Melanoma Antigens & Antibodies: Prevalence, Treatment, & Impact On Australia And Japan
Prevalence of Melanoma in Australia
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Melanoma is defined as the most dangerous form of skin cancer (Reisfeld&Ferrone, 2012).“The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that worldwide there are 66,000 deaths annually from skin cancer, with approximately 80% due to melanoma”(Hodi et al., 2010, pp. 712).The main cause behind the occurrence of melanoma is the ultra violet radation causing damage of the DNA of the skin cells or in the pigment producing melanocytes, to be precise(Rass&Reichrath, 2008, pp. 162-178). This damage is manifested as detrimental DNA mutation leading to the development of the malignant tumors or melanoma(Rass&Reichrath, 2008, pp. 162-178). The other causes of melanoma apart from increased sun exposure or exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation are, increased in the rate of outdoor activities, a total change in the dressing style, increased rate of longevity, high rate of ozone layer depletion or global warming, geneticpredispositionand immune suppression(Leiter&Garbe, 2008, pp.88-103). The tumours originate in the basal layers of the epidermis and mostly resembles to skin moles during the initial stage of the development(Shields et al., 2011, pp. 389-395). Melanoma is curable if detected and treated early. However, in the majority of the cases, melanoma remains undetected during its latent stage and leading to the principal cause of death behind skin cancer (Tsao et al., 2015, pp.717-723). The following report will shed a detailed light on the prevalence of melanoma in Australia and Japan. The report also discusses three possible treatments for curing melanoma and the role of the healthcare professionals in providing such treatments. At the end, the report throws a brief light on the impact of this fatal disease, melanoma on the community.
Australia has one of the highest occurancerates of melanoma in the world (Melanoma Institute Australia, 2017). The occurrence rate is so high that melenoma is now regarded as ‘Australia’s national cancer’. It is the third most common cancer in Australia. Melanoma comes only after prostate cancer (male)/breast cancer (female) and bowel cancer(Melanoma Institute Australia, 2017).
Parameter |
Percentage of Occurrence |
Year |
Occurrence rate in male |
12% of all cancer |
2017 |
Occurrence rate in female |
9% of all cancer |
2017 |
Total population diagnosed |
14000 |
2017 |
Rate among skin cancer |
2% |
2017 |
Casualty of melanoma |
75% of all skin cancer death |
2017 |
Table: Prevalence Rate of Melanoma in Australia
According to the nationwide survey with malignant skin tumours conducted among the Japanese patients during the year of 1987 to 2001 reflected that basal cell carcinoma is the most prominent cancer in Japan followed by squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma(Ishihara, Saida, Otsuka& Yamazaki, 2008, pp.33-41). Malignant melanomas are mostly observed in the skin and are rare in the mucosal region of head and neck(Shiga et al., 2012). The male to female ratio was found to be 1: 0.97 to 1: 1.14(Ishihara, Saida, Otsuka& Yamazaki, 2008, pp.33-41). The survival rate has found higher in females than that of male (70.6% female and 60% male)(Ishihara, Saida, Otsuka& Yamazaki, 2008, pp.33-41). As per the age distribution, melanoma is detected during the later stages in life during 40 to 49 years of age with highest occurrence rate at the age of 60 years(Ishihara, Saida, Otsuka& Yamazaki, 2008, pp.33-41). Sole of the foot was found as the main site of occurrence for melanoma in both males and females. However, lower limbs of the females were also detected as the common site of occurrence. Among Melanoma type, AcralLentiginous melanoma accounted to about 50% of occurrence among the Japanese population which is followed by nodal melanoma (Ishihara, Saida, Otsuka& Yamazaki, 2008, pp.33-41).
Prevalence of Melanoma in Japan
Adjuvant therapy with interferon alpha is the best suited therapy for the patients who are suffering from surgically restricted melanoma without or without the metastases of the lymph node. Interferon alpha is the principal agent to deliver significant survival benefit in patients who are suffering from high risk melanoma(Garbe, Eigentler, Keilholz, Hauschild& Kirkwood, 2011, pp. 5-6). According to Garbe et al., (2011), patient patients who received intravenous therapy for interferon alpha 2b (20 million units per meter square per day) for one month showed increases rate of survival. This dosage instruction was further revised with 10 million units per meter square, 3 times per week for tenure of 48 weeks(Garbe et al., 2011).
Chemotherapy is by far the most accepted palliative therapy for melanoma. It is used for the treatment of stage four metastatic melanoma. Among the chemo therapeutic agent, the most popularly used drug for the treatment of melanoma is decarbazine(Garbe, Eigentler, Keilholz, Hauschild& Kirkwood, 2011, pp.10). On the other hand, oral consumption of temozolomide and yield same success result in comparison to that of decarbazine(Garbe, Eigentler, Keilholz, Hauschild& Kirkwood, 2011, pp. 10).The antitumor activity of decarbazine is not because of the formation of diazoniumcations but due to the subsequent high proteolysis rate of decarbazine(Iradyan, Iradyan, Stepanyan, Arsenyan&Garibdzhanyan, 2010, pp. 175-176). As per the obswervation, administration of decarbazine results in the oxidation of the long triazene chain present in the microsomonal cells of the human body. This leads to cell death in the G1 phase of the cell cycle. Sometimes, cell death is also encountered in early S-phase of the mitosis cell cycle (Iradyan, Iradyan, Stepanyan, Arsenyan&Garibdzhanyan, 2010, pp. 175-176).
This therapy is recommended for the immuno suppressed individuals who are suffering from melanoma. The immunotherapy has been found to improve the process of immune recognition followed by antitumor immune response of the effector via the process of antigen presentation and eliciting effector memory T-cells(Garbe, Eigentler, Keilholz, Hauschild& Kirkwood, 2011 pp. 9). This therapy is also known as vaccination therapy and is found to be effective at it prevents recurrence of the disease due to the generation of the memory response. The advanced in the domain of structural analysis of the antigenic epitiopes have led to the foundation of the immunotherapy (Garbe, Eigentler, Keilholz, Hauschild& Kirkwood, 2011 pp. 9).
Apart from framing proper treatment regime for the patient there are other important roles that need to be played by an oncologist. Communication related the overall disease prognosis, treatment and advanced therapy plan to the patient and the family is one of the vital parameters in the domain of developing a strong relationship between the oncologist and the patient(Fujimori, Shirai, Asai, Kubota, Katsumata &Uchitomi, 2014).. Proper communication and development of trust helps the patient to generate less psychological stress and promoting quality of life and well-being during the treatment(Fujimori, Shirai, Asai, Kubota, Katsumata &Uchitomi, 2014).. One of the greatest challenges for the oncologist is, breaking the bad news in the front of the patient and his family members. Questions related to the disease prognosis, the life expectancy of the patient needs to be answered with care and in detail. This is indeed a stressful task and demands a lot of knowledge in the field of signs of the disease prognosis and proper flexibility in the communication skills with the patients and sensitivity(Fujimori, Shirai, Asai, Kubota, Katsumata &Uchitomi, 2014). Apart from administering medicines, the oncologist needs to be careful about the nutritional balance of the patient. Since chemotherapy causes high level of immune suppression(Kudo-Saito, Shirako, Takeuchi & Kawakami, 2009, pp. 195-206), proper nutritional back is mandatory for maintain the patient physical health strong enough to withstand the overall therapy.
Treatment for Melanoma
Oncology nurses practise in diverse settings. The settings encompass, acute care unit of the hospital, ambulatory care clinics in the hospitals, radiation therapy unit and as an assistant with the private oncologist(Swanson &Koch, 2010).Nurses in the oncology unit are expected to be nimble in assessing both the physical and emotional status of the patient. This is usually done via knowing patients past history. They also review the treatment plan with the oncologist and are totally aware of the possible outcome of the disease treatment(Swanson &Koch, 2010). The nursing care plan for a patient with melanoma is framed in response to the specific needs of the patient like patient’s understanding of the disease via educating them, setting proper therapy goals, psychological and physical preparation of the patient and compliance(Corner& Bailey, 2009).
Melanoma has a huge impact on the community. It affects the social and emotional well-being of the patients who are suffering from melanoma and these affects are gradually imposed on the care givers and the members of the family(Cancer Institute NSW, 2017). The common emotional reaction to cancer like melanoma are anger or sadness, fear or feeling out of control or feeling that there is nothing that they can do to save themselves from this fatal disease(Cancer Institute NSW, 2017). The social and emotional issues are extremely difficult for the patients to understand or to discuss about. This can also lead to problem like severe mental depression and anxiety(Cancer Institute NSW, 2017).
Thus from the above discussion it can be concluded that melanoma most dangerous form of skin cancer with highest prevalence rate in Australia and Japan. Melanoma or skin cancer is however canbe effectively treated if detected at an early stage of disease prognosis. Three of the most commonly used therapy for the treatment of melanoma is adjuvant based drug therapy via interferon alpha, chemotherapy and immunization therapy. Of these three therapies, chemotherapy is the most widely accepted therapy in the treatment of melanoma. It is generally recommended when there is no chance or scope for operation or surgery. Two of the most important pillars of the health care professionals in the treatment of melanoma are oncologist and a registered nurse in the domain of oncology. However, in spite of the high possibility of getting cured and advancement in the field of cost effective treatment and medical research, cancerous disease like melanoma affects the social and the emotional well-being of the affected person.
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