The Impacts Of Globalization And Natural Resources On Singapore Communities
Project Title
Discuss about the Globalization and Natural Resources Development for Governance.
Project Title |
The impacts of globalization and natural resources development on the Singapore communities. |
Date of application |
30th September 2017 |
Short title |
The impacts of global developments on Singapore communities. |
Project summary |
The broad objective of the project is to identify impacts of the globalization and natural resources development on the Asian-Pacific (Singapore) communities. To find out the influences of the globalization policies and processes on the communities cultures and social life. To identify the role of anthropology on globalization. To find out the theoretical and the ideological issues on globalization. Globalization has positive impacts on these communities as they have economically developed. There is industrialization, urbanization, development of infrastructure. With all this health and quality of life has been improved. Poverty eradication has been done. All this benefits has come with repercussions. There is a lot of environmental pollution. This raises an alarm as sustainability development is being threatened. There has been a lot of developing insecurities/ warfare in the communities. |
Project period |
Intended start date 1st January 2018 |
Intended end date 1st May 2018 |
Research alignment and James Cook University Strategic limit |
No |
Research Aims |
Alignment explanation |
1 |
Acquire the ability to assess the sociocultural impacts of the processes and policies which are associated with natural resource development and globalization. |
There has been a lot of changes since globalization started. The sociocultural aspect has adversely been affected. The life and work of people has been affected. The families and societies setting. The social justice has changes a lot. It is viewed as a way of having equality, solidarity, values and respect to both human rights and dignity. The culture has changed. The language, norms, dressing, foods. All this has changed as a result of advances on technology. |
2 |
Acquire the ability to have critical evaluations on case studies from the Asia-pacific regions pertaining developmental issues and the engagement of the community. |
To find out globalization and natural resources development state in Asia-Pacific (Singapore) regions. How developed are these communities. |
3 |
Identify the key ideological issues and theoretical issues concerning development. |
The current state of development in Singapore, what are the ideological and the theoretical issues behind it. |
4 |
Acquire a broad understanding of the contemporary anthropology in relation to the development issues and the Singapore context |
Analyze and establish a relationship between the anthropology of the Singapore communities and their past and present development. |
Research Training and Experience |
Subject/project |
Type of training |
James Cook University, AN1001: An introduction to Anthropology |
The basics on the cultural and social anthropology. The anthropological methods of research and ideas. With this knowledge I will be able to get information on the influence of anthropology on globalization and its effects on the social and culture of the Asia-Pacific. |
James Cook University AN3100: Asian cities |
Have been impacted with the knowledge on the Asian cities. Its development, urbanization, infrastructure, pollution. With this it is possible to assess the impacts of the above on the communities. |
James Cook University, AN3006: Anthropology and development. |
With this I have a better understanding of the globalization. The research is all about the impacts of globalization on the Singapore regions. |
A member of green forest |
This is an environmental friendly association that tries to curb environmental pollution. Globalization is a major cause of environmental pollution and it is discussed on every meeting. With this I already have information on the impacts of globalization on the environment. |
Residents in Singapore |
This gives me an added advantage as I have firsthand information on the globalization and its impacts. |
Attends in James Cook University |
It is a university in Asia-pacific region. It is a center for research. I have been a participant in researches that are closely related to this one. This will make my work easy. I already have the baseline information. |
Applicant’s Name |
Signature |
Date |
Singapore Department of statistics, (2013), Singapore is one of the tropical state cities in the South East of the Asian Regions. Malay, Indians, Chinese, Eurasian and others makes the population of Singapore. It is a multicultural and diverse community. Globalization guide, (2012), Globalization is a process in which there is integration and interaction among people, governments, and companies of different nations. This interaction is brought about by international investments, trade. It is facilitated by information technology. This globalization has effects on culture, environment, economic development, political systems, prosperity and the human-physical well-being. Singapore is a highly developed in the sector of economy and politics. Singapore is number two in the Young’s and Ernst Globalization Index (2012). Hong Kong is leading and the third country is Ireland. With globalization, Singapore, has been able to attain growth in its economy by have an increase in international trade. There has been a huge amount in the foreign direct investment (FDI). This has helped Singapore to be able to achieve its potentials in the economic growth. It has also benefited on labor influx. It has an access of laborers across the international borders. It has been able to import labor. This has increased on its production. With globalization Singapore has been able to keep the inflations low. It imports her raw materials making production cost low which translates to low prices in the market. Globalization has ensured there is low unemployment (Bergh and Nilsson 2014). This affects the way of living of the community. There are negative impacts on the economy for example: vulnerability to external stocks, competition, employment woes, and inflations. It has an impact on the socio-culture of this communities. The influences on their lifestyles, education and interactions. There being westernized.
Singapore was a small village whose economic activity was fishing. It has developed over the last two decades. It has developed socially, politically and economically (Amaldas, 2009). With globalization it has led to rapid changes in financial flows, trade relations and morbidity of labor in the whole world. Globalization has propounded effects on the sociocultural in Singapore. This research aims at finding out the impacts of globalization in Singapore.
Chien-chiang, (2015), in most of the previous works globalization focused on the economic developments/impacts. This study was different as it viewed globalization in three sub dimensions; the social, economic and the political integrations. Mah, (2013) expounds that according to economist globalization is sword that is double wedged. It has positive and negative impacts on the economy. Low autocracy (high democracy) had a positive effect on the economic development. The government should formulate policies that supports globalization.
Research Alignment and James Cook University Strategic limit
Sunyoung, et al (2016). The study explains how modernization has influenced and brought about culture change among the Northeast Thailand people. Over 10 million of the population living in Southern Vietnam and Northeast Thailand were infected with a fish borne parasite. This was as a result of eating raw or undercooked fish. This was a longstanding culture among the communities. With modernization, it led to formulation of new policies and practices this has led to correction of the beliefs on the cyprinid fish which is usually infected. The fishermen distributes other species of fish which are less likely to be infected.
Jharathri and Shermaine, (2015) the ecosystem is an important framework that is useful when assessing and conserving the habitats that are at a threat. The cultural ecosystem is the benefits a community gets from nature. For example recreation, spiritual enrichment, education, inspiration, aesthetic experiences and cultural ecosystem (MEA 2005; Hernandez-Morcillo et al., 2013). To have an understanding on the cultural ecosystem, one has to have understood the actions and perceptions that the local people holds (Bryan et al., 2010; Plieninger et al., 2013; Pleasant et al., 2014). The cultural values are not static. People experiences and utilizes the habitats in different was as they degrade and convert (Selim et al., 2014). Singapore had a lot of changes on its cultural ecosystem as it transformed from the rural to urban. The urbanization as a result of globalization. Mangrove forests were aesthetic, spiritual and recreational habitats for the communities. Due to tourism this has really changed. The mangrove are part of national parks. Public interaction is restricted.
Most of the research done on the impacts of globalization focused on economic development. The positive and negative impacts of globalization on the economy. This study targets to find out the impacts of globalization and natural resource development on Singapore. In this study it will focus on the political, economic and socio-cultural aspects that globalization has affected. This study/project is important as it can be used in policy formulations. It is also important as it can be used in coming up with strategies on cultural conservation. The findings will not only reflect the information about Singapore but can be used by the Asian-Pacific region.
The broad objective is to find out the impacts of globalization and natural resource development on the Singapore community. The specific objectives are: to assess the influence of globalization on the socio-culture of the Singapore community. To determine the ideologies and the theoretical issues revolving around development. To evaluate contemporary anthropology on the issue of development in Singapore. All this should be evaluated in 2018. 1st January to 1st May 2018.
Research Training and Experience
The participants will be residents in Singapore. Preferably Students at James Cook University. This is the easiest sample to access as they are in one collective area. It is also easier to approach the population. They also have knowledge on globalization there the survey will not be a new subject.
Considering the size of the population to be evaluated. I will recruit one more researcher to aid me in data collection and data evaluation/ result analysis. The researcher has to be informed on the issues pertaining globalization. Have experience and knowledge on anthropology and research.
This is a very basic research that will apply the phenomenological experiences of the respondents on the problem statement. It will utilize both questionnaires, focus group discussion and interviews. The questionnaires will have both open ended questions and close ended questions. Open ended makes the bigger percentage. The interviews will be semi-structured with open ended questions.
The results to the project is to be directed to the community itself, the government and the non-governmental organizations (NGO’s). For this to be possible I will publish the result for it to circulate as an electronic article. I will also ensure it gets to different social Medias so that it can reach the Singaporean public. There will be social awareness campaigns. The social media platforms will be of great help to create awareness. It will be spread on twitter and Facebook. There will be a video explaining the results that will be uploaded on you tube.
Project plan |
2018 |
S. No |
Description |
January 1 2 3 4 |
February 1 2 3 4 |
March 1 2 3 4 |
April 1 2 3 4 |
1 2 3 1. |
Phase 1 Gather the preconceived notions Survey the area Pilot the research and familiarize with target area. |
1 2 3 |
Phase 2 Create awareness on the importance of the survey. Get the inclusion population To group the target population into three distinct groups. The ones to answer questions, ones to do the interviews and lastly the focus group discussions |
1 2 |
Phase 3 The actual data collection via questionnaires, interviews and focus groups. |
1 |
Phase 4 To analyze the study. |
1 |
Phase 5 Presenting the end products (results). |
The actual dates for the article publication on the results of the project, the social media awareness and the exhibitions are to be confirmed. The article on this study is to be complied by the end of the end of May 2018. The exhibition of this study is to be done in July 2018. The media campaign on the awareness is targeted to start on by the end of 2018.
Item |
Cost (SGD) |
Printouts a) The printouts describing the study(200) b) The informed consents(200) |
$ 80 |
The audio recorders |
&100 |
Payment to the research assistant |
$400 |
Transport cost to the research centers |
$300 |
Creating awareness |
$300 |
Publishing the article |
$500 |
The biggest and potential risk is lack of target population in the pool of James Cook University. This could be as a result of them being so busy hence cannot be committed to the study. If this happens an alternative population will be obtained. Probably the alumni or residents in Singapore. The second potential problem is lack of support by the school and the NGOs concern with impacts of globalization. Incase this happens alternative sources of support especially financially will be sorted. The participant’s identities will be concealed and also the social awareness campaign will be legal to avoid committing an offense.
Applicant’s Name
With this study the finding will enlighten the community on the impacts of the globalization and natural resource development on their economy, politics and socio-cultural. There will be an understanding of the ideologies and theoretical issues on globalization. There will also be an explanation of the relationship between anthropology and development. With this, enlighten, the government can be able to formulate policies on how to preserve the culture of the community. How to ensure globalization does not affect its people social life negatively. Will be able come up with policies to ensure economic development is maintained. Will ensure politics affects globalization positively.
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Hernandez-Morcillo, M., (2013).An Empirical review of cultural ecosystem service indicators. Edition 29. Pg. 434-444
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