Handbook Of Resource Management Practice: Recruitment And Selection Processes

Importance of Recruitment and Selection for HR Departments

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Recruitment and selection are the most important HR functions which are essential for the working of the company. Recruitment refers to a process of attracting, screening and selecting the right candidate for the organization. Selection is the process in which the organization selects the best suitable employees for the company. A proper recruitment and selection are must for achieving the strategic goals of the company (Taylor, 2014). This is the responsibility of the HR department to conduct the process of the recruitment and selection of the employees. HR can perform the activity of the recruitment in two ways, firstly internal recruitment and secondly external recruitment. Internal recruitment is a method of selecting and attracting the employee within the organization. In simple words, business fills the vacancy from the existing workforce. On the other hand, the external recruitment is a process in which the organization hires an employee from the outside (Yadav, Kumar, & Kumar, 2014).

Employees are the asset of the companies, a company is a formed with the employees and the goals of the companies are fulfilled with the help of the employees. The success and the growth of the company are possible because of the hard work of the employees. Filling up the right position of the employees of the company is possible because of the effective recruitment and selection of the candidates (Hunter, Shortland, Crayne, & Ligon, 2017). The recruitment and selection play a vital role in the business. Recruitment and selection process is conducted by the organization HR team. These processes help in attracting and retaining the employees. The organization those are not capable enough in hiring and selecting the new employees they acquire or merge the companies. Big companies like Oracle and SAP would acquire the company who are good at the recruiting right candidate for the organizations.

Employee’s turnover is a most common problem which nowadays every organization faces. Each and every organization wants their employees to remain in the organization. Many organizations face the challenge of developing an effective team of the employees for achieving the strategic goals and objectives of the company (Qureshi, et.al. 2013). It is the duty and responsibility of the employer to attract and retain the potential candidates who want to work with the organization. The HR team needs to take some steps that help the organization in recruiting and retaining the employees. The best organizations are likely to retain and attract the best talent. The best organizations come under the organizations having the brand value and reputation in the market. Their reputation consists of market leadership, but also it includes the way the organization treats their employees and whether the employees consider the organization as a place where they actually want to utilize the expertise and build a career (Rokka, Karlsson, & Tienari, 2014). Global talent doesn’t attract towards any of the organization, for retaining and attracting the talent organization needs to compete.

Internal Recruitment

Employee’s turnover is a costly deal for the companies. As per the employment policy foundation, a Washington research group said that the cost of the employee turnover is approximately 25% of the lost employee annual salaries (Bakertilly, 2014). The cost of the employee turnover is higher than recruiting and training of the new employee. Employee turnover effects the reputation of the organization which might become the problem for the HR in recruiting the new employees. Employee turnover affects the productivity of the company and will reduce the morale of the existing employees. The companies always face fear employees leaving the organization in the middle of the project (Mowday, Porter, & Steers, 2013). The company always try to keep the backup because organization knows that it is a drawback to time and talent. The new talent will take time to adjust to the new environment. This is the reason some companies started hiring the candidate once they get to know that the employees are leaving the organization. Though, while recruiting the HR team needs to be very specific with the employee’s selection. If the right candidate is not selected then that candidate may lead to the chaos and imbalance in the organization.

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Internal recruitment can help the organization in retaining the employees; with the help of the internal recruitment company gives the platform to the employees to get the promotion. Promotion and good package always motivate the employees to remain in the company, as if in case the employee will leave the organization he/she again has to go through the process of the recruitment of the different companies along with that they have to work for the company for till the promotion. Job satisfaction and job security are must for the employee to remain in the organization (Ozturgut, 2013). If the employee of the find that there is a presence of the job security and he is going to get the promotion and increment in the job then he will definitely stick towards that job because he is aware that development and growth will take place. Job satisfaction will help the employees to work hard with full efficiency and effectiveness, this will help in enhancing the productivity of the employees and ultimately lead to the success of the company. This will help the companies to retain the employees (Huang, et.al., 2014).

Referral is one of the modes of recruiting the employees. The employees of the company can refer their friends and family members. The employees who refer the other candidate will get the referral bonus (Connolly, 2015). The employees of the company will be eligible for the referral bonus once the referred employee will stay in the company for a particular time. It is compulsory for the employee to stay in the company to get the referral amount. This shows that the recruitment of the candidate will help in attracting as well as retaining the employee in the organization.

Referral Programs

Nowadays for attracting the talented employee’s companies make use of the platform of the social media. Social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter helps the companies in recruiting the talent. Most of the job seekers enroll for the job with the help of the social media, the reason being the job seekers will be able to get the best companies with the attractive package. The job seekers attract towards the company who have a good brand reputation and will be able to provide the position and opportunity to grow in the market. The employers also have to create a brand image and have to display culture values of the organization (King, O’rourke, & DeLongis, 2014). Though there are many candidate or potential employees who attracts towards the company it is a duty of the HR to select the best candidate out the slot of the people. The selection of the employees can be done on the basis of the skills and capabilities of the employees along with that employee should be able to maintain the cultural values of the company. The selection of the right candidate is must for the company for achieving the goals and objectives of the company. The HR team of the company will face many issues while recruiting and selecting the employees if they select the wrong platform for recruiting the employees. They will not be able to select the candidate who will be able to achieve the goals of the company.

Many organizations appoint the candidate with the use of the mobile recruitment. Job search websites like Indeed Apply, that are used for the mobile devices tend to reach a wider audience than traditional online recruiting techniques. Approximately one-third of the companies now started using the mobile recruiting. This makes the work easier for the HR team, now they don’t have to go long to search the correct candidate for their company.

Cultural values of the organization not only help the company in recruiting process but it helps the company in retaining and attracting the employees. A good company culture can be a mechanism for attracting the right person and retaining its employees in the competitive job market. The employees having the talent will get the job offers for the different companies and out of which the employee can select the best offer but along with the offer, the employee will definitely look towards the organizational culture of the company (Stone, & Deadrick, 2015). Organisation culture is very important and high-in-demand for the employees. Employees can work in less salary but they demand the good organization culture. The company’s culture includes the working conditions, a team-orientated, hours and work-life balance. This culture helps the company in retaining the employees in the organization and also attracts the new employees towards the company.

Social Media and Recruitment

The HR of the company faces many problems in managing the human resource for the companies. For recruiting and selecting the correct employees the HR of the company need to be effective enough while recruiting the employees for the company. This is the duty and responsibility of the employer to make sure that the team of recruiters is talented enough and they are using the latest technology to appoint the candidate (Armstrong, & Taylor, 2014). There should be a balance between the recruitment process and the retention turnover. The HR face the challenge of the balancing the speed of hiring the employee and the quality of hire. In the modern economy, there are different kinds of jobs across the world in the global market. The increase in the opportunity jobs in the market will result in the limited talent pool in the market. This means that the HR of the company needs to speed up the hiring process to get the talented employees for the organization. The HR of the company has to use the skills and capabilities so that they will be able to hire more and more talented employees for the company. For making the hiring process quick the recruiters make the use of the technology (Shammot, 2014).

Implementation of the training programs is must for the companies who are not able to find and select the talent. It is very difficult in the today’s world to find the qualified employees that can help in achieving the organization profit along with that they will be able to bring the development in themselves. The training programs will help the current employees to get the specialty in the skills they have and to develop additional skills which will help in smoothing the work at the job. Internship programs can be started by the companies that help the HR in identify the new employees with talent. Training programs will make the current employees stay in the organization as they are able to enhance the skills and the knowledge (Fleck, & Kraemer, 2014). Each and every employee in the organization works for fulfilling the personal goals if the personal goals of the employee are in the same way of achieving the organization that the employee will definitely be able to achieve the goals of the company.

During the last quarter of the year 2015, it is noted that the wages across the world increases. In the US, the wages of the increases with 1.1% and the markets with the highest wage growth include Chicago, Washington D.C., St. Louis and San Francisco. Hence, the high wages are resisting the employers to appoint the talent because they are not able to pay the huge salaries to the employees. If the companies are looking to hire the employees with the high salary then the companies have to increase their budget for the same (Keynes, 2016).

Mobile Recruitment

The paper shows the importance of recruitment and selection in attracting and retaining the employees in the organization. Though the HR team of the company faces some of the issues but organization can deal with the issue. If the organization seeks for the talent they have to pay the good salary packages to the employees. So, ultimately they need to increase the cost of hiring the employee. If in case the organization is not able to get the talented employees they can organize the training programs that help in developing the skills and capabilities of the employees. This how the organization deals with the issue but the fact that can’t be denied is recruitment and selections are important for attracting and retaining the employees.


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