Amazon B2C Mobile Application Description And Impact On E-commerce Business
About Amazon B2C Mobile Application
E-Commerce is referred to the commercial transactions that is done through internet. E-commerce has become one of the most trending topic in the business and IT sector (Wang, Wang and Liu 2016). Among several e-commerce transactions, the B2C is directly connects the business with the customer. B2C is a transaction where an organization sells its services and products to the consumers directly (Chiu et al. 2014). The selected mobile application is Amazon app. The consideration will be only the section which sells products to customers. Amazon mobile application has been a great success for the organization. The targets of the Amazon b2c business are people from all the ages and mainly upper and middle class metropolitan citizens.
The study entails the description of the B2C mobile application of Amazon. The description of the organization is good for understanding the purpose of developing the application. The application will be described in the next part. Form the interface to impact of the application on the organization all the things will be analyzed. It is essential to match the organization goal with the application objective.
Amazon is an America based organization that is originally registered as, Inc. It is officially a cloud computing and electronic commerce organization. However, the real concentration of the study is about the e-commerce business to be specific, business to customer. On 5th July 1994, the organization was established by Jeff Bezos (Ruiz et al. 2017). The organization was initially selling books through online stores at its inception stage. Later it added video streaming, audio streaming and many more. The organization, to make the business more effective, separated retail websites. Amazon became more prominent name in the global b2c business when it launched websites in German, Turkish and Polish languages. Some of the products is shipped to other countries by the organization.
The organization had understood it that the mobile will be best companion of the people. The mobile is cheaper than desktops/laptops. If a person is traveling, going to somewhere or is in any circumstance to use the laptop/desktop the mobile is the best possible solution to access application (Franklin et al. 2016). The mobile is consisted of a SIM which is connected to a specific network. Accessing the internet through SIM activated internet connation is most easy way. Moreover, accessing a website is more time consuming than accessing application. In case of website, all the part of the website from contents to UI has to be downloaded temporarily in the mobile device but in case of application all the required data is available in the application already. The internet connection is needed to access the server of the Amazon to fetch product and service related data. Mobile platforms are better than the desktop platforms in terms of security (Doub et al. 2015). These are the main reasons that drove the mobile application development project of Amazon enterprise to a successful m-commerce strategy.
Features of Amazon B2C Mobile Application
As the application has already been a success, the organization is looking forward to push its m-commerce purpose little further by having a goal of spanning the application from conventional way. The organization is now trying to use the mobile application as a testing ground based on whose data a future marketing plan can be developed (Shklovski et al. 2014). It now boasts a slew of experimental features beyond Amazon’s standard store listings some of which are impressive and potentially game-changing, others puzzling and superfluous. The application has been so successful that almost all of the users, seven out of ten, are using amazon mobile application. The application is a great source of business for amazon and there is no stopping to it right now.
The development process of the Amazon application was prominent and effective. The primary output of the project was able to handle all the processes perfectly. However, there was a huge issue in the final product and because of it the development had to be restarted (Ruiz et al. 2017). The issue was that the application could not process data fast enough. Amazon developed an approach called hybrid development, a combination of java/html5, this became the changing point of the project.
The mobile application of amazon is available for iOS and android. The organization conducts business worldwide and it is required to provide services to most of the citizens. In order to do that amazon felt the need of developing application for the most popular two mobile OSs such as android and iOS.
The amazon app provides a user-friendly user interface to the consumers so that they can easily access the application and purchase products through it. The amazon application is available at apple store and play store of iOs and android OS respectively (Verhoef et al. 2017). The consumers can navigate through the application to select the products to be purchased or directly search the product using its name of or special feature. Taken as an example, if a consumer wants to buy a laptop then he/she can navigate him/her through the menu or directly the name or specification of the laptop in the search bar. In order to provide a sufficient knowledge of the product, the application interface is consist of the description of the product. In case of iOS and android few differences among the features like apple pay in iOs but not in android can be seen. The user can login into the application to track its purchase history or any other important transaction. The application is connected to the database that holds all the details of the user activity. As this database is connected to the website also, the user can login to the web amazon to access the details stored in application.
Impact of Amazon B2C Mobile Application on e-commerce
As it can be seen in the above diagram, the application shows the special offers at the top of the page. The user can click on the item and a new section will appear containing all the detail. The application also allow user to choose the products that are to be purchased later. The name of the products are consisted with few main specification of the product thus the user can easily get an idea regarding the product to be purchased. The total amount of the products stored in the cart will also appear. It is safe to state that the amazon mobile application is a user-friendly in terms of functions and features. In case a user wants to return a product, the user can do this through the app. The application will be containing the number and email id of the user. Therefore, the major activates like purchase, return request and many more information will be sent to the user contact number and email.
Amazon sells e-book, paperback and hardcover books through the application. If the user has amazon kindle application installed in the device, the user can buy e-book and start reading the books instantly. As the organization has started as the books sellers, it has improved this sector enormously. Amazon is right now the biggest book selling online store in the whole world.
The impact of the mobile application on the Inc. has been a great deal of success. The organization is looking forward to improve it mobile application so that it can maintain its dominating nature. The organization has been able to get better hold on the consumers who are traveling a lot and do not have access to the laptop all the time. It has allowed the organization to have better communication with the consumers through the feature called instant contact (Valle 2016). The users can contact the representatives of the organization through one-click calling option and toll free help desk. The purchase amount of the user has significantly increased after developing the mobile app. Many users do not have a laptop or desktop of their own, in that case the mobile app is the most appropriate option for them to purchase from amazon. The business process of the organization has not changed much after implementing mobile based application as it is only extension of the The architecture of the mobile application is basically modelled after conventional b2c m-commerce applications (McIlroy et al. 2016). The interface is the medium of connecting the user with the organization and backend functions allows the organization to submit request and get results.
Form the above study it can be concluded that the mobile application of has been a profitable approach. Developing the application for both iOS and android has allowed to have stronger hold on the market. The increase in the customer satisfaction has been the source of attracting new consumers. All the features that the mobile application provide may not be found on the website. The organization provides various deals on the mobile application that are not available for conventional website. This leads to the conclusion that the organization is looking forward to promote its m-commerce business for better future objectives. The organization must be able to improve its exiting m-commerce strategy to hold its position in the market. The competitors are also making significant improvements in the application. Amazon app has provided a great user-friendly interface to the user that has been able to attract customer attraction.
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