Marketing Skills And Logistics Infrastructure: Strategies For Inclusion And Diversity In Workplace

Importance of Inclusion and Diversity

Discuss about the Marketing Skills and Logistics Infrastructure.

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The report concentrates on the strategy adopted by APY Pty Ltd that makes it necessary for the strategies to turn into policies that are necessary in this particular organization. This is a logistics company and there are set of strategies and that are followed in all organizations. The logistics company is a global workplace and it should adopt certain policies that would make the place a better place to work in. The purpose of the report is to study the strategies that exists in the organization and that it should be implemented as a policy. This includes the report of breaching that affects in the process of the leadership outcome. The world economy has started increased to become more and more global as the workplace offers a diverse workforce. The organizations have started to embrace diversity which leads to the creation of workplace in which people from different backgrounds and different cultures can be able to feel safe and can have a homely feeling. There should be inclusion of the strategies includes respecting the individual differences. It is necessary for the company to look at the inclusion as a strategy. It is the responsibility of the managers to foster the inclusive work environment. There are certain effective ways that has been discussed in the report to make every member feel that he is valuable to the team. Some effective strategies have been adopted by the company and they should be turned into policy.

The mangers should perform certain actions that will make them the role models for their employees. Every employee looks up to their managers as their guide and leaders. The employees look up to the mangers as their model therefore it is important for the managers to lead themselves by example (Kucukaltan, Irani and Aktas 2016). In order to embrace the inclusion in their team it is important for the managers to make the concept of inclusion and diversity and the importance of it in the workplace. The mangers must have the knowledge of inclusion clear in their minds and they should apply it clearly. They should analyze the diversity in the broader sense to avoid the differences in the race and ethnicity which sometimes includes the differences in the sexual orientation and even in the military status and other groupings as well. The inclusion process is all about the concept of being open to different perspectives. The point of view and opinion of all the employees should be taken into account and it should be valued at the same time. There is a chance open to the mangers to set a good example of themselves in front of the employees to value the decision of every employee and take them into consideration (Johnson 2014).

Policy Statement

The relevant policy regarding to this is the environment and the biodiversity protection act 1999. It states the protection of the Australian environment including the biodiversity and the natural and the culturally significant cases.

This policy aims at developing the institute of framework to infuse diversity and the inclusion messaging and thoughts and practices throughout the leadership and professional development. They include the deepening of the diversity and inclusion awareness and focuses on the execution of the same on all officers through the corporate-wide unconscious bias training which includes other learning opportunities as well (Grant, Wong and Trautrims 2017).

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The organization`s environment treats the employees in an equitable manner. It treats and respects the employees. It includes the responsibility of the managers to ensure there is equity in payment and promotional opportunities in case of all the employees. The strategy includes providing the development of providing opportunities and required training to the employees. All the employees should get equal opportunities in this case. It should be the policy that all the logistics company should follow (Ferrell, et al. 2013).

The organization does not tolerate unethical behavior of the employees. They do not tolerate anything that is wrong in the organization. The managers of the organization make effort to eradicate all the wrong things from the organization which affects the cultural environment of the workplace.

The managers should acquire proper knowledge regarding the cross-culture communication and the learning regarding the understanding of the concept of differencing the business traditions from one culture to another that are essentially required in order to create an inclusive environment. This strategy should be turned into policy so that all the companies can apply these (Grant, Trautrims and Wong 2015).

The organization recognizes and values the opinion of the employees. Efforts should be made to set the business goal right in order to foster an inclusive environment in the workplace. The mangers of the company follow this strategy in order to transform ideas into reality and into concrete plans. The strategy can be turned into the policy only by the holding accountable leaders who are willing to move the agenda of diversity inclusion (Friedman and Friedman 2016).

The company should adopt the policy of occupational safety and health and safety act which is also known as workplace health and safety policy. The goals of every this policy is to foster a safe and healthy work environment. The policy should be applied in this logistics company so that they can protect the co-workers, family members, employers, customers and many other who might be affected by the workplace environment. According to the common-law jurisdictions, the employers have a law duty to take the reasonable care of the employees.

Educating Employees about Diversity and Inclusion

The need to motivate the employees to act inclusively It is one of the most effective strategies. The APY Pty Ltd logistics services takes effort to motivate the employees to perform their job in a good manner. It includes the consideration of the incorporation of the inclusive behavior in performing the evaluations in order to motivate the employees so that they can think actively about their own behavior (Espinosa-Pike and Barrainkua 2016).

The strategy adopted by the company in order to incorporate the inclusive behavior is the analysis of the loopholes and to take initiatives in order to avoid the pitfalls that can be harmful for the company. They adopt the policy of avoiding it while talking to the employees of the companies. The managers of the logistics company avoid the notion that the employees have a limited knowledge about things and that they have limited knowledge about concepts. The mangers must watch their behavior and conduct before speaking to the employees that can turn into a major backdrop. The policy of taking feedback from the employees should be there in all the companies and they should be exercised at regular intervals (Fernie and Sparks 2014).

The practical outcomes of the application of the strategy include the breach. The breach of the logistics company includes the breach of data and the privacy issues that come to the forefront. It includes securing the supply chain in many areas which is the concerned about the data privacy as the technology has facilitated the sharing of the information between the transportation and logistics companies and their clients. This can e well understood with the help of an example. There is an instance where the data is often shared with the help of web-based applications, which are susceptible to the hackers. In addition to the technological development of the of the tracking system and the systems with the help of barcodes as well as the GPS systems it enables the logistics providers and their customers to retrieve the background information of a shipment through every single step in the supply chain and to identify the location of the product (Duggan and Bush 2014).

It includes the induction of the employees that includes as a guide to the health and security of the employees. This is the way the customers can free themselves from this situation which is not a desirable situation for them. This situation is not justified and it is legally and culturally not justified. This is something unjustified and adds up to the harassment of the clients and the customers. There is a chance for the situation to grow adverse. This particular process sometimes serves as useful information to the thieves and attracts the cargo thieves. The thieves who use the internet to track the shipments and the booking the transportation with legitimate motor carriers can track the transport by using internet. This led them in setting up of bogus trucking operations that can arrange the cargo pickups for legitimate shippers and providers (DiPaola, et al. 2014).

Motivating Employees to act Inclusively

The APY Pty Ltd Company must make efforts and dedicate the appropriate investment for the enhanced security measures and must seek the help of an additional IT personnel to help in the security measures of the technology of the company in order to avoid the cyber attacks and minimize the risks (Quarsh, Salmi and Leuschner 2016).

Apart from this the addition of establishing the tighter security data protocols must be done. The managers must make efforts to do a cyber liability insurance which is critical for the transportation and logistics providers. Whenever there will be a chance of the breach to occur the insurance policy would respond and would cover the loss and would pay for the forensic analysis of the systems and data to determine the extent of the breach, the legal defense costs, the third party losses and the regulatory penalties. In addition to this the policies can be altered in order to include the crisis management and mange the severe loss. It includes the cyber risks faced by the transportation and logistics service providers (Rawwas and Iyer 2013). The fair work act 2009 should be applied that will ensure a fair working condition in the workplace.

The policy of inclusion can be used as a guide in the APY Pty Ltd Company. The company must follow certain policies to guide the employees to leadership outcomes. It includes providing the general and specific guidelines for managing the works in the workplace (Schleper, Blome and Wuttke 2017).

It includes the role of the leaders to manage the conflict of the interest of the employees in the workplace. According to the inclusive theory the mangers must include each and every employee of the firm in the decision making process in order t avoid the conflict of the interests between the employees. This includes valuing the suggestions of every employee (Soltanpour, Rashidpour and Safari 2014).

Sometimes the employees or the groups face certain problems of harassments. The harassments include the sexual harassment, harassment related to work and the harassments related to the manufacture of the shipping products. The managers must follow certain code of ethics in this case. Ethic should be followed religiously in this case. The mangers must make proper effort to maintain the culture of the organization. The culture of the organization gets affected if any unethical harassment is noticed in the organization (Tibau, et al. 2014). The employment Act should be used in this case to ensure a good condition of work in the workplace.

Avoiding Pitfalls

The company must focus on the participation of the employees. The leaders must encourage the employees tom participate actively in the activities of the workplace. It will motivate the employees to increase the productivity as they will be able to feel good and warm in their workplace. This will help to develop the cultural environment of the workplace (Waters and Rinsler 2014).

The company must introduce the system of rewards and awards that will in enhancing their performance. This will increase the revenue of the revenue as it will increase the urge of the employees to do better work. The company will be able to make profit from it. The leaders of the company can take this step to enhance the performance of the employees and make it a better place to work (Yusuf, et al. 2014).


The application of the inclusive policy must be seamlessly integrated with all the aspects of logistics. For any firm it is important to have the inclusive policy and the application of the same shall enhance in better performance of the employees. The logistic company must take into account the above mentioned policies in order to improve the cultural and the legislative culture of the company. The development of these policies not only improves the condition of the employees but it also improves the condition of the company in case of the delivery of the products and services, the easy accessibility of the logistics preparedness and the alteration for a specific situation. It would improve the uncomfortable condition of the employees in the company. Therefore, the application of the policies is mandatory in any logistics company to improve the status of the company.


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