Advantages And Drawbacks Of Social Networking For Business Concerns

Project Objective

What Specific Advantages Of Social Networking Have Been Seen To Be Most Suited For The Business Concerns?

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How Concerning Are The Drawbacks Of Social Networking For Business Entities?

How The Delivery Of Social Networking Services Has Influenced The Choice Of Networking Services Platform?

What Is The Future Scope Of Social Networking For Business Concerns?

Social media has been identified as one of the most effective platforms to generate data for the customer in real time. In general the increasing interest of the people for the social media has been seen to be evident with more than 600 million Tweets, 95 million of photo and video has been seen to be uploaded on Instagram. Some of the main advantages of social media have been identified with the use of social listening and the use of relevant information on the customers (Thornton, Henneberg and Naudé 2015).

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The main aspects of the report has been able to focus on the significant advantages on the use of cloud computing. The main section of the study has been further able to associate the review of the existing literature, project objective and scope of the project based on the formulation of the hypothesis. Furthermore, the research has been able to consider the methodology and design of the research to analyse data. The last section of the study will be able to enumerate on the time constraints and resource limitation for the research plan.  

The main aspects of the research will be able to highlight on the negative and positive aspects of social networking in business. The objectives of the research are stated as follows:

  • To discern the advantages of social networking in a business
  • To assess the significant advantages of social networking in a business
  • To consider the future scope of social networking in a business entity.
  • To ascertain the drawback of social networking for the individuals.

The important scope of the study has been constrained to the study of social networking and the various types of the related concepts along with it. The main scope of the study has been further able discern about the various types of the consideration which has been seen to be taken based on the drawbacks and the advantages of Social networking in a business.

The important consideration of the literature review for the study has been discussed with the different social media platforms along with ascertaining the drawbacks and the benefits of social networking in business.

The increasing nature of the public for the use of social media networks has been seen with individuals responding to the business needs which have been seen to be used in the social platforms. The main form of the marketing needs to be taken into account based on the considerations of social media which has been seen to be published in every platform. The various types of the choice of the social media platforms will be able to interact with the needs of the customers and be able to familiarize with the audience. Some of the most popular social media platforms has been discussed below as follows:

Project Scope

Facebook is identified as one of the biggest platform in terms of recognizing name and the total users. In 13 years since the launch of Facebook, the company has seen to grow from simple website for connecting friends, colleagues and relatives and transform to a multifaceted web and mobile social platform, in which the users are able to stay in touch with celebrities, business and organization through the features of Facebook pages (Zamudio, Anokhin and Kellermanns 2014).

By the consideration of the application as a wealth option, Facebook has been identified as the starting point for the business not considering the industry. Facebook has been seen to be ideal for sharing video, photo and seen to be important for maintaining the social network. Whether the post is seen to be made daily or weekly, Facebook has been considered to be ideal for business requirements (Bharadwaj et al. 2013).

Facebook has been often identified with several criticisms which are related to the privacy and security of the information. In various cases Facebook has been identified with several drawbacks for fake accounts (Halinen, Törnroos and Elo 2013).

The most prominent feature of Twitter has been identified with short text updates of 140 characters. This has been seen to be ranging from the various types of the information which has been seen to be evident in from the use of the media such as polls, images, videos and links which has been seen with consideration of the business. This platform has been further seen to be conducive for interacting with the users in the posts. Twitter has been further seen to be a great way to quickly connects with the people all over the globe (Qu et al. 2013).

This particular social media platform has been seen with a total average of 328 million active users all around the globe from the top ten websites in United States. Due to the wide reach the platform which can be not only considered as a wide way to reach the audience but also identified as an effective channel for customer handling process. For instance, in case an active user database for handling of the customer service.   The advertising in twitter has been further seen to be evident with promoted tweets; promoted accounts, promoted trends and Twitter amplify. The mobile app feature has been also seen to be conducive for the promotion of the business content (Wang et al. 2014).

Literature Review

Instagram has been considered as the social media platform which is completely linked with the use of photo and video posts. The network of Instagram owned by Facebook has been further seen to use more than 700 million users with the various types of the travel, art, fashion and similar nature of the subjects (Zolper, Beimborn and Weitzel 2014). Instagram has been seen to be more suited to the artistic niches and may not be suitable for the business needs based on the industry. Despite of the individuals running the account the detail has been placed with the use of basic photography and posting of short videos for the business needs. The most prominent feature to market the business idea in Instagram has been observed with the use of Hashtags (Boso, Story and Cadogan 2013).

The most prominent platform for the video sharing tools has been seen as video sharing platform. Several businesses over YouTube have been seen with a visual, creative or the educational component (Roh 2016). The platform has been further seen to be tailored for making product reviews which is done by various experts on a particular category. The subculture of Vloggers has been often considered to maintain large audience. Very often it has been further seen that the users have been able to engage with the large group of audience (Tata and Prasad 2015).

The hypotheses considered for the study are discussed below as follows:

The main approach of the research will be followed with the use of a deductive approach and this is seen to be relied on the specific tests of hypothesis. Social Networking is further seen to be an existing theory and henceforth the use of deductive approach has been seen to be most appropriate in nature. The next approach in the research process has been seen with the application of quantitative approach. The primary data analysis approach will be based on the use of graphs and methods of statistics. The secondary analysis will involve the thematic approach (Rajasekar and Philominathan 2013).

The data collection will be based on the use of both secondary and primary data. The primary data collection shall be done with survey. The survey will be based on the questions which will be sent to the employees and managers who are seen to rely on social networking constraints for business needs. The secondary research for the data will be based on the use of scholarly articles on Google scholar, website journals which has been able to state on the benefits and drawbacks of social networking (Rajasekar and Philominathan 2013).

Research design process

The consideration of the sample size will involve a total of 200 respondents. Among this, 150 respondents relying on the service of social networking are considered as employees of business enterprises and 50 respondents will be holding managerial posts. Simple random sampling has been seen to be the main technique for sampling of the respondents. This will be able to ensure that the responses from the employees and managers will be unbiased and relevant (Ranjit 2014).  

The questionnaire will be designed on the use of “Cardinal, nominal, ordinal and ratio measurements”. The consideration of the general questions will be identified based on nominal measurements. The ordinal scale measurements has been identified with measures like 5” – “strongly agree”, “4”- “moderately agreeing”, option “3” – giving a “neutral” opinion, option for “2” -“disagreeing” and option “1” – “completely disagreeing”.

The analysis of the data has been discerned with the measures of dispersion and descriptive statistics. The regression test in the study will be able to prove whether the hypothesis set for the study needs to be accepted or rejected.  The main form of the data analysis will be seen with the use of the tools such as bar charts and pie charts.

The important aspects of the validity and reliability of the data will be done considering only those respondents who are directly related to rely on the services of social networking. The reliability aspect will be further maintained with an unbiased opinion of the survey population.

The limited sample size of 200 survey respondents has been identified as the main limitation of the research. Although there are multiple facets of services offered by the social networking sites, the research will highlight only on those aspects which has been positively contributed to the business and drawbacks of the same. The use of the statistics methods has been further seen with the use of regression analysis, descriptive statistics and use of mjeasures of dispersion.

The research work has been intended to be completed in a total time span of six months. The scheduling of the activities are shown below as follows:

Activities/ Period

Month 1

Month 2

Month 3 &4

Month 5 & 6

Research idea Formulation


Proceeding with Research methodology


Beginning of Data collection procedure



Formulating Data analysis


Publication process



The study will be able to consider the important aspects which will be able to depict the advantage and drawback of use social network in business firms. The research has been further able to consider the various aspects which have been most frequently used in social networking services. The consideration of the main participants for the research has been further seen to range from employees and managers. The various types of the other respondents have been further seen with the designing of the questionnaire for the study. It has been further seen that the hypothesis for the study has further seen to be related to the literature review of the study. The total time span of six months has been considered for scheduling of the activities for the research work.


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