Feasibility Study Of Kiwi Auto Parts
Components of Feasibility Study
Discuss about the Feasibility Study Of Kiwi Auto Parts.
A feasibility study can be said as the analysis of successful nature of a project. It generally affects certain factors like economic, technology, legal and scheduling. A project report is generally used to determine positive and negative output of a project before giving a good of amount of time and money to it. A feasibility study checks the energy of an idea, or a project. The ultimate goal behind studying feasibility is to judge on the potential problems that can occur in a project. It helps in checking all the significant factors that should be checked before pursuing a project. Feasibility study allow companies to check all the necessary information before establishing a new business (Balaji & Murugaiyan, 2012).
The components of feasibility study are Description, market feasibility, technical feasibility, financial feasibility, organizational feasibility.
Description: This mainly checks a brief layout of the business, the various product and service that can be offered and how they will be delivered to the consumer.
Market feasibility: It mainly describe the current and market potential, competition, sales estimation and prospective buyers of a industry.
Financial feasibility: It mainly checks the amount of money needed for start up business. It also checks the various capitals that can be used for the establishment of business and type of return expected from it.
Organizational feasibility: It can be define as the corporate and legal structure of business and this may contain information about its founder and their background of their profession. It also seeks the skills needed for proper functioning of the firm (Duan et al ., 2012).
The six basic parts of feasibility study are project scope, current analysis, Requirements, approach, evaluation and review.
Project scope: This particular part is mainly used for business problem and various opportunities that must be addressed. The project should be concise and according to point. It is also important for defining various parts of business directly and indirectly containing project members and users.
Current analysis mainly helps in implementation of current technique of working of a system, product. By the help of this particular analysis one can get a proper idea about current system or product. It also helps in getting clear view about pros and cons of a system. With the help on this analysis, certain elements of product and current system can be discovered which can save both money and time (Bekele & Tadesse, 2012).
Set of Criteria
Requirement: This totally depends on working model of a project; it varies from product to product. Requirement analysis of a bridge will obliviously differ from that of a information system.
Approach: It represents recommendation for various solution and actions for satisfying the requirements. Use of various structure and commercial alternatives are needed to be taken in account.
Evaluation: This particularly helps in analysis of a selected approach. In this step, the total cost of the projects is analyzed. It helps in estimation of labour cost and other expenses for project scheduling which informs the project path and it start and end dates.
Review: The consisting elements are taken together in a feasibility study and a formal opinion is taken from all the involved parties. The review gives benefits like approval of project decision and judging thoroughness of a project. Now there are some instances where feasibility of a project is rejected and it is the duty of manager or senior executive to explain the reason for rejection ( Khan & Beg, 2013).
SDLC stands for System Development Life Cycle aims to give high quality system that satisfy the needs of the customers with proper time and cost. It works properly with the modern infrastructure of information technology. SDLC is a non practical model which aims to provide various methods for developing systems throughout their life cycles. SDLC include the following activities like requirement, design, implementation, testing, deployment, operation and maintenance (Mahalakshmi & Sundararajan, 2013).
Phases of SDLC are Planning, analysis, design, implementation and maintenance.
Feasibility study or planning: This step main involve defining of the problem and checks the scope of a system. It also confirms the feasibility of project and scheduling of various projects.
Analysis and specification: This step mainly involves gathering and analyzing of important information. It also prioritizes the basic requirements of a project. At the end of this phase a software requirement specification document (SRS) is published which specifies the hardware and network requirement of a particular system ( Unuakhalu, 2014).
System Design: This phase mainly includes the designing of various application, networks and database. It helps in creating a proper training and operation plan for better performance of the system.
Implementation: This step mainly aim in designing source of a particular system through programming. After that a test report containing error is prepared through various test plans which has some work like checking criteria and resource allocation.
Maintenance: It includes various activities like phone support and on-site support for various user that is mandatory during installation of a particular system.
Kiwi Auto parts is considered as one of the most successful distributor among various retailers of New Zealand (Abdelaziz et al., 2013). Tom Mitchell actually owned an auto-shop in central region of Auckland. Previous year this auto manufacturing made a turnover of about 2 million profits. A review is conducted by Alpha IT solutions Ltd (AITS) on the growth and performance of Kiwi solution private limited. As per the AITS report, the system of automobile is becoming unmanageable day by day. Due to overtired staff an order cancellation worth of 300 dollars is taking place every year in this car manufacturing firm (Bai, 2013). Communication has been deteriorating between Marketing manager and retailers has come down to ground. After analyzing the problem AITS suggested the points to the car firm. The car manufacturing firm should install a subsystem for communication among its various systems. All the staffs of this car firm need the path of access to various systems (Thompson et al., 2014).
A new system containing a database which can store information of 700 customer should be designed for various customer for this giant car company from New Zealand. The system should be designed in such a way that it can store details of more than 10,000 products. AITS stand for Alpha IT solutions Ltd (AITS) (Zeng & She, 2015). AITS have suggested various methods for providing better services and products to their customer by reducing network between centers and implementation of certain things like Hardware upgrades, hardware upgrades, Development of system and a new system known as SAGE and Distribution of scheduling system Dissched (Kamel & Fung, 2014). AITS have a new HR package, which will cost around 11000 dollars to the car company (Mohammadi & Mostafaeipour, 2013). A new package known as SIAM can be used to replace all the current sales, inventory, Accounts and Marketing departments of the car company known as Kiwi Auto Part Ltd (Li et al.,2013). For better performance of SIAM, it needs some extra hardware costing around 11,000 dollars. HAMIS which is a smaller application than SIAM has been considered for working in this car firm. After that an up gradation is required in the system for its better performance. The particular application must be coded with proper programming (Cannon et al., 2015).
Phases of SDLC
Various departments like distribution and scheduling, HR, marketing, sales, inventory, and accounts can be managed with the help of ERP system. ERP system stands for Enterprise Resource planning is an application that manages business such as sales, purchasing, accounting, and human resource and customer support. By Using ERP technology, various departments of this car manufacturing firm can collect, store, manage and interpret about data from various business bodies. ERP technology is mainly used by large enterprise because of the capital hardware requirement like server and multiple work station. Some of examples of ERP software are Bright pearl, Intact, Net Suite, Odoo, PeopleSoft.
Kiwi Auto Part Ltd should use ERP system software as it increases efficiency, promote collaboration, and make accurate forecasts, lower operation cost, and Increases data security (Ahmad & Cuenca, 2013).
Increase efficiency: Various Business like accounting, sales, marketing, and production and inventory are all summed up in one particular platform known as ERP. ERP system helps in easier collection and accessing of data across various firms and organization. ERP also provides manager and stakeholder with quick check up of the progress of their report. It also give freedom to manager or senior executive to enquire detail information about managers with few clicks (Hejazi, Halpin & Biggs, 2014).
Promote collaboration: ERP is proved to be key technology to break walls between various departments. A new technology known as data soil is integrated in various systems with a process known as superhighway links all systems from various departments together. It is also used to link various team from different departs. Further, a new technology known as Saas ERP provides a more secure connection between remote teams and headquarters through internet connection (Laudon & Laudon, 2013).
Make accurate forecast: Many business firms use Forecast, as it helps the firms to shape strategies for the new projects (Richardson & Johnson, 2015). ERP brings various business solution to a firm which ultimately enhances data integrity (Schott, 2016). Advanced ERP solution helps the employees to learn about various algorithm that allow users to go down into the Big data system (Almajali, D.Masa’deh & Tarhini, 2016).
Lowers operational cost: ERP allow various departments like production, engineering, customer service and other business bodies to work together using various techniques like data from real time operation which proven to solve problem at much faster rate (Galy & Sauceda, 2014).
Increased data security: ERP system has firewalls and restriction that helps in controlling data breach in any situation. A solo data warehouse helps in tightly monitoring of various security systems (Del Pozzo et al., 2013). It also gives the authority to managers or senior executives to deactivate the access of terminated employees of a firm while granting access permission to the new or fresh employees (Hancock, 2016).
ERP software has following modules like Human Resource Management, manufacturing, Supply chain management, and inventory and purchasing.
HRM (Human resource management): This module mainly focuses on various tools like time tracker, timesheet, a database containing employee records and job profile. HRM mainly focuses to manage travel expense and reimbursements of its employees.
Sales and marketing: This module of ERP mainly focuses to handle sales inquires, sales orders and sales invoice. The more advanced version of ERP has certain features like rules for calculating tax and keeping a track of shipping details (Castro et al., 2015).. The ultimate goal of sales and CRM module is to work together to gear up the sales cycle and bring more profit to the respective firm (Chou et al.,2014.
Manufacturing: Manufacturing module is also known as Engineering or Production department (Verslegers et al, 2013). It helps various businesses to work more efficiently in certain areas like planning of production, outsourcing of various materials and product forecasting. This module is integrated with supply chain management to provide certain function like planning of products and control of inventory (Haddara, 2014).
There are certain functions like up gradation, customization, Integration, training and setup which must be considered for better performance of ERP system.
Upgrade: Firstly Kiwi Auto Part Ltd need new ERP system in their firm for increasing their performance level. If the installed ERP module is older than ten years then it has to be replaced (Ghosh, Ghose & Mohanta, 2013).
Customization: Firms like Kiwi Auto have various processes to look after various departments. Accounting saves or production lives are considered as a daily output on the contrary sales live is considered as a monthly quota( Choi, Chow & Liu, 2013).
Integration: ERP should work efficiently with the provided system. There are certain numbers of points that must be considered from top to bottom. These include interaction between various systems (ERP into existing CRM), module to system and judging the file transfer capabilities (Snyder, 2015).
Training and setup: ERP solution must be installed by someone who has a good technical knowledge( Matzen, Alhajji & Demirel, 2015). If a firm lacks a technical team then senior executives or managers should have clear understanding about the various service agreements. In many cases installation is charged differently from license but many a times vendor provide bundled plans (Johnson & Wichern, 2014). In some cases setup is very easy for activating accounts to access various vendor servers (Ram Corkindale & Wu, 2013).
There are some drawbacks of ERP software’s like Unsupported application, security risk, lack of compliance:
Unsupported Application: Now consider if a business has dozen of productivity apps, then a plug and play ERP would not run smoothly on it (Lin, Shi & Burton, 2013) . If there are large number of software’s in a system then it can narrow the choice of finding a fully integrated ERP solution in a system (Ziemba, Ob??k & Informatyczna, 2013).
Security: ERP software mainly focuses to provide full coverage of operation and financial task
(Zhang, Shi & Liu, 2013). ERP wider scope has more access points, which ultimately increases the risk of data breach in it. Poorly configured ERP software can have more security risk in it and incompatible software’s and application can lead to crashes (Norris & Caprioli, 2013).
ERP vendors are more focused to put security checks and controls in their latest versions as any data breach will ultimately hamper the productivity of their business (M. Beheshti et al .,2014)
Lack of Compliance: This module mainly focuses a certified account in ERP project.
Description |
Candidate 1 |
Portion of System Computerized |
A new system containing a database which can store information of 700 customer should be designed for various customer for this giant car company from New Zealand |
Benefits |
The system should be designed in such a way that it can store details of more than 10,000 products |
Servers and Workstations . |
Kiwi Auto Part Ltd should use ERP system software is as it increases efficiency, promote collaboration, and make accurate forecasts, lower operation cost, and Increases data security. |
Software Tools Needed |
Kiwi Auto Part Ltd should use ERP system software’s as it increases efficiency, promote collaboration, make accurate forecasts, lower operation cost, Increases data security |
Application Software |
ERP software has following modules like Human Resource Management, manufacturing, Supply chain management, and inventory and purchasing. HRM (Human resource management): This module mainly focuses on various tools like time tracker, timesheet, a database containing employee records and job profile |
Method of Data Processing |
An ERP system mainly works with common database and some moderately designed software’s. It gives the flexibility to user to store and retrieve data any time. |
Output Devices and Implications |
up gradation, customization, Integration, training and setup that must be taken in account for their better performance. |
Input Devices and Implications |
ERP software mainly focuses on the increase use of networks, LANs, hardware upgrades for better performance of the systems. |
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