development which is given to improve the performance and efficiency of the employees (Gong et al, 2013). Through, leadership team members are able to take corrective actions to resolve the problems and challenges. Effective and unique team members ensure the level of team morale within the organization. They increase the morale and sense of confidence of the employees. A team leader maintains creativity which can direct and lead to innovation and development. The team leader evaluates and analyzes the work and performance of the employees. Further, team player promotes and encourages essential core values to determine the success and growth of the organization (Schippers, West & Dawson, 2015). A team leader maintains integrity, and honesty in the organization. They resolve the key issues and obstacles of the subordinates that are faced by them during the work. Team leaders give full contribution in growth and success of the company. They improve the productivity of the team by maintaining coordination and cooperation among different departments in the organization. A company cannot carry the business activities and operations without effective teamwork and leadership. Team leader delegates roles and responsibilities towards subordinates to build their morale and confidence. They understand the effective strengths and weaknesses of the organization to ensure its long-term goals and objectives. They provide positive energy and inspiration to do work effectively and efficiently. They are considered the powerful facilitator in the organization. It has been concluded by the Donate & de Pablo (2015) that leadership and teamwork are core and important part of the innovation. Innovation cannot be done without leadership and teamwork (Chang et al, 2012). If the company wants to use innovative technology and it wants to gain long-term success and growth then it should focus on leadership styles and teamwork within the organization. Further, leadership theories are the significant part of the organization. The leadership theories include great man theory, trait theory, contingency theory, behavioral theory, and situational theory. The leaders use these theories to evaluate and analyze the trait, and behavior of the subordinates. In addition, team leaders also encompass various traits such as physical features, maturity, intelligence, inner motivation, and human relations, fairness, objectivity and vision, and foresight. Through effective leadership and teamwork, leaders can face emergence challenges and barriers which are existed in the organization (Shin et al, 2012). They manage the risk of the market through effective leadership and teamwork. In this way, it is analyzed that leadership and teamwork provide an effective and unique platform to the company. The firm can overcome on the competitors with the help of leadership and teamwork (Vaccaro et al, 2012).
On the above discussion, it has been analyzed that teamwork and leadership are important for every business success and growth. The organization should appoint effective and potential leaders to encourage and increase innovation within the organization. Leadership, teamwork, and innovation are interconnected with each other. The progress and development of the organization mainly depend on the leadership and effective teamwork. Effective leaders help to manage and operate business activities and operations successfully. They promote subordinates to increase the productivity and revenue of the company. They motivate and encourage employees to improve the quality of employees. Through effective teamwork, the company can run the trade and business in an effective manner. The employees learn many things from their superiors in effective teamwork. It helps to determine the sustainability and progress of the company. Human resource management plays a vital role to maintain effective teamwork within the organization. HR manager appoints potential and competent employees to do work effectively in the organization.
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