Traditional Marketing And The Online Consumer Relationship: Discussion


Discuss about the Traditional Marketing and Online Consumer.

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Every organisation is in business of selling product a service. The strategy that drives the company to its success is combination of different functional strategies of that business including marketing strategy. Different activities of marketing are product selection, pricing and promotion, place or channel of marketing selection, customer profiling as well as customer relationship management, competitor identification and give feedback to the company of the product or service (Miller and Tucker 2013).

  • Product or service category – health care
  • Demand of the product or service – the percentage of patient compared to the population
  • Competitive background of that industry – the healthcare industry and its competitors
  • Strategic decision regarding place selection – the centre of giving the service
  • Trend of buying – Trend availing the service of healthcare
  • Pricing of the product or service – pricing the medicine and care service
  • Promotional channels – social marketing and societal marketing




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5 months

To focus on the advertisements

Segmentation, targeting and positioning

Number of division in clusters

Through events

2 months

Increase the number of client

Client contact program

Number of leads generated

Official online media

6 months


Development of specialised services

Variation in customisation

Direct selling or demo

1 month

Growth assessment in referral

Client referral program

Number of client got through referral

Emails and messages

2 months

Increases visibility and acquiring new clients

Email or newsletter broadcast

Number of email reverted

Gmail, and real-time mail services

4 months

Increases visibility


Number of sponsored events

8 months

Increases visibility

Television Advertising


Different regional channels 

3 months

Increases visibility and acquiring new clients

Networking with health care communities and attorneys

The number of clients generated

The nurses are one of the most important roles in healthcare service to acquire success in Calvary hospital. They are in the front-end function and their responsibility includes, increasing the positive word of mouth of the health care service. The performance of these persons is measured by repeat visits of patients. The objective of those persons is crucial. The other person whose role in marketing is crucial is the social marketing manager of the organisation, whose responsibility as well as objective is to promote the company and their service among the common people. His performance will be measured in terms of market return on investments.

Monitoring means regular observation of different activities. Recording the programs and routinely gathering information of different activities come under monitoring process in an organisation, Calvary hospital.

Analysing the marketing activities of an organisation ensure the outcome of the business is in harmony with primary goals in Calvary hospital. Monitoring the performance of the company through analytics software has become the trend. There are several software to evaluate the performance of the company, like Google analytics, Firestars and Adobe site catalyst (Miller and Tucker 2013). The return on investment is one of the major evaluation elements of marketing activities. Market share, earning profits percentage and number of customers are also major indicators of performance.

Organisations in healthcare analyses their marketing performance against their marketing plan by Key Performance Indicators in Calvary hospital.

  • Customer retention
  • Marketing Return on Investment
  • Cost per customers lead
  • Overall patient satisfaction
  • Number of media mentions

To monitor the marketing services in a healthcare the production, promotion, distribution and pricing functions needs to be monitored.

To monitor the product performance the key performance indicators in Calvary hospital  that needs to be analysed are medication error, patient vs. Staff ratio, Patient follow up , patient wait time, bed or room turnover. To monitor the pricing the indicators are average health claim processing time and cost, claims denials rate, average treatment charge, employee wages. For promotional activities, the indictors are number of patients compared to other healthcare organisation, customers, marketing return on investments, cost per client, referral.


Calvary hospital always takes three factors in consideration to evaluate and monitor the key performance indicators. The bottom line or the final balance of the organisation. The profit against volume sold and margin of profit gained. The other factor in evaluation is the metrics of the company known as key performance indicators. The return on investment to evaluate success on the capital invested (Miller and Tucker 2013).

Strengths – number of specialised expertise, strong customer relationship management, regional recognition, quality of customers repeated visits,

Weakness – lack of income diversification, lack of upgraded IT support in performance, no significant hard assets.

Opportunities – alignment of practises, increasing marketing efforts, create awareness of the companies services and products

Threats – reimbursement problems, self-referral and in-office imaging, increasing the number of after hour works may increase attrition rate

To maintain the relevance and viability of the company’s performance the communication between the stakeholders and company personnel are intranet, social media, chat rooms, formal meetings, private group messaging and collaborative spaces, file transfer and discussion forums (Reidenbach and Robin 2013).

The main marketing objective of this newly formed company must be to increase the number of clients in their clientele list for the first two years through positive word of mouth and choosing a  strategic location of the healthcare building. To increase the number of clients in their healthcare, it also must be considered the societal marketing of their services through online media. The number of clients must reach 600 clients at the two years. Other SMART marketing objectives are to increase market awareness and visibility of the company in the country. With already residing many numbers of competitors, they must separate themselves in giving unique services of healthcare to their patients(Miller and Tucker 2013). In addition, the customer relationship management must be good for the company to thrive and achieving positive word of mouth. As the market, entry barriers are less they have the advantage capturing the whole market in Sydney.

Primary stakeholders of the company are those who are directly related to the company. It includes strategic partners and clients, staff in the payroll of the company, manager personnel, and shareholders. The secondary stakeholders of the company are media team, government, bank, associations, and competitors. The primary and secondary stakeholders have interrelationships as both are directly or indirectly related to the performance of the company. The most important part is the involvement, interest and influence of them in the strategic decision-making (Reidenbach and Robin 2013).


Effectiveness of the engagement of key stakeholders is a process and analysing the stakeholders is must for Sydney Multi-Speciality Medical Centre. To engage them more in the process the periodical meetings, discussion forums and other communication platforms must be created. Based on their involvement they must significantly involve them in the working process. Further, the information sharing must be considered among the stakeholders (Srinivasan et al. 2016).

Marketing research – the reliability and consistency of the data collection process is major part to be considered. The authenticity of the data collection process must be maintained (Gupta et al. 2013).

Pricing – the correct prices must be advertised in their promotion. The penetration pricing also must be avoided.

Places (distribution) – the place of service rendering are should be legal and any imposition should be avoided (Josyula,and Lyle 2013).

Advertisements – the advertisements of the company should communicate the proper messages to their customers. Manipulation of the messages must be avoided.

Sales promotion –misleading and deceptive conduct must be avoided.

The regression analysis of the marketing activities is an efficient method of gauging the trend of the company. This method will ensure trend in the company are in positive pace. This will also predict future trend of sales. Length of sales lifecycle is customer centric and based on the success rate of the company (Gupta et al. 2013). This requires data crunching of the historical data by categories. Different types of deals are included in this process. Opportunity stages with the accuracy of data are incorporated in this process (Christopher et al. 2013). Length of lifecycle data will create an algorithms based on different types of deals. The number of average repeat customers is considered separately in this matter (Vuori et al. 2013).

  • To recruit a team to evaluate the marketing plan for the company
  • Achieve 12% more market share by first 5 years of commencements of their business.
  • Customer relationship management training of the company
  • CRM driven promotion through mail
  • Service recovery standard must be maintained in the company (Martensen and Mouritsen 2014)
  • Supporting the site selection activities
  • Research care utilisation patterns in the industry
  • Developing targeted promotional campaign of the company while maintaining the ethics of the company(Mackey and Liang 2013)

Marketing activity

By whom it will be implemented

How it will be implemented

By when it will be implemented

Client generation (service)

Sales manager

Advertisements and promotion

Within 2 years

Place selection or distribution

Strategic partners and operational executives 

Purchasing land or leasing places in Sydney

6 months


Marketing team

Market skimming pricing (Martensen and Mouritsen 2014.)

3 months


Marketing team

Through promoting through channels and other activities

8 months


Christopher, M., Payne, A. and Ballantyne, D., 2013. Relationship marketing. Taylor & Francis.

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Josyula, L.K. and Lyle, R.M., 2013. Barriers in the implementation of a physical activity intervention in primary care settings: lessons learned. Health promotion practice, 14(1), pp.81-87.

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