Resource Information System Trinidad Tobago: Management & Challenges

Compensations and rewards for the public servants

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The C.A.S.T or “Central Administrative Services Tobago” is the administrative facility situated in Trinidad and Tobago. The major aspects of the initiatives of organizational change processes in Trinidad and Tobago’s public service have been the attempts to change management and change the infrastructure of various management systems (, 2017).

The organizational change management and change focusing particularly on the evaluation of the challenges faced by Central Administrative Services Tobago is required to be analyzed.

The following study performs the brief previewing of the change management and change. It annotates the topic with various resources. Proper summarization of the change management and change is done. Ultimately various articles are compared and contrasted to yield the proper understanding the system.

The research of Badal et al. (2016) revealed that due to the result of the steep downturn in the mid 80s in the country’s economy, there was no rise in salaries of the Public services. During 1987, the government of day stopped the merit rises and the allowances of cost of living. As the economy developed in 1996-97, the unions of public services negotiated the rise for their members. However, the latest upward movement, the salaries in that sector stayed at an uncompetitive level.

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According to King (2013), another aspect has been related to the way in which the government has been distributing the restricted funds that was available for the personnel emoluments. There has been an urgent necessary for a compensation system that would be flexible. For instance it was needed to be determined whether the demand of the present situations included personal staffs like doctors and teachers getting higher salary. The way in which the government needed to the treat their security forces relating to the educators or health professionals was needed to be analyzed. These questions were answered different at distinct historical points.

According to the wisdom of accepted managerial one of the primary aims of any firm should be the establishment of a common central belief and aim. Chang, Maharaj and Seemungal (2015) researched that this must be across which the commitment of the employees could be created. In any complex organization like the public service, this has been very difficult. There have been various cultural streams. They have been flowing via the public services that have made the task more formidable.

One of the streams has been the relic of British colonial administration also called as the traditional. The values related with the stream are the civility, numeracy, superior literacy, and reward without contribution, incorruptibility and political impartiality. The other stream has been the calculative. The central value of the stream has been belief must be the fair exchange between the employee and the employer. This has to be with respect to the tasks done and the received rewards. Guy (2013) stated that the third stream has been the ethnic. The difficulties in ethnicity in the nation have been between various foreign citizens. This has been referred to as the cold war in the public sectors. The next stream has been the managerial reformist. This has comprised of the rising number of people trained in public administration and management studies. They have been continuously supported by the successive governments since the last decades.

Development of shared values and vision

The next streams however have not been present in the public service. While Richards (2013) states that this has been wielding the influence externally by the politicians. This stream has been named as the antagonists. This has comprised of the influential citizens holding the capitalistic idea of laissez-faire objecting to the “big government” (Roach and Davis-Cooper 2016). The last stream has been originated outside the country and exerting high influence. This has comprised of the joint effect of lending agencies internationally over the public services. This stream has been currently in alliance with the antagonists and managerial reformists.

The controlling of the streams and building the census for the forward movement has been one of the greatest problems in human resource management and general management within the public service. The popular organizational development method has been ideal for this type of exercise.

The decentralization of personnel management activity would not possess any positive effect. This would be till any cadre of efficient and trained professional under human resource stays in numerous departments and ministries.

The professionals have been needed to be driven by the missionary zeal, so that they could have the job to introduce the current best practices. Berman (2015) mentioned that while performing this they would encounter the apathy over one hand and the hostility over the other. They have also needed to become creative. This is because they have been required to enhance their customized programs and the practices regarding their organizations. As shown in Xidemia (2017) the copying in wholesale manner from private sectors has should be improper. This might lead in being dysfunctional. Lastly they have been requiring being skillful and knowledgeable for overcoming the desired obstacles. Thus they could take benefits from the less obvious scopes.

Various public servants have been taking benefits currently from the programs as offered by various universities of West Indies as published in (2017). This has been a positive sign. The public service authorities however, would have to support the efforts. This has to be done by delivering the development programs in their workplaces.

 As the challenges gets addressed successfully and the proper persons gets selected, empowered and trained, the challenges of human resource management facing due to public service would get negotiated easily.

Figure 1: “Structure of public sector procurement in Trinidad and Tobago”

(Source:, 2017)

The question of the procurement reform could be explored under the context of Trinidad and Tobago’s construction industry. Evidence has been provided by Cowley and Smith (2014) that “Central Tenders Board Act of 1961” has been outmoded and has been required to change for meeting the demands of today. However, the procurement bills of 2006 as suggested have embraced more of the operating principles and objectives of the government. The evidence has been pointing to the overambitious bill including the terms causing confusion more likely than providing clarity. The outcomes from the bill of 2006, has pointed in removal of term value of economy. This is because it has been a difficult and vague concept in legislating.

Strategic Priority

   2012 Revised Expenditure

2013 Allocation

TT $Mn

Percentage %

TT $Mn

Percentage %

Facilitative Priority Initiatives





Reduction of poverty and development of human capital





Innovation, competitiveness, job creation and economic growth





Hospitals and health care services





Food and agriculture security





Crime law and order










Creating sustainable cadre of professionals under human resource management

Table 1: “Comparison of the PSIP Allocations to Tobago according to Strategic Priority Fiscal Years on 2012-2013”

(Source: Finance, 2017)

The Tobago House of Assembly has received allocation of about 350 million dollars in the year 2013 PSOP. This has been within the consolidated fund to undertake its development tasks. It has been clear that 4.7 percent out of the entire PSIP has been used under the 5 strategic priority areas as displayed in the above Table. The comparison done by Aziz et al. (2015) on the revised expenditure for the Fiscal 2012 has the allocated budget for the 2013 display emphasis by THA over the poverty reduction and human capital development.

First of all, there must be organizational change towards the rewards. Every service has been consisting of public service must have different plans. The civil service, the largest of the services has been sub-divided into sections like professional or scientific, administrative, manipulative, secretarial and clerical. The compensation plans regarding each of the groups must be different. Through the chief personal officer and representative associations, the government must move directly towards the special tribunal of the industrial court. This has been to save salary and the other determined compensation matters. The government must also compensate different groups mainly on the basis of the external and market performance and factors. This must also include the internal relatives.

There must addressing of issues of Public service cultures including the survey attitudes and values, using survey outcomes generating discussion on every levels and including stakeholders outside the debate of public services. Lastly the professional development of the human resource management must be facilitated via the external and internal with informal and formal training.

The trends towards the decentralization of public service could contain the resolution to the issues. Nevertheless Bissessar (2017) noted that this trend could be welcomed since this might deliver greater flexibility to distribute the rewards. According to Marshall (2015) this would allow doing that related to the contributing value made by numerous employee groups. The arguments raised in the favor of the centralized approach towards the salary administration have been on the basis of “domino theory”. As noted in Xidemia (2017) the theory has been stating that any increase rewarded to one component of the public service should get accomplished by the similar rise to other sections till there is no industrial unrest. 

However, these arguments and the predictions might not be valid as La Daana el al. 2016 states. Contrastingly Guy (2013) asserts that the gradual dismantling   of that system taking place currently has been providing some opportunities. The government needs to support and encourage the trend with some objectives. Firstly, every service must possess a distinct plan of compensation as argued by King (2013). Secondly, Badal et al. (2016) mentions that every class of the civil service must have a different plan of compensation. This methods for disaggregating the compensation and classification system as implemented must have a salutary impact on the management of the reward in public service.

Public sector procurement in Trinidad and Tobago


The public service commission has been established below the umbrella of recruitment, transferring, promoting and disciplines of the constitution. The objective has been to secure the career of the public officers from the governmental or the political machinations. There have been various challenges indentified. The three of them discussed above has been the most daunting. At the core of the challenge lied the organizational change with its management. It has been clear that public service, just like the society in a whole has been lying between the eras of transition where great skills of change management and change are needed. Every people from their positions such as public servants, politicians and authorities have been needed to be aware of imperatives of this time.

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Badal, K., Rampersad, F., Mohammed, H., Moosoodeen, M., Konduru, S., Maharaj, N.K., Russel, A., Nathan, M., Nimrod, M., Warner, W.A. and Haraksingh, R., 2017. Challenges to breast cancer early detection in the developing, high income country of Trinidad and Tobago.

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Bissessar, A.M., 2017. Trinidad and Tobago. In Ethnic Conflict in Developing Societies (pp. 89-109). Springer International Publishing.

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