Qualitative Studies In Information Systems

Organizational Structure

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According to the below conducted research, the fact has been observed that the process merging of business activities with the strategic planning process develops the organizational structure. All such activities are processed in the organization so as to attain the organizational objective. The process also helps the organization in bringing changes in the organization according to the fluctuations present in the external environment. The mechanism of the strategic information system was started by Amrollahi, Ghapanchi and Najaftorkaman, (2014) so that the companies can attain a competitive edge in the market by making use of such techniques. The term strategic information system has also been mention in the outcomes of information technology system. Accounting information system assists the organization into initiate functions efficiently by using technology. Further, the importance and use of this system in an organization are discussed in the below mentioned analysis.

According to the research conducted by Greenblat, E, (2015), it has been stated that Wesfarmers company has been initiating their business practices according to the conglomerate structure which has been offered through association. This structure of the organization is initiated by adjoining two or more companies in private corporate business form. This amalgamation process builds up by allocating substances, including a private parent company and other holding subsidiaries of the same parent company. Although according to the organizational structure of Wesfarmers, the company explains that they focus on the expansion process. Further, the company also focuses on multi industry corporate structure which is regarded as a hierarchical structure of multination corporates (Ali, & Miller, 2017). The company Wesfarmers being a smart company placed itself in the correct target market; apart from that they also purchased the quality association by connecting costs with the output of the company. Thus, it shall be noticed that with the adoption of this organizational structure, the business entity is working efficiently by decreasing risk and increasing their stake in the global market through partnering with various firms. So, in this way, the organization structure of the company is helping the company to achieve satisfaction (Carvalho, & Guerrini, 2017).

As per the research executed by Treadgold, T, (2016) the facts that came into accounts is that the company is facing issues in their organizational system which is raising worry for the investors as well. The earning of the company Wesfarmers was solely depending upon the retail business process and majorly on products like food and alcohol division of Coles, due to which the other products of the business process started losing their significance. Another issue which appeared in the organizational structure due to adopting the hierarchical structure is that, although the size of the company expanded with this effect the administration process became ineffective. As it is known that to manage a large scale business, more efficiency is required by the management of the company also new technology shall also be implemented in the business to gain the competitive edge. But the previous business process was facing the issue in above mentioned cases. Apart from there were a few benefits of this business structure such as tax reduction, reduction in managerial activities etc. (Erazo, Arboleda, & Pino, 2017).

Operation Issues

The process of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an instrument which is coined as business process management software. This process shall be used by the management of the Wesfarmers so that all the issues in the management of the company shall be resolved. The ERP system will help the company in increasing its efficiency of the corporate, as the process is made by combining different application and applying in the organization system. With this initiation of this ERP system in the organization will help the company to execute accuracy in the system and adopt effectiveness in the organizational culture (Garg, et. al., 2017).

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Further, this system shall be considered as the best suited for the working of the Wesfarmers business process. Also, implementation of ERP will allow the company in processing the automation process in numerical operations and functionalities will be achievable by the company. Also, the effectiveness of the back office management and technological implementation will improve with the initiation of this process (González-Benito, Venturini, & González-Benito, 2017).

The above mentioned flow chart shows the sales outcomes of the Wesfarmers Company. Further, the process is divided into various sections which discussed below:

The initial stage of the flow chart includes the process of finding new customers and initiating an investigation on the important and valuable aspects of the organization. Further, the request of this phase is transferred to the next level. The request sheet of the company includes the mission and vision statement along with the primary obligation of the business process (Xu, 2017).

The assessment shall include the process through which the adequate product is placed in front of the prospective buyer. This will help the company in delegating the sales and initiating the flow of goods as well. Also from this process, sale of all products will get enabled.

Following to it, the most important task of the system is to attract the customers by placing the product in front of them. This process will generate greater sales and initiate strong customer relationship as well (Jinno, Abe, & Iizuka, 2017).

The stage two comprises of the approach which shall be introduced by the company for the customers. Fulfillment of the objective of the organization shall be accumulated through an adequate tactic invented by the company. Also, it is mandatory for the sales representative to have decent knowledge about the company product and services.

Most of the techniques used by business process ought to get the slump in the competitive market due to not having an adequate closure. Thus it is mandatory for the company to outrage the demand of the customers by driving the process in the right direction.

System Acquisition Method

Lastly, the final step includes follow-up of the corrective methodology implement by the management of the organization (Sarker, Xiao, & Beaulieu, 2013).

The frauds which can attract the process of the company is that many times just to earn incentives, the suppliers of raw material which has been selected by the warehousing manager. They order more than required inventory which is not required in production. They can also hike the price while ordering it. So this is the aspect which the company shall overlook while conducting the ERP system (Webb, 2017).

Accounting software is an application designed for the business process, which can help them fully utilize and increase its efficiency in an organization. It helps the organization to surpass the orthodox manual recording process and implement effective techniques to record transactions and create books of accounting. Talking about the accounting procedures like ledger accounting, trial balance, cash flow statement etc. are some task which the operations division has to perform, so for these purposes, the management can make use of the ERP software. This will initiate accuracy and effectiveness in the management system.

Apart from that, it will also assist the Wesfarmers Company to design the plan for the future outcomes of the organization. The RealitySoftware, (2017), stated that such accounting procedure helps the company to bifurcate the activities of different sections of the Wesfarmers Company. This system of accounting provides assistance to the organization in planning, maintaining, optimizing and implementing the process. This approach of ERP system is developed by combining different models which are efficient in its working with some specific sections dealing in as well. Further, these accounting operations are:

Accounts Payable: Money owned recorded by Wesfarmers

Accounts Receivable: recording of payment and billing of dues

General Ledger: recording to entries which are done by the company

According to the survey conducted by au.finance.yahoo, (2017), the facts that came into accounts is that the business process of Wesfarmers is already placed at the top most position in the market and it also gains the advantage of being a multinational corporation. The below presented data explains the key aspects of the company Wesfarmers in financial terms:

An increase was remarked in the revenue of the company, it was 4.3% to $34.5 billion in the previous accounting year. The dividend of the company was declared to be $1.03 (13.2 in per cent). Apart from that the profits also increased to $1.6 billion (.au.finance.yahoo, 2017).

Control Problems

The company placed on the top position in the target market of Australia are Wesfarmers (Coles) and Woolworths. These are those firms which make amendments in the industry. The fact has been noticed from last five decades that the business of the company Wesfarmers is growing and its current market size is 35%. Also, the company is sustainably initiating its activities in the global market.

As per the survey conducted in the market, the fact that came into existence is that the CEO of the Wesfarmers Company is known as one of the most commendable experts present in the market till date. Apart from that Richard Goyder even took a major step to lead an efficient change in the management. Further the results of such initiation can be clearly seen with the growth of the Wesfarmers Company (Peppard, & Ward, 2016). The leaders of Wesfarmers organization namely Rob Scott who is the current Deputy Chief Executive Officer also assisted the company with their effective leadership skills to grace the target market. With the support of such dignitaries the company aced the target market and achieved the competitive edge in the industry.

Also, there are many other people who have placed themselves and their company efficiently in the target market, for instance, Steve jobs used innovative marketing technique to sell their products in the target market (Harris, & Schultz, 2016).

The gap in the ERP system software is that it is tough to maintain. The software is not easily understandable by all the co-workers of the organization, due to which they face difficulty in carrying their regular day to day business activity. Apart from that, the system software is installed in the management of the organization so that efficiency of the management can be increased, but due to the inefficiency of the management, it became difficult to utilize the given resources of the organization (Gupta, et. al., 2017).

Thus, in the limelight of the above mentioned events, the fact that shall be noted is that Wesfarmers Ltd is a well-known brand. The company has already established its brand image efficiently in the market. The company placed itself in many sectors of the supermarket industry. The aforementioned view provides ERP system implementation in the management of Wesfarmers Company. This method will help the company achieving the competitive advantage in the market.


.au.finance.yahoo, (2017), Yahoo finance, Assessed on 12th September 2017, https://au.finance.yahoo.com/quote/WES.AX/analysts?p=WES.AX

Ali, M., & Miller, L. (2017). ERP System Implementation in Large Enterprises-A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 30(4).

Carvalho, H. L., & Guerrini, F. M. (2017). Reference model for implementing ERP systems: an analytical innovation networks perspective. Production Planning & Control, 28(4), 281-294.

Erazo, J., Arboleda, H., & Pino, F. J. (2017, September). Analysis of the Software Implementation Process for ERP Systems. In Colombian Conference on Computing (pp. 297-312). Springer, Cham.

Garg, P., Garg, P., Khurana, R., & Khurana, R. (2017). Applying structural equation model to study the critical risks in ERP implementation in Indian retail. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 24(1), 143-162.

González-Benito, Ó., Venturini, W. T., & González-Benito, J. (2017). CRM Technology: Implementation Project and Consulting Services as Determinants of Success. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 16(02), 421-441.

Gupta, S., Gupta, S., Misra, S. C., Misra, S. C., Singh, A., Singh, A., … & Kumar, U. (2017). Identification of challenges and their ranking in the implementation of cloud ERP: A comparative study for SMEs and large organizations. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 34(7), 1056-1072.

Harris, R., & Schultz, T. (2016). Teaching ERP Implementation with Microsoft Dynamics Sure Step. Proceedings of DYNAA, 7(1).

Jinno, H., Abe, H., & Iizuka, K. (2017). Consideration of ERP Effectiveness: From the Perspective of ERP Implementation Policy and Operational Effectiveness. Information, 8(1), 14.

Peppard, J., & Ward, J. (2016). The strategic management of information systems: Building a digital strategy. John Wiley & Sons.

Realitysoftware, (2017), Accounting software development, Assessed on 12th September 2017, https://www.realitysoftware.ca/services/software-development/accounting/

Sarker, S., Xiao, X., & Beaulieu, T. (2013). Qualitative studies in information systems: a critical review and some guiding principles. MIS quarterly, 37(4), iii-xviii.

Webb, M., (2017). Avoid The Four Most Common Mistakes of Sales Process Mapping. Viewed on September 25, 2017 from https://www.isixsigma.com/tools-templates/process-mapping/avoid-four-most-common-mistakes-sales-process-mapping/

Xu, H. (2017). What SMEs need to focus on in order to obtain benefits of ERP systems?.

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